[pe.cust.sources] Little Smalltalk Source, *New* Part 14 of 20

earlw@pesnta.UUCP (Earl Wallace) (06/13/85)

#! /bin/sh 
# This is an another posting of the Little Smalltalk source, the last posting
# of this source went out in 5 parts and they were too big (>200k) for most
# sites so I redid the whole mess to keep the files around the 50k range.
# The complete set is now 20 parts.
# P.S. - If you don't receive all 20 parts within 5 days, drop me a line.
#	 Also, I have the Rand sources of May 1984, if someone has a more
#	 updated copy, I'll be happy to post them (or YOU can post them :-))
# -earlw@pesnta
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	projects/primitive.h
#	projects/prob.st
#	projects/prob.uniform
#	projects/sim.1
#	projects/sim.2
#	projects/sim.3
#	projects/simulat.result
#	projects/simulation.bun
#	projects/switch.st
#	projects/visitor.st
#	sources/Makefile
#	sources/array.c
#	sources/block.c
#	sources/block.h
#	sources/byte.c
#	sources/byte.h
#	sources/class.c
#	sources/cldict.c
#	sources/courier.c
#	sources/disclaim
# This archive created: Thu Jun 13 11:32:46 1985
# By:	Earl Wallace (Perkin-Elmer Data Systems Group / Customer Service)
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'projects/primitive.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/primitive.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/primitive.h'
	Little Smalltalk primitive definitions

	(only a subset of primitives are described here, 
	basically those used by the courier and other systems routines.
	All other primitives are known only by number) 

# define EQTEST 7
# define GAMMAFUN 77
# define SYMEQTEST 91
# define SYMPRINT  94
# define FINDCLASS 99
# define GROW 113
# define BLKRETERROR 127
# define REFCOUNTERROR 128
# define RAWPRINT 120
# define PRINT 121
# define ERRPRINT 123
# define DIEPRIMITIVE 140
# define BLOCKEXECUTE 142
# define GETSENDER 145
if test 554 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/primitive.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/primitive.h'" '(should have been 554 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/prob.st'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/prob.st'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/prob.st'
Class DiscreteProbability
	| randnum |
		randnum <- Random new

|	next
		^ self inverseDistribution: randnum next

|	computeSample: m outOf: n	
		m > n ifTrue: [^ 0.0]
		^ n factorial / (n - m) factorial

Class Geometric	:DiscreteProbability
	| prob |	

	mean: m
		prob <- m

|	mean
		^ 1.0 / prob

|	variance
		^ (1.0 - prob) / prob * prob

|	density: x
		x > 0 ifTrue: [^prob * ((1.0-prob) raisedTo: x-1)]
		      ifFalse: [^1.0]

|	inverseDistribution: x
		^ (x ln / (1.0 - prob) ln) ceiling

Class Binomial	:DiscreteProbability
	| number prob |
	events: num mean: p
		(p between: 0.0 and: 1.0)
		   ifFalse: [self error: 'mean must be > 0'].
		number <- num.
		prob <- p

|	mean
		^ prob

|	variance
		^ prob * (1 - prob)

|	density: x
		(x between: 0.0 and number)
		   ifTrue: [^((self computeSample: x outOf: number)
			/ (self computeSample: x outOf: x))
			* (prob raisedTo: x) * ((1 - prob) raisedTo: number - x)]
		   ifFalse: [^0.0]

|	inverseDistribution: x
		x <= prob
			ifTrue: [^ 1]
			ifFalse: [^ 0]

|	next
	| t |
		t <- 0.
		number timesRepeat: [t <- t + super next].
		^ t
if test 1118 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/prob.st'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/prob.st'" '(should have been 1118 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/prob.uniform'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/prob.uniform'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/prob.uniform'
Class ProbabilityDistribution  :Stream 

	new	"create instance"
		^ self basicNew

|	next	"random sampling"
		^ self inverseDistribution: U next

|	density: x	"is the density func"
		self subclassResponsibility

|	distribution: aCollection   "cum prob func, arg range of vals"	
		self subclassResponsibility	

|	inverseDistribution: x
		self subclassResponsibility

|	computeSample: m outOf: n
		m > n ifTrue: [^0.0]
		^ n factorial / (n - m) factorial

Class ContinuousProbability 	:ProbabilityDistribution

	distribution: aCollection
		| t aStream x1 x2 y1 y2 |
		t <- 0.0.
		aStream <- ReadStream on: aCollection.
		x2 <- aStream next.
		y2 <- self density: x2.
		[x1 <- x2. x2 <- aStream next]
			[y1 <- y2.
			 y2 <- self density: x2.
			 t <- t + ((x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1))].
		^ t * 0.5

Class Uniform	:ContinuousProbability
	| startNumber stopNumber |

	from: begin to: end
		begin > end
		   ifTrue: [self error "illegal interval"]
		   ifFalse: [^ self new setStart: begin toEnd: end]

|	mean
		^ (startNumber + stopNumber) / 2

|	variance 
		^ (stopNumber + startNumber) squared / 12

|	density: x
		(x between: startNumber and: stopNumber)
		   ifTrue: [^1.0 / (stopNumber - startNumber)]
		   ifFalse: [^0]

|	inverseDistribution: x
		^ startNumber + (x * (stopNumber - startNumber))

|	setStart: begin toEnd: end
		startNumber <- begin.
		stopNumber <- end
if test 1396 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/prob.uniform'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/prob.uniform'" '(should have been 1396 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/sim.1'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/sim.1'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/sim.1'
Class Simulation	:Object
	| currentTime action aProbDist totalProfit |


		currentTime <- 0.0.
		totalProfit <- 0

|	scheduleArrivalOf: actionBlock
	   accordingTo: aProbabilityDistribution  
		action <- actionBlock.
		aProbDist <- aProbabilityDistribution

|	startUp
		self initialize.
		self defineArrivalSchedule

|	proceed
		currentTime <- currentTime + aProbDist next.
		action value

|	time
		^ currentTime

|	thisProfit: aNumber
		totalProfit <- totalProfit + aNumber

|	reportProfit
		totalProfit print

|	defineArrivalSchedule
		| customer profit |
		self scheduleArrivalOf: [customer <- Visitor new init.
			 profit <- customer numberScoops * 40 / 100.
			 self thisProfit: profit]
		   accordingTo: Random new

