[net.sources.games] program to find anagrams of a phrase

mg@ukc.UUCP (02/04/86)

Herewith a program to find all the anagrams of a word or phrase.

It takes the phrase (your name, for example) as its arguments, then
searches through the dictionary to find all possible anagrams.
An anagram is defined as a phrase with the same number of letters as the
original with the same number of each letter.

It works (in principle) by filtering out from the dictionary all words which
are sub-words of the key, that is, words which can be made from the key
without necessarily using all the letters, and trying all combinations of
these words together and printing only those combinations which exactly use up
all of the key's letters.

It works in such a manner as not to print out each group of words in all its
permutations, and filters out all one-letter words from the dictionary except
for a, i and o. This is because the time taken is dependent upon the depth to
which it has to recurse, which is greatly increased if there are many
one-letter words. To find all anagrams of "martin guy" it takes 18 seconds on
one of our Vaxen, but note that a key of 30 letters might well take many years
because of the vastly increased number of subwords and increased recursion

Use it sensibly; it is very expensive to run.

Thanks are due to Stu Plant for the original idea and to Mark Wheadon for
porting it to the Perq.

If anyone has ideas for further speedups to it, or any portability
considerations which I have overlooked, I would be most interested.

	Martin Guy

static char *sccsid = "@(#)anagram.c	1.11 (UKC) 9/1/86";

 *	Find all anagrams of a word or phrase which an be made from the words
 *	of the dictionary which should come in on stdin, unless stdin points to
 *	a tty in which case we go and get /usr/dict/words for ourselves.
 *	Eliminates all one-letter "words" except a, i, o.
 *	Martin Guy, University of Kent at Canterbury, December 1985

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

 *	Structure of each word read from the dictionary and stored as part
 *	of a possible anagram.

typedef struct cell {
	struct cell *link;	/* To bind the linked list together */
	char *word;		/* At last! The word itself */
	char *realword;		/* exactly as it came out of the dictionary */
	int wordlen;		/* length of the word */
				/* Sub-wordlist reduces problem for children */
				/* These pointers are the heads of a stack of
				 * doubly linked lists (!) */
	struct cell **flink;	/* Forward links for doubly linked list */
	struct cell **rlink;	/* Reverse links for doubly linked list */
} cell_t;

int freq[256];		/* number of time each character occurs in the key.
			 * Must be initialised to 0s.
			 * Set by buildwordlist, Used by findanags. */
int nletters;		/* Number of letters in key, == sum(freq[*]) */
char *anagword[64];	/* pointers to the words making up the anagram under construction */
static int nwords;	/* number of words in current list */

cell_t *buildwordlist();
cell_t *sort();
cell_t *forgelinks();
char *malloc();
char *strcpy();

char *progname;		/* program name for error reporting */
int vflag = 0;		/* verbose mode: give a running commentary */
int iflag = 0;		/* Ignore case of words' first letters */
int iiflag = 0;		/* lowercasise all characters from dict */
int pflag = 0;		/* Ignore punctuation in words from dict */
int purify = 0;		/* Some munging has to be done on the dict's words */
			/* purify == (iflag || pflag || iiflag) */
int maxgen = 0;		/* Highest number of generations of findanag possible */

main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
	register int i, j;
	cell_t *wordlist;

	progname = argv[0];
	 *	Check calling syntax
	while (argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] == '-') {
		switch (argv[1][1]) {
		case 'I':	/* Ignore case completely */
			iiflag = 1;
			purify = 1;
		case 'i':	/* Initial letter case independence */
			iflag = 1;
			purify = 1;
		case 'p':	/* punctuation-ignoring mode */
			pflag = 1;
			purify = 1;
		case 'v':	/* verbose mode */
			vflag = 1;
		case 'm':	/* Set maximum number of words in anagram */
			maxgen = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
			if (maxgen <= 0) goto usage;
			goto usage;
		/* Pretend the argument wasn't there */
		argv++; argc--;
	if (argc<2) {
usage:		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -v -m# word [word] ...\n", progname);
		fprintf(stderr, "-v\tVerbose: give running commentary.\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "-m#\tMaximum number of words in anagrams.\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "-i\tIgnore case of initial character of words from dictionary.\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "-I\tIgnore case of words from dictionary entirely.\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "-p\tIgnore punctuation in words from dictionary.\n");

	if (isatty(0)) {
		if (freopen("/usr/dict/words", "r", stdin) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open dictionary.\n", progname);

	 *	Fill in frequency of letters in argument.
	 *	freq[*] must have been initialised to 0.
	nletters = 0;
	for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
		for (j=0; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j++) {

	if (vflag) fprintf(stderr, "%d letters in key.\n", nletters);

