[net.sf-lovers] Anne McCaffrey conference from Compuserve

tim@ism780c.UUCP (Tim Smith) (01/27/86)

Here is the edited transcrit of the Anne McCaffrey conference on Compuserve
held sometime in the middle of 1985.  The editing was done by the person
who uploaded this to CIS, who removed irrelevent stuff such as the moderator
telling people it was their turn now, and stuff like that.  I also have
the edited transcript of the Larry Niven conference, which I will post
in a few days.

--------------------------- start here ----------------------------

(1,mike reiner) oh my HANDS are sweating...
                when will you next be visiting the US? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey) Next I'll be in the States in late September.  

(1,chaos  lord)  alright...Are  "marks",  the  pernese  currency, 
                 backed by anything hard (i.e. gold)? And why did 
                 Lytol's  dragon change color from green to brown 
                 between Flight And Quest? ga.
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Marks are backed by gold and other  precious 
                    gems  which are kept by the lord holders  or 
                    the craftmasters. The color of Lytol's dragon 
                    was at one point dependant on the typesetter.

(1,Merlin) My question has to do with Dinosaur Planet & seq...
           Whatever happened to the carnivourous eating habits of 
           the  heavyworlders???   A  major  motivation  for  the 
           schism between groups, but not resolved!  ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  The damned heavyworlders kept right on eating 
                    red  meat.  That's why Varian finds  whatever 
                    his name was trying to kill a fang  face,  to 
                    get  the  liver which is the  most  nutritous 
                    part, having more Vit. A in it...

(1,KEL'E'EN)  Wow...  I want to start right in and ask about  the 
              movie...and   about  your  opinion  concerning  fan 
              fiction...Ridenow should appreciate that! ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  The movie..yes, well, that's a problem in the 
                    lap of the Gods of HOLLYWOOD.  The script  is 
                    done,  Diane  and I worked very hard.   Sorry 
                    but  I don't have a chance to read  much  fan 
                    fiction...nor,  sorrier to say,  the time  in 
                    which to read it...ga

(1, *Excelsior*) Have you ever considered adding a character
                 from earth such as a survivor of a starship
                 that dosn't wish to be found out. ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Absolutely not.  I wish to keep Pern  totally 
                    uncontaminated  by  any further  influx  from 
                    Earth....or its colonies....

(1,Bombshell) First,  Anne,  so pleased to meet you. I understand 
              profit and all that...and I'm all in favor of it...
              but  these special editions at $80+ of Coelura  and 
              Girl  who  Heard are too much for many  of  us.  No 
              more? (not being angry, but it's hard to miss them!
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  The profit  is the publishers,  but  all  the 
                    special editions will eventually come out  in 
                    paperback.    Not  to  worry.  Meanwhile  the 
                    libraries  buy the hardcovers so you can  get 
                    your jollies first and own later! ga.

(1,Aiken&Seldin) In two of your anthologies - Get Off The Unicorn 
                 and To Ride Pegesus, you talk about the talents
                 and mental powers (Daffyd op owen and Raven)...
                 Are you going to do anything more with those?GA.
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  It  will  depend  on   inspiration  and   the 
                    completion  of already contracted  work.  The 
                    problem is that I have too many ideas and not 
                    as much time as I'd like.ga

(1,AXE) First,  I am glad to meet you any way that I can and my Q 
        is are you going to do much about early Pern?  GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Happy  to  meet  you,   Axe...even  with  a 
                    provocative name like that! In point of fact, 
                    I have already signed a contract with Del Rey 
                    to  do  The Chronicle of Pern or as  my  son, 
                    Todd, calls it Dragons' Dawn. So there, too.

(1,Lensman)  Hi,  Annie,  I enjoyed your recent visit (March)  to 
             Denver   at  the  Alti-Egos  Con,   especially   the 
             reading/music  you did of the story of Mennolly.  Is 
             it available on a recording that I can purchase and, 
             if  so,  do you know how or where I could acquire  a 
             copy? ga

(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Yes,  write  Joanne Forman,  Performing  Arts 
                    Press,  Taos,  New Mexico,  Box 3181. I think 
                    the  price is still  $8.95.  The  Kingslights 
                    were super weren't they? ga

(1,HERITAGE BKSHOP) Hi from Mike and Polly at the Heritage...
                    couple questions. First what is the title and 
                    subject  of  the  Underwood-Miller  book  for 
                    fall? Second, how is Mr Ed? And last, are you 
                    planning to tour with Killashandra? GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  I regret to inform you that Mr.  Ed has been 
                    in the Happy Pastures since l981. He died the 
                    day my...
                    I am not yet planning to tour for  Killashan-
                    dra.  The U-M title is THE LUCY.ga

