kimcm@diku.UUCP (Kim Christian Madsen) (07/22/85)
Today we have discovered a serious bug in phantasia, when obtaining the status as king, when you try to use some of the new options bestowed phantasia goes totally bananas... Statistics are circulating round and ends up with strength, energy = 0 and no way to get out of the program except stop the process and kill the job. I would very much appreciate any kind of help on fixing this bug, I hardly believe it's a feature (-; If it might be of any help we're running 4.2BSD UNIX. and the program is generated with the Makefile.noxst . -- Kim Chr. Madsen Datalogisk Institut (Institute of CS) University of Copenhagen {decvax,philabs,seismo}!mcvax!kimcm@diku.UUCP