[net.sources.games] Galaxy - part 5 of 10

ejb@think.ARPA (Erik Bailey) (04/24/86)

# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	Makefile
#	assign.c
#	best_score.c
#	blackout.c
#	build.c
#	constants.h
#	detect_mv.c
#	end_game.c
#	feed_pop.c
#	funcdef.h
#	global.c
#	global.h
#	header
# This archive created: Sat Jun  8 12:55:14 1985
echo shar: extracting Makefile '(2103 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile
# Galaxy Makefile.
# SccsId  %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%
LIBDIR  = /usr/games/lib/galaxy

CFILES  = assign.c blackout.c build.c detect_mv.c feed_pop.c \
          global.c init_all.c kill_alm.c leave_at.c \
          move_to.c no_detect.c over_stat.c parse.c planet_enq.c \
          planet_inf.c planet_sit.c play.c put_alm.c  \
          retrieve.c softclock.c take_from.c term2init.c trade.c \
          use_term.c wizard.c write.c end_game.c \
          savegame.c terminal.c set_missle.c best_score.c

OFILES  = assign.o blackout.o build.o detect_mv.o feed_pop.o \
          global.o init_all.o kill_alm.o leave_at.o \
          move_to.o no_detect.o over_stat.o parse.o planet_enq.o \
          planet_inf.o planet_sit.o play.o put_alm.o  \
          retrieve.o softclock.o take_from.o term2init.o trade.o \
          use_term.o wizard.o write.o end_game.o \
          savegame.o terminal.o set_missle.o best_score.o

HEADERS = header constants.h funcdef.h global.h typedefs.h options.h \
          score.h table.h

CC      = /bin/cc
RM      = /bin/rm
CTAGS   = /usr/ucb/ctags
GET     = /usr/bin/sccs get -s
PR      = /bin/pr
LPR     = /usr/bin/lpr
ECHO    = /bin/echo
MV      = /bin/mv
TAR     = /bin/tar

all     : galaxy
        @${ECHO}   Galaxy is up to date.

galaxy  : ${OFILES}
        ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OFILES} -ltermlib
        @${MV} a.out galaxy

tags    : ${CFILES} ${HEADERS}
        ${CTAGS} ${CFILES} ${HEADERS}

clean   :
        sccs info
        ${RM} -f ${OFILES}

lpr     :
        ${PR} ${HEADERS} ${CFILES} | ${LPR}

        ${GET} $@

        cp galaxy ${LIBDIR}
        mv ${LIBDIR}/galaxy ${LIBDIR}/galaxy.out
        chmod 700 ${LIBDIR}/galaxy.out ${LIBDIR}/okgalaxy
        chmod 4111 ${LIBDIR}/galaxy.out ${LIBDIR}/okgalaxy

        chmod 700 ${LIBDIR}/galaxy.out ${LIBDIR}/okgalaxy

        chmod 4111 ${LIBDIR}/galaxy.out ${LIBDIR}/okgalaxy

tar     :
        ${TAR} cv ${SOURCEDIR}

backup  :
        ${TAR} cv /users/guest/galaxy
if test 2103 -ne "`wc -c Makefile`"
echo shar: error transmitting Makefile '(should have been 2103 characters)'
echo shar: extracting assign.c '(1760 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > assign.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"

extern int  work_p[MAXPL][CLASES];/* change actual working class */

assign (s)
char   *s;
    planet * pp;
    int     i,
    char    fc,

    pp = getpl (s);             /* identify planet               */
    assert_player (pp);         /* justify planet & owner        */
    i = atoi (s);               /* how many people are concerned */
    assert_number (i);          /* justify no.                   */
    skipword (s);               /* go to the first occupation    */
    fc = *s++;                  /* take the first char   */
    skipwhite (s);              /* go to the second      */
    sc = *s++;                  /* take the second       */
    assert_end (s);             /* see if end is clear   */
    if (fc == sc) {
        say ("It will not change much, my lord !!");

    focup = which_class (fc);
    assert_occup (focup);       /* does it exist??       */
    if (pp -> inventar.popul[focup] < i) {
        say ("But sir, you don't have that many %s at %s!!!", ocup_name[focup], pp -> pid);

    socup = which_class (sc);
    assert_occup (socup);       /* does the second exist?? */
    if (focup == SLAV || socup == SLAV) {
        say ("Slaves cannot be assigned or reassigned, my lord!!");
 /* here perform the actual assignment */
    pp -> inventar.popul[focup] -= i;
    pp -> inventar.popul[socup] += i;
    say ("The people are reassigned and ready, my lord.");
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++)
        if (pp -> pid == pl[i].pid)/* find the corresponding no. */
    work_p[i][focup] = pp -> inventar.popul[focup];
if test 1760 -ne "`wc -c assign.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting assign.c '(should have been 1760 characters)'
echo shar: extracting best_score.c '(7505 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > best_score.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

 * this program displays best scores ( optional all ) from the score
 * file.
 * options:
 *      -t              10 best winners and related stat.
 *      -a              all scores sorted by time.
 *      -m              only my games.
 *      user            only `user''s games.

