[net.sources.mac] McLister.Lst

mss@dartvax.UUCP (Mark Sherman) (09/02/85)

This is an ordinary text file that contains an example listing from McAsm.

See net.micro.mac for more details.
McASM V1.0             Filename: LIST.ASM                        Page no.    1
File lister application   Mon, Jul 15, 1985 1:56:19 PM

   1:                  ;****************************************************************
   3:                  ; Copyright (c) 1985 by Dave McWherter
   5:                  ; This a simple print application that just reads a text file
   6:                  ; and sends it as ASCII codes to the serial printer driver.
   8:                  ;It also shows off some of the features of the new McAsm assembler
   9:                  ;and McLink linker. (That means that this file can't be assembled
  10:                  ;by MDS or MACASM, but at least the structure of the program and
  11:                  ;the code itself is a useful example.) McAsm is available from me
  12:                  ;directly at the following address:
  14:                  ; Author: Dave McWherter - 70057,1612
  15:                  ;         2151 Brown Ave.
  16:                  ;         Bensalem, PA 19020
  17:                  ;         215-639-8764
  19:                  ;****************************************************************
  21:                  ; File = LIST.ASM
  23:00000000                  title   "File lister application   $"   timestamp in title
  24:00000000                  name    LIST            our module ID
  25:00000000                  prtr    "/E/$45"        set Imagewriter for ELITE
  27:                  ;****************************************************************
  28:                  ;Configure our application file:
  30:00000000                  ftype   'APPL'          file type
  31:00000000                  fsign   'List'          file signature
  32:00000000                  a5off   $100            start a5 offset data $100 below a5
  34:                  ;****************************************************************
  35:                  ;Assembly setup stuff:
  37:00000000                  mexp    0               don't expand macros
  38:00000000                  texp    0               don't expand text statements
  40:                  ;****************************************************************
  41:                  ;Include traps definitions (with listing turned off):
  93:00000000                  list    1
  95:                  ;****************************************************************
  96:                  ; Structure of File Manager parameter block:
  98:00000000                          dsec    0
  99:00000000          ioLink          ds.l    1       queue link in header
 100:00000004          ioType          ds.w    1       type for safety check
 101:00000006          ioTrap          ds.w    1       the trap
 102:00000008          ioCmdAddr       ds.l    1       address to dispatch to
 104:0000000C          ioCompletion    ds.l    1       completion routine
 105:00000010          ioResult        ds.w    1       I/O result code
 106:00000012          ioFileName      ds.l    1       file name pointer
 107:00000016          ioVRefNum       equ     *       volume refnum
 108:00000016          ioDrvNum        ds.w    1       drive number
 109:00000018          ioRefNum        ds.w    1       file reference number
 111:0000001A          csCode          equ     *       control/status code [word]
 112:0000001A          ioFileType      ds.b    1       specified along with FileName
 113:0000001B          ioPermssn       ds.b    1       permissions
 115:0000001C          csParam         equ     *       operation-defined parameters [20 bytes]
 116:0000001C          ioOwnBuf        ds.l    1       "private" 522-byte buffer
 118:00000020          ioBuffer        ds.l    1       data buffer
 119:00000024          ioByteCount     ds.l    1       requested byte count
 120:00000028          ioNumDone       ds.l    1       actual byte count completed
 122:0000002C          ioPosMode       ds.w    1       initial file positioning mode/eol char
 123:0000002E          ioPosOffset     ds.l    1       file position offset
 124:00000032                          dend
 126:00000050          ioFQElSize      equ     $50     length of I/O parameter block
 128:                  ;These are all used as indexes off of A0, so if we 'BASE' them we
 129:                  ;don't have to type the '(a0)'. In other words, 'clr.w ioDrvNum'
 130:                  ;will be equivalent to 'clr.w ioDrvNum(a0)'.
 132:00000000                  base    a0,ioLink,ioType,ioTrap,ioCmdAddr
 133:00000000                  base    a0,ioCompletion,ioResult,ioFileName
 134:00000000                  base    a0,ioVRefNum,ioDrvNum,ioRefNum,csCode
 135:00000000                  base    a0,ioFileType,ioPermssn,csParam,ioOwnBuf
 136:00000000                  base    a0,ioBuffer,ioByteCount,ioNumDone
 137:00000000                  base    a0,ioPosMode,ioPosOffset
 139:                  ;****************************************************************
 140:                  ;This is our variable storage area off of A5:
 142:00000000                          a5sec           start of a5 offset data
 143:00000000          DiskParms       equ     *       disk I/O parameter block:
 144:00000000                          ds.b    IOFQElSize
 146:00000050          PrtOutParms     equ     *       printer I/O parameter block:
 147:00000050                          ds.b    IOFQElSize
 149:000000A0          ByteBuffer      ds.b    1       a one-byte buffer
 150:000000A1                          ds.b    1       align to even boundary for next:
 152:000000A2          EventRecord     equ     *       GetNextEvent's result:
 153:000000A2          EventType       ds.w    1
 154:000000A4          EventMessage    ds.l    1
 155:000000A8          EventTime       ds.l    1
 156:000000AC          EventLocation   ds.l    1
 157:000000B0          EventModifiers  ds.w    1
 159:000000B2          WindowPtr       ds.l    1       FindWindow's result
 161:000000B6          MenuHandle      ds.l    1
 162:000000BA          MenuItem        ds.w    1
 164:000000BC          SFReply         equ     *       reply record from Std File package:
 165:000000BC          SFGood          ds.b    1
 166:000000BD          SFCopy          ds.b    1
 167:000000BE          SFType          ds.b    4
 168:000000C2          SFVRefNum       ds.w    1
 169:000000C4          SFVersion       ds.w    1
 170:000000C6          SFName          ds.b    64
 172:00000106          ItemHit         ds.w    1       Dialog item hit result
 174:00000108          DialogPtr       ds.l    1       Dialog's pointer
 175:0000010C          DStorage        ds.w    $AA     Dialog's storage area
 176:00000260          ItemHandle      ds.l    1       a dialog item's handle
 177:00000264          ItemType        ds.w    1       a dialog item's type
 178:00000266          ItemBox         ds.b    8       a dialog item's rectangle
 180:0000026E          DeskName        ds.w    16      name of desk accessory selected
 182:0000028E          NewStyle        ds.w    1       the newly selected style no.
 183:00000290          NewOption       ds.w    1       the newly selected option no.
 184:00000292          Column          ds.w    1       current column no.
 185:00000294          PageLines       ds.w    1       no. of lines printed on a page
 187:00000296                          a5end
 189:                  ;All of these are indexed by A5. Since we defined them in an
 190:                  ;'A5SEC', the assembler will automatically add the '(a5)' to
 191:                  ;these variables everytime we use them. In other words,
 192:                  ;'lea Diskparms,a0' will be equivalent to 'lea DiskParms(a5),a0'. 
