shah@cornell.UUCP (12/29/85)
From: shah (Amitabh Shah) Sometime back someone posted the wavelengths at which AIR broadcasts could be heard. Could the poster or someone who has saved that posting mail me those wavelengths ? I'd also like to know at what times does AIR broadcast? Do they publish any bulletins in advance (like BBC's London Calling) that describe the upcoming programs? Thanx in advance, amitabh' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Amitabh Shah, Dept. of Computer Science Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853. (607) 272-8782. {decvax|ihnp4|uw-beaver|vax135}!cornell!shah (UUCP), shah@CRNLCS (BITNET) (ARPA), shah@cornell.csnet (CSNET)