[net.sources.games] search -- part 3 of 6

matt@oddjob.UUCP (Matt Crawford) (08/11/85)

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
echo x - main.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > main.c << '!xxENDITxx!'
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char rcsid[] = "$Header: main.c,v 2.2 85/08/06 22:26:37 matt Exp $";
X *
X * search
X *
X * multi-player and multi-system search and destroy.
X *
X * Original by Greg Ordy	1979
X * Rewrite by Sam Leffler	1981
X * Socket code by Dave Pare	1983
X * Ported & improved
X *      by Matt Crawford	1985
X *
X * main game iteration loop
X *
X * Copyright (c) 1979
X *
X * $Log:	main.c,v $
X * Revision 2.2  85/08/06  22:26:37  matt
X * Victims lose 20% of their points to their killers.
X * 
X * Change handling of messages to provide echo of text.
X * (per hastings@navajo)
X * 
X * Revision 2.1  85/04/10  17:31:23  matt
X * Major de-linting and minor restructuring.
X * 
X * Revision 1.6  85/02/11  15:02:50  matt
X * Inform new player that game is in GUTS mode
X * 
X * Revision 1.5  85/02/11  12:46:33  matt
X * fixed spelling of "bonzai"
X * 
X * Revision 1.4  85/02/11  12:43:54  matt
X * added GUTS mode
X * 
X * Revision 1.3  85/02/10  19:18:59  matt
X * Added more realistic orbiting.
X * 
X * Revision 1.2  85/02/09  23:49:49  matt
X * Eliminated the dependence on the value of the mask after
X * select() times out.  Use the return value to distinguish
X * a timeout!!
X * 
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sgtty.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
X#include <errno.h>
X#include <sys/socket.h>
X#include <netinet/in.h>
X#include <sys/un.h>
X#include <netdb.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#include "defines.h"
X#include "structs.h"
X * Major data bases
X */
Xt_torps		torps[NTORP];		/* torpedoes data base */
Xt_sbase		sbase[NBASE];		/* star bases data base */
Xt_planet	planet;			/* planet data base */
Xt_alien		alien[NALIEN];		/* aliens data base */
Xt_burst		bursts[NBURST];		/* shrapnel data base */
Xt_player	player[NPLAYER];	/* players */
Xint		dtabsiz;		/* descriptor table size */
Xint		pfd;			/* playerfile fd */
Xint		loc_sock;		/* local socket */
Xint		errfile;		/* error log file */
Xint		nplayer;		/* # of players currently in game */
Xint		nobody;			/* is anybody playing? */
X#ifdef INET
Xint		in_sock;		/* internet socket */
Xt_player	*whoscab;		/* identity of current scab */
Xint		TDIST;			/* max distance a torpedo can go */
Xchar		xxi;
Xchar		yyi;
Xchar		ppx;			/* planet x-coord */
Xchar		ppy;			/* planet y-coord */
Xchar		dx;
Xchar		dy;
Xlong		ptime;			/* search playing time counter */
Xextern		int errno;
X * Solar flare stuff
X */
Xint		sfcount;		/* solar flare timer */
Xint		sfflag;			/* solar flare in progress */
Xint		gutsflag;		/* playing in guts mode */
Xint		numbnode;
Xstruct plist	*avl;
Xt_player	*wholist;
Xchar		visual[NPLAYER][NPLAYER];/* group visibility matrix */
Xstruct		timeval tim_inp;
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar  *argv[];
X	extern	t_player *newplayer();
X	extern	void	apilot(),
X			autopi(),
X			bcast(),
X			bflush(),
X			cput(),
X			dock(),
X			done(),
X			enteritem(),
X			facts(),
X			fnode(),
X			gathermsg(),
X			groupm(),
X			home(),
X			init(),
X			initplayer(),
X			invisible(),
X			joing(),
X			launch(),
X			lookg(),
X			magnif(),
X			makeburst(),
X			makeflare(),
X			makescab(),
