[net.sources.games] Patches to atc

rogers@dadla.UUCP (02/12/87)

[Do not meddle in the affairs of Unix, for it is subtle and quick to anger.]

I really like atc, and applaud Ed James' brillance for coming up with it.
But being somewhat of a hacker (er, programmer), I decided to fix a couple
of minor bugs (er, features):

	1) If you give a sequence like:

	    a) Have a plane go to an altitude.
	    b) Tell the same plane to turn at a beacon.
	    c) Tell the same plane to go to an altitude.

	    The plane ends up turning immediately, rather than waiting
	    for the beacon.
	2) I found that sigmask() was undefined on 4.2 systems.
	This has been fixed by checking for the define.

	3) On at least one system, the constant PI was defined for
	you.  The fix is to check for PI being defined, and if it
	is, #undef'ing it.  Also, I used a more accurate value for PI.

	4) Some players do not like having planes 'i', 'l', 'I' or 'L',
	as they are too easily confused with each other or with altitudes.
	These planes are disabled with the define NOPLANES_I_L which
	I've defined in the tunable.h file.  You can comment out the
	define there if you want to keep these planes.

Anyway, take the below and feed it to Larry Wall's patch program.
If you don't have patch, have fun applying the patches by hand.
I've also sent along a copy of this to Ed James, so hopefully
he'll put this into the next release of atc.

	-Roger	(rogers@dadla.tek.com)

*** def.h.old	Fri Jan 30 16:36:23 1987
--- def.h	Fri Jan 30 16:38:34 1987
*** 9,15
  #define AUTHOR_STR		"ATC - by Ed James"
! #define PI			3.14159654
  #define LOWFUEL			15

--- 9,19 -----
  #define AUTHOR_STR		"ATC - by Ed James"
! #ifdef PI
! #undef PI
! #endif
! #define PI	 (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884)
  #define LOWFUEL			15
*** input.c.old	Tue Jan 27 12:54:47 1987
--- input.c	Fri Jan 30 14:37:52 1987
*** 226,232
  	pp = findplane(p.plane_no);
! 	if (pp->new_altitude != p.new_altitude)
  		pp->new_altitude = p.new_altitude;
  	else if (pp->status != p.status)
  		pp->status = p.status;

--- 226,232 -----
  	pp = findplane(p.plane_no);
! 	if (pp->new_altitude != p.new_altitude){
  		pp->new_altitude = p.new_altitude;
*** 228,234
  	pp = findplane(p.plane_no);
  	if (pp->new_altitude != p.new_altitude)
  		pp->new_altitude = p.new_altitude;
! 	else if (pp->status != p.status)
  		pp->status = p.status;
  	else {
  		pp->new_dir = p.new_dir;

--- 228,236 -----
  	pp = findplane(p.plane_no);
  	if (pp->new_altitude != p.new_altitude){
  		pp->new_altitude = p.new_altitude;
! 		return(0);
! 	}
! 	if (pp->status != p.status){
  		pp->status = p.status;
*** 230,239
  		pp->new_altitude = p.new_altitude;
  	else if (pp->status != p.status)
  		pp->status = p.status;
! 	else {
! 		pp->new_dir = p.new_dir;
! 		pp->delayd = p.delayd;
! 		pp->delayd_no = p.delayd_no;
  	return (0);

--- 232,238 -----
  	if (pp->status != p.status){
  		pp->status = p.status;
! 		return(0);
  	pp->new_dir = p.new_dir;
  	pp->delayd = p.delayd;
*** 235,240
  		pp->delayd = p.delayd;
  		pp->delayd_no = p.delayd_no;
  	return (0);

--- 234,242 -----
  		pp->status = p.status;
+ 	pp->new_dir = p.new_dir;
+ 	pp->delayd = p.delayd;
+ 	pp->delayd_no = p.delayd_no;
  	return (0);
*** 408,414
  char	*
! 	if ((p.altitude == c - '0') && (p.new_altitude == p.altitude))
  		return ("Already at that altitude");
  	p.new_altitude = c - '0';
  	return (NULL);

--- 410,419 -----
  char	*
! 	register int alt;
! 	alt = c - '0';
! 	if ((p.altitude == alt) && (p.new_altitude == p.altitude))
  		return ("Already at that altitude");
  	if (p.new_altitude == alt)
*** 410,416
  	if ((p.altitude == c - '0') && (p.new_altitude == p.altitude))
  		return ("Already at that altitude");
! 	p.new_altitude = c - '0';
  	return (NULL);

--- 415,425 -----
  	alt = c - '0';
  	if ((p.altitude == alt) && (p.new_altitude == p.altitude))
  		return ("Already at that altitude");
! 	if (p.new_altitude == alt)
! 		return ("Already going to that altitude");
! 	p.new_altitude = alt;
  	return (NULL);
*** 417,422
  char	*
  	if (c == 0)
  		return ("altitude not changed");

--- 426,433 -----
  char	*
+ 	register int alt;
  	if (c == 0)
  		return ("altitude not changed");
*** 422,428
  	switch (dir) {
  	case D_UP:
! 		p.new_altitude = p.altitude + c - '0';
  	case D_DOWN:
  		p.new_altitude = p.altitude - (c - '0');

--- 433,442 -----
  	switch (dir) {
  	case D_UP:
! 		alt = p.altitude + c - '0';
! 		if(p.new_altitude == alt)
! 		    return ("Already going to that altitude");
! 		p.new_altitude = alt;
  	case D_DOWN:
  		alt = p.altitude - (c - '0');
*** 425,431
  		p.new_altitude = p.altitude + c - '0';
  	case D_DOWN:
! 		p.new_altitude = p.altitude - (c - '0');
  		return ("Unknown case in setrelalt!  Get help!");

