[net.micro.att] anyone know where I can get any of this 3b2 software from?

pat@pyuxqq.UUCP (Pat M. Iurilli) (06/18/85)

Does anyone out there know where any of the following software
packages can be gotten from for the 3b2?  Please don't say they're available
in source code form from AT&T Technologies.  That is known, but one
shouldn't have to pay thousands of dollars for source code packages for a
binary UNIX system.  Any info at all will be appreciated.  I'm looking
for reasonably priced software packages.  I don't want to pay as much
for a few software packages as I did for the whole 3b2!
	1.  SCCS (Source Code Control System)
	2.  Writers Workbench
	3.  Documenter's Workbench (Yes I know it's available from
	    Value Added Resaleers for about $1300)
	4.  Pascal Compiler
	5.  Spell Utilities & Spelling List
	6.  UNIX Process Accounting
	7.  Performance Measuring Monitor
	8.  UNIX Graphics Utilities (graf, ged, etc.)
Thanks in advance.
Pat Iurilli