(1,Joe Guzzo) Before I start I am sorry to hear about your horse.
              Through my sister I am aware of the fun that can be 
              had in riding and training. And now to my questions
              I  know from the file and earlier comments that you 
              do  not plan on having Terrans "pollute" the  World 
              of Pern (good for you)...Since there is no Earthly
              or colonial contact is there any hint of any  other 
              outside  influence in the future of the holds?  And 
              (since  I  am  still confused)  Are  more  "thread" 
              stories coming. GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Yes, Joe, more Thread stories are coming...
                    not immediately however. Hang in there...I am 
                    not  for  outside influences on Pern  at  all 
                    that  The Enterprise touch down...that  Helva 
                    goes  on  a tour  there...That  Killahsanrdra 
                    supplies them with black crystals...but let's 
                    leave well enough alone!ga

(1,Baron Greystrom) Elizabeth Scarbourgh would like to know..
                    Where and for how long you'll be in  the  US 
                    this  fall?  Will you be at the World Fantasy 
                    Con? ga
(1,Anne  McCaffrey) I'll be in the States in Sept/Oct  trying  to 
                    get back to Ireland. I'll be GoH at Norwescon 
                    next March. ga

(1,Melissa) (waving hi to DED) I have to ask a Q from someone who 
            isn't here.  It is, 'What is the Red Star?' and 'What 
            are the fixed objects in the Pernese sky?' GA
(1,Anne  McCaffrey) The  red star is a  planet,  of  course...I 
                    explain  that  in the  prologues.  The  fixed 
                    objects  in the sky are the  original  colony 
                    ships  still in geo-synchronous  orbit.  That 
                    will all be made clear as mud in the upcoming 
                    THE CHRONICLE OF PERN.ga.

(1,R'ger  of  Fort)  Okay, one Q (for now): where are  the  names 
                     Robinton  and Menolly accented?  (We have  a 
                     running feud going). GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Robinton comes from my  good friend  Frederic 
                    Robinson and should be pronounced like that..
                    good   old   English  name.   Menolly  is   a 
                    corruption of Melanie...and by switching  the 
                    syllables   you   can  pronounce   the   name 
                    correctly. See, it's really quite simple!. ga

(1,Mithrandir) Do you plan to write any sequels to "The Ship Who 
               Sang"? Helva was such an interesting character!ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  SHIP is now being screen-treated by none other 
                    than  a  good friend of s-f so you  may  even 
                    "see"  her that way.  But I doubt I'll  write 
                    more stories.  Still,  you never know in this 

(1,DOUGLAS JACOBSEN) Hello,  I would like to ask about the Master 
                     Harper  of Pern...Give me a bit of  info  on 
                     his Journying background. GA 
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  I'm not exactly sure why you need to  know 
                    about  Robie's background...and I  haven't  a 
                    quick  brown fox answer for you.  However,  I 
                    may put him in a tale all his  own.  Sometime 
                    or other! ga

(1,DAVID)  How many books do you have in print?  Your success  is 
           awesome, but well earned. GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  I have 25 books in print..and it isn't at all 
                    awesome when I think of all the other authors
                    who  have  even  more  in  print  like  Andre 
                    Nortin,  Isaac,  Bob Silverberg,  to name the 
                    record holder,  and others.  But it's nice of 
                    you to be so flattering.ga

(1,Magenta) I would like to know if Kilternan Legacy was slightly             
            autobiographical...&  if it's true F'lar is to die in 
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Kilternan was autobiographical only in so far                     
                    as  a divorced lady = me went to Ireland with 
                    two  kids and found out how FEW rights  Irish 
                    wives had.   The dirty tricks were taken from 
                    a real life adventure.  F'lar does eventually 
                    die  in Threadfall but don't grieve  for  him 

(1,Houston tx fans) Hello to start. Also Barry says HI. I'm going                     
                    to be in England the end of July at Becon 85, 
                    any chance you will be there? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Hi, Barry-pet...No I shan't be at Becon. I've 
                    got   to  get  ready  to  go  to  Oz  and  my 
                    grandchild will be visiting me. ga

(1,RICHARD PARROTT) Greetings from San Diego.  You answered my q.  
                    Will   you  be  signing  autographs  at   the 
                    Aussiecon II and what is the movie about. GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Do you think of anyway that I could get  OUT 
                    of  signing  autographs when I'm  at  a  con? 
                    Which movie?   Dragonflight, SHIP and Crystal 
                    Singer  are all in the talking  stages.  Talk 
                    talk talk...drive you batty.ga