 194:                  ;****************************************************************
 195:                  ; Start up by initializing the managers:
 197:00000000                  loc
 198:00000000 486DFFFC Start   pea     -4(a5)          space For Quickdraw's use
 199:00000004 A86E             _InitGraf               initialize QuickDraw
 200:00000006 A8FE             _InitFonts              initialize Font Manager
 201:00000008 A912             _InitWindows            initialize Window Manager
 202:0000000A A930             _InitMenus              initialize Menu Manager
 204:0000000C 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           put zero on stack for restart procecdure
 205:0000000E A97B             _InitDialogs            initialize Dialog Manager
 206:00000010 A9CC             _TEInit                 initialize Text Edit
 208:                  ;Set up our menus:
 210:00000012 7201             moveq   #1,d1           install our Apple menu
 211:00000014 61000412         bsr     InstallMenu
 212:00000018 2F01             move.l  d1,-(sp)        new menu handle to stack
 213:0000001A 2F3C4452         move.l  #'DRVR',-(sp)   add desk accessories to the Apple menu
     0000001E 5652
 214:00000020 A94D             _AddResMenu
 216:00000022 7202             moveq   #2,d1           install our File menu
 217:00000024 61000402         bsr     InstallMenu
 219:00000028 7203             moveq   #3,d1           install our Style menu
 220:0000002A 610003FC         bsr     InstallMenu
 222:0000002E 7204             moveq   #4,d1           install our Options menu
 223:00000030 610003F6         bsr     InstallMenu
 225:00000034 A937             _DrawMenuBar            draw the new menu bar
 227:                  ;Other misc. initialization:
 229:00000036 203C0000         move.l  #$0000FFFF,d0   flush all pending events
     0000003A FFFF
 230:0000003C A032             _FlushEvents
 231:0000003E A850             _InitCursor             init cursor to arrow
 233:                  ;Clear out our I/O device control blocks:
 235:00000040 41ED0000         lea     DiskParms,a0
 236:00000044 303C009F         move.w  #IOFQElSize*2-1,d0
 237:00000048 4218     .clr    clr.b   (a0)+
 238:0000004A 51C8FFFC         dbra    d0,.clr
 240:                  ;****************************************************************
 241:                  ; Main event loop:
 243:0000004E          WaitForEvent
 244:0000004E A9B4             _SystemTask             update disk accessories often
 246:                  ;Get any waiting events:
 248:00000050 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           clear space for function result
 249:00000052 3F3CFFFF         move.w  #$FFFF,-(sp)    look for any event
 250:00000056 486D0000         pea     EventRecord     where to put event result
 251:0000005A A970             _GetNextEvent           any waiting events ?
 252:0000005C 301F             move.w  (sp)+,d0
 253:0000005E 67EE             beq     WaitForEvent    nope - keep looping
 255:00000060 302D0000         move.w  EventType,d0    is it mouse down ?
 256:00000064 B07C0001         cmp.w   #1,d0
 257:00000068 66E4             bne     WaitForEvent    no - ignore whatever
 258:0000006A 6006             bra.s   MouseDown       yes - go handle it
 260:                  ;****************************************************************
 261:                  ; Common exit routine from menu selections:
 263:0000006C          SelectionExit
 264:0000006C 610003D6         bsr     UnhighlightMenu unhighlight selected menu title
 265:00000070 60DC             bra     WaitForEvent
 267:                  ;****************************************************************
 268:                  ; Find out where the mouse is down at:
 270:00000072          MouseDown
 271:00000072 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           make space for integer result
 272:00000074 2F2D0000         move.l  EventLocation,-(sp)  ;pass mouse point
 273:00000078 486D0000         pea     WindowPtr       where to store result window ptr
 274:0000007C A92C             _FindWindow             find window where mouse was
 275:0000007E 301F             move.w  (sp)+,d0        get result off stack
 277:00000080 0C000002         cmpi.b  #2,d0           in a system window ?
 278:00000084 6700029E         beq     SystemWindow    yes
 279:00000088 0C000001         cmpi.b  #1,d0           in the menu bar ?
 280:0000008C 66C0             bne     WaitForEvent    no - ignore it
 282:                  ;****************************************************************
 283:                  ; Mouse was pressed in the Menu Bar:
 285:0000008E          MenuBar
 286:0000008E 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           make space for function result
 287:00000090 2F2D0000         move.l  EventLocation,-(sp)  ;pass mouse loc as parameter
 288:00000094 A93D             _MenuSelect             menu item selected ?
 289:00000096 321F             move.w  (sp)+,d1           maybe - pop menu ID
 290:00000098 341F             move.w  (sp)+,d2                   and menu item number
 291:0000009A 3B420000         move.w  d2,MenuItem     save menu item no.
 293:0000009E 0C410001         cmpi.w  #1,d1           branch based on which menu
 294:000000A2 671A             beq.s   AppleMenu
 295:000000A4 0C410002         cmpi.w  #2,d1
 296:000000A8 6700005C         beq     FileMenu
 297:000000AC 0C410003         cmpi.w  #3,d1
 298:000000B0 67000154         beq     StyleMenu
 299:000000B4 0C410004         cmpi.w  #4,d1
 300:000000B8 670001BC         beq     OptionMenu
 301:000000BC 6090             bra     WaitForEvent    ignore if not a menu we know
 303:                  ;****************************************************************
 304:                  ; Handle a selection in Apple menu:
 306:000000BE          AppleMenu
 307:000000BE 0C420001         cmpi.w  #1,d2           is it About ?
 308:000000C2 6700001E         beq     About           yes
 310:                  ;Else it must be a desk accessory menu item:
 312:000000C6 7201             moveq   #1,d1           get handle to Menu 1
 313:000000C8 6100036C         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 314:                  ;                               menu handle is on stack
 315:000000CC 3F2D0000         move.w  MenuItem,-(sp)  also pass menu's item no.
 316:000000D0 486D0000         pea     DeskName        where to put result text
 317:000000D4 A946             _GetItem                get desk accessory name (menu text)     
 319:000000D6 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           make space for function result
 320:000000D8 486D0000         pea     DeskName        pass desk acc. name as param
 321:000000DC A9B6             _OpenDeskAcc            open the desk acc.
 322:000000DE 301F             move.w  (sp)+,d0        clear result from stack
 323:000000E0 608A             bra     SelectionExit
 325:                  ;****************************************************************
 326:                  ; User has selected our 'About...' menu item:
 328:000000E2          About
 329:000000E2 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           make space for dialog handle result
 330:000000E4 3F3C0001         move.w  #1,-(sp)        get dialog no. 1 from resc file
 331:000000E8 486D0000         pea     Dstorage
 332:000000EC 2F3CFFFF         move.l  #-1,-(sp)       put it in front of all other windows
     000000F0 FFFF
 333:000000F2 A97C             _GetNewDialog
 334:                  ;                               rtns dialog ptr on stack
 335:000000F4 2F17             move.l  (sp),-(sp)      we'll need the ptr again later
 336:000000F6 A873             _SetPort                make the dialog the current port
 338:000000F8 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           no filter procedure
 339:000000FA 486D0000         pea     ItemHit         where to store result
 340:000000FE A991             _ModalDialog            handle events in the dialog box
 342:                  ;                               (dialog ptr is on stack)
 343:00000100 A982             _CloseDialog            whatever the hit was, close it
 344:00000102 6000FF68         bra     SelectionExit
 346:                  ;****************************************************************
 347:                  ; Handle a selection in our File menu:
 349:00000106          FileMenu
 350:00000106 0C420001         cmpi.w  #1,d2           is it Listing ?
 351:0000010A 6700000E         beq     Listing         yes
 352:0000010E 0C420002         cmpi.w  #2,d2           is it Quit ?
 353:00000112 670000EC         beq     Quit            yes
 354:00000116 6000FF36         bra     WaitForEvent    should never happen
 356:                  ;****************************************************************
 357:                  ; User has selected 'Listing':
 359:0000011A                  loc
 360:0000011A          Listing
 362:                  ;Use the standard dialog box to get the filename:
 364:0000011A 3F3C0050         move.w  #80,-(sp)       where to put dialog box
 365:0000011E 3F3C0050         move.w  #80,-(sp)
 366:00000122 487A00CE         pea     NulStr          docs say not needed, but I can't
 367:                  ;                                 get it to work without a string!