Class Visitor	:Object
	| random |
		random <- Random new

|	numberScoops
		| scoops |
		scoops <- 1 / (random next).
		^ scoops
if test 876 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/sim.1'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/sim.1'" '(should have been 876 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/sim.2'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/sim.2'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/sim.2'
Class Simulation	:Object
| currentTime eventQueue numberChairs newVisitor superVisitor numberServed
visitorProbDist missedGroup totalProfit profitMargin coneCost |


		self initialize.
		self defineArrivalSchedule.
		superVisitor <- SimulationObject new init.
		eventQueue at: self timeNextVisitor 
			   put: (newVisitor value: superVisitor)

|	initialize
		currentTime <- 0.0.
		numberChairs <- 12.
		profitMargin <- 0.75.
		coneCost <- 0.70.
		totalProfit <- 0.
		numberServed <- 0.
		missedGroup <- 0.
		eventQueue <- Dictionary new

|	defineArrivalSchedule
		self scheduleArrivalOf: 
			[:superV | Visitor new initialize: superV] 
		   accordingTo: (Geometric new initialize mean: 24 / 60)

|	scheduleArrivalOf: aVisitor
	   accordingTo: aProbabilityDistribution  
		newVisitor <- aVisitor.
		visitorProbDist <- aProbabilityDistribution

| 	timeNextVisitor
		^ currentTime + visitorProbDist next

|	time
		^ currentTime

|	proceed
	| visitor minTime |
		eventQueue at: self timeNextVisitor 
			   put: (newVisitor value: superVisitor).
		minTime <- 999999.
		eventQueue keysDo: [:x | x < minTime
				    ifTrue: [minTime <- x] ].
		visitor <- eventQueue removeKey: minTime ifAbsent:
			     (self error: 'no visitor in eventQueue').
		self incrTime: minTime.
		(visitor entering)
		     ifTrue: [(visitor groupSize <= numberChairs)
			     ifTrue: [self tasks: visitor]
			     ifFalse: [self missed: visitor groupSize]
		     ifFalse: [self releaseChairs: visitor groupSize]

|	incrTime: aNumber
		currentTime <- currentTime + aNumber

|	tasks: aVisitor
		self served: aVisitor groupSize.
		self takeChairs: aVisitor groupSize.
		self thisProfit: aVisitor groupSize * 1.5 *
			 coneCost * profitMargin.    "1.5 cones/person"
		eventQueue at: currentTime + aVisitor time put: aVisitor

|	served: aNumber
		numberServed <- numberServed + aNumber

|	takeChairs: aNumber
	     numberChairs <- numberChairs - aNumber

|	releaseChairs: aNumber
	     numberChairs <- numberChairs + aNumber

|	missed: aNumber
	     missedGroup <- missedGroup + aNumber

|	report
		'total profit' print.
		totalProfit print.
		'number of people served' print.
		numberServed print.
		'number of people turned away' print.
		missedGroup print

|	thisProfit: aNumber
		totalProfit <- totalProfit + aNumber


Class Visitor	:SimulationObject
	| sizeGroup wait alreadyEaten |
	initialize: superClass
		sizeGroup <- superClass size.
		wait <- superClass wait: sizeGroup.
		alreadyEaten <- false

|	entering
		(alreadyEaten == false)
		     ifTrue: [alreadyEaten <- true. ^ true].
		^ false

|	time	
		^ wait

|	groupSize
		^ sizeGroup


Class SimulationObject :Object	
	| sizeDist waitDist |
		sizeDist <- Binomial new initialize events: 5 mean: 0.4.
		waitDist <- Random new	"uniform distribution"

|	size
		^ sizeDist next

|	wait: sizeGroup	  "uniform distribution from 1 to 6"
		^ waitDist next * sizeGroup * 6
if test 2927 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/sim.2'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/sim.2'" '(should have been 2927 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/sim.3'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/sim.3'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/sim.3'
Class Simulation	:Object
| currentTime eventQueue resources newVisitor superVisitor visitorProbDist |
		self initialize.
		self defineArrivalSchedule.
		superVisitor <- SimulationObject new init.
		self addNextEvent

|	initialize
		currentTime <- 0.0.
		eventQueue <- Dictionary new

|	initResources: aNumber
		resources <- aNumber

|	scheduleArrivalOf: aVisitor
	   accordingTo: aProbabilityDistribution  
		newVisitor <- aVisitor.
		visitorProbDist <- aProbabilityDistribution

| 	timeNextVisitor
		^ currentTime + visitorProbDist next

|	time
		^ currentTime

|	proceed
	| visitor minTime |
		minTime <- 999999.
		eventQueue keysDo: [:x | x < minTime
				    ifTrue: [minTime <- x] ].
		visitor <- eventQueue removeKey: minTime ifAbsent:
			     (self error: 'no visitor in eventQueue').
		currentTime <- minTime.
		self tasks: visitor.
		self addNextEvent

|	addNextEvent
		eventQueue at: self timeNextVisitor 
			   put: (newVisitor value: superVisitor)

|	delay: visitor for: time 
		eventQueue at: currentTime + time put: visitor

|	numResources
		^ resources

|	takeResources: aNumber
	     resources <- resources - aNumber

|	releaseResources: aNumber
	     resources <- resources + aNumber


Class IceCreamStore	:Simulation
| numberChairs missedGroup servedGroup totalProfit profitMargin coneCost |
		super initialize.
		servedGroup <- 0.
		missedGroup <- 0.
		totalProfit <- 0.
		profitMargin <- 0.75.
		coneCost <- 0.70.
		numberChairs <- 8.
		super initResources: numberChairs

|	defineArrivalSchedule
		super scheduleArrivalOf:
			[:superV | Visitor new initialize: superV]
		      accordingTo: (Geometric new initialize mean: 14 / 60)
		      "expect 18 parties per hour"

|	tasks: visitor
		(visitor entering)
		     ifTrue: [(visitor groupSize <= super numResources)
			     ifTrue: [self getIceCream: visitor]
			     ifFalse: [self missed: visitor groupSize]
		     ifFalse: [self releaseChairs: visitor groupSize]