X			movealien(),
X			moveburst(),
X			nuke(),
X			orbit(),
X			orbmove(),
X			outgame(),
X			phaser(),
X			pmesg(),
X			prompt(),
X			pstatus(),
X			quitg(),
X			rmsg(),
X			seeall(),
X			seescab(),
X			sethome(),
X			set_delay(),
X			uplst(),
X			xploit();
X	register t_player *p;
X	register t_player *pl;
X	register t_alien *pa;
X	register t_burst *pb;
X	register t_sbase *ps;
X	register t_torps *pt;
X	t_player *np;
X	char	x, y;
X	int	mf;
X	int	gutsvote;
X	char	buf[255];
X	char	xx, yy, c;
X	int	port_num = DEFAULT_IN_PORT;
X	int	nfds;
X	int	mask;
X	int	save_mask;
X	dtabsiz = getdtablesize();
X#ifdef INET
X	if (argc > 2) {
X		printf("searchd: arg count error\n");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	if (argc == 2)
X		port_num = atoi(argv[1]);
X#ifndef DEBUG
X	if (fork())
X		exit(0);
X	{ int s;
X	  for (s = 0; s < dtabsiz; s++)
X		(void) close(s);
X	  (void) open("/", 0);
X	  (void) dup2(0, 1);
X	  (void) dup2(0, 2);
X	  s = open("/dev/tty", 2);
X	  if (s >= 0) {
X		(void)ioctl(s, TIOCNOTTY, NULLCH);
X		(void)close(s);
X	  }
X	}
X	/*
X	 * set up data bases
X	 */
X	init();
X	/*
X	 * set up sockets: port number doesn't matter
X	 * if INET isn't defined
X	 */
X	if (!initsocks(port_num))
X		exit(1);
X	/*
X	 * block indefinitely until the first player enters the game
X	 * then start the player loop
X	 */
X	save_mask = 0;
X#ifdef INET
X	save_mask = 01<<loc_sock | 01<<in_sock;
X	save_mask = 01<<loc_sock;
X	nobody = 1;
X	/*
X	 * Main loop -- works in a hard run polling the input socket
X	 * of each player.  Each turn around the loop defines a time
X	 * unit in search.
X	 */
X	for (;;) {
X		ptime++;		/* time marches on ... */
X		if (--sfcount == 0) {	/* ring a ding, time for a flare */
X			makeflare();
X			NALIENS = NALIEN-nplayer;
X		}
X		/*
X		 * if nobody's playing, wait until someone generates
X		 * some sort of request
X		 */
X		if (nobody || !nplayer) {
X			gutsflag = FALSE;
X			tim_inp.tv_usec = 0L;
X			tim_inp.tv_sec = 3600L;
X			do {
X				mask = save_mask;
X				nfds = select(dtabsiz, &mask, NULLINT, NULLINT, &tim_inp);
X			} while (nfds == 0);
X			tim_inp.tv_sec = 0L;
X			nobody = 0;
X		}
X		if ((ptime % 16) == 0) {
X			np = newplayer(save_mask);
X			if (np != NULL) {
X				nplayer++;
X				initplayer(np);
X				sprintf(buf, "new player %s\n", np->plname);
X				errlog(buf);
X				for (p = player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++)
X					if (p->status.alive == TRUE && p != np)
X						pmesg(p, "From scanners-- NEW PLAYER");
X				if (gutsflag)
X					pmesg(np, "This game is in GUTS mode");
X			}
X		} else
X			set_delay();
X		/*
X		 * Command scanning loop...
X		 */
X		nobody = 0;
X		gutsvote = !gutsflag;
X		for (p = player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++) {
X			if (p->status.alive == FALSE) {
X				nobody++;
X				continue;
X			}
X			gutsvote = gutsflag ? gutsvote || p->status.guts
X					    : gutsvote && p->status.guts;
X			if (p->status.ap == TRUE)	/* update autopilot */
X				apilot(p);
X			if (p->status.orb == TRUE)	/* update orbiting */
X				orbmove(p);
X			x = p->offx;
X			y = p->offy;
X			if (!p->ninput)
X				if (pinput(p) < 0)
X					continue;
X			if (p->ninput <= 0)
X				goto constvel;
X			c = (*p->pinputq++)&0177;
X			p->ninput--;
X			/*
X			 * Two letter commands (e.g. launch torpedo) are
X			 *  marked as a command pending, so that when the
X			 *  second char comes in it can be processed entirely.
