mash@mips.UUCP (John Mashey) (02/01/86)
We recently received our System V Release 2 Version 1 source tape, i.e., the Interim Porting Base Product, i.e., the only flavor of source we get new versions in. We ordered just the source, not a machine. We got the tape, a bunch of manuals, and some 3B2 installation floppies (?). About the only manuals we didn't get, and can't find in any AT&T list we have, are the 2 manuals one would like most to get to help a port, i.e., an assembler manual and an architecture manual (exceptions, memory management, etc). Does anybody know what these are, and can give me select codes so I can order them? [Yes, we can figure it out, and I remember a few things, but it would save some time to have real manuals.] ANybody else run into this? Mail to me, I'll summarize. Any help greatly appreciated. -- -john mashey UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!mash DDD: 415-960-1200 USPS: MIPS Computer Systems, 1330 Charleston Rd, Mtn View, CA 94043