# include       <sys/types.h>
# include       <sys/stat.h>
# include       "score.h"
# include       "constants.h"

struct reslts
        char    namepl[20] ;
        int     nwon ;
        int     nlost ;
        int     nyears ;

int     n_entries ;
struct  score   *entries ;
struct  reslts  *uprslts ;

glxscore(ac, av)
int     ac ;
char    **av ;
        struct  stat    stbuf ;
        char    *malloc() ;
        int     fd ;
        register int    i ;
        struct  reslts *scrpn ;
        char    *getlogin();

        if(stat(GALSCOR, &stbuf) == -1) {
                print("No score file.\n\r") ;

        n_entries = stbuf.st_size / sizeof(struct score) ;
        if((n_entries * sizeof(struct score)) != stbuf.st_size) {
                print("Ill formatted score file.\n\r") ;

        entries = (struct score *) malloc(stbuf.st_size) ;
        uprslts = (struct reslts *)
                        malloc(n_entries * sizeof(struct reslts)) ;
        if(entries == 0 || uprslts == 0) {
                print("cannot allocate entry space.\n\r") ;
        scrpn = uprslts ;

        for (i = 0 ; i < n_entries ; i++ ,scrpn++ ) {
                scrpn->nwon = 0 ;
                scrpn->nlost = 0 ;
                scrpn->nyears = 0 ;

        fd = open(GALSCOR, 0) ;
        if(fd == -1) {
                perror(GALSCOR) ;

        if(read(fd, (char *) entries, stbuf.st_size) != stbuf.st_size) {
                perror("read error") ;

        ac-- , av++ ;

        for(i = 0 ; i < ac ; i++) {
                if(av[i][0] == '-')
                        switch(av[i][1]) {
                                case 't' :
                                        dispbest(10) ;
                                case 'a' :
                                        dispall() ;
                                        break ;
                                case 'm' :
                                        dispuser(getlogin()) ;
                                        break ;
                                default  :
                                        print("unknown option.\n\r") ;
                        dispuser(av[i]) ;

char    *plname ;
        struct  reslts *scrpn ;
        int     i, nply ;

        nply = findbest() ;
        scrpn = uprslts ;

        for (i = 0 ; i < nply ; i++ ,scrpn++)
                if (strcmp(scrpn->namepl , plname) == 0)
                        break ;

        if ( i == nply ) {
        print("\n\rIt seems that %s never played galaxy. Poor man...\n\r",plname) ;
        print("\n\rThe GALAXY results for %s are:\n\r",plname) ;
        print("==================================\n\r") ;
        print("Games won: %d\tGames lost: %d\tTotal years played: %d\n\r\n\r",
                scrpn->nwon, scrpn->nlost, scrpn->nyears) ;

        print("This is the complete list:\n\r") ;
        print("\n\rWinner\tLooser\tYears\tWinning date and time\n\r") ;
        print("------------------------------------------------\n\r") ;
        for ( i = 0 ; i < n_entries ; i++ ) {
                if (strcmp(plname , entries[i].win) == 0 )
                        dispentr(i) ;
                if(strcmp (plname , entries[i].los) == 0 )
                        dispentr(i) ;

        struct  reslts *scrpn ;
        int i, nply;

        nply = findbest() ;
        scrpn = uprslts ;
        print("\n\r******************************************************") ;
        print("\n\r\t\tBest players in GALAXY game\n\r") ;
        print("******************************************************\n\r\n\r") ;
        print("Rank\tPlayer\tWon\tLost\tYears\tScore\n\r") ;
        print("----------------------------------------------\n\r") ;

        for (i = 0 ; i < nbest && i < nply ; i++, scrpn++)
                print("%d\t%s\t%3d\t%3d\t%3d\t%3d\n\r",i+1, scrpn->namepl,
                scrpn->nwon, scrpn->nlost, scrpn->nyears, 2*scrpn->nwon - scrpn->nlost) ;
        print("\n\r") ;

