[net.nlang.india] Report to the Nation by PCLU on Punjab. Article on 10/15 India Today

ganpaty@ut-ngp.UTEXAS (S.Ganapathy) (11/09/85)

 Folks I just happened to look at an article in Oct.15 th issue
 of India Today on the report to the nation by PCLU( People's Civil
 Liberty Union) with a forward from Jusice Tarkunde. The article
 is worth reading. This report and the previous one by the same
 institution on the Delhi Massacares does not seem to be very
 unbiased. In view of these facts even reports by such "esteemed"
 groups tend to lose credibility. I sincerly feel that all those
 even remotely concerned with the issue should read the article.
 It is very difficult to form a balanced view from sources which
 are biased and politically motivated. To me it seems very easy to
 be misinformed and get paronoid about what is happening at a place
 so far away. By and large I have told by people by Arun Shourie
 of Indian Express that the press is free and of course one could
 expect tons of hassels from the govt. if govt. does'nt like the
 bidding of the press. But in no way is the press muffled of
 controlled as suggested by some of the articles on net. Even in
 US the press is very much influenced by the govt. in power and
 their poicies. It will be worthwhile to note that some judges
 in the case of the Russian Sailor Medvid refused to interfere
 in matters of foreign policy. It is extremely essential that
 we decide or have some way to decide the credibility of a report
 before we pass judgements. I am wrting this note to clarify how
 I feel after my last message on the same topic. *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***