[net.sources.games] Cribbage game

dat@hpcnof.UUCP (12/31/85)

	Attached is a program that plays cribbage against you - and
plays it pretty well too!

	If anyone finds any bugs, problems, or finds it making really
dumb moves, please drop me a line!

	Have fun!
					-- Dave Taylor
					Hewlett Packard - CNO


-------------- cut here and extract the following with 'sh' ---------------

# Shar file generated Tuesday, December 31st 1985 at 9:38 am by dat
# Extract with either sh or csh
# Contents of shar file:
#   cribbage.c cribbage.6
# --------------  File cribbage.c ---------------
echo extracting file cribbage.c
cat << 'END_OF_FILE' > cribbage.c
/*		cribbage.c		*/

/*  Play the computer in the game of cribbage!  */

/* (C) 1985 - Dave Taylor: ihnp4!hpfcla!d_taylor  - or -  hplabs!hpcnof!dat */

#include <stdio.h>

#define swap(a,b)	{ int c; c = b; b = a; a = c; }
#define suite(n)	(int) (n-1) / 13
#define plural(n)	n == 1? "" : "s"
#define merge(hand,c)	hand.card[4] = c; order(&hand, 5)
#define pick_card()	deck[top_of_deck++]

#define add_points(who,n)	{ points[who] += n; if (points[who] >= limit) \
				  winner(who); }

#define save(base, a,b,c,d) 	{ base.card[0] = my_hand.card[a]; \
	                          base.status[0] = AVAILABLE; \
                                  base.card[1] = my_hand.card[b]; \
	                          base.status[1] = AVAILABLE; \
			          base.card[2] = my_hand.card[c]; \
	                          base.status[2] = AVAILABLE; \
                                  base.card[3] = my_hand.card[d]; \
	                          base.status[3] = AVAILABLE; }

#define show_played_cards	0

#define DECKSIZE 	52
#define CRIB		2
#define YOU		1
#define ME		0

#define LONG_FORM	0	/* for card format output */
#define SHORT_FORM	1
#define QUIET		0	/* compute point sum */
#define EXPLAIN		1

#define PLAYED  	1	/* card played yet? */
#define AVAILABLE 	0
#define DISCARDED      (-1)

#define ACE		1
#define JACK		11
#define QUEEN		12
#define KING		13

struct card_hand {
	 int card[6];
	 int status[6];

struct card_hand my_hand, your_hand, crib_hand;

int  deck[DECKSIZE], top_of_deck, limit;
int  points[] = {0, 0};
int  whose_crib, show_counting = 0, starter;

char *say(), *say_card();

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	extern char *optarg;
	extern int   opterr;
	register int i=0, j;
	int      c;

	limit  = 150;	/* default counting limit for game      */
	opterr = 0;	/* suppress the 'getopt' error messages */

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:v")) != EOF)
	  switch (c) {
	    case 'l' : sscanf(optarg, "%d", &limit);
		       if (limit < 11) 
			 exit(printf("** Limit must be greater than 10! **\n"));
	    case 'v' : show_counting++;		
	    default  : exit(printf("Usage: %s [-v] [-l limit]\n", argv[0]));

	printf("\n\t\t\t\tCribbage 1.2\n\n");

	printf("We are playing up to %s points.  Good luck!\n\n",

	whose_crib = rand() % 2;

	do {
	  printf("\nIt's %s crib...\n\n", whose_crib==ME? "my" : "your");
	  /** pick the starter card! **/

	  starter = pick_card();
	  printf("\nThe starter is the %s",say_card(starter,LONG_FORM));
	  if (rank(starter) == JACK) {
	    printf(" for two ('his heels')\n");
	    add_points(whose_crib, 2);

	  play(! whose_crib);
	  printf("\nOkay, let's count up!  (Recall the starter is the %s)\n\n",
	         say_card(starter, LONG_FORM));
	  printf("\nYou have %d points and I have %d points\n",
                  points[YOU], points[ME]);
	  whose_crib = ! whose_crib;
	} while (1);

	/* shuffle the 52 random integers into deck.. */
	register int i, j;

	for (i=0;i<DECKSIZE;i++) deck[i] = i+1;
	/** shuffle the deck once... **/
	for (i=DECKSIZE-1;i>1;i--) {
	  j = rand() % i;
	  swap(deck[i], deck[j]);
	/** and do it again for good luck! **/
	for (i=DECKSIZE-1;i>1;i--) {
	  j = rand() % i;
	  swap(deck[i], deck[j]);
	top_of_deck = 0;

