[net.sources.games] search -- part 1 of 6

matt@oddjob.UUCP (Matt Crawford) (08/11/85)

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
echo x - search.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > search.c << '!xxENDITxx!'
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char rcsid[] = "$Header: search.c,v 2.4 85/08/06 19:20:08 matt Exp $";
X *
X * search
X *
X * multi-player and multi-system search and destroy.
X *
X * Original by Dave Pare	1983
X * Ported & improved
X *      by Matt Crawford	1985
X *
X * The player process.  Search tries to connect to the daemon
X * via either a "tcp" internet socket (to another machine) or
X * a "stream" local socket.  It gathers data about the player
X * and sends it along to the daemon.
X *
X * termcap routines taken from the original "slave.c"
X *
X * Copyright (c) 1983
X *
X * $Log:	search.c,v $
X * Revision 2.4  85/08/06  19:20:08  matt
X * Must byte-swap [htons()] a non-standard port number.
X * 
X * Revision 2.3  85/07/31  23:57:30  matt
X * Detect the socket shutdown properly.
X * 
X * Revision 2.2  85/04/11  16:41:20  matt
X * Damn the padding, full speed ahead!
X * 
X * Revision 2.1  85/04/10  17:31:47  matt
X * Major de-linting and minor restructuring.
X * 
X * Revision 1.6  85/02/25  14:20:03  matt
X * Make the select() poll be a real poll and the wait be a
X * longer wait.
X * 
X * Revision 1.5  85/02/10  01:20:36  matt
X * Had to double a backslash in the advisory message.
X * 
X * Revision 1.4  85/02/09  23:50:13  matt
X * Eliminated the dependence on the value of the mask after
X * select() times out.  Use the return value to distinguish
X * a timeout!!
X * 
X * Revision 1.3  84/07/08  17:04:24  matt
X * Added Log
X * 
X * Revision 1.2  84/07/07  18:16:34  matt
X * Put player.speed into network byte order just before sending the
X * player structure (t_file) to the daemon.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sgtty.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <pwd.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#include <errno.h>
X#include <sys/socket.h>
X#include <sys/un.h>
X#ifdef INET
X#include <netinet/in.h>
X#include <netdb.h>
X#include "defines.h"
X#include "structs.h"
Xextern	char *ttyname();
Xextern	int errno;
Xint	locked = 0;		/* for the signal handler - sockets made yet? */
Xstruct	sgttyb savebuf;		/* for saving the term capabilities */
Xint	line;			/* the line discipline (for the tty) */
Xint	dtabsiz;		/* how many fd's does YOUR system allow? */
Xint	fd;			/* the terminal - opened from "/dev/tty" */
Xt_file	player;			/* who are we, what does our term look like */
Xint	sock;			/* socket to daemon */
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X	void	fatal();
X	int	reset();
X	char	*strcpy(),
X		*strncpy();
X	register int cc;		/* returned from all sorts of calls */
X	register int i;			/* general purpose register */
X	register int sockmask;
X	register int stdinmask;
X	char	buf[4096];		/* misc buffer for i/o */
X	int	mask;			/* masks used in select() calls */
X	struct	sgttyb sgbuf;		/* used to set modes - cbreak, etc */
X	struct	timeval timeout;	/* time outs for select calls */
X	int	save_mask;		/* don't calculate mask each time */
X	char	*tmp;
X	struct	passwd *pwd;		/* our user's /etc/passwd entry */
X	struct	sockaddr loc_addr;	/* local socket address */
X#ifdef INET
X	int	to_in;			/* to internet (connection) */
X	char	hostname[32];		/* name of our host (that we're on */
X	char	shortname[32];		/* the shortest name for this host */
X	struct	servent *serv;		/* returned by getservbyname() */
X	struct	hostent *host;		/* returned by gethostbyname() */
X	int	port_num;		/* port number if getservbyname fails */
X	struct	sockaddr_in in_addr;	/* inter-net socket address */
X	if (!isatty(0) || !isatty(1)) {
X		printf("search: must be played from a terminal");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X#ifdef INET
X	if (argc > 3) {
X		printf("usage: search [hostname] [portnum]\n");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	if (argc == 1) 
X		to_in = 0;
X	else
X		to_in = 1;
X	if (argc == 3)
X		port_num = atoi(argv[2]);
X	else
X		port_num = DEFAULT_IN_PORT;
X	dtabsiz = getdtablesize();
X	if (to_in) {
X		(void) gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
X		/*
X		 * find the shortest name for our local system
X		 */
X		host = gethostbyname(hostname);
X		tmp = host->h_name;
X		for (i=0; host->h_aliases[i]; i++)
X			if (strlen(tmp) > strlen(host->h_aliases[i]))
X				tmp = host->h_aliases[i];
X		(void) strcpy(shortname, tmp);
X		/*
X		 * now find the remote host
X		 */
X		host = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
X		if (host == NULL) {
X			printf("search: no such host \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
X			exit(1);
X		}
X		/*
X		 * get the service from /etc/services (525?)