 368:00000126 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           no filter proc
 369:00000128 3F3CFFFF         move.w  #-1,-(sp)       display all file types
 370:0000012C 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           no type table
 371:0000012E 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           no dialog hook
 372:00000130 486D0000         pea     SFReply         where to put reply result
 373:00000134 3F3C0002         move.w  #2,-(sp)        selector for SFGetFile
 374:00000138 A9EA             _Pack3                     in package 3
 376:0000013A 102D0000         move.b  SFGood,d0       did they cancel it ?
 377:0000013E 670000AE         beq     .Exit   yes
 379:                  ;Open the file:
 381:00000142 41ED0000         lea     DiskParms,a0    setup ptr to I/O parameter block
 382:00000146 43ED0000         lea     SFName,a1       setup ptr to the name
 383:0000014A 21490012         move.l  a1,ioFileName
 384:0000014E 316D0000         move.w  SFVRefNum,ioVRefNum     setup vol refnum
     00000152 0016
 385:00000154 117C0001         move.b  #1,ioPermssn    read only permission
     00000158 001B
 386:0000015A A000             _Open                   open the file
 387:0000015C 4A40             tst.w   d0              successful open ?
 388:0000015E 6600008E         bne     .Exit   no
 390:                  ;Open the serial output driver:
 392:00000162 41ED0000         lea     PrtOutParms,a0
 393:00000166 303A0408         move.w  PortNum,d0      which port ?
 394:0000016A 0C400002         cmpi.w  #2,d0
 395:0000016E 6706             beq.s   .PortB  B
 397:00000170 43FA0082 .PortA  lea     AOutStr,a1
 398:00000174 6004             bra.s   .Open
 400:00000176 43FA0082 .PortB  lea     BOutStr,a1
 402:0000017A 21490012 .Open   move.l  a1,ioFileName
 403:0000017E A000             _Open
 404:00000180 4A40             tst.w   d0              successful open ?
 405:00000182 6664             bne.s   .Close          no
 407:00000184 610001AC         bsr     DisplayAbortBox display the abort/pause dialog
 408:00000188 6100027E         bsr     StyleToPrinter  send style escape codes to printer
 409:0000018C 426D0000         clr.w   Column          init column no.
 411:00000190 426D0000 NewPage clr.w   PageLines       init page line counter
 413:00000194 A9B4     .Loop   _SystemTask             update desk accessories often
 414:00000196 610001C0         bsr     CheckAbort      check for abort or pause
 415:0000019A 6532             bcs.s   .Done2          is abort - quit
 417:0000019C 610002BC         bsr     ReadByte        read bytes
 418:000001A0 651E             bcs.s   .Done           until eof or error
 419:000001A2 610002E2         bsr     PrintChar
 421:000001A6 303A03CE         move.w  Paging,d0       pagination on ?
 422:000001AA 67E8             beq     .Loop           no
 423:000001AC 302D0000         move.w  PageLines,d0    end of page yet ?
 424:000001B0 0C40003C         cmpi.w  #60,d0
 425:000001B4 63DE             bls     .Loop           no
 427:000001B6 123C000C         move.b  #$0C,d1         yes - skip to next page
 428:000001BA 610002CA         bsr     PrintChar
 429:000001BE 60D0             bra     NewPage
 431:000001C0 303A03B4 .Done   move.w  Paging,d0       pagination on ?
 432:000001C4 6708             beq.s   .Done2          no
 433:000001C6 123C000C         move.b  #$0C,d1         yes - send formfeed to printer
 434:000001CA 610002BA         bsr     PrintChar
 436:000001CE 303A039C .Done2  move.w  ImageWriter,d0  is it an ImageWriter ?
 437:000001D2 6714             beq.s   .Close          no
 438:000001D4 123C001B         move.b  #$1B,d1         yes - reset it
 439:000001D8 610002AC         bsr     PrintChar
 440:000001DC 123C0063         move.b  #$63,d1
 441:000001E0 610002A4         bsr     PrintChar
 442:000001E4 610001C6         bsr     CloseAbortBox   close the abort/pause dialog
 444:000001E8 41ED0000 .Close  lea     DiskParms,a0    close the file
 445:000001EC A001             _Close
 446:                  ;
 447:                  ;*** --> the Driver Manual says you shouldn't Close the serial driver
 448:                  ;*** --> and it's correct - the system hangs if you do!
 450:000001EE 6000FE7C .Exit   bra     SelectionExit
 453:000001F2 0120     NulStr  text    #" "
 454:000001F4 052E414F AOutStr text    #".AOut"
 455:000001FA 052E424F BOutStr text    #".BOut"
 456:00000200                  align
 458:                  ;****************************************************************
 459:                  ; User wants to quit:
 461:00000200 61000242 Quit    bsr     UnhighlightMenu unhighlight the File title
 462:00000204 4E75             rts                     return to the Finder
 464:                  ;****************************************************************
 465:                  ; Handle a selection in our Style menu:
 467:00000206          StyleMenu
 468:00000206 3B420000         move.w  d2,NewStyle     save newly selected style
 469:0000020A 7203             moveq   #3,d1           get handle for the style menu
 470:0000020C 61000228         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 471:                  ;                               leaves handle on stack
 472:00000210 322D0000         move.w  NewStyle,d1     is it ImageWriter item ?
 473:00000214 B27C0001         cmp.w   #1,d1
 474:00000218 6720             beq.s   IWItem          yes - special
 476:0000021A 2F17             move.l  (sp),-(sp)      copy of handle for later
 477:0000021C 3F3A0350         move.w  StyleNum,-(sp)  remove check from previous style
 478:00000220 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           FALSE for no check
 479:00000222 A945             _CheckItem
 480:                  ;                               handle is on stack
 481:00000224 3F2D0000         move.w  NewStyle,-(sp)  put check mark on new selection
 482:00000228 3F3CFFFF         move.w  #$FFFF,-(sp)    TRUE for a check
 483:0000022C A945             _CheckItem
 485:0000022E 41FA033E         lea     StyleNum,a0     update current style no.
 486:00000232 30AD0000         move.w  NewStyle,(a0)
 487:00000236 6000FE34         bra     SelectionExit
 489:                  ;Handle ImageWriter selection:
 491:0000023A 41FA0330 IWItem  lea     ImageWriter,a0  get current ImageWriter state
 492:0000023E 3210             move.w  (a0),d1
 493:00000240 4641             not.w   d1              invert it
 494:00000242 3081             move.w  d1,(a0)         save new state
 495:00000244 3F3C0001         move.w  #1,-(sp)        the item no. of ImageWriter
 496:00000248 3F01             move.w  d1,-(sp)        check/uncheck it
 497:0000024A A945             _CheckItem
 499:                  ;Enable/Disable style items:
 501:0000024C 7203             moveq   #3,d1           get the menu handle
 502:0000024E 610001E6         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 503:00000252 2B5F0000         move.l  (sp)+,MenuHandle        save it
 504:00000256 7603             moveq   #3,d3           init to first style item
 506:00000258 2F2D0000 IWLoop  move.l  MenuHandle,-(sp)        pass the handle
 507:0000025C 3F03             move.w  d3,-(sp)                and the item no.
 508:0000025E 303A030C         move.w  ImageWriter,d0  enabling or disabling ?