	 *	If no -m option, set the maximum possible recursion depth
	if (maxgen == 0) maxgen = nletters;

	if (vflag) fputs("Building wordlist...\n", stderr);
	wordlist = buildwordlist();

	if (vflag) fputs("Sorting wordlist...\n", stderr);
	wordlist = sort(wordlist);

	if (vflag) {
		fputs("After sorting:\n", stderr);

	if (vflag) fputs("Searching for anagrams...\n", stderr);
	findanags(0, forgelinks(wordlist), nletters);

 *	Read words in from stdin and put candidates into a linked list.
 *	Return the head of the list.
cell_t *
	register char *cp;		/* Temporary for word-grubbing */
	char *word;			/* Candidate word from dictionary */
	char realword[32];		/* Exactly as read from dictionary */
	cell_t *head = NULL;		/* Head of the linked list */
	cell_t **lastptr = &head;	/* Points to the last link field in the chain */
	cell_t *newcell;		/* Pointer to cell under construction */

	nwords = 0;			/* number of words in wordlist */
	while (gets(realword) != NULL) {

		 * if iflag or pflag, filter the word before processing it.
		if (!purify) {
			word = realword;
		} else {
			static char buf[32];
			register char *rp, *wp;
			register int differ = 0;

			for (rp = realword, wp = buf; *rp != '\0'; rp++) {
				switch (*rp) {
				case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
				case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
				case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
				case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
				case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
				case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
				case 'y': case 'z':
				case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
				case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
				case '8': case '9':
					*wp++ = *rp;

				case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
				case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
				case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
				case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
				case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
				case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
				case 'Y': case 'Z':
					if (iiflag || (iflag && rp == realword) ) {
						*wp++ = tolower(*rp);
						differ = 1;
					} else {
						*wp++ = *rp;
					if (pflag) {
						differ = 1;
					} else {
						*wp++ = *rp;
			*wp = '\0';
			word = differ ? buf : realword;

		 *	Throw out all one-letter words except for a, i, o
		 *	otherwise most of the output consists of one-letter
		 *	words.
		if (word[1] == '\0') {
			switch (word[0]) {
			case 'a':
			case 'i':
			case 'o':
				goto nextword;

		 *	Reject the word if it contains any character which
		 *	wasn't in the key.
		for (cp = word; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
			if (freq[*cp] == 0) {
				/* The word contains an illegal char */
				goto nextword;
				/* shame about the break statement */
		 *	This word merits further inspection. See if it contains
		 *	no more of any letter than the original.
		for (cp=word; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
			if (freq[*cp] <= 0) {
				/* We have run out of this letter.
				 * try next word */
				goto restore;
			} /* else */
		 *	the word passed all the tests
		 *	Construct a new cell and attach it to the list.
		/* Get a new cell */
		newcell = (cell_t *) malloc(sizeof(cell_t));
		if (newcell == NULL) oom("buildwordlist");

		/* And somewhere to store the string */
		newcell->word = (char *) malloc((unsigned) (strlen(word) + 1));
		if (newcell->word == NULL) oom("buildwordlist");

		/* Copy the string into the new space */
		(void) strcpy(newcell->word, word);

		/* remember the length for optimising findanag and sorting */
		newcell->wordlen = cp - word;

		/* If realword differs from pure word, store it separately */
		if (realword == word) {
			newcell->realword = newcell->word;
		} else {
			/* somewhere to store the string */
			newcell->realword = (char *) malloc((unsigned) (strlen(realword) + 1));
			if (newcell->realword == NULL) oom("buildwordlist");

			/* Copy the string into the new space */
			(void) strcpy(newcell->realword, realword);
		/* Mark it as the end of the list */
		newcell->link = NULL;

		/* Point the old tail-cell at it */
		*lastptr = newcell;

		/* And remember the new one as the tail cell */
		lastptr = &(newcell->link);
		 * Restore freq[] to its original state; this is quicker than
		 * doing a block copy into a temporary array and munging that.
		 * At this point, cp is either pointing to the terminating null
		 * or to the first letter in the word for which freq == 0.
		 * So all the freq[] entries for [word..(cp-1)] have been
		 * decremented. Put them back.
		for ( --cp; cp >= word; --cp ) {
nextword:	;
	if (vflag) fprintf(stderr, "%d suitable words found\n", nwords);


 *	Comparison function for sort so that longest words come first
static int
islonger(first, second)
char *first, *second;
	return((*(cell_t **)second)->wordlen - (*(cell_t **)first)->wordlen);

 *	Sort the wordlist by word length so that the longest is at the head.
 *	Return the new head of the list.
cell_t *
cell_t *head;
	register cell_t **sortbase;	/* Array of pointers to cells */
	register int i;			/* Loop index */
	register cell_t *cp;		/* Loop index */
	cell_t *newhead;		/* hold return value so we can free */

	sortbase = (cell_t **) malloc((unsigned)nwords * sizeof(cell_t *));
	if (sortbase == NULL) oom("buildwordlist while sorting");

