[net.music.synth] MIDI thanks for docs

barry@jtids.UUCP (Barry Kirsch ) (02/07/86)

        The net really comes through when you need it.  A bit back, we sent
a request for MIDI specs etc. and many of you sent us valuable information.
From this info, we were able to design a midi interface to the Franklin
computer and write software to sequence and to store program changes on
the Casio CZ-101.  We are still getting ideas on other neat stuff MIDI
can do.  For those who requested our compiled infomation package, please
be patient until our mailer is fixed.

        Thanks to all those who responded so promptly to our request.

| || || | || || || | || || | || || || | || || |    Wayne Phillips  +
| || || | || || || | || || | || || || | || || |    Barry "fingers" Kirsch
| -- -- | -- -- -- | -- -- | -- -- -- | -- -- |    !burdvax!jtids!wayne
|__|_|__|__|__|__|_|__|_|__|__|__|__|_|__|_|__|    !burdvax!jtids!barry