 509:00000262 6604             bne.s   IW2             enabling
 511:00000264 A93A             _DisableItem            else disabling
 512:00000266 6002             bra.s   IW4
 514:00000268 A939     IW2     _EnableItem
 516:0000026A 5243     IW4     addq.w  #1,d3           to next style item
 517:0000026C 0C43000B         cmpi.w  #11,d3          until all styles done
 518:00000270 6DE6             blt     IWLoop
 520:00000272 6000FDF8         bra     SelectionExit
 522:                  ;****************************************************************
 523:                  ; Handle a selection in our Options menu:
 525:00000276          OptionMenu
 526:00000276 3B420000         move.w  d2,NewOption    save new option selection no.
 527:0000027A 0C420003         cmpi.w  #3,d2           is it a port option ?
 528:0000027E 6C26             bge.s   OptionLF        no
 530:00000280          OptionPort
 531:00000280 7204             moveq   #4,d1           get handle for option menu
 532:00000282 610001B2         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 533:                  ;                               handle is on stack
 534:00000286 2F17             move.l  (sp),-(sp)      another copy of handle for later
 535:00000288 3F3A02E6         move.w  PortNum,-(sp)   uncheck the old port selection
 536:0000028C 4267             clr.w   -(sp)
 537:0000028E A945             _CheckItem
 538:                  ;                               handle still on stack
 539:00000290 3F2D0000         move.w  NewOption,-(sp) check the new port selection
 540:00000294 3F3CFFFF         move.w  #$FFFF,-(sp)
 541:00000298 A945             _CheckItem
 543:0000029A 41FA02D4         lea     PortNum,a0      save new port no.
 544:0000029E 30AD0000         move.w  NewOption,(a0)
 545:000002A2 6000FDC8         bra     SelectionExit   and done
 547:000002A6          OptionLF
 548:000002A6 0C420006         cmpi.w  #6,d2           is it a LF option ?
 549:000002AA 6C000046         bge     OptionPage      no
 550:000002AE 7204             moveq   #4,d1           get handle for option menu
 551:000002B0 61000184         bsr     GetMenuHandle     returns it on the stack
 552:000002B4 302D0000         move.w  NewOption,d0    the menu's item no.
 553:000002B8 3F00             move.w  d0,-(sp)
 554:000002BA 41FA02AE         lea     AddLF-8,a0      get current state of this option
 555:000002BE E348             lsl.w   #1,d0
 556:000002C0 36300000         move.w  (a0,d0.w),d3
 557:000002C4 4643             not.w   d3              invert it
 558:000002C6 31830000         move.w  d3,(a0,d0.w)    update new state
 559:000002CA 3F03             move.w  d3,-(sp)        flag to check/uncheck
 560:000002CC A945             _CheckItem
 561:                  ;
 562:000002CE 7204             moveq   #4,d1           get handle on stack again
 563:000002D0 61000164         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 564:000002D4 322D0000         move.w  NewOption,d1    setup opposite option in d2
 565:000002D8 7405             moveq   #5,d2           assume we're on 4
 566:000002DA 0C410004         cmpi.w  #4,d1           correct assumption ?
 567:000002DE 6702             beq.s   LF2             yes
 568:000002E0 7404             moveq   #4,d2           no - on 5, opposite is 4
 570:000002E2 3F02     LF2     move.w  d2,-(sp)        opposite item no. to enable/disable
 571:000002E4 4A43             tst.w   d3              checking or unchecking ?
 572:000002E6 6604             bne.s   LF4             checking
 574:000002E8 A939             _EnableItem             unchecking, enable opposite option
 575:000002EA 6002             bra.s   LF6
 577:000002EC A93A     LF4     _DisableItem            checking, disable opposite option
 579:000002EE 6000FD7C LF6     bra     SelectionExit
 581:000002F2          OptionPage
 582:000002F2 0C420007         cmpi.w  #7,d2           is it pagination option ?
 583:000002F6 661C             bne.s   OptionTab       no
 584:000002F8 7204             moveq   #4,d1           get the menu handle on stack
 585:000002FA 6100013A         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 586:000002FE 3F3C0007         move.w  #7,-(sp)        the menu item no.
 587:00000302 41FA0272         lea     Paging,a0       get current pagination state
 588:00000306          OptionPage2
 589:00000306 3010             move.w  (a0),d0
 590:00000308 4640             not.w   d0              invert it
 591:0000030A 3080             move.w  d0,(a0)         save new state
 592:0000030C 3F00             move.w  d0,-(sp)        check/uncheck the item
 593:0000030E A945             _CheckItem
 594:00000310 6000FD5A         bra     SelectionExit
 596:00000314          OptionTab
 597:00000314 7204             moveq   #4,d1           get the menu handle on stack
 598:00000316 6100011E         bsr     GetMenuHandle
 599:0000031A 3F3C0009         move.w  #9,-(sp)        the menu item no.
 600:0000031E 41FA0258         lea     Tabbing,a0      get current tabbing state
 601:00000322 60E2             bra     OptionPage2     then same as pagination
 603:                  ;****************************************************************
 604:                  ; The mouse was pressed in a system window:
 606:00000324          SystemWindow
 607:00000324 486D0000         pea     EventRecord     just pass the event to the system
 608:00000328 2F2D0000         move.l  WindowPtr,-(sp)
 609:0000032C A9B3             _SystemClick
 610:0000032E 6000FD1E         bra     WaitForEvent
 612:                  ;****************************************************************
 613:                  ; Display our abort dialog box:
 615:00000332          DisplayAbortBox
 616:00000332 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           make space for dialog handle result
 617:00000334 3F3C0002         move.w  #2,-(sp)        get the dialog from resc file
 618:00000338 486D0000         pea     Dstorage
 619:0000033C 2F3CFFFF         move.l  #-1,-(sp)       put it in front of all other windows
     00000340 FFFF
 620:00000342 A97C             _GetNewDialog
 622:00000344 2B570000         move.l  (sp),DialogPtr  save its ptr
 623:00000348 A873             _SetPort                make the dialog the current port
 625:                  ;Deactivate the resume control:
 627:0000034A 7203             moveq   #3,d1           get a handle to resume item's control
 628:0000034C 6100009E         bsr     GetItemHandle
 629:00000350 3F3C00FF         move.w  #255,-(sp)      deactivate the item
 630:00000354 A95D             _HiliteControl
 631:00000356 4E75             rts
 633:                  ;****************************************************************
 634:                  ; Check for abort actions:
 635:                  ;   R: carry set if abort
 637:00000358          CheckAbort
 638:00000358 6100005A         bsr     TestAbortEvent  any events in our abort dialog ?
 639:0000035C 6744             beq.s   CAOK            nope
 640:0000035E 0C410001         cmpi.w  #1,d1           is it an abort ?
 641:00000362 6742             beq.s   Abort           yes - flag it
 642:00000364 0C410002         cmpi.w  #2,d1           is it pause ?
 643:00000368 6638             bne.s   CAOK            no (should never happen)
 645:                  ;Handle the pause request:
 647:0000036A 7202             moveq   #2,d1           deactivate the pause control
 648:0000036C 6100007E         bsr     GetItemHandle
 649:00000370 3F3C00FF         move.w  #255,-(sp)
 650:00000374 A95D             _HiliteControl
 652:00000376 7203             moveq   #3,d1           activate the resume control
 653:00000378 61000072         bsr     GetItemHandle
 654:0000037C 4267             clr.w   -(sp)
 655:0000037E A95D             _HiliteControl
 657:00000380          PauseLoop
 658:00000380 61000032         bsr     TestAbortEvent  wait for an event in our abort box
 659:00000384 67FA             beq     PauseLoop
 660:00000386 0C410001         cmpi.w  #1,d1           is it abort ?
