[net.music.synth] MIDI retrofits

pcl@petrus.UUCP (Paul Levin) (12/10/85)

	Once again I eed the knoledge of "you" the net users.

	I have a friend who wants to make a MIDI retrofit for synthesizers
that don't have MIDI.  His first choice was to make it for the 
			Oberhelm OB-Xa.
But he wants to know if anyone would buy the retrofit for that synthesizer.

	Also, are there other synthesizers that don't have MIDI for which
"you" want a retorfit?  Do "you" have an idea of what is a fair price for such
a thing?  And what synthesizer features (keyboard, pitch bender, etc.) should
be included in the retrofit?.

	Please reply to me Paul Levin at petrus!pcl or by phone at 201-829-4021.

				Thanks in advance, for your replies.