|	getIceCream: aVisitor
		self served: aVisitor groupSize.
		self takeChairs: aVisitor groupSize.
		self thisProfit: aVisitor groupSize * 1.5 *
			 coneCost * profitMargin.    "1.5 cones/person"
		super delay: aVisitor for: aVisitor time 

|	takeChairs: aNumber
	     super takeResources: aNumber

|	releaseChairs: aNumber
	     super releaseResources: aNumber

|	missed: aNumber
	     missedGroup <- missedGroup + aNumber

|	served: aNumber
	     servedGroup <- servedGroup + aNumber

|	thisProfit: aNumber
		totalProfit <- totalProfit + aNumber

|	report
		'total profit' print.
		totalProfit print.
		'number of people served' print.
		servedGroup print.
		'number of people turned away' print.
		missedGroup print

if test 2693 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/sim.3'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/sim.3'" '(should have been 2693 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/simulat.result'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/simulat.result'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/simulat.result'
time: 35
profit: 13.38
served: 17
turned away: 23
if test 50 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/simulat.result'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/simulat.result'" '(should have been 50 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/simulation.bun'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/simulation.bun'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/simulation.bun'
: To unbundle, sh this file
echo unbundling prob.st 1>&2
cat >prob.st <<'End'
Class DiscreteProbability
	| randnum |
		randnum <- Random new

|	next
		^ self inverseDistribution: randnum next

|	computeSample: m outOf: n	
		m > n ifTrue: [^ 0.0]
		^ n factorial / (n - m) factorial

Class Geometric	:DiscreteProbability
	| prob |	

	mean: m
		prob <- m

|	mean
		^ 1.0 / prob

|	variance
		^ (1.0 - prob) / prob * prob

|	density: x
		x > 0 ifTrue: [^prob * ((1.0-prob) raisedTo: x-1)]
		      ifFalse: [^1.0]

|	inverseDistribution: x
		^ (x ln / (1.0 - prob) ln) ceiling

Class Binomial	:DiscreteProbability
	| number prob |
	events: num mean: p
		(p between: 0.0 and: 1.0)
		   ifFalse: [self error: 'mean must be > 0'].
		number <- num.
		prob <- p

|	mean
		^ prob

|	variance
		^ prob * (1 - prob)

|	density: x
		(x between: 0.0 and number)
		   ifTrue: [^((self computeSample: x outOf: number)
			/ (self computeSample: x outOf: x))
			* (prob raisedTo: x) * ((1 - prob) raisedTo: number - x)]
		   ifFalse: [^0.0]

|	inverseDistribution: x
		x <= prob
			ifTrue: [^ 1]
			ifFalse: [^ 0]

|	next
	| t |
		t <- 0.
		number timesRepeat: [t <- t + super next].
		^ t
echo unbundling prob.uniform 1>&2
cat >prob.uniform <<'End'
Class ProbabilityDistribution  :Stream 

	new	"create instance"
		^ self basicNew

|	next	"random sampling"
		^ self inverseDistribution: U next

|	density: x	"is the density func"
		self subclassResponsibility

|	distribution: aCollection   "cum prob func, arg range of vals"	
		self subclassResponsibility	

|	inverseDistribution: x
		self subclassResponsibility

|	computeSample: m outOf: n
		m > n ifTrue: [^0.0]
		^ n factorial / (n - m) factorial

Class ContinuousProbability 	:ProbabilityDistribution

	distribution: aCollection
		| t aStream x1 x2 y1 y2 |
		t <- 0.0.
		aStream <- ReadStream on: aCollection.
		x2 <- aStream next.
		y2 <- self density: x2.
		[x1 <- x2. x2 <- aStream next]
			[y1 <- y2.
			 y2 <- self density: x2.
			 t <- t + ((x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1))].
		^ t * 0.5

Class Uniform	:ContinuousProbability
	| startNumber stopNumber |

	from: begin to: end
		begin > end
		   ifTrue: [self error "illegal interval"]
		   ifFalse: [^ self new setStart: begin toEnd: end]

|	mean
		^ (startNumber + stopNumber) / 2

|	variance 
		^ (stopNumber + startNumber) squared / 12

|	density: x
		(x between: startNumber and: stopNumber)
		   ifTrue: [^1.0 / (stopNumber - startNumber)]
		   ifFalse: [^0]

|	inverseDistribution: x
		^ startNumber + (x * (stopNumber - startNumber))

|	setStart: begin toEnd: end
		startNumber <- begin.
		stopNumber <- end
echo unbundling sim.1 1>&2
cat >sim.1 <<'End'
Class Simulation	:Object
	| currentTime action aProbDist totalProfit |


		currentTime <- 0.0.
		totalProfit <- 0

|	scheduleArrivalOf: actionBlock
	   accordingTo: aProbabilityDistribution  
		action <- actionBlock.
		aProbDist <- aProbabilityDistribution

|	startUp
		self initialize.
		self defineArrivalSchedule

|	proceed
		currentTime <- currentTime + aProbDist next.
		action value

|	time
		^ currentTime

|	thisProfit: aNumber
		totalProfit <- totalProfit + aNumber

|	reportProfit
		totalProfit print

|	defineArrivalSchedule
		| customer profit |
		self scheduleArrivalOf: [customer <- Visitor new init.
			 profit <- customer numberScoops * 40 / 100.
			 self thisProfit: profit]
		   accordingTo: Random new

Class Visitor	:Object
	| random |
		random <- Random new

|	numberScoops
		| scoops |
		scoops <- 1 / (random next).
		^ scoops
echo unbundling sim.2 1>&2
cat >sim.2 <<'End'
Class Simulation	:Object
| currentTime eventQueue numberChairs newVisitor superVisitor numberServed
visitorProbDist missedGroup totalProfit profitMargin coneCost |


		self initialize.
		self defineArrivalSchedule.
		superVisitor <- SimulationObject new init.
		eventQueue at: self timeNextVisitor 
			   put: (newVisitor value: superVisitor)

|	initialize
		currentTime <- 0.0.
		numberChairs <- 12.
		profitMargin <- 0.75.
		coneCost <- 0.70.
		totalProfit <- 0.
		numberServed <- 0.
		missedGroup <- 0.
		eventQueue <- Dictionary new