X		 */
X		sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X		if (sock < 0) {
X			perror("socket");
X			exit(1);
X		}
X		serv = getservbyname("search", "tcp");
X		if (serv == NULL || argc == 3) {
X			if (serv == NULL)
X				fprintf(stderr,"no entry in /etc/services\n");
X			fprintf(stderr,"trying port %d\n", port_num);
X			fprintf(stderr,"use ^\\ if no game screen comes up!\n");
X			sleep(2);
X			in_addr.sin_port = htons(port_num);
X		} else
X			in_addr.sin_port = serv->s_port;
X		in_addr.sin_family = host->h_addrtype;
X		bcopy(host->h_addr, &in_addr.sin_addr, host->h_length);
X	} else {
X		sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X		if (sock < 0) {
X			perror("search, socket");
X			exit(1);
X		}
X		(void) strcpy(loc_addr.sa_data, SLOCK);
X	}
X	sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X	if (sock < 0) {
X		perror("search, socket");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	(void) strcpy(loc_addr.sa_data, SLOCK);
X	/*
X	 * make it possible to get out-of-band messages on our favorite
X	 * socket.
X	 */
X	fcntl(sock, F_SETOWN, getpid());
X	/*
X	 * open our own tty for both reading & writing - makes it
X	 * much easier to do ioctls since we only have to do them on
X	 * the one fd now.
X	 *
X	 * it has been observed that running search as root occasionally
X	 * changes /dev/tty to 622
X	 */
X	fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR, 0);
X	if (fd < 0)
X		fatal("cannot open your tty\n");
X	/*
X	 * save the old term characteristics, and the line discipline
X	 */
X	ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, (char *)&savebuf);
X	if (ioctl(fd, TIOCGETD, (char *)&line) == -1)
X		fatal("cannot get line discipline\n");
X	/*
X	 * set all the signals - SIGURG is for out-of-band data
X	 * notification
X	 */
X	(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X	(void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
X	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGHUP, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGPIPE, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGURG, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
X	(void) signal(SIGSTOP, SIG_IGN);
X	/*
X	 * now set up the player structure for transmission to the
X	 * daemon.
