riddle@im4u.UUCP (08/21/85)
What if Jerry Falwell is right when he says that Desmond Tutu is a "phony" and doesn't represent South Africa's blacks? Well, Desmond Tutu is one of the most prominent voices in the segment of the anti-apartheid struggle (in and out of the ANC) that seeks peaceful solutions through non-violent means. If Tutu is a phony, then so must be the others who preach the same message he does. If the proponents of non-violence don't speak for the townships, then who does? You guessed it: the proponents of violence. Although Falwell doesn't realize it, when he seeks to discredit Desmond Tutu and others like him, he is actually supporting those who are most feared by white South Africa: the most extreme proponents of armed revolution, of spilling as much blood as it takes to end white rule, of burning down the white state and building a black (not a multi-racial) state in its ashes. Who knows? Maybe Falwell is righter than he thinks. Maybe it's too late for any moderation in South Africa and people like Desmond Tutu are just play-acting for the benefit of a misinformed international audience. In that case, what you can expect to see in South Africa is a bloody civil war that dwarfs the current crisis in its viciousness, with no quarter given by either side and the only limits set by the number of people available to slaughter. Regardless of the outcome, the value of our beloved investments in South Africa will dwindle to nothing as the nation's economy is destroyed by war. The victors, if there are any, will set about systematically oppressing the vanquished with a brutality exceeding anything they've done so far. As I say, maybe Jerry Falwell is right to dismiss Desmond Tutu. But we all sure as hell better hope not. --- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.") --- {ihnp4,harvard,seismo,gatech}!ut-sally!riddle riddle@ut-sally.UUCP --- riddle@ut-sally.ARPA, riddle%zotz@ut-sally, riddle%im4u@ut-sally