X			 */
X			if (p->cmdpend > 0) {
X				switch (p->cmd) {
X				case 'h': 
X					home(p, c);
X					break;
X				case '5':
X				case 't': 
X					p->status.ap = FALSE;
X					launch((thing *)p, c, PLAYER, x, y,
X						1, p->curx, p->cury, 0);
X					break;
X				case 'g':
X					groupm(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'q':
X					quitg(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'n':
X					nuke(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'j':
X					joing(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 's': 
X					sethome(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'b': 
X					bcast(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'a': 
X					autopi(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'r': 
X					rmsg(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'm': 
X					magnif(p, c);
X					break;
X				case 'Q':
X					if (c != 'Y' && c != 'y') {
X						p->cmd = p->cmdpend = 0;
X						prompt(p, "");
X						goto constvel;
X					}
X					done(p);
X					break;
X				}
X				goto constvel;
X			}
X			switch (c) {
X			case 'e': 
X				if (p->energy != p->preve) {
X					cput(EGYDATA, p, "%d", p->energy);
X					p->preve = p->energy;
X				}
X				break;
X			case 'p': 
X				if (p->points != p->prevp) {
X					cput(PTDATA, p, "%d", p->points);
X					p->prevp = p->points;
X				}
X				break;
X			case 'f': 
X				facts(p);
X				break;
X			case 'l':
X				lookg(p);
X				break;
X			case 'x': 
X				xploit(p);
X				break;
X			case '0': 
X				if (p->whocent == 0)
X					break;
X				if (isalien(p->whocent)) {
X					pa = (t_alien *)p->whocent;
X					/*
X					 * Register a hit on an alien
X					 */
X					pa->hit++;
X					if (pa->hit > 25)
X						pa->stats = DEAD;
X					pa->cix = -1;
X					pa->ciy = (rand()%3)-1;
X					p->points = p->points+4;
X					write(p->socket, "\007", 1);
X				}
X				break;
X			case 'i': 
X				invisible(p);
X				break;
X			case 'c': 
X				cput(TMDATA, p, "%d", (int)ptime);
X				break;
X			case 'o': 
X				orbit(p);
X				x = p->offx;
X				y = p->offy;
X				break;
X			case 'z': 
X				seescab(p);
X				break;
X			case 'd': 
X				dock(p);
X				break;
X			case 'v': 
X				cput(VLDATA, p, "%d %d", p->offx, p->offy);
X				break;
X			case 'G':
X				p->status.guts = TRUE;
X				break;
X			case 'W':
X				p->status.guts = FALSE;
X				break;
X			case '\014':	/* ^L */
X			case '@': 
X				fnode(p->plstp);
X				initplayer(p);
X				break;
X			case 'Q':
X				prompt(p, "Really quit?");
X				goto savecmd;
X			case 'q':
X			case 'j':
X				prompt(p, "enter group members");
X				goto savecmd;
X			case 'b':
X			case 'g':
X				gathermsg(p);
X				/*FALL THRU*/
X			case 'r':
X			case 'h':
X			case 't':
X			case 'a':
X			case 'm':
X			case 's':
X			case 'n':
X			case '5':
X			savecmd:
X				p->cmdpend++;
X				p->cmd = c;
X				break;
X			default: 
X				goto vel;
X			}
X			goto constvel;
X		vel: 
X			/*
X			 * Velocity changes handled here...