 661:0000038A 671A             beq.s   Abort           yes
 663:                  ;Else it must be resume:
 665:0000038C 7203             moveq   #3,d1           deactivate the resume control
 666:0000038E 6100005C         bsr     GetItemHandle
 667:00000392 3F3C00FF         move.w  #255,-(sp)
 668:00000396 A95D             _HiliteControl
 670:00000398 7202             moveq   #2,d1           activate the pause control
 671:0000039A 61000050         bsr     GetItemHandle
 672:0000039E 4267             clr.w   -(sp)
 673:000003A0 A95D             _HiliteControl
 675:000003A2 8040     CAOK    or      d0,d0           clear carry for no abort
 676:000003A4 4E75             rts
 678:000003A6 003C0001 Abort   ori.b   #1,CCR          set carry for abort
 679:000003AA 4E75             rts
 681:                  ;****************************************************************
 682:                  ; Close the abort dialog box:
 684:000003AC          CloseAbortBox
 685:000003AC 2F2D0000         move.l  DialogPtr,-(sp)
 686:000003B0 A982             _CloseDialog
 687:000003B2 4E75             rts
 689:                  ;****************************************************************
 690:                  ; Test for an event in our abort/pause dialog box:
 691:                  ;   R: equal set if no events
 692:                  ;      d1.w = dialog box item no. which caused any event
 694:000003B4                  loc
 695:000003B4          TestAbortEvent
 696:000003B4 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           clear space for function result
 697:000003B6 3F3CFFFF         move.w  #$FFFF,-(sp)    look for any event
 698:000003BA 486D0000         pea     EventRecord     where to put event result
 699:000003BE A970             _GetNextEvent           any waiting events ?
 700:000003C0 301F             move.w  (sp)+,d0
 701:000003C2 6726             beq.s   .Exit           nope
 703:000003C4 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           is the event in a dialog box ?
 704:000003C6 486D0000         pea     EventRecord
 705:000003CA A97F             _IsDialogEvent
 706:000003CC 301F             move.w  (sp)+,d0
 707:000003CE 6700001A         beq     .Exit           no
 709:000003D2 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           is it a hit in our dialog ?
 710:000003D4 486D0000         pea     EventRecord
 711:000003D8 486D0000         pea     DialogPtr
 712:000003DC 486D0000         pea     ItemHit
 713:000003E0 A980             _DialogSelect
 714:000003E2 301F             move.w  (sp)+,d0
 715:000003E4 6704             beq.s   .Exit           no
 717:000003E6 322D0000         move.w  ItemHit,d1      yes - rtn item no., clr equal
 719:000003EA 4E75     .Exit   rts
 721:                  ;****************************************************************
 722:                  ; Get a handle to a control item in the abort dialog box:
 723:                  ;   P: d1.w = the item no.
 724:                  ;   R: the handle on the stack
 726:000003EC          GetItemHandle
 727:000003EC 2F2D0000         move.l  DialogPtr,-(sp)
 728:000003F0 3F01             move.w  d1,-(sp)
 729:000003F2 486D0000         pea     ItemType
 730:000003F6 486D0000         pea     ItemHandle
 731:000003FA 486D0000         pea     ItemBox
 732:000003FE A98D             _GetDItem
 734:00000400 205F             move.l  (sp)+,a0          ;get the rtn address
 735:00000402 2F2D0000         move.l  ItemHandle,-(sp)  ;return the handle on the stack
 736:00000406 4ED0             jmp     (a0)
 738:                  ;****************************************************************
 739:                  ; Send the style escape codes to the printer:
 741:00000408                  loc
 742:00000408          StyleToPrinter
 743:00000408 303A0162         move.w  ImageWriter,d0  no style choice if not ImageWriter
 744:0000040C 6718             beq.s   .Exit
 746:0000040E 123C001B         move.b  #$1B,d1         the escape code
 747:00000412 61000072         bsr     PrintChar
 748:00000416 41FA0149         lea     StyleEscapes-3,a0  ;the escape code table
 749:0000041A 323A0152         move.w  StyleNum,d1     current style no.
 750:0000041E 12301000         move.b  (a0,d1.w),d1    get the style eecape code
 751:00000422 61000062         bsr     PrintChar
 753:00000426 4E75     .Exit   rts
 755:                  ;****************************************************************
 756:                  ; Install a new menu from resource file:
 757:                  ;   P: d1.w = menu ID
 758:                  ;   R: d1.l = menu handle
 760:00000428          InstallMenu
 761:00000428 6100000C         bsr     GetMenuHandle   get the menu's handle
 762:0000042C 2F17             move.l  (sp),-(sp)      make another stack copy of handle
 763:0000042E 4267             clr.w   -(sp)           beforeID = 0 (after all other others)
 764:00000430 A935             _InsertMenu             insert the new menu
 765:00000432 221F             move.l  (sp)+,d1        return the new handle
 766:00000434 4E75             rts
 768:                  ;****************************************************************
 769:                  ; Get a menu's handle:
 770:                  ;   P: d1.w = menu no.
 771:                  ;   R: (sp).l = the handle
 773:00000436          GetMenuHandle
 774:00000436 42A7             clr.l   -(sp)           space for returned handle
 775:00000438 3F01             move.w  d1,-(sp)        menu resource ID
 776:0000043A A9BF             _GetRMenu               go get it
 777:0000043C 221F             move.l  (sp)+,d1        get the handle off stack
 778:0000043E 205F             move.l  (sp)+,a0        get return address too
 779:00000440 2F01             move.l  d1,-(sp)        restack the handle
 780:00000442 4ED0             jmp     (a0)            and return
 782:                  ;****************************************************************
 783:                  ; Unhighlight any highlighted menu title:
 785:00000444          UnhighlightMenu
 786:00000444 4267             clr.w   -(sp)
 787:00000446 A938             _HiliteMenu
 788:00000448 4E75             rts
 790:                  ;****************************************************************
 791:                  ;
 793:0000044A 3F3C0001 Beep    move.w  #1,-(sp)
 794:0000044E A9C8             _SysBeep
 795:00000450 207C0000         movea.l #120,a0
     00000454 0078
 796:00000456 A03B             _Delay
 797:00000458 4E75             rts
 799:                  ;****************************************************************
 800:                  ; Read a byte from the input file:
 801:                  ;   R: d1.b = the byte
 802:                  ;      carry set if any errors
 804:0000045A                  loc
 805:0000045A          ReadByte
 806:0000045A 41ED0000         lea     DiskParms,a0    setup ptr to param blk
 807:0000045E 43ED0000         lea     ByteBuffer,a1   specify a buffer
 808:00000462 21490020         move.l  a1,ioBuffer
 809:00000466 217C0000         move.l  #1,ioByteCount  read one byte at a time
     0000046A 00010024
 810:0000046E 4268002C         clr.w   ioPosMode       relative to current mark
 811:00000472 A002             _Read                   read it
 813:00000474 122D0000         move.b  ByteBuffer,d1   return the byte
 814:00000478 4A40             tst.w   d0              any errors ?
