root@bu-cs.UUCP (Barry Shein) (08/18/85)
This one is taking too much time, does anyone have one working piece of C code that just puts an array of bits up on the screen. Here's where I stand now: ioctl(w,WIOCRASTOP,&urdata) causes my machine to panic and re-boot (developers: sources on request!) wrastop() seems to always return -1 with errno == 0 The only way I can see to approach it with tam is through wicon() but I get a -1 and perror comes up with 'Bad address'. Rather than trying to send all my attempts maybe someone could just post a little example (preferably using either the ioctl or wrastop()). Thanks in advance. This is getting frustrating, especially the panic-reboots, kinda slows down the debug cycles. -Barry Shein, Boston University