boyajian@akov68.DEC (JERRY BOYAJIAN) (02/01/86)
> From: whuxl!stu16 > Speaking of Lewis Padgett, back in the early 50s I > bought an book of short stories - A Gnome There Was - and > it contained a story by Padgett (I believe) titled > "When The Bough Breaks". In all our moves during the past > 30 odd years, some books were lost, that among them. Now, > where could I possibly get a copy. If not the book, then > maybe the story. Was it ever republished in another > anthology? Does anyone out there know? I hate to tell you this, but "When the Bough Breaks" did not appear in A GNOME THERE WAS (1950). Perhaps your confusion resulted from the fact that the story appeared along with the story "A Gnome There Was" in the collection LINE TO TOMORROW (1954). The latter has not had, to my knowledge, more than just the first (paperback) edition from Bantam Books. It *can* be found if you search the used-bookstores diligently enough. "When the Bough Breaks" can also be found in: THE ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION ANTHOLOGY, ed. John W. Campbell BEYOND TIME AND SPACE [hardcover edition only], ed. August Derleth TOMORROW'S CHILDREN, ed. Isaac Asimov --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, Acton-Nagog, MA) UUCP: {decvax|ihnp4|allegra|ucbvax|...} !decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-akov68!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%akov68.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM <"Bibliography is my business">