(1,cherp)  Hi  from Miami Beach.  First,  I love  playing  Epyx's 
           Dragonriders  game.  Second,  have you seen the Moreta 
           game,  yet? Third, if you have seen it do you like it? 
           Any idea when it will be available? I've done a review 
           for  one  of the magazines I work for  and  have  more 
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  cherp,  I've seen the game but couldn't play 
                    it  out because the nasty man who  owned  the 
                    Commodore  Shop didn't believe me when I said 
                    it was done of one of my books!   Beast.  The 
                    graphics were great,  but I didn't get either 
                    sound or color.  Rats.   And I have a  Kaypro 
                    and  my  son an Atrari...so we didn't  really 
                    get a chance to play it out...ga

(1,Anne Droid) Wow!  Really?  I want to know about the Theks. How 
               do the big ones get around? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Theks always  get where  they need to go  but 
                    unlike media reports, they never explain how, 
                    why, how it feels, much less how they do it.
                    I  think they watched too much tv  when  they 
                    were growing up from little pebbles.ga

(1,Joshua Sills) Hi Anne. Will there be more of J'xom + Ruth? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  There  will be more about Jaxom  and  Ruth. 

(1,J'seph  & Co.) Sweaty palms,  Anne.  How is the  cartoon  show 
                  coming???  And  is  that Jpanne Forman  address 
                  for Joanne Forman's Dragonsongs? GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Yes, that is for Joanne's dragonsongs and the 
                    morning  tv  show  did  not  get  picked  up. 
                    Instead,  He-Man is back for another stirring 

(1,cherp)  Have you seen Moreta,  yet?  How long do you think  it 
           will be before we see it?
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Cherp, I've seen it, not played it out, and I                     
                    don't  have  an  inkling when Epyx  plans  to 

(1,cherp) Last I heard from my friends in the company they  we're 
          saying they just needed your approval. ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Cherp, I gave them what approval I could, and 
                    suggestions,  about  three  months ago  so  I 
                    don't know what additional holdup there is.ga

(1,Ridenow)  Greetings from a Comyn lord to the Dragon  Lady.  In 
             the first place, I am assuming that you have glanced 
             at  my  little text that Diane brought what  do  you 
             think  of my answers?   Second,  is it possible that 
             the  Pernese  system hasn't yet  been  re-discovered 
             because  of  a drive malfunction in  the  colonist's 
             ship? GA
(1,Anne  McCaffrey) No,  the colonists got where they aimed  for, 
                    and plotted their course for.   Your  dragons 
                    were close...but no cigar.ga

(1,Wilma)  OH BOY!!!!  First,  thx for the congrats.   Now for my 
           question: Anne, of all the dragon paintings and covers 
           that have been  done, which artist's rendition of your
           dragons do you prefer? ga
(1,Anne  McCaffrey) The one that  hangs above my  chair  here  in 
                    Dragonhold done by Volin Colin Saxton.  I got 
                    it  put  on  a  Sigwick &  Jackson  cover  in 
                    England...but the Whelans are so spectacular, 
                    I sure don't complain...

(1,John  Strano) Anne,  my film career isn't along enough now  to 
                 have a say in it,  but has the group Renaissance 
                 been considered for the soundtrack? And what was 
                 the  first  kernel of an idea that started  Pern 
                 into literary reality? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  No, Fresh Air, but I've heard of the Rennais-
                    sance.  Good people...good music.  The  first 
                    kernal  of  Pern  was my need to do  a  short 
                    story  for the money,  and I thought  that  I 
                    would  do  something positive about  dragons.  
                    Neat idea, what? ga

(1,John  Strano) But the relationships between rider  and  dragon 
                 started how? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  From my own love of animals and  wanting  to 
                    have  an equal partnership between alien  and 
                    man. ga

(1,CATHY) Greetings from Houston.  Do you have any other books in           
          the works and can you give us a hint as to the stories?
          Anne,  can you give Diane a complete list of your total 
          works  so  she can put it on a file for us  here?  Just 
          love your stories!!!GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey) Check dl8 for update of my current activities.

(1,GREG  MIZE) OK,  does Lessa ever find out that  going  between 
               causes  disruptions  of  pregnancies?   Are  there 
               tours of Dragonhold?  ga
(1,Anne  McCaffrey) Yup!   Stand in line!   Cue forms at the dual 
                    carriageway. And yes, going *between*...is an 
                    old fashioned cure for...on Ireland...ga

(1,sebastian george) Phew.  Thanks...Hi Anne!  Where did the name 
                     PERN come from,  and,  are grubs related  to 
                     the Threads? GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey) My head. Grubs are similar parasites/symbiotes.