	/* deal cards out: six per player */
	register int i;

	for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
	  your_hand.card[i]   = pick_card();
	  your_hand.status[i] = AVAILABLE;
	  my_hand.card[i]     = pick_card();
	  my_hand.status[i]   = AVAILABLE;
	  crib_hand.status[i] = AVAILABLE;	/* all crib cards available! */
	order(&my_hand, 6);	/* sort lowest to highest rank */
	order(&your_hand, 6);	/*   for both hands...         */
	show_hand(your_hand, 6, "You are dealt: ","\n",PLAYED);

	/* pick for crib...get best hand(s) and then put remainder
	    in crib.  If other players crib, pick hand with same value
	    that gives them the LEAST points in the two cards (ie try
	    not to be same suite, pairs, fifteens, fives, etc etc) */

	struct card_hand hand[15];
	int worst, hand_to_use, val;
	int i,j,k,l, best=0, possible=0, discard[2];

	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
	  for (j=i+1; j<4; j++)
	    for (k=j+1; k<5; k++)
	      for (l=k+1; l<6; l++) {
	        val = hand_value(my_hand, i, j, k, l, 0, QUIET);
	        if (val > best) {
	          best = val;
	        else if (val == best) {

	best = -1; 
	worst = 99;

	if (possible > 1) { /* more than one hand with the same value! */
	  if (whose_crib == ME) { /* our crib! Pick hand with BEST crib cards!*/
	    for (i=0;i<possible;i++) {
	      if ((j = cribval(my_hand, hand[i])) > best) {
	        best = j;
		hand_to_use = i;	/* save this index! */
	  else { /* other players crib. Pick hand with WORST crib cards! */
	    for (i=0;i<possible;i++) {
	      if ((j = cribval(my_hand, hand[i])) < worst) {
	        worst = j;
		hand_to_use = i;	/* save this index! */
        else hand_to_use = 0;	/* ONLY one hand with max points */

	get_exceptions(my_hand, hand[hand_to_use], &discard[0], &discard[1]);

	crib_hand.card[0] = my_hand.card[discard[0]];
	crib_hand.card[1] = my_hand.card[discard[1]];

	my_hand.status[discard[0]] = DISCARDED;
	my_hand.status[discard[1]] = DISCARDED;

	/** let the player pick two cards to put in the crib.. **/
	char buffer[50];
	int  card1 = 0, card2 = 0, i1,i2, i, okay;

	sprintf(buffer,"Discard into %s crib: ", whose_crib==ME?"my":"your");

	do {
	  i1 = -1;	i2 = -1;
	  read_a_card(buffer, 2, &card1, &card2);
	  for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
	         if (your_hand.card[i] == card1) i1 = i;
	    else if (your_hand.card[i] == card2) i2 = i;
	  if (i1 == -1 && i2 == -1)
	    printf("Neither card is in your hand!\n\n");
	  else if (i1 == -1 || i2 == -1) 
	    printf("The %s isn't in your hand!\n\n",
	    	   say_card(i1 == -1? card1 : card2, LONG_FORM));
	  okay = (i1 != -1 && i2 != -1);
	} while (! okay);

	crib_hand.card[2]   = your_hand.card[i1];
	crib_hand.status[2] = AVAILABLE;
	crib_hand.card[3]   = your_hand.card[i2];
	crib_hand.status[2] = AVAILABLE;

	your_hand.status[i1] = DISCARDED;
	your_hand.status[i2] = DISCARDED;
	order(&crib_hand, 4);

int turn;
	/** play the two hands... 'first' is who should discard first.. **/

	int sum, card, cards_played[10], total_cards_played = 0;
	int valid_card, index, a_move;

	printf("\nNo cards out..\n");
	index = 0; 	
	sum   = 0;