        int     i, j, k , p_players ;
        int     which ;
        int     qcmp() ;
        i = 0 ;
        p_players = 0 ;

        for(i = 0 ; i < n_entries ; i++) {
                if ( strcmp(entries[i].win , "-null") == 0 )
                        continue ;
                if ( strcmp(entries[i].los , "-null") == 0 )
                        continue ;
                if ( strcmp(entries[i].los , entries[i].win) == 0 )
                        continue ;
                which = -1 ;
                for (j = 0 ; j < p_players ; j++ ) {
                if (strcmp(uprslts[j].namepl,entries[i].win) == 0 ) {
                                which = j ;
                if (which != -1)
                        updt_res(i,1,which) ;
                        add_player(i,1,p_players++) ;
                which = -1 ;
                for (j = 0 ; j < p_players ; j++ ) {
                if(strcmp (uprslts[j].namepl,entries[i].los) == 0 ) {
                                which = j ;
                if (which != -1)
                        updt_res(i,0,which ) ;
                        add_player(i,0,p_players++) ;
        qsort(uprslts, p_players, sizeof uprslts[0], qcmp);
        return(p_players) ;

int     at_entry;       /* where is the player located at entry table */
int     ifwon;          /* did he win this time */
int     new_player;     /* pointer to the new players entry */
        if (ifwon)
        updt_res(at_entry,ifwon,new_player) ;


        uprslts[player].nwon  += winner ;
        uprslts[player].nlost += !winner ;
        uprslts[player].nyears  += entries[i].years ;

struct reslts *p1 ,*p2 ;
        return((2*p2->nwon - p2->nlost) - (2*p1->nwon - p1->nlost ) ) ;

        register int    i ;

        print("\n\r******************************************************") ;
        print("\n\r\tThe complete list of the GALAXY games\n\r") ;
        print("******************************************************\n\r") ;
        print("\n\rWinner\tLooser\tYears\tWinning date and time\n\r") ;
        print("------------------------------------------------\n\r") ;
        for(i = 0 ; i < n_entries ; i++)
                dispentr(i) ;

        char *ctime();

                        entries[i].win, entries[i].los,
                        ctime(&entries[i].played_at)) ;
if test 7505 -ne "`wc -c best_score.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting best_score.c '(should have been 7505 characters)'
echo shar: extracting blackout.c '(726 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > blackout.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"

blackout (s)
char   *s;
    planet * pp;
    int     i;

    pp = getpl (s);             /* get planet id                 */
    assert_player (pp);         /* see if legal planet + owner   */
    skipwhite (s);              /* go to the money part          */
    i = atoi (s);               /* take the amount               */
    assert_money (i);           /* see if there is enough of it */
    skipword (s);               /* skip that no.                 */
    assert_end (s);             /* does it end good??            */
    pp -> secur += i;           /* raise the BLACKOUT            */
    teller[player] -= i;        /* take his money                */
if test 726 -ne "`wc -c blackout.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting blackout.c '(should have been 726 characters)'
echo shar: extracting build.c '(3479 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > build.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"

 * In order to build new ships, several requirements have to be met.
 * The planet on which it is to be build has to be assigned
 * to Industrial, with some buiders on it.
 * The knowledge level on that planet has to be at least equal to the
 * level of ships to be build. The material there has to be
 * at least equal to 1 ship needed for that level, and money should
 * be provided.