 815:0000047A 6604             bne.s   .Err            yes
 816:0000047C 8241             or      d1,d1           else clear carry
 817:0000047E 4E75             rts
 819:00000480 003C0001 .Err    ori.b   #1,CCR          set carry
 820:00000484 4E75             rts
 822:                  ;****************************************************************
 823:                  ; Print a character:
 824:                  ;   P: d1.b = the character
 826:00000486                  loc
 827:00000486          PrintChar
 828:00000486 303A00EC         move.w  StripLF,d0      stripping LF's ?
 829:0000048A 6706             beq.s   .2              no
 830:0000048C 0C01000A         cmpi.b  #$0A,d1         yes - is it a LF ?
 831:00000490 6744             beq.s   .Exit           yes - ignore it
 833:00000492 0C010009 .2      cmpi.b  #$09,d1         is it a tab ?
 834:00000496 661A             bne.s   .8              no
 835:00000498 303A00DE         move.w  Tabbing,d0      yes - are we expanding tabs ?
 836:0000049C 6714             beq.s   .8              no
 838:                  ;Expand tabs to stops on every 8 columns:
 840:0000049E 123C0020 .4      move.b  #$20,d1         print a space
 841:000004A2 61000034         bsr     PrintByte
 842:000004A6 302D0000         move.w  Column,d0       on an 8th column yet ?
 843:000004AA 02000007         andi.b  #$07,d0
 844:000004AE 66EE             bne     .4              not yet
 845:000004B0 6024             bra.s   .Exit           yes - done
 847:000004B2 3F01     .8      move.w  d1,-(sp)        save the char a minute
 848:000004B4 61000022         bsr     PrintByte       print it
 849:000004B8 321F             move.w  (sp)+,d1        get char back
 851:000004BA 0C01000D         cmpi.b  #$0D,d1         is it a CR ?
 852:000004BE 6616             bne.s   .Exit           no
 853:000004C0 526D0000         addq.w  #1,PageLines    yes - count lines
 854:000004C4 426D0000         clr.w   Column          reset column no.
 856:000004C8 303A00A8         move.w  AddLF,d0        adding LF's to CR's ?
 857:000004CC 6708             beq.s   .Exit           no      
 858:000004CE 123C000A         move.b  #$0A,d1         yes - add a LF
 859:000004D2 61000004         bsr     PrintByte
 861:000004D6 4E75     .Exit   rts
 863:                  ;****************************************************************
 864:                  ; Print a byte:
 865:                  ;   P: d1.b = the byte
 867:000004D8                  loc
 868:000004D8          PrintByte
 869:000004D8 41ED0000         lea     PrtOutParms,a0  setup ptr to param blk
 870:000004DC 43ED0000         lea     ByteBuffer,a1   specify a buffer
 871:000004E0 21490020         move.l  a1,ioBuffer
 872:000004E4 1281             move.b  d1,(a1)         put the byte in the buffer
 873:000004E6 217C0000         move.l  #1,ioByteCount  write one byte at a time
     000004EA 00010024
 875:000004EE 0C01000D         cmpi.b  #$0D,d1         bump column if not CR or LF
 876:000004F2 670A             beq.s   .2
 877:000004F4 0C01000A         cmpi.b  #$0A,d1
 878:000004F8 6704             beq.s   .2
 879:000004FA 526D0000         addq.w  #1,Column       else bump column no.
 881:000004FE 303A0070 .2      move.w  PortNum,d0
 882:00000502 0C400002         cmpi.w  #2,d0
 883:00000506 6704             beq.s   OSPRTK
 884:00000508 A003             _Write
 885:0000050A 4E75             rts
 887:                  ; ==> This stuff in upper case was added so that List would work
 888:                  ; ==> under the FastFinder. It's not needed under Apple's Finder.
 889:                  ; ==> It goes right to the SCC chip to monitor the CTS line because
 890:                  ; ==> characters were dropping under FastFinder!
 892:0000050C 48E76080 OSPRTK  MOVEM.L D1-D2/A0,-(SP)
 893:00000510 207C009F         MOVE.L  #$9FFFF8,A0
     00000514 FFF8
 894:00000516 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2
 896:00000518 D1FC0020 OSPRT2  ADD.L   #$200001,A0
     0000051C 0001
 897:0000051E 10BC0000         MOVE.B  #0,(A0)
 898:00000522 3E97             MOVE.W  (A7),(A7)
 899:00000524 10BC0010         MOVE.B  #$10,(A0)
 900:00000528 91FC0020         SUB.L   #$200001,A0
     0000052C 0001
 901:0000052E 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2         DO WE HAVE CTS ?
 902:00000530 08020005         BTST    #5,D2
 903:00000534 66E2             BNE.S   OSPRT2          NO - PRINTER IS BUSY
 905:00000536 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2 
 906:00000538 3E97     OSD2    MOVE.W  (A7),(A7)
 907:0000053A 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2
 908:0000053C 08020002         BTST    #2,D2           TX EMPTY ?
 909:00000540 67F6             BEQ.S   OSD2            NO - WAIT
 911:00000542 2F08             MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)
 912:00000544 D1FC0020         ADD.L   #$200001,A0
     00000548 0001
 913:0000054A 11410004         MOVE.B  D1,4(A0)
 914:0000054E 205F             MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0
 916:00000550 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2         WAIT FOR CHAR TO GET OUT
 917:00000552 3E97     OSD4    MOVE.W  (A7),(A7)
 918:00000554 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2
 919:00000556 08020002         BTST    #2,D2
 920:0000055A 67F6             BEQ.S   OSD4
 922:0000055C 1410             MOVE.B  (A0),D2
 923:0000055E 4CDF0106         MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D2/A0
 924:00000562 4E75             RTS
 926:                  ;****************************************************************
 927:                  ; Table of escape codes to ImageWriter for various styles:
 929:00000564          StyleEscapes
 930:00000564 6E4E4570         dc.b    $6E,$4E,$45,$70
 931:00000568 50657151         dc.b    $50,$65,$71,$51
 933:                  ;****************************************************************
 934:                  ; Initialized data storage area:
 936:0000056C FFFF     ImageWriter     dc.w $FFFF      true or false
 937:0000056E 0009     StyleNum        dc.w    9       current print style no.
 939:00000570 0002     PortNum         dc.w    2       1 = port A, 2 = port B
 940:00000572 FFFF     AddLF           dc.w    $FFFF   true or false
 941:00000574 0000     StripLF         dc.w    0       true or false
 942:00000576 FFFF     Paging          dc.w    $FFFF   pagination - true or false
 943:00000578 FFFF     Tabbing         dc.w    $FFFF   tab expansion - true or false
 945:                  ;****************************************************************
McASM V1.0             Filename: LIST.ASM                        Page no.   19
File lister application   Mon, Jul 15, 1985 1:56:19 PM

 947:                  ;****************************************************************
 948:                  ;****************************************************************
 950:                  ;This is the resource portion of the LIST application. It uses
 951:                  ;the in-line resource compiling capabilities of McAsm.
 953:                  ;****************************************************************
 954:                  ;Some equates we'll need:
 956:00000012          chk     equ     $12             check mark char
 957:0000FFFF          visible equ     $FFFF           true boolean
 958:00000000          nogoaway equ    0               false boolean
 960:                  ;DITL types:
 962:00000004          button          equ     4
 963:00000008          statictext      equ     8
 965:                  ;****************************************************************
 966:                  ;Version data is a string whose type is the signature of the
 967:                  ;application - we have to define our own resource for this 'cause
 968:                  ;it's a non-standard type:
 970:                  ; ('[[...]]' are McAsm's user defined resource delimiters.)