	while (total_cards_played < 8) {
	  a_move = 0;
	  if (turn == ME)
	    if (stuck(my_hand, sum)) 
	      printf("I can't go!\n");
	    else {
	      card = pick_discard(cards_played, index, sum);
	      printf("I play the %s\n",say_card(card,LONG_FORM));
	      (void) mark_as_played(&my_hand, card);
	  else if (stuck(your_hand, sum)) 
	      printf("you can't go!\n");
	  else {
	    show_hand(your_hand, 4, "Your hand is ",".. ",AVAILABLE);
	    valid_card = 0;
            do {
	      read_a_card("You play the : ",1, &card, &valid_card);
	      if (value_of(card) + sum > 31) {
	        printf("That'll take us over 31!\n");
	        valid_card = 1;
	      else if ((valid_card = mark_as_played(&your_hand, card)) != 0)
	        printf("You've already played that card once!\n");
	    } while (valid_card == 1);

	  if (a_move) {
	    add_to_played(turn, card, cards_played, &index, &sum,

	  turn = ! turn;

int who;
	/** sum up points for each hand... **/

	int points_in_hand;

	if (who == ME) { /* computer crib, so player counts first! */
	  player_counts(your_hand, YOU);
	  I_count(my_hand, ME);
	  I_count(crib_hand, CRIB);
	else { /* player crib...computer counts up */
	  I_count(my_hand, ME);
	  player_counts(your_hand, YOU);
	  player_counts(crib_hand, CRIB);	

player_counts(hand, what)
struct card_hand hand;
int what;
	/** sum up value of hand...**/

	int value, input_value;
	char line[10];

	if (what == YOU)
          show_hand(hand, 4, "Your hand is ","",PLAYED);
	  show_hand(hand, 4, "Your crib is ","",PLAYED);
	merge(hand, starter);
	value = hand_value(hand, 0,1,2,3,4, QUIET);

	printf(".. How many points? ");
	if (strncmp(line, "qu",2)==0) leave();
	sscanf(line,"%d", &input_value);

	if (input_value > value) {
	  if (value == 0)	
	    printf("\nC'mon!  There aren't any points in that hand!\n");
	  else {
	    (void) hand_value(hand, 0,1,2,3,4, EXPLAIN);
	    printf("\nThat hand's worth exactly %s point%s!!\n",
                   say(value), plural(value));
	} else if (input_value != value) { /* counted too low! */
	  (void) hand_value(hand, 0,1,2,3,4, EXPLAIN);
	  printf("\n...I counted %s points!  Too bad, eh?\n", say(value));
	  value = input_value;
	add_points(YOU, value);

I_count(hand, who)
struct card_hand hand;
int who;
	/** let the computer count as appropriate.. **/
	int points_in_hand;
        if (who == ME) {
          show_hand(my_hand, 4, "My hand is: ", "",PLAYED);
	  merge(my_hand, starter);
	  points_in_hand = hand_value(my_hand, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, QUIET);
	  printf("giving me %s point%s\n",
                 say(points_in_hand), plural(points_in_hand));
	  add_points(ME, points_in_hand);
	else {
          show_hand(crib_hand, 4, "The crib is ","",PLAYED);
	  merge(crib_hand, starter);
	  points_in_hand = hand_value(crib_hand, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, QUIET);
	  if (points_in_hand == 0)
	    printf("... no points!\n");
	  else {
	    printf("for an additional %s point%s!\n", 
                   say(points_in_hand), plural(points_in_hand));
	    add_points(ME, points_in_hand);

read_a_card(prompt, howmany, card1, card2)
char *prompt;
int howmany, *card1, *card2;
	char line[10];
	int  loc, error, cardz[2], val, i;

	if (strncmp(line, "qu",2)==0) leave();
	if (line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n') line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';

	loc = 0;
	i = 0;
	do {
	  while (line[loc] == ' ' || line[loc] == ',') loc++;
	  if (line[loc] == '\0') 
	    switch(tolower(line[loc])) {
	      case 'a' : val = ACE;		break;
	      case '1' : if (line[++loc] != '0') error=1;
		         else val=10;	break;
	      case 'j' : val = JACK;	break;
	      case 'q' : val = QUEEN; 	break;	
	      case 'k' : val = KING;	break;
	      default  : if (line[loc] > '1' && line[loc] <= '9')
	 		    val = (int) line[loc] - (int) '0';
	  if (!error) {
	    switch(tolower(line[++loc])) {
	      case 's' : 	break;
	      case 'c' : val += 13;	break;
	      case 'h' : val += 26;	break;
	      case 'd' : val += 39;	break;
	      default  : error=3;

	  switch (error) {
	    case 0:	break;		/** all okay! **/
	    case 1: printf("Use 'A' for ace, or '10' for ten card\n");
	            goto input;
	    case 2: printf("Unknown card!  Use same notation as presented!\n");
		    goto input;
	    case 3: printf("Unknown suite!  Use notation above!\n");
		    goto input;
	    case 4: printf("expecting %d card%s...\n",howmany,plural(howmany));	
		    goto input;
	    default: printf("Error %d on input!\n",error);
	             goto input;
	  cardz[i++] = val;
	} while (i < howmany);