X			 */
X			p->status.ap = p->status.orb = FALSE;
X			switch (c) {
X			case NO: 
X				y--;
X				break;
X			case NE: 
X				x++;
X				y--;
X				break;
X			case EA: 
X				x++;
X				break;
X			case SE: 
X				x++;
X				y++;
X				break;
X			case SO: 
X				y++;
X				break;
X			case SW: 
X				x--;
X				y++;
X				break;
X			case WE: 
X				x--;
X				break;
X			case NW: 
X				x--;
X				y--;
X				break;
X			default:
X				goto constvel;
X			}
X			p->offx = x;
X			p->offy = y;
X			cput(VLDATA, p, "%d %d", p->offx, p->offy);
X	constvel:
X			/*
X			 * Update energy total for player:
X			 *  standing still adds one unit/iteration
X			 *  magnification costs energy proportional to M-factor
X			 *  velocity > 1 in any direction costs one unit/iter
X			 *  invisibility costs INCOST/iteration
X			 */
X			p->curx = p->curx+x;
X			p->cury = p->cury+y;
X			if ((x > 1 || x < -1) || (y > 1 || y < -1))
X				p->energy--;
X			if (x == 0 && y == 0)
X				p->energy++;
X			if (p->mflg > 1)
X				p->energy -= p->mflg;
X			if (p->status.invis == TRUE)
X				p->energy = p->energy-INCOST;
X			if (p->energy > p->maxe)
X				p->energy = p->maxe;
X			if (p->energy <= 0)
X				outgame(p);
X			if (p->status.crash == TRUE) {
X				pstatus(p, "Crash into planet--all is lost!!");
X				if (p->points >= 50)
X					p->points -= 50;
X				p->status.killed = TRUE;
X				done(p);
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Update energy display only every 16 iterations --
X			 *  otherwise, it would be constantly updated at
X			 *  great expense
X			 */
X			if (p->energy != p->preve && (ptime&017) == 0) {
X				cput(EGYDATA, p, "%d", p->energy);
X				p->preve = p->energy;
X			}
X			if (p->points != p->prevp) {
X				cput(PTDATA, p, "%d", p->points);
X				p->prevp = p->points;
X			}
X		}
X		if (nobody < NPLAYER)
X			nobody = 0;
X		if (gutsvote && !gutsflag)
X			seeall("\07Entering GUTS mode-- beware!");
X		else if (gutsflag && !gutsvote)
X			for (p = player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++)
X				if (p->status.alive == TRUE)
X					pmesg(p, "Entering WIMP mode");
X		gutsflag = gutsvote;
X		moveburst();
X		/*
X		 * Update the state of the aliens...
X		 */
X		for (pa = alien; pa < &alien[NALIEN]; pa++) {
X			if (pa->stats == DEAD)
X				continue;
X			if (pa->type == WANDER) {
X				pa->count--;
X				/* time to change direction */
X				if (pa->count == 0) {
X					pa->cix = (rand()%3)-1;
X					pa->ciy = (rand()%3)-1;
X					pa->count = (rand()%50)+30;
X				}
X			}
X			/* shankers "dance" */
X			if (pa->type == SHANK && pa->aname == NAMESH)
X				movealien(pa);
X			else {
X				pa->cx = pa->cx + pa->cix;
X				pa->cy = pa->cy + pa->ciy;
X			}
X		}
X		/*
X		 * Update motion of torpedoes
X		 */
X		for (pt = torps; pt < &torps[NTORP]; pt++) {
X			if (pt->owner == 0)
X				continue;
X			pt->torx += pt->xinc;
X			pt->tory += pt->yinc;
X			pt->tcount--;
X			/*
X			 * Check for alien hits
X			 */
X			for (pa = alien; pa < &alien[NALIEN]; pa++) {
X				if (pa->stats == DEAD)
X					continue;
X				if (pa->cx == pt->torx && pa->cy == pt->tory) {
X					/* shot by a shanker */
X					if(isalien(pt->owner))
X						continue;
X					pa->hit++;
X					if (pa->hit > 25) {
X						makeburst(pa->cx, pa->cy);
X						pa->stats = DEAD;
X					}
X					pl = (t_player *)pt->owner;
X					/* 6 points for any hit on an alien */
X					pl->points += 6;
X					pl->ahits++;
X					/* X-aliens are worth 20 points */
X					if (pa->type == WANDER)
X						pl->points += 20;
X					/*
X					 * move off in a random direction
X					 *  after a hit
X					 */
X					pa->cix = (rand()%3)-1;
X					pa->ciy = (rand()%3)-1;
X					if (pa->cix == 0 && pa->ciy == 0)
X						pa->cix = pa->ciy = 1;
X					/*
X					 * Hit a shanker -- they fight back
X					 */
X					if (pa->type == SHANK) {
X						pa->aname = NAMESH;
X						pa->whotoget = pt->owner;
X						pl->points += 20;
X						pa->count = 0;
X						pmesg(pl, "From a shanker-- bonzai!");
X					}
X					pstatus(pl, "\007Torpedo hit on alien!");
X					pt->owner = 0;
X				}
X			}
X			if (pt->tcount == 0)
X				pt->owner = 0;
X		}
X		/*
X		 * Main screen update loop...
