kfl%mx.lcs.mit.edu@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU (08/23/86)
[ Just who are you expecting to defend this? (Besides a milk farmer who contributes heavily to various political endevors to keep the milk commision in business). Get serious. -CWM] I am quite serious. The people on this list who are willing to advocate small taxes and small government spending don't seem to realize that they gradually turn into big taxes and big government spending until you are left with boondoggles like this milk millionaire project. I was curious whether any members of the list think that such projects are a good use of taxpayer money. I would like anyone who thinks that small taxes are acceptable but who thinks that taxation to pay for projects like the one I described is not, to explain how they propose to keep taxes and government spending within reasonable limits. Telling government it is ok to tax, but only a little bit is like telling a child it is ok to steal but only a little bit. A little bit of theft won't hurt anyone noticably but it is still wrong. And virtually every major thief started out as a minor thief. ...Keith -------