build (s)
char   *s;
    planet * pp;
    int     j,

    pp = getpl (s);             /* get planet id */
    assert_player (pp);         /* verify existence + owner */
    if (!pp -> inventar.popul[BUIL]) {
        say ("But sir, who will carry out this work??");
    skipwhite (s);
    if (*s == 't') {            /* ONLY money is to be added */
        skipwhite (s);          /* go to the money portion */
        money = atoi (s);       /* collect the money */
        assert_money (money);   /* does he own that much?? */
        skipword (s);
        assert_end (s);         /* chek now how it ends */
        pp -> to_build[BUILD_MONEY] += money;
        teller[player] -= money;
        factor = 1;
        j = pp -> to_build[LEVEL];
        while (j-- > 0)
            factor *= 2;
        if (pp -> to_build[BUILD_MONEY] >= factor * SHIP_COST)
            say ("The builders will start right away, sir !!");
            say ("The money won't do for a single ship, sir !!");
    nships = atoi (s);          /* see how many ships to build  */
    assert_negative (nships);
    if (nships) {               /* skip the no. chars */
        skipnum (s);            /* go to the ship type */
        skipwhite (s);
        nships = 1;             /* if none given, assume 1 */
    if (*s < 'a')
        *s += ('a' - 'A');      /* transform type to l.c. */
    if ((*s < 'a') || (*s > 'a' + MAXSHIPS - 1)) {
        say ("The type of ship is not clear, sir!!");
    ship_type = *s - 'a';
    if (pp -> to_build[LEVEL] != ship_type && pp -> to_build[NSHIPS]) {
        say ("But sir, the builders are still working on the previous ships!!");
        return;                 /* CANNOT change LEVEL */
    if (pp -> inventar.know < ship_type) {
        say ("The knowledge there is insufficient, sir.");
    factor = 1;
    j = ship_type;
    while (j-- > 0)
        factor *= 2;            /* calculate material for X  type ship. */
    if (pp -> inventar.metals < factor) {
        say ("The material is insufficient for even one ship, sir.");
    skipwhite (s);              /* go to the money portion */
    money = 0;
    if (*s) {                   /* probably wants to add money */
        money = atoi (s);       /* collect it */
        assert_money (money);   /* see if he owns that much */
        skipword (s);           /* chek now how it ends */
        assert_end (s);
    teller[player] -= money;    /* take player's money */
    pp -> to_build[BUILD_MONEY] += money;/* add to existing */
    pp -> to_build[LEVEL] = ship_type;
    pp -> to_build[NSHIPS] += nships;
    if (pp -> to_build[BUILD_MONEY] >= factor * SHIP_COST)
        say ("The builders will start right away, sir !!");
        say ("The money won't do for a single ship, sir !!");
if test 3479 -ne "`wc -c build.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting build.c '(should have been 3479 characters)'
echo shar: extracting constants.h '(3899 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > constants.h
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

 * this file contains all the constants used by the game.

# define HOME            "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/"
# define LOCAL           "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/local"
# define WIZFIL          "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/wizards"
# define LOGFIL          "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/galaxy.log"
# define SAVEFIL         "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/galaxy.save"
# define SAVETMP         "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/galaxy.tmp"
# define GALSCOR         "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/galaxy.scor"
# define DOSCORE         "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/glxscore"
# define ONLINE          "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/online/"

# define PAGER           "/usr/games/lib/galaxy/pager"

# define ESPSIZ          8      /* max nesting of espionage      */
# define MAXSHIPS        7      /* how many types of ships       */
# define MAXPL          91      /* how many planets are there    */
# define PLKINDS         5      /* how many kinds of planets     */
# define MAXCHAN         2      /* maximum no. of chanels to open */

# define NCREW          64      /* no. of fighters in A-type HAWK */
# define VISITORS      128      /* no. of additional people      */
# define MSGSIZ        150      /* max chars in a single masseg */

# define CLASES  6              /* how many clases of people     */

# define FIGT    0              /* fighters                      */
# define CITI    1              /* citizens                      */
# define SCIE    2              /* scientists                    */
# define BUIL    3              /* builders                      */
# define MINE    4              /* miners                        */
# define SLAV    5              /* slaves                        */

# define ESPTYP          7      /* different types of espionage: */

# define ESPKIND         0      /* what kind of planet is it     */
# define ESPPOP          1      /* how many people are there     */
# define ESPKNOW         2      /* what is the knowledge level   */
# define ESPMTL          3      /* how much metal was digged out */
# define ESPSHIP         4      /* what are the forces there     */
# define ESPALM          5      /* how many ALM were installed   */
# define ESPMSL          6      /* how many missiles are there  */

# define BUILD_MONEY     0      /* MONEY given to build ships */
# define LEVEL           1      /* the LEVEL of ships ordered  build */
# define NSHIPS          2      /* the NO. of ships ordered build */

# define N_PSI          20      /* max possible messages on screen */

# define ALMCOST       100      /* how much costs 1 ALM */
# define REMOVE_COST    50      /* to remove one if yours */
# define ALM_KILL_COST 200      /* to remove from the enemy's planet */

