kfl%mx.lcs.mit.edu@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU (09/21/86)
From: strick%lownlab.UUCP@harvard.HARVARD.EDU Kieth, Please recheck how my name is spelled. This is about the tenth time you have misspelled it. I've notice a lot of the blandness you complain about not only on television but on mod.politics. Why do you dominate and your Ayn Rand myopes insist on reformulating every comment that comes up into a problem for objectivism/libertarianism. What appears on this list is what people send to this list. People who don't like what they see here have nobody to blame but themselves. And most of the messages from me are in reply to messages sent to me and CCd to the list. This is the most boring political philosophy imaginable. I am sorry you find liberty so boring. Try visiting a communist country. Perhaps you will find their politics more exciting. Take a few days off and see what other people have to say. I am spending much of the three day Labor Day weekend catching up on my backlog of messages sent to me that I haven't yet replied to. This one, for instance. If you don't want me to send you messages, don't send me messages. If you don't want to see my messages on the list, either don't read the list, or use a mail filter program to edit my messages out of the copy you read. But first, ask yourself why my messages disturb you so much. Do they strike a little too close to home? I don't post on the big board unless I've got something really important to say. Good for you. Same here. ... you must realize how little variety there is here. Is that my fault? Am I supposed to be a one man list? What you read is what people choose to send. ...Keith -------