 973:0000057A          [[ LIST,0                       ID is 0 by convention, no attr or name
 974:0000057A 154C6973         text    #"Lister, V1.1, 7-12-85"
 975:00000590          ]]
 977:                  ;****************************************************************
 978:                  ;All the rest are standard resource types:
 980:                  ; ('$$' is McAsm's delimiter for a standard resource definition.)
 982:                  ;****************************************************************
 983:                  ;Tell the Finder that we have bundle info in this application:
 985:00000590          $$ BNDL,128                     bundle resc, ID = 128
 986:00000590 4C495354 LIST                            the application's signature again
 987:00000594 0000     0                               ID is again 0 by convention
 988:00000596 0001     2                               two resc types in the BNDL list:
 990:00000598 49434E23 ICN#,1                          map one icon list:
     0000059C 0000
 991:0000059E 00000080 0,128                           local ID 0 -> actual ID 128
 993:000005A2 46524546 FREF,1                          map one FREF list:
     000005A6 0000
 994:000005A8 00000080 0,128                           local ID 0 -> actual ID 128
 996:                  ;****************************************************************
 997:                  ;Our bundle's FREF resource:
 999:000005AC          $$ FREF,128                     FREF resc, ID = 128
1000:000005AC 4150504C APPL                            filetype
1001:000005B0 0000     0                               local ID for icon list
1002:000005B2 00       |                               no filename follows the application
1004:                  ;****************************************************************
1005:                  ;This is our unique desktop icon and it's selected mask. To get
1006:                  ;this to display, we'll have to set the 'bundle bit' in the final
1007:                  ;linked file and then re-init the desktop by holding down the command
1008:                  ;and option keys as we execute the Finder. (FEDIT or something
1009:                  ;similar can be used to set the bundle bit.)
1011:000005B3          $$ ICN#,128                     an icon list, ID = 128
1013:000005B3 00000000 $00000000,$00000000,$1FE00000,$20100000
     000005B7 00000000
     000005BB 1FE00000
     000005BF 20100000
1014:000005C3 2FD00000 $2FD00000,$28500000,$28500000,$2FD00000
     000005C7 28500000
     000005CB 28500000
     000005CF 2FD00000
1015:000005D3 20100000 $20100000,$3FF00000,$20100000,$21DC3F80
     000005D7 3FF00000
     000005DB 20100000
     000005DF 21DC3F80
1016:000005E3 201460C0 $201460C0,$2014C030,$3FF48018,$000D800C
     000005E7 2014C030
     000005EB 3FF48018
     000005EF 000D800C
1017:000005F3 01F901E6 $01F901E6,$06010323,$1803FFF1,$301E03B1
     000005F7 06010323
     000005FB 1803FFF1
     000005FF 301E03B1
1018:00000603 20F00E31 $20F00E31,$23001839,$33FFF029,$1E00102D
     00000607 23001839
     0000060B 33FFF029
     0000060F 1E00102D
1019:00000613 0200D065 $0200D065,$0200D1C6,$02001301,$02001C00
     00000617 0200D1C6
     0000061B 02001301
     0000061F 02001C00
1020:00000623 03FFF800 $03FFF800,$00000000,$3FF80000,$7FF80000
     00000627 00000000
     0000062B 3FF80000
     0000062F 7FF80000
1021:00000633 00000000 $00000000,$1FF00000,$3FF80000,$7FF80000
     00000637 1FF00000
     0000063B 3FF80000
     0000063F 7FF80000
1022:00000643 7FF80000 $7FF80000,$7FF80000,$7FF80000,$7FF80000
     00000647 7FF80000
     0000064B 7FF80000
     0000064F 7FF80000
1023:00000653 7FF80000 $7FF80000,$7FF80000,$7FFE3F80,$7FFE7FC0
     00000657 7FF80000
     0000065B 7FFE3F80
     0000065F 7FFE7FC0
     00000667 7FFFFFF8
     0000066B 7FFFFFFC
     0000066F 7FFFFFFE
     00000677 1FFFFFFF
     0000067B 3FFFFFFF
     0000067F 7FFFFFFF
     00000687 7FFFFFFF
     0000068B 7FFFFFFF
     0000068F 3FFFFFFF
1027:00000693 1FFFFFFF $1FFFFFFF,$07FFFFEF,$07FFFFC7,$07FFFF01
     00000697 07FFFFEF
     0000069B 07FFFFC7
     0000069F 07FFFF01
1028:000006A3 07FFFC00 $07FFFC00,$07FFF800,$00000000,$00000000
     000006A7 07FFF800
     000006AB 00000000
     000006AF 00000000
1030:                  ;****************************************************************
1031:                  ;This is our 'About' menu:
1033:000006B3          $$ MENU,1                       menu ID 1
1034:000006B3 00010000 0,0,0                           placeholders for some stuff
     000006B7 00000000
     000006BB 0000
1035:000006BD FFFFFFFB $FFFFFFFB                       enable mask - item 2 disabled
1036:000006C1 0114     "/$14"                          menu title = apple char
1037:000006C3          2                               two items in this menu:
1038:                  ;                               item 1:
1039:000006C3 0D41626F About List...                     the menu item
     000006C7 7574204C
     000006CB 6973742E
     000006CF 2E2E
1040:000006D1 0000     0,0                               no icon, no keybd equivalent
1041:000006D3 0000     0,0                               no marking char, text style = plain
1042:                  ;                               item 2:
1043:000006D5 0D2D2D2D -------------                     the item - draw a disabled line
     000006D9 2D2D2D2D
     000006DD 2D2D2D2D
     000006E1 2D2D
1044:000006E3 00000000 0,0,0,0                           no icon, no kybd, no mark, plain text
     000006E7 00
1047:                  ;This is our 'File' menu:
1049:000006E8          $$ MENU,2                       menu ID 2
1050:000006E8 00020000 0,0,0                           placeholders for some stuff
     000006EC 00000000
     000006F0 0000
1051:000006F2 FFFFFFFF $FFFFFFFF                       enable mask - everything enabled
1052:000006F6 0446696C File                            menu title
     000006FA 65
1053:000006FB          2                               two items in this menu:
1054:                  ;                               item 1:
1055:000006FB 074C6973 Listing                           the menu item
     000006FF 74696E67
1056:00000703 00000000 0,0,0,0                           no icon, no kybd, no mark, plain text
1057:                  ;                               item 2:
1058:00000707 04517569 Quit                              the menu item
     0000070B 74
1059:0000070C 00000000 0,0,0,0                           no icon, no kybd, no mark, plain text
     00000710 00
1061:                  ;****************************************************************
1062:                  ;This is our 'Style' menu:
1064:00000711          $$ MENU,3                       menu ID 3
1065:00000711 00030000 0,0,0                           placeholders for some stuff
     00000715 00000000
     00000719 0000
1066:0000071B FFFFFFFB $FFFFFFFB                       enable mask - everything enabled but item 2
1067:0000071F 05537479 Style                           menu title
     00000723 6C65
1068:00000725          10                              ten items in this menu:
1069:                  ;                               item 1:
1070:00000725 0B496D61 ImageWriter                       the menu item
     00000729 67655772
     0000072D 69746572
1071:00000731 00001200 0,0,chk,0                         no icon, no kybd, check mark, plain text
1072:                  ;                               item 2:
1073:00000735 142D2D2D --------------------              disabled line
     00000739 2D2D2D2D
     0000073D 2D2D2D2D
     00000741 2D2D2D2D
     00000745 2D2D2D2D
     00000749 2D
1074:0000074A 00000000 0,0,0,0                           no icon, no kybd, no mark, plain text
1075:                  ;                               item 3:
1076:0000074E 10457874 Extended      72                  the item
     00000752 656E6465
     00000756 64202020
     0000075A 20202037
     0000075E 32
