[mod.politics] Discriminatory hiring

testa-j%osu-20@OHIO-STATE.ARPA (11/11/86)

From: "Keith F. Lynch" <KFL%MX.LCS.MIT.EDU@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>

>  You think there is a benefit?  Well, if women work just as hard as
>men, and are willing to work for a lower salary than men, then a
>company which discriminates against women is at a strong competitive
>disadvantage.  We don't NEED anti-discrimination laws, even if we
>could somehow have them without violating more fundamental rights.

Not true, depending on what you're defining "discriminates" as.  In
fact, the OPPOSITE is true in reality, if "discrimination" == "lower
pay for the same work".

How 'bout putting it another way: "if women work just as hard as men,
and must settle for jobs at a lower salary than men, then a company
which will not hire women is at a strong competitive disadvantage."

I think this more accurately reflects what really happens.

                                        ~joe testa~