X		 */
X		for (p = player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++) {
X			if (p->status.alive == FALSE)
X				continue;
X			wholist = p;
X			x = p->curx;
X			y = p->cury;
X			mf = p->mflg;
X			p->whocent = 0;
X			dx = x-ppx;
X			dy = y-ppy;
X			/*
X			 * Display any portion of Quartone visible
X			 */
X			if (dx > -18 && dx < 18 && dy > -10 && dy < 10) {
X				register int pp;
X				for (pp = 0; pp != 17; pp++) {
X					dx = planet.places[pp][0];
X					dy = planet.places[pp][1];
X					if (!onscreen (dx, dy, x, y))
X						continue;
X					if (dx == x && dy == y)
X						p->status.crash = TRUE;
X					xx = (dx-x)/mf+XWIND;
X					yy = (dy-y)/mf+YWIND;
X					enteritem(xx, yy, NAMEP);
X				}
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Shrapnel around?
X			 */
X			for (pb = bursts; pb < &bursts[NBURST]; pb++) {
X				if (pb->cbactive == 0)
X					continue;
X				dx = x-pb->cbx;
X				dy = y-pb->cby;
X				if (dx > -21 && dx < 21 && dy > -13 && dy < 13) {
X					register int is;
X					for (is = 0; is != 9; is++) {
X						dx = pb->shrap[is][0];
X						dy = pb->shrap[is][1];
X						if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
X							continue;
X						if (!onscreen (dx, dy, x, y))
X							continue;
X						/* a piece hit -- mark it */
X						if (dx == x && dy == y)
X							p->status.bur = TRUE;
X						xx = (dx-x)/mf+XWIND;
X						yy = (dy-y)/mf+YWIND;
X						enteritem(xx, yy, '.');
X					}
X				}
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Any star bases visible?
X			 */
X			for (ps = sbase; ps < &sbase[NBASE]; ps++) {
X				if (!onscreen (ps->xpos, ps->ypos, x, y))
X					continue;
X				if (ps->xpos == x && ps->ypos == y)
X					p->whocent = (thing *)ps;
X				xx = (ps->xpos-x)/mf+XWIND;
X				yy = (ps->ypos-y)/mf+YWIND;
X				enteritem(xx, yy, '*');
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Show other players -- take care of groups
X			 */
X			for (pl = player; pl < &player[NPLAYER]; pl++) {
X				register int shift;
X				if (pl == p)
X					continue;
X				if (pl->status.alive == FALSE)
X					continue;
X				if (!onscreen (pl->curx, pl->cury, x, y))
X					continue;
X				if (pl->status.invis == TRUE) {
X					if (!visual[pl-player][p-player])
X						continue;
X					shift = 'a'-'A';
X				} else
X					shift = 0;
X				if (pl->curx == x && pl->cury == y) {
X					p->whocent = (thing *)pl;
X					pl->whocent = (thing *)p;
X				}
X				xx = (pl->curx-x)/mf+XWIND;
X				yy = (pl->cury-y)/mf+YWIND;
X				c = (pl-player)+'A'+shift;
X				enteritem(xx, yy, c);
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Show visible aliens...
X			 */
X			for (pa = alien; pa < &alien[NALIEN]; pa++) {
X				if (pa->stats == DEAD)
X					continue;
X				if (!onscreen (pa->cx, pa->cy, x, y))
X					continue;
X				if (pa->cx == x && pa->cy == y)
X					p->whocent = (thing *)pa;
X				xx = (pa->cx-x)/mf+XWIND;
X				yy = (pa->cy-y)/mf+YWIND;
X				enteritem(xx, yy, pa->aname);
X				if (pa->type == SHANK && (t_player *)(pa->whotoget) == p)
X					pa->onscr = ON;
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Track torpedoes...
