[net.nlang.india] Listening to All India Radio General Overseas Services.

shah@cornell.UUCP (12/29/85)

From: shah (Amitabh Shah)

Sometime back someone posted the wavelengths at which AIR broadcasts
could be heard. Could the poster or someone who has saved that posting
mail me those wavelengths ? I'd also like to know at what times does
AIR broadcast? Do they publish any bulletins in advance (like BBC's 
London Calling) that describe the upcoming programs?

Thanx in advance,


	Amitabh Shah, Dept. of Computer Science
    Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853.
    (607) 272-8782.

 {decvax|ihnp4|uw-beaver|vax135}!cornell!shah (UUCP), shah@CRNLCS (BITNET)
 shah@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (ARPA), shah@cornell.csnet (CSNET)