(1,BRUCE W. FULLERTON) Anne, do the Dragon Riders ever get to the 
                       colony ships in orbit?
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Yup.ga

(1,MENOLLY)  As authoress:  can you tell us about the genesis  of 
             Menolly   and  Piemur  (my  favorite  people   after 
             Robinton). Ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Piemur is your average rascal. Someone had to 
                    be  on  Menolly's side,  I  picked  him.  All 
                    small  boys  are  fascinated  by  crazy  type 
                    beasts. ga
(1,MENOLLY) And Menolly?  Is Menolly you?  ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey) No. ga

(1,Aiken&Seldin) Anne,  thank you for being here,  First, Why did 
                 you kill Wirenth,  and fail to reimpress Brekke?  
                 Second,  just  how technically advanced is Pern, 
                 and third, Seldin wants your address.GA. 
(1,Anne McCaffrey) Wirenth's death was dramatic necessity and the 
                   dragons didn't want Brekke to  reimpress.  Bad 
                   for her,she would always remember Wirenth. And 
                   Pern  is a retrogressed tehcnological  society 
                   on purpose. Try who's who. ga

(1,T'Sal)  Thanks!   Anne.  Love your books and want to tell  you 
           that  the  EPYX  D'riders game is  available  for  the 
           Atari.   My question is about Ruth: will there ever be 
           a mate for him? GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  No.   He's  a  mule  and  only  peripherally 
                    interested in s e x.ga
(1,R'ger of Fort) Will there be a book on Torene?
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Nothing about Torene.ga

(1,White  Dragon)  1 - Will there be a bibliography  online  here 
                   soon?  2 -  Will you be in Ohio soon? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  In  Youngstown,  Ohio on  May  12,  l986  = 
                    speaking at the Univ.ga

(1,JEANNE SIROVATKA) When will the next book come out? ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Killashandra comes out in November.ga

(1,mike reiner) ----->sliding in q: is it pronounced rUHth or rOOth?)
(1,Anne McCaffrey) Rooth.ga

(1,PEGASUS) Anne,  on the movie: Have you got someone in mind for 
            the special effects (ie.  Ray Harryhausen)?  And will 
            you   be dealing more in depth on F'lar and Lessa  in 
            future books?  ga 
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Special effects are the producers' headache, 
                    not mine. I don't know about in-depth studies 
                    of  F'lar and Lesssa....I leave that  to  the 
                    graduate  students...but  they  seem  to  get 
                    magna  cum laudes on their theses,  so I  did 
                    something right for them. ga

(1,Rita M.) Why did you have the legendary Moreta destroy 3 lives 
            out of SHEER CARELESSNESS ? ga (I mean 4 lives. ga)
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  She  didn't  destroy  3,  certainly  not  on 
                    purpose when she was saving so many more...
                    She got too time-lagged. I know the feeling.
(1,Rita M.) But she was finished.  She had time to rest. ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  She  didn't know what she was doing by  that 
                    time and Holth did her anticipation bit...and 
                    f**ked them both up for fair.ga

(1,Mad  Macs)  Anne,  I  would like to know when  you  first  got 
               interested in music?  So many of your stories have 
               music  as  a major portion.  DED Please  check  on 
               Tullamore Dew for me. <Richard Jensen>

(1,Psi  Warrior)  Thanks.  My question is:  How do you  get  your 
                  ideas  for all of your various  characters  and 
                  worlds,  and  what advice (if any) do you  have 
                  for   someone   interested  in   writing   sci-
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  First, write s-f, don't like the term sci-fi. 
                    I  get  my  ideas out of  my  head  curiously 
                    enough...from  reading,   and  talking,   and 
                    watching  tv...and  all kinds of crazy  other 

(1,Yanai  Siegel)  Has  anyone  put  the  songs  of  Dragonflight 
                   trilogy, etc to actual music?  GA
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  Yes, Joanne Forman, try Performing Arts Press 
                    Box 3181, Taos, N. Mex.ga
(1,Anne McCaffrey)  To the rest of my  clever,  witty,  impatient 
                    and   marvelous   audience...it  is  now   12 
                    midnight here in the Auld Country..I tired...
                    I going to beddie bye....
(1,George the <SysOp>) Well,  thats about it.  I'd like to  thank 
                       Anne for stopping....
(1,Anne McCaffrey) Bye, all, and thanks! ga

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Tim Smith       sdcrdcf!ism780c!tim || ima!ism780!tim || ihnp4!cithep!tim