# define YEARLENGTH    180      /* a turn is 3 min. */
# define PERC_TRADE      5      /* the minimum % of profit in trade */
# define PERC_POPUL      10     /* the % of natural growth */
# define FEED_RATIO    100      /* no. people fed by 1 teller a year */
# define MINING_FACTOR 100      /* years_manpower 1A metals */
# define KNOW_FACTOR  2000      /* years_manpower to raise 1 level */
# define SHIP_COST     100      /* basic cost factor to build ship */
# define MISSILE_COST  400      /* to put a A-type missile */
# define REDUCE_RATE    10      /* detecting lost effect % in a year */
# define FADE_RATE      25      /* undetection paint fading rate */

# define MIN_ESP       100      /* the minimum to report ANYTHING */
# define KIND_ESP    MIN_ESP    /* to find out the planet's type */
# define POPUL_ESP  5*MIN_ESP   /* for it's population */
# define KNOW_ESP   3*MIN_ESP   /* the level of knowledge there */
# define METAL_ESP  2*MIN_ESP   /* how much metal has he */
# define FORCE_ESP 10*MIN_ESP   /* what are his forces there */
# define ALM_ESP    2*MIN_ESP   /* how many alms he's got */
# define MSL_ESP    8*MIN_ESP   /* how many missiles he set there */
if test 3899 -ne "`wc -c constants.h`"
echo shar: error transmitting constants.h '(should have been 3899 characters)'
echo shar: extracting detect_mv.c '(726 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > detect_mv.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"

detectmv (s)
char   *s;
    planet * pp;
    int     i;

    pp = getpl (s);             /* get planet id                 */
    assert_player (pp);         /* see if legal planet + owner   */
    skipwhite (s);              /* go to the money part          */
    i = atoi (s);               /* take the amount               */
    assert_money (i);           /* see if there is enough of it */
    skipword (s);               /* skip that no.                 */
    assert_end (s);             /* does it end good??            */
    pp -> detect += i;          /* raise the DETECT              */
    teller[player] -= i;        /* take his money                */
if test 726 -ne "`wc -c detect_mv.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting detect_mv.c '(should have been 726 characters)'
echo shar: extracting end_game.c '(3509 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > end_game.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"

char    s1[] = "We are on our way to a BETTER LAND... let GOD be with us next time.";
extern char moreflg[] ;

 * When the game ends, this function is calles to show it
 * in a rather dramatic way.  The looser sees his galaxy vanishing,
 * while the winner gets a satisfactory view of the galaxy that
 * transforms to his original sign.
end_game (winplay) {
    char    winc = '*'; /* the default winning sign */
    /* keeps the new coordinates of vanishing planets */
    int     newcord[2][MAXPL];
    int     i,
    char   *ps1 = s1;
    int     line = 19,

    if (winplay)
        winc = '@';

/* notify the winner */
    termn (winplay);
    if (moreflg[winplay])
        endmore() ;
    cleol (19, 0);
    disch ('\007');
    say ("Sir!!! We won the battle!!! The enemy runs away!!!");
    disch ('\007');
    (void) fflush (tty);

/* notify the looser */
    termn (!winplay);
    if (moreflg[!winplay])
        endmore() ;
    disch ('\007');
    say ("Dear sir, we have lost everything. I wish you best luck next time...");
    disch ('\007');
    cleol (line, 0);

/* back to the winner */
    termn (winplay);
    so (19, 20, " Our forces are taking over the two Galaxies...");
    (void) fflush (tty);

/* and again the looser */
    termn (!winplay);
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++) {
        pos (pl[i].coord[0], pl[i].coord[1] + 1);
        newcord[0][i] = pl[i].coord[0];
        newcord[1][i] = pl[i].coord[1] + 1;
        pl[i].d_symbol[player] = winc;
        pl[i].d_symbol[!player] = winc;
/* display the comforting line to the looser */
    col = 5;
    so (line--, col, ps1);
    col += 3;
    ps1 += 3;
/* make it succesivly shorter */
    s1[strlen (s1) - 3] = '\0';
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++) {
        pos (newcord[0][i], newcord[1][i]);
        disch (winc);
        pos (newcord[0][i], newcord[1][i] - 1);
        disch (' ');
        pos (newcord[0][i], newcord[1][i] + 1);
        disch (' ');
    captr = 0;
    j = 20;
    while (j) {
        if (j < 14 && captr < MAXPL) {
            termn (winplay);
            for (m = 0; m < 7; m++) {
                curse_com (&pl[captr]);
            (void) fflush (tty);
            termn (!winplay);
        if (j % 2) {
            cleol (line, 0);
            so (line--, col, ps1);
            col += 3;
            ps1 += 3;
            s1[strlen (s1) - 3] = '\0';
/* place the vanishing planets in their new position on screen */
        for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++) {
            pos (newcord[0][i], newcord[1][i]);
            disch (' ');
            if (newcord[0][i] > 8)
                if (newcord[0][i] < 8)
            if (newcord[1][i] - 39 >= 2)
                newcord[1][i] -= 2;
                if (newcord[1][i] - 39 == 1)
                    if (39 - newcord[1][i] >= 2)
                        newcord[1][i] += 2;
                        if (39 - newcord[1][i] == 1)
            pos (newcord[0][i], newcord[1][i]);
            disch (winc);
            (void) fflush (tty);
    (void) fflush (tty);
    termn (winplay);
    endgame (winplay);
if test 3509 -ne "`wc -c end_game.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting end_game.c '(should have been 3509 characters)'
echo shar: extracting feed_pop.c '(822 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > feed_pop.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"