X	 */
X	i = getuid();
X	pwd = getpwuid(i);
X	if (pwd == NULL) {
X		/* stolen from "talk" */
X		fprintf(stderr,"You don't exist.  Go away.\n");
X		reset(0);
X	}
X#ifdef INET
X	if (to_in)
X		(void) sprintf(player.p_name, "%s@%s", pwd->pw_name, shortname);
X	else
X		(void) strcpy(player.p_name, pwd->pw_name);
X	if (termcap(&player))
X		fatal("terminal unsuitable for play");
X	/*
X	 * Set up terminal modes for game
X	 */
X	line = NTTYDISC;
X	ioctl(fd, TIOCSETD, (char *)&line);
X	ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sgbuf);
X	sgbuf.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
X	sgbuf.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
X	ioctl(fd, TIOCSETP, (char *)&sgbuf);
X	locked++;
X	/*
X	 * now we connect to the daemon
X	 */
X#ifdef INET
X	if (to_in) {
X		/*
X		 * and connect to the foreign machine's search daemon
X		 */
X		if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&in_addr,
X						sizeof(in_addr))) {
X			printf("search: can't connect to %s's search daemon\n",
X				argv[1]);
X			reset(0);
X		}
X	} else {
X		/*
X		 * connect to the local search daemon thru the lock
X		 * file (usually /tmp/slock for historical reasons)
X		 */
X		if (connect(sock, &loc_addr, sizeof(loc_addr))) {
X			printf("search: no local search daemon running\n");
X			reset(0);
X		}
X	}
X	if (connect(sock, &loc_addr, sizeof(loc_addr))) {
X		printf("search: no local search daemon running\n");
X		reset(0);
X	}
X	locked++;
X	/*
X	 * transmit all the info we've gathered to the daemon
X	 */
X	player.p_speed = htonl(player.p_speed);
X	if (write(sock, (char *)&player, sizeof(t_file)) < sizeof(t_file)) {
X		perror("write");
X		fatal("bad connect on socket");
X	}
X	/*
X	 * set up all the stuff for the select loop
X	 */
X	sockmask = 1<<sock;
X	stdinmask = 1<<0;
X	save_mask = sockmask | stdinmask;
X	timeout.tv_sec = 30L;
X	timeout.tv_usec = 0L;
X	locked++;
X	/*
X	 * and loop until that out-of-band message arrives
X	 * (or some nasty error occurs)
X	 */
X	for (;;) {
X		mask = save_mask;
X		i = select(dtabsiz, &mask, NULLINT, NULLINT, &timeout);
X		if (i < 0) {
X			if (errno = EINTR)
X				continue;
X			perror("select");
X		}
X		/*
X		 * nope - no data waiting.  select() timed out.
X		 */
X		if (!i)
X			continue;
X		/*
X		 * data waiting on stdin (the keyboard).  read it in,
X		 * and send it to the daemon.
X		 */
X		if (mask & stdinmask) {
X			i = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf));
X			if (i <= 0) {
X				perror("read");
X				break;
X			}
X			cc = write(sock, buf, i);
X			if (cc < i) {
X				perror("write");
X				break;
X			}
X		}
X		/*
X		 * input waiting from the daemon - read it in and
X		 * write it to the screen (stdout).  it's a bunch
X		 * of screen/map updates!
X		 */
X		if (mask & sockmask) {
X			cc = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf));
X			/*
X			 * when you get zero characters from a socket that
X			 * had input waiting, it means that the socket was
X			 * closed down (from the other side)
X			 */
X			if (cc == 0)
X				reset(0);
X			if (cc < 0) {
X				if (errno == EINTR)
X					continue;
X				perror("socket read");
X				break;
X			}
X			cc = write(1, buf, cc);
X		}
X	}
X	fprintf(stderr,"the daemon died!\n");
X	reset(0);
Xint signum;
X	char	buf[1024];
X	struct	timeval delay;
X	int	mask;