X			 */
X			for (pt = torps; pt < &torps[NTORP]; pt++) {
X				if (pt->owner == 0)
X					continue;
X				if (!onscreen (pt->torx, pt->tory, x, y))
X					continue;
X				if (pt->torx == x && pt->tory == y)
X					p->whocent = (thing *)pt;
X				xx = (pt->torx-x)/mf+XWIND;
X				yy = (pt->tory-y)/mf+YWIND;
X				enteritem(xx, yy, '+');
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Update the display -- attempts minimal changes
X			 */
X			uplst();
X			if (p->offx != 0)
X				cput(POS1DATA, p, "%d", p->curx); 
X			if (p->offy != 0)
X				cput(POS2DATA, p, "%d", p->cury);
X			if (p->status.bur == TRUE) {	/* shrapnel damage */
X				pmesg(p, "From damage control-- Shrapnel!!");
X				cput(INDATA, p, "off");
X				p->status.bur = FALSE;
X				p->status.invis = FALSE;
X				p->energy -= SHRAPCOST;
X				if (p->energy < 0)
X					p->energy = 0;
X				p->maxe -= SHRAPCOST;
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Check for damage
X			 */
X			if (isalien(p->whocent) && ((t_alien *)p->whocent)->type == WANDER) {
X				/*
X				 * X-alien collision
X				 */
X				p->maxe = p->maxe-15;
X				if (p->energy > p->maxe)
X					p->energy = p->maxe;
X				pmesg(p, "From engine room-- Collision!!");
X			}
X			/*
X			 * Torpedo hit, and not in orbit
X			 */
X			if (istorp(p->whocent) &&
X			    (gutsflag || p->status.orb == FALSE)) {
X				pt = (t_torps *)p->whocent;
X				/*
X				 * If it's a shanker, let it get back to
X				 *  wandering -- it's done its job
X				 */
X				if (isalien(pt->owner)) {
X					phaser((t_alien *)pt->owner, p);
X					pt->owner = 0;
X					continue;
X				}
X				/*
X				 * Torpedo hit by a player
X				 */
X				pl = (t_player *)pt->owner;
X				if (pl == p) {
X					pt->owner = 0;
X					pmesg(p, "From damage control-- SELF HIT!!!");
X					p->points -= 75;
X					if (p->points < 0)
X						p->points = 0;
X					continue;
X				}
X				pt->owner = 0;
X				pstatus(pl, "\007Hit on %c", (p-player)+'A');
X				pstatus(p, "\007Torpedo damage suffered!");
X				pl->points += 50;
X				pl->phits++;
X				p->maxe -= 50;
X				if (p->energy > p->maxe)
X					p->energy = p->maxe;
X				if (p->maxe <= 0) {
X					int	booty = p->points / 5;
X					pmesg(p, "From damage control-- FATAL HIT!");
X					pmesg(pl, "From navigation-- TOTAL DESTRUCTION!");
X					pl->points += 5 + booty;
X					pl->pkills++;
X					p->points -= booty;
X					/*
X					 * Time for a new scab??
X					 */
X					if ((pl->pkills%4) == 0)
X						makescab(pl);
X					makeburst(p->curx, p->cury);
X					p->status.killed = TRUE;
X					done(p);
X				}
X			}
X		}
X		/*
X		 * trying to minimize the number of writes to the sockets.
X		 */
X		for (p = player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++) {
X			if (p->status.alive == TRUE)
X				bflush(p);
X		}
X	}
echo x - ipc.c
sed -e 's/^X//' > ipc.c << '!xxENDITxx!'
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char rcsid[] = "$Header: ipc.c,v 2.1 85/04/10 17:31:13 matt Stab $";
X *
X * search
X *
X * multi-player and multi-system search and destroy.
X *
X * Original by Dave Pare	1984
X * Ported & improved
X *      by Matt Crawford	1985
X *
X * routines to initialize and watch the communications sockets
X * for new players, "searchwho" and "sdata" requests.
X *
X * Copyright (c) 1984
X *
X * $Log:	ipc.c,v $
X * Revision 2.1  85/04/10  17:31:13  matt
X * Major de-linting and minor restructuring.
X * 
X * Revision 1.6  85/02/24  22:50:47  matt
X * Make the select() polls into real polls by setting the timeouts
X * to zero.  This cuts down on context switches and speeds the game
X * 
X * Revision 1.5  85/02/11  14:59:28  matt
X * Tell searchwho that game is in GUTS mode
X * 
X * Revision 1.4  85/02/09  23:48:52  matt
X * Eliminated the dependence on the value of the mask after
X * select() times out.  Use the return value to distinguish
X * a timeout!!