	*card1 = cardz[0];
	*card2 = cardz[1];

cribval(full_hand, partial_hand)
struct card_hand full_hand, partial_hand;
	/* compute crib value of the two cards in hand */
	int value, card[2], i, j;

	get_exceptions(full_hand, partial_hand, &i, &j);
	card[0] = partial_hand.card[i];
	card[1] = partial_hand.card[j];

	value = 0;
	if (value_of(card[0]) + value_of(card[1]) == 15) value++;
	if (value_of(card[0]) ==  5) value++;
	if (value_of(card[1]) ==  5) value++;
	if (rank(card[0]) == rank(card[1])) value++;
	if (suite(card[0]) == suite(card[1])) value++;


hand_value(hand, c1,c2,c3,c4,c5, verbose)
struct card_hand hand;
int c1,c2,c3,c4,c5, verbose;
	/* compute point value of hand returning value.  Verbose lets the 
	   computer enumerate the point computation.. */

	int value = 0, norun=1, i,j,k,l, card[5], cval[5], csuite[5], crank[5];

	/** only use flag if final counting up! **/
	if (c5 != 0 && show_counting) verbose++;

	card[0] = hand.card[c1];
	card[1] = hand.card[c2];
	card[2] = hand.card[c3];
	card[3] = hand.card[c4];
	card[4] = hand.card[c5];

	for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	  cval[i]   = value_of(card[i]);
	  crank[i]  = rank(card[i]);
	  csuite[i] = suite(card[i]);

	if (c5 == 0) { 	/* not here - set to all unmatching values! */
	  cval[4]   = -1;
 	  crank[4]  = -1;
	  csuite[4] = -1;

	if (verbose) printf("\nI score this hand as:\n");

	/* first off, let's compute all point values of two card combos.. */

	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
	  for (j=i+1; j<5; j++) {
	    if (cval[i] + cval[j] == 15) {
              value += 2; 
	      if (verbose) printf("two-card fifteen: %s\n", say(value));
	    else if (crank[i] == crank[j]) {
	      value += 2; 
	      if (verbose) printf("a pair: %s\n", say(value));

	/* now three card fifteens... */

	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
	  for (j=i+1; j<4; j++) 
	    for (k=j+1; k<5; k++) {
	      if ((cval[i]+cval[j]+cval[k]) == 15) 
	        if (c5 || k != 4) {
	          value += 2;
	          if (verbose) printf("a three-card fifteen: %s\n", say(value));

	/* check for a four-card 15 combination (pretty unlikely!) */

	for (i=0; i<2; i++)
	  for (j=i+1; j<3; j++) 
	    for (k=j+1; k<4; k++)
	      for (l=k+1;l<5; l++) 
	        if (cval[i]+cval[j]+cval[k]+cval[l] == 15) 
	          if (c5 || l != 4) {
	            value += 2;
	            if (verbose) printf("four-card fifteen: %s\n", say(value));

	/* check for a five-card 15 combination! (fat chance!) */

	if (cval[0]+cval[1]+cval[2]+cval[3]+cval[4] == 15) 
	  if (c5) {
	    value += 2;
	    if (verbose) printf("five-card fifteen: %s\n", say(value));
	/* check for five card run.. */

	if ((crank[0]+1 == crank[1]) && (crank[1]+1 == crank[2]) &&
	    (crank[2]+1 == crank[3]) && (crank[3]+1 == crank[4])) {
	  value += 5;
	  if (verbose) printf("a run of five: %s\n", say(value));

	/* check for four card run.. */

	else {
	  for (i=0; i<2; i++)
	    for (j=i+1; j<3; j++) 
	      for (k=j+1; k<4; k++) 
	        for (l=k+1; l<5; l++)
	         if ((crank[i]+1 == crank[j]) && (crank[j]+1 == crank[k]) &&
	             (crank[k]+1 == crank[l])) {
	           value += 4;
	           if (verbose) printf("a run of four: %s\n",say(value));

