[net.nlang.india] Jobs in India.

naren@ut-sally.UUCP (Narendran Nachiappan) (09/13/85)

	There is a distinct possibility of a large computer corporation in 
the U.S opening up a subsidiary in India. This corporation has recently 
introduced a PC in the market and is interested in developing software for
the PC in an environment with lower overheads than what they would face in 
the U.S.  
	A number of positions for Computer Science graduates who would be 
willing to work on the development of applications and system software for
this PC will be opening up. 
	The corporation is currently interested in seeing what the response 
would be for such job opportunities in India among well qualified Indian 
graduates from reputed American universities. 
	Needless to say, the salary scales for these jobs will be consumerate 
with your qualifications and will be very attractive by current standards in 
the Indian job market. 
	Also, in the course of time, this establishment will be involved in 
more fundamental R&D. This is just the beginning, and there are interesting
possibilities for the future.
	If you are either a MS or BS (CS) student graduating in December '85
or May '86 from a reputed university, and if you are interested in working 
in India please send a resume and career objectives to us at the following 

				P.O Box 49830
				Austin, TX - 78765 

	If you have any questions, you can send e-mail to the following address.

     ARPA Internet and CSNET - naren@sally.UTEXAS.EDU [new address]
			       naren@ut-sally.ARPA    [old address, if your 
						       machines host tables
						       have not changed] 
			UUCP - ...{ihnp4,seismo,harvard,gatech}!ut-sally!naren

das@orstcs.UUCP (das) (09/17/85)

/*****net.nlang.indi / ut-sally!naren /  1:15 pm  Sep 13, 1985*/

>	The corporation is currently interested in seeing what the response 
>would be for such job opportunities in India among well qualified Indian 
>graduates from reputed American universities. 

>	If you are either a MS or BS (CS) student graduating in December '85
>or May '86 from a reputed university, and if you are interested in working 

I am sure the original message will be followed up with a list of 
"reputed universities". 

p.s. My reputation is at stake.