X * 
X * Revision 1.3  84/07/08  17:03:41  matt
X * Added Log
X * 
X * Revision 1.2  84/07/07  18:20:50  matt
X * Put new->p_speed into host byte order after reading from client
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sgtty.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
X#include <errno.h>
X#include <sys/socket.h>
X#include <sys/un.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sys/time.h>
X#ifdef INET
X#include <netinet/in.h>
X#include <netdb.h>
X#include "defines.h"
X#include "structs.h"
X#ifdef INET
Xstruct	sockaddr_in in_addr;
Xstruct	sockaddr loc_addr;
Xextern	int	dtabsiz;
X * newplayer checks to see if there is a new player waiting
X * on one of the communication sockets.  If there is some input
X * waiting, newplayer() checks to see if it's a request from
X * "searchwho", or if it's an actual player requesting to
X * enter the game.
X *
X * newplayer() returns the new player, or a NULL if no new player
X * was found.
X */
Xt_player *newplayer(mask)
Xint mask;
X	extern	void	core_dump();
X	extern	char	*strcpy();
X	extern	t_player	*startup();
X	extern	t_player	player[NPLAYER];
X	extern	int	errno,
X			loc_sock,
X			nobody,
X			gutsflag;
X#ifdef INET
X	extern	int	in_sock;
X	extern	struct	timeval	tim_inp;
X	register	t_player	*p,	*np;
X	t_file	*new;
X	long	lbuf[1024];	/* Try to force alignment */
X	char	*buf = (char *)lbuf;
X	int	newsock,
X		nfds,
X		namelen,
X		i;
X	struct	sockaddr	muck_loc_addr;
X#ifdef INET
X	struct	sockaddr_in	muck_in_addr;
X	tim_inp.tv_sec = tim_inp.tv_usec = 0L;
X	nfds = select(dtabsiz, &mask, NULLINT, NULLINT, &tim_inp);
X	if (nfds < 0 && errno != EINTR)
X		errlog("select error in newplayer()\n");
X	if (nfds == 0) 
X		return 0;
X#ifdef INET
X	if (mask & 01<<loc_sock) {
X		namelen = sizeof(loc_addr);
X		newsock = accept(loc_sock, &muck_loc_addr, &namelen);
X	} else {
X		namelen = sizeof(in_addr);
X		newsock = accept(in_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&muck_in_addr,
X				 &namelen);
X	}
X	namelen = sizeof(loc_addr);
X	newsock = accept(loc_sock, &muck_loc_addr, &namelen);
X	if (newsock < 0) {
X		sprintf(buf,"accept error: %d, errno: %d\n", errno);
X		errlog(buf);
X		core_dump();
X	}
X	/*
X	 * don't take forever when we close the socket!
X	 */
X	if (setsockopt(newsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER, 0, 0))
X		errlog("error in setsockopt call\n");
X	/*
X	 * Sure hope the following read gives all the data in
X	 * one shot.  It isn't guaranteed to, you know!
X	 */
X	i = read(newsock, buf, sizeof(lbuf));
X	if ( i == 1 ) {	/* Special Request */
X		switch ( *buf ) {
X		case 'w':	/* "who's playing search?" */
X			buf[0] = NULL;
X			for (p=player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++) {
X				if (p->status.alive == FALSE)
X					continue;
X				if (*buf == NULL)
X					sprintf(buf, "%s  player   points\n",
X					 gutsflag?"*game in GUTS mode*\n":"");
X				sprintf(buf,"%s\n%-16s %-5d", buf,
X						p->plname,p->points);
X			}
X			if (buf[0] == NULL) {
X				(void)strcpy(buf, "nobody playing");
X				nobody++;
X			}
X			write(newsock, buf, strlen(buf));
X			errlog("searchwho request\n");
X	        break;
X		case '#':	/* "dump the player list" (top secret) */
X			for (p=player; p < &player[NPLAYER]; p++)
X				if (p->status.alive == TRUE)
X					write(newsock, (char *)p,
X						sizeof(t_player));
X			errlog("sdata request\n");
X	        break;
X		default:	/* garbage! */
X			write(newsock, "What?\n", 6);
X			errlog("garbage request\n");
X	        break;
X		}
X		shutdown(newsock, 2);
X		close(newsock);
X		return 0;
X	} else if (i != sizeof(t_file)) {
X		/*
X		 * some sort of flaky number
X		 */
X		write(newsock, "You didn't send a complete packet!\n", 35);
X		shutdown(newsock, 2);
X		close(newsock);
X		{
X			char	errbuf[1024];
X			sprintf(errbuf, "bad new-player read, %d bytes\n");
X			errlog(errbuf);
X		}
X		return 0;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * use buf as the t_file structure
X	 */
X	new = (t_file *)lbuf;
X	new->p_speed = ntohl(new->p_speed);
X	if ((np = startup(newsock, new)) == NULL) {
X		errlog("startup returned NULL in newplayer()\n");
X		shutdown(newsock, 2);
X		close(newsock);
X		return 0;
X	}
X	return np;
X * initsocks initializes the two "new player" communications
X * sockets.  It returns 1 if everything is ok, and 0 if not.
