[net.music.gdead] Worcester 11/4/85

roy@WAIKATO.SCRC.Symbolics.COM (11/05/85)

From:  Roy Harkow <roy@WAIKATO.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>

	As you'll see from the songlist, the material was pretty 
standard stuff. It was exciting being really close, with many friends in the
first 8 rows.  First time I was close enough to see how important Phil really 
is to the group.  His jams with Jerry were wonderful.
	Interest was enhanced by the presence of (at least) 3 Boston Celtics 
members onstage:  Bill Walton, Larry Bird, and Kevin McHale. Walton was 
obviously getting into it and dancing around.   Bird and McHale seemed to be
standing rigid whenever I looked at them.  However, others said they saw McHale
dancing at times, and Bird smiling and singing along on Sugar Magnolia.  Somehow,
I just don't see Bill converting the NBA!

	El Songlist:
Alabama ->
Promised Land
West LA
El Paso
Must Have Been the Roses
Big Railroad
Music Never Stopped ->
Might as Well

China -> Rider
Playin' -> really spacey jam ->
Terrapin ->
Drums -> Space ->
Truckin' ->
Wharf Rat ->
Sugar Mag

Useless Blues