[net.sf-lovers] Hugo Ballot/Get a Usenetter...

jimb@ism780 (02/21/86)

"Get a Usenetter on the 1986 HUGO Ballot!  Nominate ---your name here---
 as best fan writer!"

Stuff and nonsense, folks.  Nominating someone because they're a Usenetter is
as ridiculous as nominating someone because they're white, Episcopalian, or a
Chicago Cubs fan.

There's been a lot of screwy nominations and awards based on cliques,
friendships, and downright voteswapping.  The early Nebula's are a sad
case in point.

By all means, if you feel  ---your name here--- is one of the best fan
writers, go forth and nominate.  But do it because you like the writing, not
because  ---your name here--- is a Usenetter or any other irrelevant
criteria.  The rumors of Elron Hubbard's people(?) voting en masse for his
books is bad enough; let not the members of the net contribute to the

(Sorry, I've been bothered by this for quite a while, but the recent surge of
postings coinciding with the imminent release of the HUGO nominating ballot
pushed me over the edge.)

			   -- from the bewildered musings of
			      Jim Brunet


oyster@uwmacc.UUCP (Vicious Oyster) (02/24/86)

In article <60200001@ism780> jimb@ism780 writes:
>"Get a Usenetter on the 1986 HUGO Ballot!  Nominate ---your name here---
> as best fan writer!"
>Stuff and nonsense, folks.  Nominating someone because they're a Usenetter is
>as ridiculous as nominating someone because they're white, Episcopalian, or a
>Chicago Cubs fan.
>(Sorry, I've been bothered by this for quite a while, but the recent surge of
>postings coinciding with the imminent release of the HUGO nominating ballot
>pushed me over the edge.)
   An Email note to one such poster, requesting (in what I *thought* was a
reasonable manner) that she post an article with some information about the
fan writer Hugo and why a certain acquaintance of hers should be nominated,
went unanswered.  I'm still curious; so how about it Evelyn or Paul (would you
deny the request of a former classmate?).
 - Joel Plutchak

ecl@mtgzy.UUCP (e.c.leeper) (02/26/86)

>    An Email note to one such poster, requesting (in what I *thought* was a
> reasonable manner) that she post an article with some information about the
> fan writer Hugo and why a certain acquaintance of hers should be nominated,
> went unanswered.  I'm still curious; so how about it Evelyn or Paul (would you
> deny the request of a former classmate?).

I plead innocent--I never got any such email request (uucp strikes again!)
Since Mark has posted his commentary, I will presume that suffices.

					Evelyn C. Leeper
					(or ihnp4!mtgzy!ecl)

*	       Get a Usenetter on the ballot at Confederation!               *
*	Nominate MARK R. LEEPER for Hugo for Best Fan Writer in 1986!        *
*	Nominate SF-LOVERS' DIGEST for Hugo for Best Fanzine in 1986!        *