X * Argument is passed in host byte order.
X */
Xint initsocks(port)
Xint port;
X	extern	char	*rindex(),	*strcpy();
X	extern	int loc_sock;
X#ifdef INET
X	extern	int in_sock;
X	char	hostname[40];
X	struct	servent *serv;
X	char	buf[255];
X#ifdef INET
X	/*
X	 * connect to the internet address for our search daemon
X	 * complain if we can't connect (for whatever reason)
X	 */
X	in_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X	if (in_sock < 0) {
X		errlog("error creating internet socket\n");
X		return 0;
X	}
X	if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname))) {
X		errlog("error getting host name\n");
X		return 0;
X	}
X	serv = getservbyname("search", "tcp");
X	if (serv == NULL || htons((short)port) != serv->s_port) {
X		sprintf(buf, "listening at port %d\n", port);
X		errlog(buf);
X		in_addr.sin_port = htons((short)port);
X	} else
X		in_addr.sin_port = serv->s_port;
X	if (setsockopt(in_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 0, 0) < 0)
X		errlog("error in setsockopt (SO_REUSEADDR)\n");
X	if (bind(in_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, sizeof(in_addr))) {
X		errlog("error binding internet port\n");
X		return 0;
X	}
X	listen(in_sock, 5);
X	/*
X	 * bind and listen at the local socket "/tmp/slock"
X	 */
X	loc_sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
X	if (loc_sock < 0) {
X		errlog("error making local socket\n");
X		return 0;
X	}
X	(void)strcpy(loc_addr.sa_data, SLOCK);
X	/*
X	 * get rid of the old one.
X	 */
X	unlink(loc_addr.sa_data);
X	if (bind(loc_sock, &loc_addr, strlen(loc_addr.sa_data)+2)) {
X		errlog("error binding local socket\n");
X		return 0;
X	}
X	chmod(loc_addr.sa_data, 0666);
X	listen(loc_sock, 5);
X	return 1;
X * read input from the socket
X *
X */
Xint pinput(p)
Xregister t_player *p;
X	extern	int	errlog();
X	extern	void	done();
X	extern	int	errno;
X	register	int	i = 0;
X	int	mask;
X	extern	struct	timeval	tim_inp;
X	int	nfds;
X	if (p->socket < 0) {
X		errlog("bad socket number\n");
X		done(p);
X		return -1;
X	}
X	mask = 0;
X	mask = 01 << p->socket;
X	/*
X	 * poll the socket for input
X	 */
X	tim_inp.tv_sec = tim_inp.tv_usec = 0L;
X	nfds = select(dtabsiz, &mask, NULLINT, NULLINT, &tim_inp);
X	if (nfds < 0 && errno != EINTR) {
X		errlog("error, input select\n");
X		return -1;
X	}
X	if (nfds > 0) {
X		i = read(p->socket, p->inputq, QSIZE);
X		/*
X		 * socket shut down from other side
X		 * clean up after the player
X		 */
X		if (i <= 0) {
X			errlog("player died\n");
X			done(p);
X			return -1;
X		}
X		p->ninput = i;
X		p->pinputq = p->inputq;
X	}
X	return i;