	/* then check for three card run */

	if (norun == 1)  
	  for (i=0; i<3; i++)
	    for (j=i+1; j<4; j++) 
	      for (k=j+1; k<5; k++) 
	         if ((crank[i]+1 == crank[j]) && (crank[j]+1 == crank[k])) {
	           value += 3;
	           if (verbose) printf("a run of three: %s\n",say(value));

	/* and finally check for flush! */
	/** five card? **/

	if ((csuite[0] == csuite[1]) && (csuite[1] == csuite[2]) &&
            (csuite[2] == csuite[3]) && (csuite[3] == csuite[4]))  {
	      value += 5;
	      if (verbose) printf("five card flush: %s\n",say(value));
	else {
	  for (i=0; i<2; i++)
	    for (j=i+1; j<3; j++) 
	      for (k=j+1; k<4; k++) 
	        for (l=k+1; l<5; l++)
	          if ((csuite[i] == csuite[j]) && (csuite[j] == csuite[k]) &&
	              (csuite[k] == csuite[l])) 
	              if (suite(starter) != csuite[i]) { /* not starter? */
	                value += 4;
	                if (verbose) printf("four card flush: %s\n",say(value));

	/** one final check: if all five cards are given to the program 
	    (indicating final counting) AND the hand contains a jack that
	    is of the same suite as the starter, add a point for 'his nobs' **/

	if (c5) 
	  for (i=0;i<5;i++)
	    if (crank[i] == JACK)
	      if (csuite[i] == suite(starter) && card[i] != starter) {
	        value += 1;
		if (verbose) printf("and one for his nobs: %s\n", say(value));


show_hand(hand, max, prefix, suffix, alt_stat)
struct card_hand hand;
int max, alt_stat;
char *prefix, *suffix;
	/** display hand on one line... **/
	register int i;

	for (i=0;i<max;i++) 
	  if (hand.status[i] == AVAILABLE || hand.status[i] == alt_stat)
	    printf("%s ",say_card(hand.card[i],SHORT_FORM));
	  else if (show_played_cards)
	    printf("(%s) ",say_card(hand.card[i],SHORT_FORM));

char *say_card(n, pw)
int n, pw;
	/* display card 'n'.  PW = Partial Word flag... */

	static char buffer[40];
	register int r;
	char temp[15];
	switch ((r = rank(n))) {
	  case ACE  : strcpy(buffer,pw?"A":"Ace"); 	break;
	  case JACK : strcpy(buffer,pw?"J":"Jack");	break;
	  case QUEEN: strcpy(buffer,pw?"Q":"Queen");break;
	  case KING : strcpy(buffer,pw?"K":"King");	break;
	  default   : if (pw) sprintf(buffer,"%d",r);
	              else {
		        strcpy(temp, say(r));
			temp[0] = toupper(temp[0]);

	if (! pw) strcat(buffer, " of ");

	switch(suite(n)) {
	  case 0: strcat(buffer,pw?"s":"Spades");		break;
	  case 1: strcat(buffer,pw?"c":"Clubs");		break;
	  case 2: strcat(buffer,pw?"h":"Hearts");		break;
	  case 3: strcat(buffer,pw?"d":"Diamonds");		break;

	return( (char *) buffer);

int n;
	int r, v;
	if ((r = n % 13) == 0) v = 10;
	else if (r > 10)       v = 10;
	else v = r;


order(hand, max)
struct card_hand *hand;
int max;
	/* reorder hand according to rank, lowest to highest */

	int i, changed, temp, tempstat;

	do {
          changed = 0;
	  for (i = 0; i < max-1; i++)
	    if (rank(hand->card[i]) > rank(hand->card[i+1])) {
	      temp = hand->card[i];
	      tempstat = hand->status[i];
	      hand->card[i] = hand->card[i+1];
	      hand->status[i] = hand->status[i+1];
	      hand->card[i+1] = temp;
	      hand->status[i+1] = tempstat;
	 } while (changed);

mark_as_played(hand, card)
struct card_hand *hand;
int card;
	/** mark card in hand as being played.  Return non-zero if card not
	    in hand! **/
	register int i;