|	defineArrivalSchedule
		self scheduleArrivalOf: 
			[:superV | Visitor new initialize: superV] 
		   accordingTo: (Geometric new initialize mean: 24 / 60)

|	scheduleArrivalOf: aVisitor
	   accordingTo: aProbabilityDistribution  
		newVisitor <- aVisitor.
		visitorProbDist <- aProbabilityDistribution

| 	timeNextVisitor
		^ currentTime + visitorProbDist next

|	time
		^ currentTime

|	proceed
	| visitor minTime |
		eventQueue at: self timeNextVisitor 
			   put: (newVisitor value: superVisitor).
		minTime <- 999999.
		eventQueue keysDo: [:x | x < minTime
				    ifTrue: [minTime <- x] ].
		visitor <- eventQueue removeKey: minTime ifAbsent:
			     (self error: 'no visitor in eventQueue').
		self incrTime: minTime.
		(visitor entering)
		     ifTrue: [(visitor groupSize <= numberChairs)
			     ifTrue: [self tasks: visitor]
			     ifFalse: [self missed: visitor groupSize]
		     ifFalse: [self releaseChairs: visitor groupSize]

|	incrTime: aNumber
		currentTime <- currentTime + aNumber

|	tasks: aVisitor
		self served: aVisitor groupSize.
		self takeChairs: aVisitor groupSize.
		self thisProfit: aVisitor groupSize * 1.5 *
			 coneCost * profitMargin.    "1.5 cones/person"
		eventQueue at: currentTime + aVisitor time put: aVisitor

|	served: aNumber
		numberServed <- numberServed + aNumber

|	takeChairs: aNumber
	     numberChairs <- numberChairs - aNumber

|	releaseChairs: aNumber
	     numberChairs <- numberChairs + aNumber

|	missed: aNumber
	     missedGroup <- missedGroup + aNumber

|	report
		'total profit' print.
		totalProfit print.
		'number of people served' print.
		numberServed print.
		'number of people turned away' print.
		missedGroup print

|	thisProfit: aNumber
		totalProfit <- totalProfit + aNumber


Class Visitor	:SimulationObject
	| sizeGroup wait alreadyEaten |
	initialize: superClass
		sizeGroup <- superClass size.
		wait <- superClass wait: sizeGroup.
		alreadyEaten <- false

|	entering
		(alreadyEaten == false)
		     ifTrue: [alreadyEaten <- true. ^ true].
		^ false

|	time	
		^ wait

|	groupSize
		^ sizeGroup


Class SimulationObject :Object	
	| sizeDist waitDist |
		sizeDist <- Binomial new initialize events: 5 mean: 0.4.
		waitDist <- Random new	"uniform distribution"

|	size
		^ sizeDist next

|	wait: sizeGroup	  "uniform distribution from 1 to 6"
		^ waitDist next * sizeGroup * 6
echo unbundling sim.3 1>&2
cat >sim.3 <<'End'
Class Simulation	:Object
| currentTime eventQueue resources newVisitor superVisitor visitorProbDist |
		self initialize.
		self defineArrivalSchedule.
		superVisitor <- SimulationObject new init.
		self addNextEvent

|	initialize
		currentTime <- 0.0.
		eventQueue <- Dictionary new

|	initResources: aNumber
		resources <- aNumber

|	scheduleArrivalOf: aVisitor
	   accordingTo: aProbabilityDistribution  
		newVisitor <- aVisitor.
		visitorProbDist <- aProbabilityDistribution

| 	timeNextVisitor
		^ currentTime + visitorProbDist next

|	time
		^ currentTime

|	proceed
	| visitor minTime |
		minTime <- 999999.
		eventQueue keysDo: [:x | x < minTime
				    ifTrue: [minTime <- x] ].
		visitor <- eventQueue removeKey: minTime ifAbsent:
			     (self error: 'no visitor in eventQueue').
		currentTime <- minTime.
		self tasks: visitor.
		self addNextEvent

|	addNextEvent
		eventQueue at: self timeNextVisitor 
			   put: (newVisitor value: superVisitor)

|	delay: visitor for: time 
		eventQueue at: currentTime + time put: visitor

|	numResources
		^ resources

|	takeResources: aNumber
	     resources <- resources - aNumber

|	releaseResources: aNumber
	     resources <- resources + aNumber


Class IceCreamStore	:Simulation
| numberChairs missedGroup servedGroup totalProfit profitMargin coneCost |
		super initialize.
		servedGroup <- 0.
		missedGroup <- 0.
		totalProfit <- 0.
		profitMargin <- 0.75.
		coneCost <- 0.70.
		numberChairs <- 8.
		super initResources: numberChairs

|	defineArrivalSchedule
		super scheduleArrivalOf:
			[:superV | Visitor new initialize: superV]
		      accordingTo: (Geometric new initialize mean: 14 / 60)
		      "expect 18 parties per hour"

|	tasks: visitor
		(visitor entering)
		     ifTrue: [(visitor groupSize <= super numResources)
			     ifTrue: [self getIceCream: visitor]
			     ifFalse: [self missed: visitor groupSize]
		     ifFalse: [self releaseChairs: visitor groupSize]

|	getIceCream: aVisitor
		self served: aVisitor groupSize.
		self takeChairs: aVisitor groupSize.
		self thisProfit: aVisitor groupSize * 1.5 *
			 coneCost * profitMargin.    "1.5 cones/person"
		super delay: aVisitor for: aVisitor time 

|	takeChairs: aNumber
	     super takeResources: aNumber

|	releaseChairs: aNumber
	     super releaseResources: aNumber

|	missed: aNumber
	     missedGroup <- missedGroup + aNumber

|	served: aNumber
	     servedGroup <- servedGroup + aNumber

|	thisProfit: aNumber
		totalProfit <- totalProfit + aNumber

|	report
		'total profit' print.
		totalProfit print.
		'number of people served' print.
		servedGroup print.
		'number of people turned away' print.
		missedGroup print

echo unbundling simulat.results 1>&2
cat >simulat.results <<'End'
time: 35
profit: 13.38
served: 17
turned away: 23
echo unbundling visitor.st 1>&2
cat >visitor.st <<'End'
Class SimulationObject :Object	
	| sizeDist waitDist |
		sizeDist <- Binomial new initialize events: 5 mean: 0.4.
		waitDist <- Random new	"uniform distribution"

|	size
		^ sizeDist next

|	wait: sizeGroup	  "uniform distribution from 1 to 6"
		^ waitDist next * sizeGroup * 6