feedpop (s)
char   *s;
    int     i,

    i = atoi (s);               /* see how much he wants to give */

    if (i <= 0) {
        say ("But sir, please be more generous !!!");
    assert_money (i);           /* see if he has that much */
    skipword (s);
    assert_end (s);             /* does it end properly? */
    teller[player] -= i;        /* take his money */
    food[player] += i;          /* and give it to the poors */
    j = food[player] * FEED_RATIO;
    i = count_popul (player) - count_class (player, CITI);
    if (j > i)                  /* he gave them more then enough */
        say ("Thousands thanks, my lord !!");
        say ("%d of your people might starve to death, my lord.", i - j);
if test 822 -ne "`wc -c feed_pop.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting feed_pop.c '(should have been 822 characters)'
echo shar: extracting funcdef.h '(399 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > funcdef.h
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

 * global macros.

#define skipwhite(s)    doskipwhite(&s)
#define skipblack(s)    doskipblack(&s)
#define skipword(s)     doskipword(&s)
#define skipnum(s)      doskipnum(&s)
#define getpl(s)        dogetpl(&s)

#define ishex(a)      ((a >= '0' && a <= '9')|| (a >= 'a' && a <= 'f'))
#define isnum(a)      ((a >= '0' && a <= '9'))

#define TWOZERO { 0, 0 }
if test 399 -ne "`wc -c funcdef.h`"
echo shar: error transmitting funcdef.h '(should have been 399 characters)'
echo shar: extracting global.c '(9888 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > global.c
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

# include "header"
# define PLANET_H       1000

 * This file contains little functions, used globaly
 * in almost all the parsing functions.

say (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
char   *a;
    cleol (23, 10);
    fprintf (tty, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);

msg (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
char   *a;
    pos (21, 10);
    fprintf (tty, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);

bug (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
char   *a;
    fprintf (stderr, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);
    fprintf (stderr, "\r\n");
    (void) kill (getpid (), 9);
    endgame (-1);

pr_at (line, col, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
char   *a;
    pos (line, col);
    fprintf (tty, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);

print (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
char   *a;
    fprintf (tty, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);

disch (c)
char    c;
    putc (c, tty);

/* A function to skip * spaces, and point to the first NON space */
doskipwhite (s)
char  **s;
    while (isspace (**s) && **s) {

/* A function to skip * NON spaces, and point to the first space */
doskipblack (s)
char  **s;
    while (!isspace (**s) && **s) {

/* skip a word WITH it's boundries */
doskipword (s)
char  **s;
    doskipwhite (s);
    doskipblack (s);
    doskipwhite (s);

/* skip only NUMERICAL. point to the first NON numeric. */
doskipnum (s)
char  **s;
    doskipwhite (s);
    while (isnum (**s)) {

 * parse a planet name.  this set of functions should
 * return a pointer to the planet structure, given a
 * planet name.
planet * planet_list[PLANET_H];

planet *
getid (s)
char   *s;
    planet * dogetid ();
    register    planet * pp;
    char    pid[4];

    skipwhite (s);
    strncpy (pid, s, 3);

    pp = dogetid (pid);
    if (pp != 0)
        skip += 3;              /* a legal name was found, 3 chars */

    return (pp);

 * hash the planet's name, and if found return the pointer
 * to it.
planet *
dogetid (s)
char   *s;
    int     hval = 0;
    planet * pl;

    hval = hash_planet (s);

    pl = planet_list[hval];

    if (pl == 0)
        return (0);

    if (strcmp (pl -> pid, s) != 0)
        return (0);
        return (pl);

