[net.sources.mac] unxbin: convert macget output to .hqx format

tim@callan.UUCP (Tim Smith) (08/13/85)

I recently needed to convert a macget upload to a .hqx file.  I was
not able to find anything to do this ( does everyone else use a pre
5.0 BinHex and do the conversion on the Mac, or what?  5.0 only converts
to .bin files ).

The result was a quick sets of hacks to do this.  Here they are for anybody
that needs them.

---------------------------------------- cut here ------------------
# This is meant to be run through the shell

echo extract 8to6.c
cat >8to6.c <<"--EOF--"
 * Convert 8 bit data stream into 6 bit data stream.  
 * The approach is very dumb, but I was in a hurry.

#include <stdio.h>

char tr[]="!\"#$%&'()*+,-012345689@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[`abcdefhijklmpqr";

	static int c, mask = 0x00;
	static int count;

	if ( mask == 0 ) {
		mask = 0x80; c = getchar();
		if ( c == EOF )
			if ( count % 3 == 0 )
				return -1;
				c = 0;	/* make everything come out even */
	if ( c & mask )
		mask >>= 1; return 1;
	} else {
		mask >>= 1; return 0;

	int bits = 0; int c;
	int count; int val;

	printf( "(This file must be converted with something)\n:" );
	count = 1;
	while ( ( val = getbit() ) != -1 )
		c = c + c + val; bits++;
		if ( bits == 6 ) {
			bits = 0; putchar( tr[ c ] ); c = 0;
			if ( count++ > 62 ) {
				count = 0; putchar( '\n' );
	if ( bits != 0 )
		write( 2, "no bits\n", 8 );
	putchar( ':' ); putchar( '\n' );
echo extract README
cat >README <<"--EOF--"
These programs are a quick hack to convert *.{info,data,rsrc} files from
macget back to something that xbin will accept.  The only reason I wrote
these was so that I could post version 4.5 of Switcher.

These files are in no way optimum, elegant, or pretty.  In fact, they might
not even be correct.  If you need to do this sort of thing very often, you
should obtain whatever it is everybody else uses ( and post it to the net so
that I can get it! ).

Enough blithering.  Here is what is here:

	README			This file

	gethead			filter to turn *.info into
				a valid header

	crc			writes crc of stdin on stdout

	unrun			filter to change 0x90 into 0x90 0x00.
				needed because I don't do run length
				encoding, because this is all a kludge.

	8to6			filter to convert 8 bit data stream into
				6 bit data stream that xbin wants.  Uses
				worst algorithm I could think of, so don't
				look at it, please!

	unxbin			shell script to use the above stuff

To install:

	for i in gethead crc unrun 8to6
		cc $i.c -o /where/you/want/it/in/your/path/$i
	cp unxbin /some/where/in/your/path

To use:

	unxbin file    # convert file.{info,data,rsrs} to file.hqx
echo extract crc.c
cat >crc.c <<"--EOF--"
 * compute the crc used in .hqx files
#include <stdio.h>

int crc, temp;

	int c;

	crc = 0;
	while ( ( c = getchar() ) != EOF )
		docrc( c );
	docrc(0); docrc(0);
	putchar( (crc>>8) & 0xff ); putchar( crc & 0xff );

docrc( c )
	int c;
	register int i;
	temp = crc;
	for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
		c <<= 1;
		if ( (temp <<= 1) & 0x10000 )
			temp = (temp & 0xffff) ^ 0x1021;
		temp ^= (c >> 8);
		c &= 0xff;
	crc = temp;
echo extract gethead.c
cat >gethead.c <<"--EOF--"
 * filter to change a foo.info file into a proper header for a .hqx file

char head[ 128 ];

	int n;

	read( 0, head, 128 );

	put( 1, 1 );

	for ( n = 0; n < head[1]; n++ )
		put( 1, n+2 );
	head[0] = 0; put( 1, 0 );
	put( 4, 65 ); put( 4, 69 );
	put( 2, 63 ); put( 4, 83 );
	put( 4, 87 );

put( cnt, offset )
	while ( cnt-- > 0 )
		putchar( head[ offset++ ] );
echo extract unrun.c
cat >unrun.c <<"--EOF--"
 * remove run length problems

#include <stdio.h>

	int c;
	while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF )
		putchar( c );
		if ( c == 0x90 )
			putchar( 0 );
echo extract unxbin
cat >unxbin <<"--EOF--"
# convert foo.info, foo.data, foo.rsrc files to a single file suitable
# for xbin

trap "rm $TMP;echo aborted;exit" 1 2 3 15
BASENAME=$1				# argument is name of file
gethead < $BASENAME.info > /tmp/unxbin$$
crc < $TMP >> $TMP
cat $BASENAME.data >> $TMP
crc < $BASENAME.data >> $TMP
cat $BASENAME.rsrc >> $TMP
crc < $BASENAME.rsrc >> $TMP
unrun < $TMP | 8to6 > $BASENAME.hqx
rm $TMP
chmod +x unxbin
echo all done

					Tim Smith