Class Visitor	:SimulationObject
	| sizeGroup wait alreadyEaten |
	initialize: superClass
		sizeGroup <- superClass size.
		wait <- superClass wait: sizeGroup.
		alreadyEaten <- false

|	entering
		(alreadyEaten == false)
		     ifTrue: [alreadyEaten <- true. ^ true].
		^ false

|	time	
		^ wait

|	groupSize
		^ sizeGroup

if test 10103 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/simulation.bun'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/simulation.bun'" '(should have been 10103 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/switch.st'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/switch.st'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/switch.st'
Class Switch
| key found |
	new: aKey
		found <- false.
		key <- aKey
	case: test do: aBlock
		(key = test) ifTrue: [found <- true. aBlock value]
	default: aBlock
		found ifFalse: aBlock

if test 196 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/switch.st'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/switch.st'" '(should have been 196 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'projects/visitor.st'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'projects/visitor.st'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'projects/visitor.st'
Class SimulationObject :Object	
	| sizeDist waitDist |
		sizeDist <- Binomial new initialize events: 5 mean: 0.4.
		waitDist <- Random new	"uniform distribution"

|	size
		^ sizeDist next

|	wait: sizeGroup	  "uniform distribution from 1 to 6"
		^ waitDist next * sizeGroup * 6

Class Visitor	:SimulationObject
	| sizeGroup wait alreadyEaten |
	initialize: superClass
		sizeGroup <- superClass size.
		wait <- superClass wait: sizeGroup.
		alreadyEaten <- false

|	entering
		(alreadyEaten == false)
		     ifTrue: [alreadyEaten <- true. ^ true].
		^ false

|	time	
		^ wait

|	groupSize
		^ sizeGroup

if test 617 -ne "`wc -c < 'projects/visitor.st'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'projects/visitor.st'" '(should have been 617 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/Makefile'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/Makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/Makefile'
LIB = -lm

BINDIR = ../bin
PARSEDIR = ../parser

Objects = main.o object.o line.o \
class.o number.o symbol.o string.o byte.o array.o file.o \
primitive.o syms.o cldict.o process.o interp.o block.o courier.o \
lex.o drive.o lexcmd.o
Objects.c = main.c object.c line.c \
class.c number.c symbol.c string.c byte.c array.c file.c \
primitive.c syms.c cldict.c process.c interp.c block.c courier.c \
lex.c drive.c lexcmd.c
MISC = disclaim Makefile *.h sstr.c symbols

st: sstr drive.h cmds.h env.h $(Objects)
	cc ${CFLAGS} $(LFLAGS) -o st $(Objects) $(LIB)

# the following is used by st make script for installation on the DecPro 350
#	ld -o st -X -u __doprnt -u fltused -u fptrap -m \
# -lfpsim /lib/fcrt0.o $(Objects) -lm -lc

install: st
	mv st $(BINDIR)

bundle: $(MISC) $(Objects.c) 
	rm -f drive.h cmds.h env.h
	bundle $(MISC) $(Objects.c) >../sources.bundle

	lint $(Objects.c)

syms.c: sstr symbols
	sstr -t symbols SYMTABMAX '# include "object.h"' '# include "symbol.h"' >syms.c

sstr: sstr.c
	cc ${CFLAGS} $(LFLAGS) -o sstr sstr.c

drive.h: $(PARSEDIR)/drive.h symbols
	cp $(PARSEDIR)/drive.h .

cmds.h: $(PARSEDIR)/cmds.h symbols
	sstr symbols <$(PARSEDIR)/cmds.h >cmds.h

env.h: $(PARSEDIR)/env.h
	cp $(PARSEDIR)/env.h .

number.o: number.c number.h
interp.o: drive.h cmds.h
primitive.o: *.h
main.o: *.h

	-rm -f ${Objects} sstr drive.h cmds.h env.h
if test 1410 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/Makefile'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/Makefile'" '(should have been 1410 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/array.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/array.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/array.c'
	Little Smalltalk
		Array creation

		timothy a. budd 10/84

	builds a new instance of class array.
	called mostly by the driver to construct array constants.
	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona
# include <stdio.h>
# include "object.h"

class *Array = (class *) 0;
class *ArrayedCollection = (class *) 0;

extern object *o_nil, *o_empty, *o_acollection;
extern int started;		/* gets set after reading std prelude */

/* new_iarray - internal form of new array */
object *new_iarray(size)
int size;
{	object *new;

	if (size < 0) cant_happen(2);
	new = new_obj(Array, size, 0);
	if (! started) {
		sassign(new->super_obj, o_acollection);
	else if (ArrayedCollection)
		sassign(new->super_obj, new_inst(ArrayedCollection));

/* new_array - create a new array */
object *new_array(size, initial)
int size, initial;
{	int i;
	object *new;

	if (size == 0) return(o_empty);
	new = new_iarray(size);
	if (initial) {
		for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
			sassign(new->inst_var[ i ], o_nil);
if test 1500 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/array.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/array.c'" '(should have been 1500 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/block.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/block.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/block.c'
	Little Smalltalk

		block creation and block return
		timothy a. budd, 10/84

	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona
# include <stdio.h>
# include "object.h"
# include "drive.h"
# include "interp.h"
# include "block.h"
# include "string.h"
# include "primitive.h"
# include "process.h"

extern object *o_object;	/* value of generic object */

static mstruct *fr_block = 0;	/* free list of unused blocks */

int ca_block = 0;		/* count block allocations */

/* cpyInterpreter - make a new copy of an existing interpreter */
static interpreter *cpyInterpreter(anInterpreter)
interpreter *anInterpreter;
{	interpreter *new;

	new = cr_interpreter((interpreter *) 0,

	if (anInterpreter->creator)
		new->creator = anInterpreter->creator;
		new->creator = anInterpreter;

	new->currentbyte = anInterpreter->currentbyte;