X	int	i;
X	switch (locked) {
X		/*
X		 * disconnect from our socket (getting rid of the
X		 * gunk possibly leftover)
X		 */
X		case 3:
X		case 2:
X			mask = 1 << sock;
X			delay.tv_sec = delay.tv_usec = 0L;
X			shutdown(sock, 1);
X			i = select(dtabsiz, &mask, NULLINT, NULLINT, &delay);
X			if (i > 0) {
X				i = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf));
X				write(1, buf, i);
X			}
X			shutdown(sock, 2);
X			(void) close(sock);
X			/* fall through */
X		/*
X		 * set the term stuff back to normal
X		 */
X		case 1:
X			if (ioctl(fd, TIOCSETD, (char *)&line) == -1)
X				perror("tiocsetd");
X			ioctl(fd, TIOCSETP, (char *)&savebuf);
X			(void) close(fd);
X			break;
X		default:
X			break;
X	}
X	exit(signum);
Xfatal(fmt, arg)
Xchar *fmt;
Xint arg;
X	fprintf(stderr, "search: fatal error, ");
X	fprintf(stderr, fmt, arg);
X	(void) fputc('\n', stderr);
X	reset(0);
Xstatic	char	buf[1024], *bp = buf;
Xstruct	init {
X	char	*i_name;	/* termcap name */
X	char	*i_dest;	/* where to put the result */
X	short	i_size;		/* sizeof associated buffer */
X	short	i_pad;		/* padding flag: 0=no, 1=P, 2=P* */
X} list[] = {
X	{ "bc", player.p_BC, sizeof(player.p_BC), 0 },
X	{ "up", player.p_UP, sizeof(player.p_UP), 0 },
X	{ "cm", player.p_CM, sizeof(player.p_CM), 1 },
X	{ "ce", player.p_CE, sizeof(player.p_CE), 1 },
X	{ "cl", player.p_CL, sizeof(player.p_CL), 2 },
X	{ NULLCH, NULLCH, 0, 0 }
X * Build up the termcap description needed by searchd
X */
Xint termcap(p)
Xregister t_file *p;
X	register char	*cp;
X	register int	lines,	cols;
X	register struct init *pi = list;
X	char	*term,	tbuf[BUFSIZ];
X	void	getstring();
X	struct	sgttyb	sbuf;
X	extern	char	*getenv(),	*tgetstr();
X	ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sbuf);
X	p->p_speed = sbuf.sg_ospeed;
X	if ((term = getenv("TERM")) != NULL && tgetent(tbuf, term) > 0) {
X		if (cp = tgetstr("pc", &bp))
X			p->p_PC = *cp;
X		cols = tgetnum("co", &bp);
X		lines = tgetnum("li", &bp);
X		while (pi->i_size != 0) {
X			getstring(pi);
X			pi++;
X		}
X		return(*p->p_CM == '\0' || *p->p_CL == '\0' || cols < 80 ||
X		       lines < 24);
X	}
X	return(1);
X * Termcap support routine
X */
Xregister struct	init	*pi;
X	register char	*cp = tgetstr(pi->i_name, &bp);
X	if (cp == NULL)
X		return;
X	if ( pi->i_pad ) {
X		while ( index( "0123456789.", *cp ) )
X			cp++;
X		if ( pi->i_pad == 2 && *cp == '*' )
X			cp++;
X	}
X	if ( strlen(cp) >= pi->i_size )
X		fatal("%s string too long", pi->i_name);
X	(void) strncpy(pi->i_dest, cp , pi->i_size);
echo x - sscore.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > sscore.c << '!xxENDITxx!'
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char rcsid[] = "$Header: sscore.c,v 1.4 85/07/08 17:22:57 matt Exp $";
X *
X * search
X *
X * multi-player and multi-system search and destroy.
X *
X * Original by Dave Pare	1983
X * Ported & improved
X *      by Matt Crawford	1985
X *
X * program to sort and print the player scoreboard.
X *
X * I'm not even going to Copyright (c) this one!
X *
X * $Log:	sscore.c,v $
X * Revision 1.4  85/07/08  17:22:57  matt
X * prepare for preliminary distribution
X * 
X * Revision 1.3  84/07/08  17:04:42  matt
X * Added Log
X * 
X * Revision 1.2  84/07/08  15:37:52  matt
X * Test for denominator == 0, not numerator, when finding averages.