	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
	  if (hand->card[i] == card && hand->status[i] == AVAILABLE) {
	    hand->status[i] = PLAYED;

get_exceptions(full_hand, partial_hand, v0, v1)
struct card_hand full_hand, partial_hand;
int *v0, *v1;
	/** return index of two elements in full_hand NOT in partial_hand **/
	int i, i1=0, a, b;
	a = (-1);
	for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
	  if (full_hand.card[i] != partial_hand.card[i1]) {
	    if (a >= 0) b = i;
	    else        a = i;
	  else i1++;
	*v0 = a;
	*v1 = b;

struct card_hand *hand;
	/** compress hand to ensure that there are no 'holes' from
	    the crib selection process **/
	int buffer[4], i, j=0;

	for (i=0;i<6;i++)
	  if (hand->status[i] != DISCARDED) buffer[j++] = hand->card[i];
	for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
	  hand->card[i] = buffer[i];
	  hand->status[i] = AVAILABLE;

stuck(hand, sum)
struct card_hand hand;
int sum;
	/** returns zero if one of the cards in the given hand
	    can be added to sum without breaking '31' else returns one **/
	register int i;

	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
	  if (hand.status[i] == AVAILABLE)
	    if (sum + value_of(hand.card[i]) < 32) return(0);

add_to_played(who, card, played_cards, index, sum, total_cards)
int who, card, played_cards[], *index, *sum, total_cards;
	/** add card... also give points to the appropriate player
	    if 15, pair, triple, run, 31, or last card is played. **/
	int point_value = 0, i;
	point_value = value(card, played_cards, *index, *sum, 1);

	*sum += value_of(card);
	played_cards[*index] = card;
	*index += 1;

	printf("%s ", say(*sum));
	if (point_value) {
	  printf("for %s\n",say(point_value));
	  add_points(who, point_value);

	if (stuck(your_hand, *sum) &&
	    stuck(my_hand, *sum)) {
	  *sum = 0;
	  *index = 0;
	  if (total_cards < 8)
	    printf("\nback to zero...\n\n");
pick_discard(played, index, sum)
int played[], index, sum;
	/** pick best card in hand to play, given 'played' as the stack
	    of cards played so far, and sum as the current sum... **/

	/** simply try putting each of the available cards against the
	    current played cards and use highest value if possible, if
	    not, use the highest value card first.. **/

	int i, best=0, best_card=0, valid_card;

	for (i=0;i<4;i++) 
	  if (my_hand.status[i] == AVAILABLE) 
	    if (value_of(my_hand.card[i]) + sum < 32) {
	      if ((valid_card = value(my_hand.card[i],
                   played,index,sum,0)) > best) {
	        best_card = i;
	        best = valid_card;

	if (best > 0) { /* actually can make some points!  Let's do it! */
	  my_hand.status[best_card] = PLAYED;
	else { /* no choices are inspiring...let's put down the highest */
	  for (i=3;i>-1;i--)
	    if (my_hand.status[i] == AVAILABLE) 
              if (value_of(my_hand.card[i]) + sum < 32) {
	        my_hand.status[i] = PLAYED;
	printf("couldn't pick a card!\n");

value(card, played_cards, i, sum, not_computing)
int card, played_cards[], i, sum, not_computing;
	/** compute the value of adding the card to the stack of played
	    cards given the sum and whether or not this is a 'real'
	    calculation (ie for point changes, not to figure best card) **/

	int point_value = 0, scratch;
	sum += value_of(card);
	played_cards[i] = card;

	/** check for fifteen **/

	if (sum == 15) point_value += 2;

	/** check for four of a kind, three of a kind, pairs.. **/

	scratch = 0;
	if (i>0)
	 if (rank(played_cards[i-1]) == rank(played_cards[i]))
	   scratch = 2;
	if (i>1 && scratch)
	 if (rank(played_cards[i-2]) == rank(played_cards[i]))
	   scratch += 4;
        if (i>2 && scratch == 6)
	 if (rank(played_cards[i-3])==rank(played_cards[i]))
	   scratch += 6;

	point_value += scratch;

	/** okay, now check for runs... **/

	scratch = check_for_runs(played_cards, i+1);
	if (scratch > 0) 
	  point_value += scratch;

	/** and how about to 31? **/
	if (sum == 31) 
	  if (not_computing) point_value += 1;
	  else 		     point_value += 2;