/* new_block - create a new instance of class Block */
object *new_block(anInterpreter, argcount, arglocation)
interpreter *anInterpreter;
int argcount, arglocation;
{	block *new;

	if (fr_block) {
		new = (block *) fr_block;
		fr_block = fr_block->mlink;
	else {
		new = structalloc(block);

	new->b_ref_count = 0;
	new->b_size = BLOCKSIZE;

	sassign(new->b_interpreter, cpyInterpreter(anInterpreter));
	new->b_numargs = argcount;
	new->b_arglocation = arglocation;
	return((object *) new);

/* free_block - return an unused block to the block free list */
block *b;
	if (! is_block(b)) 

	obj_dec((object *)(b->b_interpreter));

	((mstruct *) b)->mlink = fr_block;
	fr_block = (mstruct *) b;

/* block_execute - queue a block interpreter for execution */
interpreter *block_execute(sender, aBlock, numargs, args)
interpreter *sender;
block *aBlock;
int numargs;
object **args;
{	interpreter *newInt;
	object *tempobj;

	if (! is_block(aBlock)) cant_happen(11);
	if (numargs != aBlock->b_numargs) {
			new_str("wrong number of arguments for block"));
		primitive(ERRPRINT, 1, &tempobj);
		if (sender) {
			push_object(sender, o_nil);
		return(sender); /* not sure about this ..... */

	/* we copy the interpreter so as to not destroy the original and to
	   avoid memory pointer cycles */

	newInt = cpyInterpreter(aBlock->b_interpreter);
	if (sender)
		assign(newInt->sender, sender);
	if (numargs)
		copy_arguments(newInt, aBlock->b_arglocation, 
			numargs, args);

/* block_return - return an object from the context in which a block was
created */
block_return(blockInterpreter, anObject)
interpreter *blockInterpreter;
object *anObject;
{	interpreter *backchain, *parent;
	interpreter *creatorblock;

	creatorblock = blockInterpreter->creator;
	for (backchain = blockInterpreter->sender; backchain; 
			backchain = backchain->sender) {
		if (! is_interpreter(backchain)) break;
		if (backchain == creatorblock) {
			/* found creating context, back up one more */
			parent = backchain->sender;
			if (parent) {
				if (! is_driver(parent))
					push_object(parent, anObject);
			else {

	/* no block found, issue error message */
	primitive(BLKRETERROR, 1, (object **) &blockInterpreter);
	parent = blockInterpreter->sender;
	if (parent) {
		if (! is_driver(parent))
			push_object(parent, anObject);
	else {
if test 4045 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/block.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/block.c'" '(should have been 4045 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/block.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/block.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/block.h'
	Little Smalltalk
		block definitions
		timothy a. budd, 10/84
	for blocks

		b_size = BLOCKSIZE

		b_interpreter is an instance of interpreter that will
		actually execute the bytecodes for the block.

		b_numargs and b_arglocation are the number of arguments and
		the starting argument location in the context array.


struct block_struct {
	int	b_ref_count;
	int	b_size;
	interpreter	*b_interpreter;
	int	b_numargs;
	int	b_arglocation;
	} ;

typedef struct block_struct block;

extern object *new_block();
extern interpreter *block_execute();
if test 562 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/block.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/block.h'" '(should have been 562 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/byte.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/byte.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/byte.c'
	Little Smalltalk

		bytearray manipulation.
		bytearrays are used almost entirely for storing bytecodes.

	timothy a. budd, 11/84
	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona

# include <stdio.h>
# include "object.h"
# include "byte.h"

	bytearrays of less than MAXBSAVE are kept on a free list

static mstruct *fr_bytearray[MAXBSAVE]; 	/* better be initialized to zero ! */

	in order to avoid a large number of small mallocs, a table is used
	for the first new bytearrays.  After the table becomes full,
	malloc is used to get more space.
	table should be large enough for the standard prelude, at least 

static uchar btable[MAXBTABSIZE];
int btabletop = 0;

	for the same reason, a number of bytearray bases are statically
	allocated and kept on a free list 

int ca_barray = 0;
static mstruct *fr_bybase = 0;

static bytearray by_init[MAXBYINIT];

{	int i;
	bytearray *p;
	mstruct *new;

	p = by_init;
	for (i = 0; i < MAXBYINIT; i++) {
		new = (mstruct *) p;
		new->mlink = fr_bybase;
		fr_bybase = new;

object *new_bytearray(values, size)
uchar *values;
int size;
{	bytearray *new;
	uchar *p, *q;

	if (size < MAXBSAVE && fr_bytearray[size]) {
		new = (bytearray *) fr_bytearray[size];
		fr_bytearray[size] = fr_bytearray[size]->mlink;
	else {
		if (fr_bybase) {
			new = (bytearray *) fr_bybase;
			fr_bybase = fr_bybase->mlink;
		else {
			new = structalloc(bytearray);
		if ((btabletop + size) < MAXBTABSIZE) {
			new->a_bytes = &btable[btabletop];
			btabletop += size;
		else {
			new->a_bytes = (uchar *) o_alloc((unsigned) size);
	new->a_ref_count = 0;
	new->a_size = BYTEARRAYSIZE;
	new->a_bsize = size;
	for (p = new->a_bytes, q = values; size; size--) {
		*p++ = *q++;
	return((object *) new);

bytearray *obj;
{	int size;

	if (! is_bytearray(obj))
	size = obj->a_bsize;
	if (size < MAXBSAVE) {
		((mstruct *) obj)->mlink = fr_bytearray[size];
		fr_bytearray[size] = ((mstruct *) obj);
if test 2517 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/byte.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/byte.c'" '(should have been 2517 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/byte.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/byte.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/byte.h'
	Little Smalltalk
		Bytearray definitions

struct byte_struct {
	int 	a_ref_count;
	int 	a_size;
	int	a_bsize;
	uchar	*a_bytes;
	} ;

typedef struct byte_struct bytearray;

