[mod.politics] Federal employees


  A column in today's Washington Post lists the number of federal
government empoyees in various categories.
  Among others, the government employs 46 funeral directors, 529
civilian chaplains, 55 clothing designers, 51 anthropologists, 133
optometrists, 147 podiatrists, 2082 veterinarians, 543 astronomers,
109 cemetery managers, 160 dry-cleaning/laundry plant managers, 7
cobblers, 7 mattress makers, 2723 broom makers, brush makers, and
leather workers, 388 coin and currency checkers, 222 stevedores, 69
floor covering installers, 3330 blacksmiths, 9 bakers, 7 medal makers,
9 glass blowers, 15 paperhangers, 405 locksmiths, 22 bowling equipment
repairers, 945 pest controllers, 66 tree trimmers, 998 shipwrights,
5039 air conditioning mechanics, 65 wind tunnel mechanics, 466 sewing
machine operators, 39 sewing machine repairers, 21 drawbridge
operators, 30 barbers, 6 beauticians, and 16 butchers.
  Why is money being taken from people against their will to pay for
these people?  Why, for instance, should you be forced to pay for 22
bowling equipment repairers and for 6 beauticians?