 * This hash function should be perfect.  No collisions are allowed.

hash_planet (s)
register char  *s;
    register    ac;

    switch (*s++) {
        case 'l':
            ac = 1;
        case 'c':
            ac = 2;
        case 'r':
            ac = 3;
            bug ("bad arg to hash_planet %s", s-1);

    ac *= 16;
    ac += hexval (*s++);
    ac *= 16;
    ac += hexval (*s);

    return (ac % PLANET_H);

 * the initialization function for planet's recognization
init_getid () {
    register    i;
    register    hval;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++) {
        hval = hash_planet (pl[i].pid);

        if (planet_list[hval] != 0)
            bug ("hash function not perfect (init_getid)");

        planet_list[hval] = &pl[i];

    capitals[0] = getid ("l00");
    capitals[1] = getid ("r00");

 * The main function that deals with the planet id
 * in a given string.
planet *
dogetpl (s)
char  **s;
    register    planet * pp;

    doskipwhite (s);
    skip = 0;

    if (ispid (*s))             /* a possibly legal name was given */
        pp = getid (*s);        /* get the planet's pointer */
        pp = curpln;

    *s += skip;

    assert_planet (pp);
    return (pp);

 * Check if a given string starts with chars that
 * possibly represent a planet, and the two other
 * chars are legal continuations of such name.
ispid (s)
char   *s;
    switch (*s++) {
        case 'c':
        case 'r':
        case 'l':

            return (0);

    if (fisnum (*s++))          /* the first must be numeric */
        if (fishex (*s++))      /* the second can be hex */
            return (1);

    return (0);

fisnum (a) {
    return (isnum (a));

fishex (a) {
    return (ishex (a));

hexval (c)
int     c;
    if (isdigit (c))
        return (c - '0');
        return (c - 'a' + 10);

/* check if the direction is one allowed */
find_direct (cs)
char    cs;
    int     j;

    switch (cs) {
        case ',':               /* counter-clockwise     */
            j = 8;
        case '.':               /* clockwise     */
            j = 9;
        case '8':               /* north         */
            j = 0;
        case '6':               /* west          */
            j = 2;
        case '2':               /* south         */
            j = 4;
        case '4':               /* east          */
            j = 6;
        case '9':               /* north-east    */
            j = 1;
        case '3':               /* south-east    */
            j = 3;
        case '1':               /* south-west    */
            j = 5;
        case '7':               /* north-west    */
            j = 7;
            j = -1;
    return (j);

 * This function checks if a given planet (parameter)
 * is TOTALY empty. Returnes 0 if so.
chek_empty (pp)
planet * pp;
    int     i,
            flg = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < CLASES; i++) {
        if (pp -> inventar.popul[i])
        if (pp -> to_take.popul[i])
    if (pp -> inventar.know)
    if (pp -> inventar.metals)
    if (pp -> to_take.know)
    if (pp -> to_take.metals)
    if (pp -> secur)
    if (pp -> alms)
    if (pp -> paint)
    if (pp -> detect)
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (pp -> to_build[i])
    if (pp -> reports)
    for (i = 0; i < MAXSHIPS; i++) {
        if (pp -> ships[i])
        if (pp -> missile[i])
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < ESPTYP; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < ESPSIZ; k++)
                if (pp -> espion[i][j][k])
    return (flg);

 * assert functions. One never returns to calling function
 * if condition is met.

assert_money (n) {
    if (n <= 0) {
        if (iswiz[player] == 1)

        say ("That little money won't do, sir.");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);
    if (iswiz[player] == 1)
        teller[player] += n;
    if (n > teller[player]) {
        say ("You don't have that much money, sir.");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);

assert_end (s)
char   *s;
    skipwhite (s);
    if (*s) {
        say ("The command's end is not clear, sir.");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);

assert_number (n) {
    if (iswiz[player] == 1)

    if (n == 0) {
        say ("That will not change much, sir.");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);
    assert_negative (n);

assert_negative (n) {
    if (iswiz[player] == 1)

    if (n < 0) {
        say ("Negative number, sir ???");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);

assert_planet (p)
planet * p;
    if (!p) {
        say ("I don't know that planet, sir!!");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);

assert_player (p)
planet * p;
    assert_planet (p);
    if (iswiz[player] == 1)
    if (p -> whos != player) {
        say ("Unfortunately, the planet is not yet yours, sir.");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);

assert_occup (ocup) {
    if (ocup < 0) {
        say ("I don't recognize the occupation, sir.");
        longjmp (jparse, 1);

assert_loosing () {
    say ("So sorry, sir, we have lost them all...");
    longjmp (jparse, 1);

