[net.music.synth] MIT Computer Music Jnl

sxnahm@ubvax.UUCP (Stephen Nahm) (09/18/85)

I suppose many readers have already discovered the Computer Music
Journal from MIT Press.  It's a highly erudite magazine treating
various topics related to computer music.  I must confess that
I usually couldn't get much out of the meatier articles, but enjoyed
the reports from computer music symposiums.  I also liked the reviews
of book, records and new products, though the latter was often slightly
stale, due to the journal's quarterly publication.

My subscription just lapsed, and they've sent a "please renew"
notice with this info about their future issues:

  If you are like most of our COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL readers,
  you are inquisitive and want to stay in touch with the
  latest developments in the field of computer music.  Future
  issues will continue to bring you up-to-date articles that
  you have come to expect.  In Volume 9, Number 3, you can
  look forward to such articles as:

    "Machine Tongues X: Prolog," Mira Balaban and Neil V. Murray
    "Fundamentals of Digital Filter Theory," Julius O. Smith
    "A Development System for Real-Time Digital Audio Signal
        Processing," Anthony Agnello & Steve Hoge
    "The Yamaha CX5M Music Computer: An Evaluation," John
    "Music Software for the Apple Macintosh," Christopher
    "Audio Analysis III: 'Hi-Hi' Video Recorders," Phillip
    And more...

I guess you get the idea.  Subscriptions are $26, $24 for
students (send copy of Student ID).  I've seen it in some
of the larger newsstands selling for $5.00 a copy.  Their

        The MIT Press Journals
        28 Carleton Street
        Cambridge, Mass.  02142

Steve Nahm