X * Changed the loop limits when sorting -- was getting core dumps on sun.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include "defines.h"
X#include "structs.h"
Xstruct totals {
X	char	ptname[20];	/* player name */
X	int	ptpoints;	/* total points */
X	int	pthits;		/* total player hits */
X	int	ptahits;	/* total alien hits */
X	int	ptkills;	/* total player kills */
X	int	ptkilled;	/* total times killed */
X	int	ptlast;		/* last game's score */
X	int	ptbest;		/* best score */
X	int	ptgames;	/* # games played */
X	int	average;	/* average score */
X} ;
Xstruct totals *malloc();
Xmain() {
X	register int i,
X		j,
X		found,
X		next;
X	register struct totals *lp;
X	int	pointfd;
X	struct	totals *list[2000];
X	long	number;
X	for (i=0; i<2000; i++)
X		list[i] = NULL;
X	if ((pointfd = open(POINTFILE, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
X		fatal("can't open points file %s", POINTFILE);
X	printf("%-17s %-5s %-8s %-7s %-7s %-5s %-6s %-5s %-5s %-4s\n",
X		"Player", "Games", "Total", "Hits(p)", "Hits(a)",
X		"Kills", "Killed", "Best", "Last", "Avg");
X	for (number=0; number<2000; number++) {
X		lp = malloc(sizeof(struct totals));
X		if (lp == NULL)
X			fatal("out of memory\n");
X		if (read(pointfd, lp, sizeof(t_totals)) <= 0) {
X			free(lp);
X			break;
X		}
X		if (lp->ptgames > 0)
X			lp->average = lp->ptpoints/lp->ptgames;
X		else
X			lp->average = 0;
X		list[number] = lp;
X	}
X	if ( number == 0 )
X	        exit(0);
X	found = 1;
X	for (i=number-1; i && found; i--) {
X		found = 0;
X		for (j=0, next=1; j<i; j++, next++) {
X			if (list[j]->average < list[next]->average) {
X				lp = list[j];
X				list[j] = list[next];
X				list[next] = lp;
X				found++;
X			}
X		}
X	}
X	for (i=0; i<2000; i++) {
X		lp = list[i];
X		if (lp == NULL || lp->ptpoints == 0)
X			continue;
X		printf("%-17s %-5d %-8d %-7d %-7d %-5d %-6d %-5d %-5d %-4d\n",
X			lp->ptname, lp->ptgames, lp->ptpoints, lp->pthits,
X			lp->ptahits, lp->ptkills, lp->ptkilled, lp->ptbest,
X			lp->ptlast, lp->average);
X	}
Xfatal(fmt, arg)
Xchar *fmt;
X	fprintf(stderr, "sscore:");
X	fprintf(stderr, fmt, arg);
X	fputc('\n', stderr);
X	exit(1);
echo x - searchwho.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > searchwho.c << '!xxENDITxx!'
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char rcsid[] = "$Header: searchwho.c,v 2.1 85/04/10 17:31:55 matt Stab $";
X *
X * searchwho
X *
X * multi-player and multi-system search and destroy.
X *
X * Original by Dave Pare	1983
X * Ported & improved
X *      by Matt Crawford	1985
X *
X * who is playing search
X *
X * Copyright (c) 1983
X *
X * $Log:	searchwho.c,v $
X * Revision 2.1  85/04/10  17:31:55  matt
X * Major de-linting and minor restructuring.
X * 
X * Revision 1.3  85/02/10  02:06:33  matt
X * Allow a port to be specified, as for search itself.
X * 
X * Revision 1.2  85/02/09  23:50:40  matt
X * Eliminated the dependence on the value of the mask after
X * select() times out.  Use the return value to distinguish
X * a timeout!!
