[net.sf-lovers] _Job, a Comedy of Justice_ by Heinle

jimb@ISM780.UUCP (01/23/86)

> From my experience, I have determined that because _Job_ is a spoof on
> religion(s), two types of people will not like or appreciate it.  The first
> group includes people who, in my mind, take their Religion and/or Faith
> much too seriously, and are not accustomed to Doubting.  _Job_ makes one
> Doubt (yes, with a capital D).

> The second group includes people who simply have little or no knowledge
> of religions or faith, and therefore lack the background required to
> appreciate the Questions and the humor.

  To dissent, I fall into neither group, and I did not care for JOB, though
  I found it immeasurably better than RAH tripe like Friday, etc., etc.
  It's a slapdash work with the suffocating RAH preaching attenuated only

  **** Pause for injection of personal philosophy

  In a nutshell, my own belief is that Faith is necessary; yet Faith
  unilluminated by knowledge, questioning, and the intellect is mere
  superstition.  Faith must follow where knowledge leads.

  **** End pause

  As a result, I don't like being *preached to* by anyone, RAH included,
  when he writes *ex cathedra*, telling us how things *really* are.
  From an esthetic standpoint, I don't generally enjoy stories where
  the writer can pull anything he wants to, either *ex machina* or *ex deus*.
  To a novel written with such a premise, Phooey!

		    -- from the bewildered musings of Jim Brunet