--- 439,448 -----
  		p.new_altitude = alt;
  	case D_DOWN:
! 		alt = p.altitude - (c - '0');
! 		if(p.new_altitude == alt)
! 		    return ("Already going to that altitude");
! 		p.new_altitude = alt;
  		return ("Unknown case in setrelalt!  Get help!");
*** tunable.h.old	Fri Jan 30 14:46:32 1987
--- tunable.h	Fri Jan 30 14:49:26 1987
*** 10,12
  extern char	SPECIAL_DIR[];
  extern int	NUM_SCORES;

--- 10,20 -----
  extern char	SPECIAL_DIR[];
  extern int	NUM_SCORES;
+ /*
+  * Define NOPLANES_I_L if you do not want the planes with letters
+  * i, l, I and L to appear.  They may be hard to tell apart from
+  * themselves or numbers.
+  */
+ #define NOPLANES_I_L	/* Define to turn off planes i, l, I & L	*/
*** update.c.old	Tue Jan 27 14:29:52 1987
--- update.c	Mon Feb  2 15:35:03 1987
*** 9,14
  #include "include.h"
  	int	i, dir_diff, mask, unclean;

--- 9,18 -----
  #include "include.h"
+ #ifndef sigmask
+ #define sigmask(m)	(1 << ((m)-1))
+ #endif
  	int	i, dir_diff, mask, unclean;
*** 198,203
  	return (buf);
  /* char */
  	PLANE	*p;

--- 202,213 -----
  	return (buf);
+ #ifdef NOPLANES_I_L
+ static char p_lets_lc[] = "abcdefghjkmnopqrtsuvwxyz";
+ static char p_lets_uc[] = "ABCDEFGHJKMNOPQRTSUVWXYZ";
+ #endif
  /* char */
  	PLANE	*p;
*** 202,207
  	PLANE	*p;
  	if (p->plane_type == 0)
  		return ('A' + p->plane_no);

--- 212,218 -----
  	PLANE	*p;
+ #ifdef NOPLANES_I_L
  	if (p->plane_type == 0)
  		return (p_lets_uc[p->plane_no]);
*** 203,208
  	PLANE	*p;
  	if (p->plane_type == 0)
  		return ('A' + p->plane_no);
  		return ('a' + p->plane_no);

--- 214,224 -----
  #ifdef NOPLANES_I_L
  	if (p->plane_type == 0)
+ 		return (p_lets_uc[p->plane_no]);
+ 	else
+ 		return (p_lets_lc[p->plane_no]);
+ #else NOPLANES_I_L
+ 	if (p->plane_type == 0)
  		return ('A' + p->plane_no);
  		return ('a' + p->plane_no);
*** 206,211
  		return ('A' + p->plane_no);
  		return ('a' + p->plane_no);

--- 222,228 -----
  		return ('A' + p->plane_no);
  		return ('a' + p->plane_no);
+ #endif NOPLANES_I_L
*** 210,215
  	if (l < 'a' && l > 'z' && l < 'A' && l > 'Z')
  		return (-1);
  	else if (l >= 'a' && l <= 'z')

--- 227,235 -----
+ #ifdef NOPLANES_I_L
+ 	char *index(), *cp;
  	if (l < 'a' && l > 'z' && l < 'A' && l > 'Z')
  		return (-1);
  	else if (l >= 'a' && l <= 'z'){
*** 212,217
  	if (l < 'a' && l > 'z' && l < 'A' && l > 'Z')
  		return (-1);
  	else if (l >= 'a' && l <= 'z')
  		return (l - 'a');

--- 232,248 -----
  	if (l < 'a' && l > 'z' && l < 'A' && l > 'Z')
  		return (-1);
+ 	else if (l >= 'a' && l <= 'z'){
+ 		cp = index(p_lets_lc, l);
+ 		return(cp - p_lets_lc);
+ 	}
+ 	else {
+ 		cp = index(p_lets_uc, l);
+ 		return(cp - p_lets_uc);
+ 	}
+ #else NOPLANES_I_L
+ 	if (l < 'a' && l > 'z' && l < 'A' && l > 'Z')
+ 		return (-1);
  	else if (l >= 'a' && l <= 'z')
  		return (l - 'a');
*** 216,221
  		return (l - 'a');
  		return (l - 'A');

--- 247,253 -----
  		return (l - 'a');
  		return (l - 'A');
+ #endif NOPLANES_I_L
*** 227,232
  	do {
  		found = 0;
  		if (last_plane >= 26)
  			last_plane = 0;
  		for (pp = air.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next)

--- 259,268 -----
  	do {
  		found = 0;
+ #ifdef NOPLANES_I_L
+ 		if (last_plane >= 24)		/* Two less than normal	*/
+ 			last_plane = 0;
+ #else NOPLANES_I_L
  		if (last_plane >= 26)
  			last_plane = 0;
  #endif NOPLANES_I_L
*** 229,234
  		if (last_plane >= 26)
  			last_plane = 0;
  		for (pp = air.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next)
  			if (pp->plane_no == last_plane) {

--- 265,271 -----
  #else NOPLANES_I_L
  		if (last_plane >= 26)
  			last_plane = 0;
+ #endif NOPLANES_I_L
  		for (pp = air.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next)
  			if (pp->plane_no == last_plane) {