[net.micro.att] Overriding builtin video circuits on 6300

pat@rruxqq.UUCP (Pat M. Iurilli) (08/07/86)

Does anyone out there know how to configure an AT&T 6300 to use a
video card external to what is onboard?  I know there is an additional
ega card, but is there some means to override the onbard
monochrome/clor graphics video output circuits and use a standard
monochrome card, hercules color card, etc.  I have an application that
MUST use the monochrome & color graphics video output simultaneously.
(Please don't tell me that it can't be done, I know it has to be able to be
done somehow...)  Thanks in advance.
Pat M. Iurilli  Bell Communications Research  Piscataway, NJ
{allegra, ihnp4, topaz}!rruxqq!pat

jnl@inuxh.UUCP (John Le) (08/08/86)

> Does anyone out there know how to configure an AT&T 6300 to use a
> video card external to what is onboard?  I know there is an additional
> ega card, but is there some means to override the onbard
> monochrome/clor graphics video output circuits and use a standard
> monochrome card, hercules color card, etc.  I have an application that
> MUST use the monochrome & color graphics video output simultaneously.
> (Please don't tell me that it can't be done, I know it has to be able to be
> done somehow...)  Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Pat M. Iurilli  Bell Communications Research  Piscataway, NJ
> {allegra, ihnp4, topaz}!rruxqq!pat

The following notes I saved from the net awhile back may help you:

"To put in another graphics board you must first disable your present board. To
do this you remove a 74LS00 chip located on the bottom middle of the graphics
board.  It is above where the +5 volts and ground wire connect. In newer
machines it is in a socket on older ones it is soldered in. NOTE this will
void your warranty if you do it yourself! After removing the chip then pins 7&6
must be jumpered together and 3,8,11,14 must all be tied together.  We got
this fix directly from AT&T. We just bought 300 of these units and some will be

	John N. Le (AT&T IS/CPL Indpls, IN)

PS: No disclaimer.... redirect any flames to /dev/null.