/* check if a given planet is a capital */
iscapital (pp)
planet * pp;
    if (strcmp (pp -> pid, "r00") == 0 || strcmp (pp -> pid, "l00") == 0)
        return (1);
        return (0);

 * this swich checks for the types of legal ocupations.
 * It also check for the planet type that was before,
 * and the planet-type that should be after change will
 * be made.

which_class (cc)
char    cc;
    switch (cc) {
        case 'f':
            return (FIGT);
        case 'c':
            return (CITI);
        case 's':
            return (SCIE);
        case 'b':
            return (BUIL);
        case 'm':
            return (MINE);
        case 'v':
            return (SLAV);
            return (-1);        /* unrecognized */

 * Function to count the no of population in a given
 * planet.
planet_popul (pp)
planet * pp;
    int     i = 0,

    for (j = 0; j < CLASES; j++)
        i += pp -> inventar.popul[j];
    return (i);

  *  returns the total no. of people from a predifined class.
count_class (j, class)
int     j,
    int     i,
            ncount = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++)
        if (pl[i].whos == j) {
            ncount += pl[i].inventar.popul[class];
            ncount += pl[i].to_take.popul[class];
    return (ncount);

  *  returns the total no. of population of a player.
count_popul (j) {
    int     i,
            ncount = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXPL; i++)
        if (pl[i].whos == j)
            for (k = 0; k < CLASES; k++) {
                ncount += pl[i].inventar.popul[k];
                ncount += pl[i].to_take.popul[k];
    return (ncount);
if test 9888 -ne "`wc -c global.c`"
echo shar: error transmitting global.c '(should have been 9888 characters)'
echo shar: extracting global.h '(1783 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > global.h
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

 * This file contains the definitions of all the
 * global variables and return value types of functions.

extern  jmp_buf jparse;
extern  planet * capitals[2];
extern int  skip;               /* number of chars to skip.      */
extern  info * info_head[2];    /*  linked info head */
extern  planet * spntr;         /* pointer to current 'star'     */
extern  planet * apntr;         /* pointer to current 'ampers'   */
extern  planet * curpln;
extern  FILE * tty;             /* We write to this tty          */
extern  FILE * ttys[];          /* these are the players terminals */
extern int  player;             /* the current player            */
extern int  teller[2];          /* the money available to each   */
extern int  food[2];            /* the money invested in food    */
extern int  trade[2];           /* the money invested in trade  */
extern  planet pl[];            /* the planets themselves */
extern char *ocup_name[];       /* the names of the occupations */
extern int  chand[MAXCHAN];
extern int  year;               /* The current year              */
extern int  iswiz[2];           /* Am i a wizard?                */
extern int  wants_quit[2];
extern int  wants_save[2];
extern int  wants_restor[2];
extern int  wants_newy[2];
extern int  wants_pause[2];
extern int  Pause;              /* Are we having a break or not */
extern char ply0[100],
           *ply1;               /* the names of the players */
extern int  espcost[ESPTYP];
extern char *inftypes[ESPTYP];
extern struct terminal  ttycs[2];
extern struct terminal *ttyc;

planet * getid ();
planet * dogetpl ();            /* getpl is a macro              */
time_t time ();
long    lseek ();
char   *strcpy ();
char   *sprintf ();
char   *strcat ();
if test 1783 -ne "`wc -c global.h`"
echo shar: error transmitting global.h '(should have been 1783 characters)'
echo shar: extracting header '(329 characters)'
cat << \SHAR_EOF > header
 * %W% (mrdch&amnnon) %G%

 * this file includes all includes.

# include       <sys/types.h>
# include       <stdio.h>
# include       <ctype.h>
# include       <setjmp.h>
# include       "constants.h"
# include       "typedefs.h"
# include       "funcdef.h"
# include       "global.h"
# include       "options.h"
if test 329 -ne "`wc -c header`"
echo shar: error transmitting header '(should have been 329 characters)'
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

Erik Bailey        -- 7 Oak Knoll                 (USENET courtesy of
ihnp4!think!ejb       Arlington, MA  02174        Thinking Machines Corp.
ejb@think.com         (617) 643-0732              Cambridge, MA)

	   It takes thought to make a program that thinks.
	   But it takes work to make a program that works.