# define byte_value(x) (((bytearray *)(x))->a_bytes)

	bytearrays of size less than MAXBSAVE are kept on a free list
# define MAXBSAVE 50

	in order to avoid a large number of small mallocs, especially
	while reading the standard prelude, a fixed area of MAXBTABSIZE is
	allocated and used for bytecodes until it is full.  Thereafter
	bytecodes are allocated using malloc.  This area should be large
	enough to hold at least all the bytecodes for the standard prelude.
# define MAXBTABSIZE 5500

	for the same reason, a number of bytearrays structs are statically
	allocated and placed on a free list
# define MAXBYINIT 400

extern object *new_bytearray();
if test 855 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/byte.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/byte.h'" '(should have been 855 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/class.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/class.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/class.c'
	Little Smalltalk
		class instance creation and deletion

		timothy a. budd  10/84
	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona
# include <stdio.h>
# include "object.h"
# include "file.h"
# include "number.h"
# include "symbol.h"
# include "string.h"
# include "primitive.h"
# define streq(x,y) (strcmp(x,y) == 0)

extern class *Array, *ArrayedCollection;

extern object *o_object, *o_empty, *o_number, *o_magnitude;
extern object *o_smalltalk, *o_acollection;

static mstruct *fr_class = 0;
int ca_class = 0;	/* count class allocations */

# define CLASSINITMAX 30

static class cl_table[CLASSINITMAX];

{	class *p;
	mstruct *new;
	int i;

	for (p = cl_table, i = 0; i < CLASSINITMAX; i++, p++) {
		new = (mstruct *) p;
		new->mlink = fr_class;
		fr_class = new;

class *new_class()
{	class *new;

	if (fr_class) {
		new = (class *) fr_class;
		fr_class = fr_class->mlink;
	else {
		new = structalloc(class);

	new->c_ref_count = 0;
	new->c_size = CLASSSIZE;
	sassign(new->file_name, o_nil);
	sassign(new->class_name, o_nil);
	new->super_class = (object *) 0;
	sassign(new->c_inst_vars, o_nil);
	new->context_size = 0;
	sassign(new->message_names, o_nil);
	sassign(new->methods, o_nil);

class *mk_class(classname, args)
char *classname;
object **args;
{	class *new;
	object *new_iarray();

	new = new_class();
	assign(new->class_name, args[0]);
	if (! streq(classname, "Object"))
		sassign(new->super_class, args[1]);
	assign(new->file_name, args[2]);
	assign(new->c_inst_vars, args[3]);
	assign(new->message_names, args[4]);
	assign(new->methods, args[5]);
	new->context_size = int_value(args[6]);
	new->stack_max = int_value(args[7]);

	if (streq(classname, "Array")) {
		assign(Array, new);
		assign(o_empty, new_iarray(0));
	else if (streq(classname, "ArrayedCollection")) {
		assign(ArrayedCollection, new);
		assign(o_acollection, new_inst(new));
		assign(o_empty, new_iarray(0));
	else if (streq(classname, "False"))
		assign(o_false, new_inst(new))
	else if (streq(classname, "Magnitude"))
		assign(o_magnitude, new_inst(new))
	else if (streq(classname, "Number"))
		assign(o_number, new_inst(new))
	else if (streq(classname, "Object")) 
		assign(o_object, new_inst(new))
	else if (streq(classname, "Smalltalk"))
		assign(o_smalltalk, new_inst(new))
	else if (streq(classname, "True")) 
		assign(o_true, new_inst(new))
	else if (streq(classname, "UndefinedObject"))
		assign(o_nil, new_inst(new))

/* new_sinst - new instance with explicit super object */
object *new_sinst(aclass, super)
class *aclass;
object *super;
{	object *new;
	char *classname, buffer[80];

	if (! is_class(aclass))
	classname = symbol_value(aclass->class_name);
	if (	streq(classname, "Block") ||
		streq(classname, "Char") ||
		streq(classname, "Class") ||
		streq(classname, "Float") ||
		streq(classname, "Integer") ||
		streq(classname, "Process") ||
		streq(classname, "Symbol") ) {
		sprintf(buffer,"%s: does not respond to new", classname);
		sassign(new, new_str(buffer));
		primitive(ERRPRINT, 1, &new);
		if (super) /* get rid of unwanted object */ 
			{obj_inc((object *) super); 
			 obj_dec((object *) super);}
		new = o_nil;
	else if (streq(classname, "File")) {
		new = new_file();
		if (super) /* get rid of unwanted object */ 
			{obj_inc((object *) super); 
			 obj_dec((object *) super);}
	else if (streq(classname, "String")) {
		new = new_str("");
		if (super)
			assign(((string *) new)->s_super_obj, super);
	else {
		new = new_obj(aclass, (aclass->c_inst_vars)->size, 1);
		if (super)
			sassign(new->super_obj, super);

object *new_inst(aclass)
class *aclass;
{	object *super, *sp_class_name, *lookup_class();
	class *super_class;

	if (! is_class(aclass))
	if (aclass == o_object->class)
	super = (object *) 0;
	sp_class_name = aclass->super_class;
	if (sp_class_name && is_symbol(sp_class_name)) {
		super_class = (class *) 
		if (super_class && is_class(super_class)) 
			super = new_inst(super_class);
	return(new_sinst(aclass, super));

class *c;
	if (! is_class(c))
	if (c->super_class)
		obj_dec((object *) c->super_class);
	((mstruct *) c )->mlink = fr_class;
	fr_class = (mstruct *) c;
if test 4976 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/class.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/class.c'" '(should have been 4976 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/cldict.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/cldict.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/cldict.c'
	Little Smalltalk
		Internal class dictionary

		timothy a. budd, 10/84

	In order to facilitate lookup, classes are kept in an internal data
	dictionary.  Classes are inserted into this dictionary using a
	primtitive, and are removed by either being overridden, or being
	flushed at the end of execution.
	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona
# include <stdio.h>
# include "object.h"
# include "number.h"
# include "symbol.h"
# include "primitive.h"

struct class_entry {		/* structure for internal dictionary */
	char *cl_name;
	object *cl_description;
	struct class_entry *cl_link;

static struct class_entry *class_dictionary = 0;
int ca_cdict = 0;
static mstruct *fr_cdict = 0;		/* class dictionary free list */

# define CDICTINIT 30
static struct class_entry cdsinit[CDICTINIT];

/* cdic_init - initialize the internal class dictionary */
cdic_init() {
	struct class_entry *p;
	mstruct *new;
	int i;

	for (p = cdsinit, i = 0; i < CDICTINIT; i++, p++) {
		new = (mstruct *) p;
		new->mlink = fr_cdict;
		fr_cdict = new;