X * 
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sgtty.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <pwd.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#include <errno.h>
X#include <sys/socket.h>
X#include <sys/un.h>
X#include "defines.h"
X#include "structs.h"
X#ifdef INET
X#include <netinet/in.h>
X#include <netdb.h>
Xstruct	servent	defserv = {
X	"search",
X	(char **)0,
X	"tcp"
Xextern	int errno;
Xint	dtabsiz;			/* how many fd's here? */
Xint	sock;				/* socket to daemon */
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X	void reset();
X	register int    cc;	/* returned from all sorts of calls */
X	register int    i;	/* general purpose register */
X	register int    sockmask;
X	register char   buf[4096];/* misc buffer for i/o */
X	int     mask;		/* masks used in select() calls */
X	struct timeval  timeout;/* time outs for select calls */
X	int     save_mask;	/* don't calculate mask each time */
X#ifdef INET
X	int     to_in;		/* flag: using internet */
X	char    hostname[32];	/* name of local host */
X	struct servent *serv;	/* returned by getservbyname() */
X	struct hostent *host;	/* returned by gethostbyname() */
X	struct sockaddr_in      in_addr;/* internet socket address */
X	int     first_time;	/* for printing header */
X	int     junk;
X	struct sockaddr loc_addr;/* local socket address */
X	dtabsiz = getdtablesize();
X#ifdef INET
X	if (argc > 3) {
X		printf("usage: searchwho [hostname [port]]\n");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	if (argc == 1)
X		to_in = 0;
X	else
X		to_in = 1;
X /* 
X  * set all the signals
X  */
X	(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X	(void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
X	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGHUP, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGPIPE, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGALRM, reset);
X	(void) signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
X	(void) signal(SIGSTOP, SIG_IGN);
X#ifdef INET
X	if (to_in) {
X	/* 
X	 * now find the remote host
X	 */
X		host = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
X		if (host == NULL) {
X			printf("%s: no such host \"%s\"\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
X			exit(1);
X		}
X	/* 
X	 * get the service from /etc/services (525?)
X	 */
X		sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X		if (sock < 0) {
X			perror("socket");
X			exit(1);
X		}
X		serv = getservbyname("search", "tcp");
X		if (serv == NULL)
X			fprintf(stderr, "%s: no entry in /etc/services\n",
X					argv[0]);
X		if (argc == 3)
X			defserv.s_port = atoi(argv[2]);
X		if (serv == NULL || argc == 3) {
X			serv = &defserv;
X			fprintf(stderr, "Assuming port %d\n", serv -> s_port);
X			defserv.s_port = (int)htons((u_short)defserv.s_port);
X		}
X		in_addr.sin_port = serv -> s_port;
X		in_addr.sin_family = host -> h_addrtype;
X		bcopy(host -> h_addr, &in_addr.sin_addr, host -> h_length);
X	/* 
X	 * and connect to the foreign machine's search daemon
X	 */
X		if (connect(sock, &in_addr, sizeof(in_addr))) {
X			printf("%s: can't connect to %s's search daemon\n",
X					argv[0], argv[1]);
X			exit(1);
X		}
X	} else {
X		sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X		if (sock < 0) {
X			perror("search, socket");
X			exit(1);
X		}
X		(void) strcpy(loc_addr.sa_data, SLOCK);
X	/* 
X	 * connect to the local search daemon thru the lock
X	 * file (usually /tmp/slock for historical reasons)
X	 */
X		if (connect(sock, &loc_addr, sizeof(loc_addr))) {
X			printf("no local search daemon running\n");
X			exit(1);
X		}
X	}
X	sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X	if (sock < 0) {
X		perror("search, socket");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	(void) strcpy(loc_addr.sa_data, SLOCK);
X /* 
X  * connect to the local search daemon thru the lock
X  * file (usually /tmp/slock for historical reasons)
X  */
X	if (connect(sock, &loc_addr, sizeof(loc_addr))) {
X		printf("no local search daemon running\n");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X /* 
X  * daemon knows that a 1 byte message 'w' is from "searchwho".
X  */
X	if (write(sock, "w", 1) != 1) {
X		perror("write");
X		printf("searchwho: bad connect on socket\n");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X /* 
X  * set up all the stuff for the select loop
X  */
X	sockmask = 1 << sock;
X	save_mask = sockmask;
X	timeout.tv_usec = 0L;
X	timeout.tv_sec = 3L;
X /* 
X  * just in case nobody's there
X  */
X	alarm(20);
X	first_time = 1;
X	for (;;) {
X		mask = save_mask;
X		i = select(dtabsiz, &mask, 0, 0, &timeout);
X		if (i < 0) {
X			if (errno = EINTR)
X				continue;
X			perror("select");
X		}
X	/* 
X	 * nope - no data waiting.  select() timed out.
