csz@well.UUCP (carter scholz) (03/23/86)
When I bought my DX7 a year ago, I was very disappointed with the user's manual. I learned that Yamaha makes available a "DX7 Technical Analysis" booklet, and a "DX7/9 Service Manual", and I bought them, but they were rather disappointing, too. I've ended up investing a few hundred hours in exploring the rudiments of the DX7 ... such things as hooking an oscilloscope to the output and graphing the responses of various key velocity settings, or working out what kind of "modulation index" you get when an op is set to "output level 87", or how many milliseconds a decay rate of 92 equals. By now I have a fat folder full of data. I have been thinking about writing it up and self-publishing it. I'd like to get some sense of how many people could use / would buy such a document. I am not planning to get rich here -- information should be free, but we do not yet live in that best of worlds -- but I figure it will take me another hundred-plus hours to put the data into user-friendly form. Is there enough interest to warrant my effort? This would include a fairly extensive MIDI doc, and notes on TEXTURE and PERSONAL COMPOSER file structure ... who's interested? Let's not clutter up the net -- E-mail or US mail to me. UUCP: { hplabs ptsfa glacier } !well!csz USPO: Carter Scholz / 2665 Virginia / Berkeley CA 94709 PacBell: (415) 548-3654