[net.sources.mac] "Time" Desk Accessory

lra@aluxe.UUCP (Lonnie R. Abelbeck, AT&T Bell Labs) (03/11/85)

Here is a little Desk Accessory that displays the hour and minute of
the current time.  Posted in DAM format, hexed in Binhex 2.1.

The purpose was twofold.. 1) teach myself how to create DA's and
2) provide a very small and non CPU intensive clock to be used
with VersaTerm.  Since "Time" only tickles SystemTask() every 60 seconds,
the effective speed of a terminal emulator is not reduced.  "Time" takes
only about 1K in the heap.  I fudged a little on the GoAway... hope it
doesn't bother anyone.

"Time" was created almost all in 'C' using Manx's Aztec C68k.

"Time" may be freely distrubuted, but not sold, as it is a Copyright 1985 by
Lonnie R. Abelbeck.

Please report any "bugs" and comments to:

Lonnie Abelbeck

(This file must be converted with BinHex.Hex)
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