[net.music.gdead] thanks

phil@osiris.UUCP (Philip Kos) (10/30/85)

Thanks to everyone who replied to my last posting.  We are indeed back
on the net, after verbally persuading the folks at aplcen to fix their
distribution code.

I still don't have any Richmond tickets, but I'll be there anyway, so
if any east coast heads are there, I'll be seeing you!

Phil Kos
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, MD					"Strawberry tart?!"
						"Well, it's got *some*
...!gamma!cp1	    \				  rat in it . . ."
...!decvax!decuac    \					- MPFC
...!unc!brl-bmd	     /\
...!allegra!umcp-cs /  \ !aplvax!osiris!phil