/* enter_class - enter a class into the internal class dictionary */
enter_class(name, description)
char *name;
object *description;
{	struct class_entry *p;

	for (p = class_dictionary; p; p = p->cl_link)
		if (strcmp(name, p->cl_name) == 0) {
			assign(p->cl_description, description);
	/* not found, make a new entry */
	if (fr_cdict) {
		p = (struct class_entry *) fr_cdict;
		fr_cdict = fr_cdict->mlink;
	else {
		p = structalloc(struct class_entry);
	p->cl_name = name;
	sassign(p->cl_description, description);
	p->cl_link = class_dictionary;
	class_dictionary = p;

/* lookup - take a name and find the associated class object */
object *lookup_class(name)
char *name;
{	struct class_entry *p;

	for (p = class_dictionary; p; p = p->cl_link)
		if (strcmp(name, p->cl_name) == 0)
	return((object *) 0);

/* free_all_classes - flush all references for the class dictionary */
{	struct class_entry *p;

	for (p = class_dictionary; p; p = p->cl_link) {

/* class_list - list all the subclasses of a class (recursively),
	indenting by a specified number of tab stops */
class_list(c, n)
class *c;
int n;
{	struct class_entry *p;
	object *prs[2];
	class *q;
	char *name;

	/* first print out this class name */
	if (! is_symbol(c->class_name))
	sassign(prs[0], c->class_name);
	name = symbol_value(c->class_name);
	sassign(prs[1], new_int(n));
	primitive(SYMPRINT, 2, prs);

	/* now find all subclasses and print them out */
	for (p = class_dictionary; p; p = p->cl_link) {
		q = (class *) p->cl_description;
		if ((is_symbol(q->super_class)) && 
		   (strcmp(name, symbol_value(q->super_class)) == 0) )
			class_list(q, n+1);
if test 3326 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/cldict.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/cldict.c'" '(should have been 3326 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/courier.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/courier.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/courier.c'
	Little Smalltalk
		courier - message passing interface

		timothy a. budd 10/84
	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona
# include <stdio.h>
# include "object.h"
# include "interp.h"
# include "string.h"
# include "symbol.h"
# include "primitive.h"
# define streq(x,y) (strcmp(x,y) == 0)

/* send_mess - find the method needed to respond to a message, create the
	proper context and interpreter for executing the method */
send_mess(sender, receiver, message, args, numargs)
interpreter *sender;
object *receiver, **args;
char *message;
int numargs;
{	object *robject, *method;
	register object *message_array;
	object *context, *fnd_super(), *fnd_class();
	class  *objclass;
	interpreter *anInterpreter;
	int    i, maxc;

	for (robject = receiver; robject; ) {
		if (robject == (object *) 0) break;
		if (is_bltin(robject))
			objclass = (class *) fnd_class(robject);
			objclass = robject->class;
		if ((objclass == (class *) 0) || ! is_class(objclass))  break;

		message_array = objclass->message_names;
		for (i = 0; i < message_array->size; i++) {
			if (symbol_value(message_array->inst_var[i]) ==
						message) {
				method = (objclass->methods)->inst_var[ i ];
				goto do_cmd;
		if (is_bltin(robject))
			robject = fnd_super(robject);
			robject = robject->super_obj;

/* if we reach this point then no method has been found matching message */
	sassign(robject, new_obj((class *) 0, 2, 0));
	sassign(robject->inst_var[0], receiver);
	sassign(robject->inst_var[1], new_sym(message));
	primitive(NORESPONDERROR, 2, &(robject->inst_var[0]));
	/* generate a message passing trace */
	/* return nil by default */
	if (is_interpreter(sender))
		push_object(sender, o_nil);
	goto clean_up;

/* do an interpreted method */
/* make a context and fill it in, make an interpeter and link it into
process queue */
	maxc = objclass->context_size;
	sassign(context, new_obj((class *)0, maxc, 0));
	for (i = 0; i <= numargs; i++)
		sassign(context->inst_var[i], args[i]);
	for ( ; i < maxc ; i++ )
		sassign(context->inst_var[i], o_nil);
	anInterpreter = cr_interpreter(sender, robject, method->inst_var[1],
		method->inst_var[0], context);
	goto clean_up;

/* clean up after yourself */

/* responds_to - see if a class responds to a message */
int responds_to(message, aClass)
char *message;
class *aClass;
{	object *message_names;
	int i;

	message_names = aClass->message_names;
	for (i = 0; i < message_names->size; i++)
		if (streq(symbol_value(message_names->inst_var[i]),

/* backtrace - generate a backwards message passing trace */
static backtrace(current)
interpreter *current;
	while (is_interpreter(current->sender) &&
			! is_driver(current->sender)) {
		fnd_message(current->receiver, current->bytecodes);
		current = current->sender;

/* fnd_message - find the message associated with an interpreter */
static fnd_message(receiver, bytecodes)
object *receiver, *bytecodes;
{	int i;
	class *oclass;
	object *messar, *temp;
	char buffer[100];

	oclass = (class *) fnd_class(receiver);

	messar = oclass->methods;
	for (i = 0; i < messar->size; i++) {
		if ((messar->inst_var[i])->inst_var[0] == bytecodes) {
			sprintf(buffer,"%s: backtrace. message  %s",
			sassign(temp, new_str(buffer));
			primitive(ERRPRINT, 1, &temp);

/* prnt_messages - print all the messages a class responds to.
	needed because the messages names array for some of the classes is
	created before ArrayedCollection, and thus some do not respond to
	do: */
class *aClass;
{	object *message_names;
	int i;

	message_names = aClass->message_names;
	for (i = 0; i < message_names->size; i++)
		primitive(SYMPRINT, 1, &message_names->inst_var[i]);
if test 4517 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/courier.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/courier.c'" '(should have been 4517 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'sources/disclaim'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sources/disclaim'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sources/disclaim'
	The source code for the Little Smalltalk System may be freely
	copied provided that the source of all files is acknowledged
	and that this condition is copied with each file.

	The Little Smalltalk System is distributed without responsibility
	for the performance of the program and without any guarantee of

	All questions concerning Little Smalltalk should be addressed to:

		Professor Tim Budd
		Department of Computer Science
		The University of Arizona
		Tucson, Arizona
if test 512 -ne "`wc -c < 'sources/disclaim'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'sources/disclaim'" '(should have been 512 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0