tachyon@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Tane' Tachyon) (03/31/91)
I'm posting this for a friend who doesn't have access to these newsgroups. Please reply to him at midnight@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us ********************************************************************** CPU card for 16 MHz Heath-Zenith 386 (DX) machine needed. My CPU card has started just plain stopping when it overheats. The local Heath-Zenith store where I bought the kit was closed yesterday and today (and presumably tomorrow), so I don't know how much they'll want to swap boards, nor how long it will take, but based on past experience with them, it won't be cheap and it won't be fast. Does anyone have a working card to sell me? If so, could you ship it by overnight express, and how much do you want for it? Thanks, Jon Shemitz midnight@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us -- ============================================================================= tachyon@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us I'm supposed to be working right now. tachyon@ucscb.ucsc.edu I only like sigs on *other* people. =============================================================================