X	 */
X		if (!i) {
X			printf("no data yet, we'll wait a bit longer...\n");
X			fflush(stdout);
X			continue;
X		}
X		if (!(sockmask & mask))
X			continue;
X	/* 
X	 * input waiting from the daemon - read it in and
X	 * write it to the screen (stdout).
X	 */
X		alarm (3);
X		if (fgets(buf, 80, &_iob[sock]) != NULL) {
X		/* 
X		 * when you get zero characters from a socket that
X		 * had input waiting, it means that the socket was
X		 * closed down (from the other side)
X		 */
X			if (first_time) {
X				if (strncmp(buf, "nobody", 6) != 0) {
X					printf("    username   points \n");
X					first_time = 0;
X				} else
X					puts(buf);
X			} else
X				puts(buf);
X			fflush(stdout);
X		} else
X			reset(0);
X		alarm(0);
X	}
X * reset disconnects us from any sockets we've connected to,
X * and shuts everything down nicely.
X */
Xvoid reset(signal)
Xint signal;
X	char	buf[1024];
X	struct	timeval delay;
X	int	mask;
X	int	i;
X	/*
X	 * disconnect from our socket (getting rid of the
X	 * gunk possibly leftover)
X	 */
X	mask = 1 << sock;
X	delay.tv_sec = 0L;
X	delay.tv_usec = 500L;
X	shutdown(sock, 1);
X	i = select(dtabsiz, &mask, 0, 0, &delay);
X	if (i > 0) {
X		i = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf));
X		write(1, buf, i);
X	}
X	shutdown(sock, 2);
X	(void) close(sock);
X	putchar('\n');
X	exit(0);
echo x - README
sed -e 's/^X//' > README << '!xxENDITxx!'
X                          Overview
XSearch is composed of two parts - the daemon, and the player.
XThe daemon does most of the work.  He waits in the wings until someone
Xconnects to one of his two sockets (/tmp/slock or internet port 525).
XThe action of connecting to one of the sockets wakes the daemon up,
Xand when the proper information is recieved the new player is accepted
Xinto the game.  A socket other than the default 525 may be specified
Xin /etc/services or as an argument to searchd.
XThis "request to play" is generated by the player process "search".
XIf search is invoked without an argument, it is assumed that the
Xplayer simply wishes to play on the local machine, and connects
Xthe player to the local (AF_UNIX) socket "/tmp/slock".  An argument
Xto search is considered to be a remote hostname the player wants to
Xplay on.  Search will attempt to connect to that host's search
Xdaemon and to join play in the remote game.  A port other than the
Xone specified in /etc/services may be given to search as a second
XInstallation instructions:
X0.  If search is being installed by a non-superuser you will have to
Xmake a few changes to the procedure below.  You must change the path
Xnames of the game and score file to something appropriate and also
Xchoose an internet port number which is not in the reserved range.
XSee the variables LIBDIR, OWNER, GROUP and ROOT in the Makefile.
XThe search daemon will have to be given this port number as an argument
Xand the users will have to give it as an argument to search itself.
X(You could instead just change DEFAULT_IN_PORT in defines.h if you
Xare putting up search as a non-su on a local network.  All of this
Xabout port numbers is of course irrelevant if you do not use -DINET.)
X1.  Decide if you wish to have the internet feature of search.
XThis is the feature that allows people from other machines
Xto play search without having to do a remote login, etc.
XIf you decide that this is a bad thing, or you don't have network
Xsoftware (i.e. no network), remove the -DINET from the Makefile.
X2.  Compile all of the modules by running "make".  If you're really
Xrunning 4.2 BSD it should all work correctly.
X3.  Run "make install", which will create all the score files,
Xand move everything to its proper location.  The daemon must have
Xread and write access to the score files, (if not run as root at
Xboot time).
X4.  If you would like the search daemon to be started at boot time
Xas are the other system daemons, place an entry in /etc/rc.local
Xthat looks like this:
Xif [ -f /etc/searchd ]; then
X	echo -n ' searchd'					>/dev/console
X	/etc/searchd
X(Note that if your system clears /tmp AFTER starting searchd, the
XAF_UNIX socket /tmp/slock will be deleted.  The default Vax 4.2
X/etc/rc will do this!)