	 *	Reference all strings from the array
	for (cp=head,i=0; cp!=NULL; cp=cp->link,i++) {
		sortbase[i] = cp;

	/* Check just in case */
	if (i != nwords) {
		/* nwords disagrees with the length of the linked list */
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Aagh! Despair! %d %d\n",
			progname, i, nwords);

	qsort((char *) sortbase, nwords, sizeof(cell_t *), islonger);

	 * Re-forge the linked list according to the sorted array of pointers
	for (i=0; i<nwords-1; i++) {
		sortbase[i]->link = sortbase[i+1];
	sortbase[nwords-1]->link = NULL;

	newhead = sortbase[0];
	free((char *)sortbase);

/* Out Of Memory */
char *where;
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Out of memory in %s.\n", progname, where);

cell_t *head;
	cell_t *cp;

	 *	Get some memory for the sub-wordlists
	for (cp = head; cp != NULL; cp = cp->link) {
		cp->flink = (cell_t **) malloc((unsigned)maxgen * sizeof(cell_t *));
		if (cp->flink == NULL) oom("initfind");
		cp->rlink = (cell_t **) malloc((unsigned)maxgen * sizeof(cell_t *));
		if (cp->rlink == NULL) oom("initfind");

 *	Print out all anagrams which can be made from the wordlist wordl
 *	out of the letters left in freq[].
 *	(cell)->[fr]link[generation] is the word list we are to scan.
 *	Scan from the tail back to the head; (head->rlink[gen]==NULL)
findanags(generation, wordlt, nleft)
int generation;		/* depth of recursion */
cell_t *wordlt;		/* the tail of the wordlist we are to use */
int nleft;		/* number of unclaimed chars from key */
	register cell_t *cellp;		/* for tracing down the wordlist */
	register char *cp;		/* for inspecting each word */
	register int nl;		/* copy of nleft for munging */
	register char *cp2;		/* temp for speed */
	register cell_t *myhead = NULL;	/* list of words we found suitable */
	register cell_t *mytail;	/* tail of our list of words */

	 *	Loop from the tail cell back up to and including the
	 *	head of the wordlist
	for (cellp = wordlt; cellp != NULL; cellp = cellp->rlink[generation]) {
		 *	This looks remarkably like bits of buildwordlist.
		 *	First a quick rudimentary check whether we have already
		 *	run out of any of the letters required.
		for (cp = cellp->word; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
			if (freq[*cp] == 0) goto nextword;

		 *	Now do a more careful counting check.
		nl = nleft;
		for (cp = cellp->word; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
			if (freq[*cp] == 0) goto failure;
			freq[*cp]--; nl--;

		 *	Yep, there were the letters left to make the word.
		 *	Are we done yet?
		switch (nl) {
		case 0:	/* Bingo */
			print(generation, cellp->realword);
			if (generation < maxgen-1) {
				/* Record the word and find something to follow it */
				 * Add it to the list of words that were ok for
				 * us; those words which we rejected are
				 * certainly not worth our children's attention.
				 * Constructed like a lifo stack.
				cellp->flink[generation+1] = myhead;
				if (myhead != NULL)
					myhead->rlink[generation+1] = cellp;
				else /* this is the first item on the list */
					mytail = cellp;
				myhead = cellp;
				myhead->rlink[generation+1] = NULL;

				anagword[generation] = cellp->realword;
				findanags(generation+1, mytail, nl);

failure:	/*
		 *	Restore freq to its former state
		cp2 = cellp->word;
		for (--cp; cp>=cp2; cp--) {
nextword:	;
print(gen, word)
char *word;
	register int i;

	for (i = 0; i < gen; i++) {
		fputs(anagword[i], stdout);
		putchar(' ');
	(void) fflush(stdout);

 *	Forge the reverse links to form a doubly-linked list
 *	Return the address of the tail of the list.
cell_t *
cell_t *head;
	cell_t *prev = NULL;	/* address of previous cell */
	cell_t *cp;		/* list follower */

	for (cp = head; cp != NULL; cp = cp->link) {
		cp -> flink[0] = cp -> link;
		cp -> rlink[0] = prev;
		prev = cp;

cell_t *head;
	cell_t *cp;	/* list tracer */
	int col = 0;	/* print column for word wrapping */
	int wordlen;	/* length of realword */

	for (cp = head; cp != NULL; cp = cp -> link) {
		wordlen = strlen(cp->realword);
		if (col + wordlen + 1 > 79) {
			putc('\n', stderr);
			col = 0;
		if (col != 0) {
			putc(' ', stderr);
		fputs(cp->word, stderr);
		col += wordlen;
	putc('\n', stderr);