ganpaty@ut-ngp.UTEXAS (S.Ganapathy) (11/03/85)
Here is the news regarding RT airfare from BMBY-NY-BMBY. The ticket can be bought here in US for around $ 830.0 Jupiter Travels on the East Coast (NY) and some other travel agents offer this price. When bought in Bombay the ticket would cost around Rs. 9700.00 which I consider is a very good price. There does not seem any obvious advantage of the buying the ticket in US. I would also like to thank Mr. Gopal Srinath, Eric pederson and Sanjay Mukhophadyay to whom replied unsuccessfully. The mail came back to me for no such user on improper path etc. Thnaks a lot to you netters. ganpaty@ut.ngp *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***