X5.  If you are using the "internet" feature of search, add an entry
Xto /etc/services that looks like this:
Xsearch		525/tcp	searchd		# inter-machine search
XMake quite sure that this entry number (525) is not being used on
Xyour system for any other purpose (i.e. no other entries with the
Xsame number).
XHow Search Works.
XThe entire i/o of the game is transmitted over stream socket lines.
XThe screen output comes from the daemon, through the stream socket
Xto the player, and then to the screen.  The commands come from the
Xplayer to the daemon via that same stream socket.  There is one
Xconnection (i.e. one file descriptor at each end) per player in the
Xgame.  This means that the upper limit on the number of search players
Xdepends on the maximum number of files open at once.
XScore is kept by the daemon, and the score file is updated by it
Xalso.  This results in a slight delay when a player exits the
Xgame, but since the players can come from remote machines, it is
Xnecessary that the daemon do the score file updates.
XShould the daemon terminate for any reason, it is possible to look
Xin a file of errors that the daemon keeps.  While many of the entries
Xin this file will not be errors, it should give some sort of reason
Xwhy it died.  This file is (on our system) "/usr/games/lib/search/errlog".
XIf it at any time becomes necessary to kill the daemon, please do
Xso with "kill -INT pid", as this will let the daemon "clean up"
Xafter itself.
XBe warned that with medium to high load averages, playing is extremely
Xpoor since screen updates come more and more slowly.  It's been my
Xexperience that search is only playable when the load is below 6
X(on a vax 780) or below 4 (on a 750).  Failing this, you can always
Xhave some friendly super-user renice the daemon, and then have fun!
XAlso be warned that playing search at low baud rates gives the player a
Xgreat disadvantage, since the screen output comes in faster than
Xit can be displayed.  Under the current version this will cause jerky
Xresponse for all players as the daemon's writes begin to block.  If
Xyou access a michine over a network, and then play search over the
Xnetwork, all I/O will get repackaged at each step and it can get
Xhard to hit your target.  As a handicap for good players, the use
Xof several rlogin links is possible.
XMost of the '#' aliens have been removed from the game (to increase
Xperformance), but left most of the shankers '@' in (since they shoot
Xback).  For those of you that remember the old game, there is no such
Xthing as a "virgin" in this version, neither does the program keep
Xtrack of the "scab" status from game to game.
XThe score file print routine is unbelieveably primitive (compared with
Xthe original Greg Ordy cranked out).  Scores are kept by the name
Xof the player - if from a remote machine, that machine's name is also
XSome code was put in the exit routines to try and keep "LAST_ACK"
Xand "FIN_WAIT_2"'s to a minimum (see the command "netstat").  Otherwise,
Xall entrances and exits from search invariably generated LAST_ACK's
Xand FIN_WAIT_2's (which look really messy).  There is a one line kernel
Xfix that gets rid of most of them, but offhand I don't remember what
Xit is (I know, big help).
XPorting Search
XSearch depends heavily on the 4.2 inter-process communication scheme.
XPorting to other operating systems will be major work.  (Volunteers?)
XSearch uses functions with variable numbers of arguments but does *NOT*
Xuse varargs.h yet.  Since it runs on Pyramids as is, this is a low
Xpriority.  Most of the other lint has been removed.  Search also needs
Xsigned chars.  When we bump into a system which doesn't have them,
Xsomething will have to change.  Search uses temcap but not curses.
XPadding is totally punted.  If you need to put padding in, look in
XIf you have bugs or suggestions, send them to /dev/null.
XJust kidding.  Send them to Matt at the address below.
XDave Pare <ucbvax!sdcsvax!mr-frog> or <ihnp4!sdamos!mr-frog>
XApril 1984
XAmended by
XMatt Crawford	<ihnp4!oddjob!matt> or <crawford@anl-mcs.arpa> or
X		<matt@uchicago.csnet> or <x1.crawford@uchicago.bitnet>
XJuly/August 1985