From: Jim McGrath <J.JPM@EPIC> From: Dave Godwin <godwin@ICSE.UCI.EDU> Those of us familiar with Analog will remember the stories about Haviland Tuf, and his EEC Seedship Ark. ( I think it was George R.R. martin who wrote these ). I can remember five or six of these stories over the last several years, three of them in recent issues of Analog. My question is this: Has there yet been a story on how Tuf and his companions ( now all deceased, I believe ) found the derelict Ark in the first place ? First, the story you requested is to be found in the January and February 1985 issues of Analog magazine, serialized as the Star Plague. Second, a hardcover edition of the collected stories (woven into a loose novel) has been published as Tuf Voyaging. It contains all of the Analog stories and one additional short story. I have always loved the Tuf stories and strongly recommend that people check this book out if they have not already read the stories in Analog. Jim -------