cliff@unmvax.UUCP (04/16/85)
Does anyone have this show with Jerry and Bobby on videotape? I am curious about the dialogue with Dave... Any interesting bits from the conversation worth transcribing to the net? --Cliff
ph28kc@sdcc12.UUCP (ph28kc) (04/18/85)
I think it was the Letterman show I saw, they (Bobby & Gerry) did an acoustic Monkey and the Engineer, and there was this one really great bit of dialogue I (mostly) remember: scene: Bob is just sort of grinning off into space, as he's been doing much of the interview, and Letterman is asking Gerry a question. Letterman: "Now your fans are often referred to as deadheads, is that a derogatory term ?" Bob: ( back from space for a second ) " If the head fits..." This is from memory, so it may have gone down a little bit differently, but at the time it had me rolling on the floor, as did most of the rest of the show. Sign me up for a copy if someone out there has it. -- Ken Cluff {decvax|dcdwest|ihnp4|ucbvax}!sdcsvax!sdcc3!sdcc12!ph28kc