	/** last card (only if real counting...otherwise the computer would 
	    cheat! **/

	if (not_computing) 
	  if (stuck(your_hand, sum) && stuck(my_hand, sum)) 
	    point_value += 1;


char *say(n)
int n;
	/** output number 'n' as a word...return string containing the
	    word.  IE 14 = 'fourteen', 30 = 'thirty' etc etc.. **/

	static char buffer[30];

	if (n>=10 && n<20) {
	  switch (n) {
	    case 10: strcpy(buffer,"ten");	      break;
	    case 11: strcpy(buffer,"eleven");         break;
	    case 12: strcpy(buffer,"twelve");         break;
	    case 13: strcpy(buffer,"thirteen");       break;
	    case 14: strcpy(buffer,"fourteen");       break;
	    case 15: strcpy(buffer,"fifteen");        break;
	    case 16: strcpy(buffer,"sixteen");        break;
	    case 17: strcpy(buffer,"seventeen");      break;
	    case 18: strcpy(buffer,"eighteen");       break;
	    case 19: strcpy(buffer,"nineteen");       break;
	  return((char *) buffer);

	/** okay... normal word, so let's build it up backwards.. **/

	switch ((int) n / 10) {
	  case 0 : buffer[0] = '\0';		break;
	  case 2 : strcpy(buffer,"twenty");	break;
	  case 3 : strcpy(buffer,"thirty");	break;
	  case 4 : strcpy(buffer,"forty");	break;
	  case 5 : strcpy(buffer,"fifty");	break;
	  case 6 : strcpy(buffer,"sixty");	break;
	  case 7 : strcpy(buffer,"seventy");	break;
	  case 8 : strcpy(buffer,"eighty");	break;
	  case 9 : strcpy(buffer,"ninety");	break;
	  default: sprintf(buffer,"%d", n);
		   return( (char *) buffer);

	if (n>20 && n != 30) strcat(buffer,"-");

	switch(n % 10) {
	  case 0 : break;
	  case 1 : strcat(buffer,"one");	break;
	  case 2 : strcat(buffer,"two");	break;
	  case 3 : strcat(buffer,"three");	break;
	  case 4 : strcat(buffer,"four");	break;
	  case 5 : strcat(buffer,"five");	break;
	  case 6 : strcat(buffer,"six");	break;
	  case 7 : strcat(buffer,"seven");	break;
	  case 8 : strcat(buffer,"eight");	break;
	  case 9 : strcat(buffer,"nine");	break;

	if (strlen(buffer) == 0) strcpy(buffer,"zero");

	return((char *) buffer);

int who;
	/** show winner and leave **/

	printf("\n\n%s won, reaching %s points first!\n\n",
		who==ME? "I":"You", say(limit));

	/** get the heck outta here! **/

	printf("\n\nFinal scores were:\n");
	printf("\nYou had %d point%s and I had %d point%s\n",
		  points[YOU], plural(points[YOU]), 
		  points[ME],  plural(points[ME]));

check_for_runs(stack, elements)
int stack[], elements;
	int i, found[14], min, max, len, seq_len;

	if (elements < 3) return(0);

	for (i=0;i<14;i++) found[i] = 0;


	for (i=elements-1;i>-1;i--) {
	  len = elements - i;

	  min = ( min < rank(stack[i])) ? min : rank(stack[i]);
	  max = ( max > rank(stack[i])) ? max : rank(stack[i]);
	  if (++found[rank(stack[i])] > 1) break;
	  if ((len > 2) && (max-min+1 == len)) seq_len = len;

int n;
	return(n % 13 == 0? KING : n % 13);
# --------------  File cribbage.6 ---------------
echo extracting file cribbage.6
cat << 'END_OF_FILE' > cribbage.6
.ad b
cribbage - play the computer in cribbage
.B cribbage
[-l limit]
.TP 10
Hewlett Packard
.I Cribbage
allows the user to play a game of cribbage against
the computer.
All the rules of cribbage are implemented.
.I \-v
option sets verbose mode, which allows the player
to see how the computer is counting hand points.
.I \-l
option allows you to specify the number of points to 
play up to - the default is 150 points...
Dave Taylor, Hewlett Packard Colorado Network Operation
.I "Hoyle's Rules of the Games" for instructions
echo done with shar extraction