1077:0000075F 00000000 0,0,0,0                           nothing special
1078:                  ;                               item 4:
1079:00000763 14504943 PICA              80
     00000767 41202020
     0000076B 20202020
     0000076F 20202020
     00000773 20202038
     00000777 30
1080:00000778 00000000 0,0,0,0
1081:                  ;                               item 5:
1082:0000077C 14454C49 ELITE             96
     00000780 54452020
     00000784 20202020
     00000788 20202020
     0000078C 20202039
     00000790 36
1083:00000791 00000000 0,0,0,0
1084:                  ;                               item 6:
1085:00000795 10504943 PICA prop.    --
     00000799 41207072
     0000079D 6F702E20
     000007A1 2020202D
     000007A5 2D
1086:000007A6 00000000 0,0,0,0
1087:                  ;                               item 7:
1088:000007AA 10454C49 ELITE prop.   --
     000007AE 54452070
     000007B2 726F702E
     000007B6 2020202D
     000007BA 2D
1089:000007BB 00000000 0,0,0,0
1090:                  ;                               item 8:
1091:000007BF 0F53656D Semicond.   108
     000007C3 69636F6E
     000007C7 642E2020
     000007CB 20313038
1092:000007CF 00000000 0,0,0,0
1093:                  ;                               item 9:
1094:000007D3 0E436F6E Condensed  120
     000007D7 64656E73
     000007DB 65642020
     000007DF 313230
1095:000007E2 00001200 0,0,chk,0                         check mark on this one
1096:                  ;                               item 10:
1097:000007E6 10556C74 Ultracond.   132
     000007EA 7261636F
     000007EE 6E642E20
     000007F2 20203133
     000007F6 32
1098:000007F7 00000000 0,0,0,0
     000007FB 00
1100:                  ;****************************************************************
1101:                  ;This is our 'Options' menu:
1103:000007FC          $$ MENU,4                       menu ID 4
1104:000007FC 00040000 0,0,0                           placeholders for some stuff
     00000800 00000000
     00000804 0000
1105:00000806 FFFFFE97 $FFFFFE97                       enable mask - 3,5,6,8 disabled
1106:0000080A 074F7074 Options                         menu title
     0000080E 696F6E73
1107:00000812          9                               nine items in this menu:
1108:                  ;                               item 1:
1109:00000812 0D506F72 Port A, modem                     the menu item
     00000816 7420412C
     0000081A 206D6F64
     0000081E 656D
1110:00000820 00000000 0,0,0,0                           no icon, no kybd, no mark, plain text
1111:                  ;                               item 2:
1112:00000824 0F506F72 Port B, printer                   the item
     00000828 7420422C
     0000082C 20707269
     00000830 6E746572
1113:00000834 00001200 0,0,chk,0                         check mark on this one
1114:                  ;                               item 3:
1115:00000838 132D2D2D -------------------               another disabled line
     0000083C 2D2D2D2D
     00000840 2D2D2D2D
     00000844 2D2D2D2D
     00000848 2D2D2D2D
1116:0000084C 00000000 0,0,0,0                           nothing special
1117:                  ;                               item 4:
1118:00000850 0E416464 Add LFs to CRs                    the item
     00000854 204C4673
     00000858 20746F20
     0000085C 435273
1119:0000085F 00001200 0,0,chk,0                         another check mark
1120:                  ;                               item 5:
1121:00000863 09537472 Strip LFs                         this one's disabled
     00000867 6970204C
     0000086B 4673
1122:0000086D 00000000 0,0,0,0
1123:                  ;                               item 6:
1124:00000871 132D2D2D -------------------               another disabled line
     00000875 2D2D2D2D
     00000879 2D2D2D2D
     0000087D 2D2D2D2D
     00000881 2D2D2D2D
1125:00000885 00000000 0,0,0,0
1126:                  ;                               item 7:
1127:00000889 13506167 Pagination, 60 lppg               the item
     0000088D 696E6174
     00000891 696F6E2C
     00000895 20363020
     00000899 6C707067
1128:0000089D 00001200 0,0,chk,0                         and yet another check mark
1129:                  ;                               item 8:
1130:000008A1 132D2D2D -------------------               yet another disabled line
     000008A5 2D2D2D2D
     000008A9 2D2D2D2D
     000008AD 2D2D2D2D
     000008B1 2D2D2D2D
1131:000008B5 00000000 0,0,0,0
1132:                  ;                               item 9:
1133:000008B9 14204578  Expand tabs, 8 spcs
     000008BD 70616E64
     000008C1 20746162
     000008C5 732C2038
     000008C9 20737063
     000008CD 73
1134:000008CE 00001200 0,0,chk,0                         check mark on this one
     000008D2 00
1136:                  ;****************************************************************
1137:                  ;This is the 'About' dialog box:
1139:000008D3          $$ DLOG,1                       dialog, ID = 1
1140:000008D3 00640064 100,100,190,400                 bounds rectangle
     000008D7 00BE0190
1141:000008DB 0001     1                               type = modal dialog box
1142:000008DD FFFF     visible                         initial state
1143:000008DF 0000     nogoaway                        no close box
1144:000008E1 00000000 0                               refcon
1145:000008E5 0001     1                               resc ID of DLOG's item list
1146:000008E7 00       |                               no title
1148:000008E8          $$ DITL,1                       item list for above
1149:000008E8 0002     3                               three items in this list:
1150:                  ;                               item 1:
1151:000008EA 00000000 0                                 handle holder
1152:000008EE 000F0014 15,20,36,300                      display rectangle
     000008F2 0024012C
1153:000008F6 08       statictext                        item type
1154:000008F7 1E416C6C All I wanted was a listing...     the item
     000008FB 20492077
     000008FF 616E7465
     00000903 64207761
     00000907 73206120
     0000090B 6C697374
     0000090F 696E672E
     00000913 2E2E20
1155:                  ;                               item 2:
1156:00000916 00000000 0                                 handle holder
1157:0000091A 00230014 35,20,56,300                      display rectangle
     0000091E 0038012C
1158:00000922 08       statictext                        item type
1159:00000923 16202020 "     By Dave McWherter"          the item
     00000927 20204279
     0000092B 20446176
     0000092F 65204D63
     00000933 57686572
     00000937 746572
1160:                  ;                               item 3:
1161:0000093A 00000000 0                                 handle holder
1162:0000093E 003C00E6 60,230,80,290                     display rectangle
     00000942 00500122
1163:00000946 04       button                            item type
1164:00000947 024F4B   OK                                button's title
1166:                  ;****************************************************************
1167:                  ;This is the 'Change your mind?' dialog box:
1169:0000094A          $$ DLOG,2                       dialog, ID = 2
1170:0000094A 00640064 100,100,220,235                 bounds rectangle
     0000094E 00DC00EB
1171:00000952 0001     1                               type = modal dialog box
1172:00000954 FFFF     visible                         initial state
1173:00000956 0000     nogoaway                        no close box
1174:00000958 00000000 0                               refcon
1175:0000095C 0002     2                               resc ID of DLOG's item list
1176:0000095E 11436861 Change your mind?               the title
     00000962 6E676520
     00000966 796F7572
     0000096A 206D696E
     0000096E 643F
1178:00000970          $$ DITL,2                       item list for above
1179:00000970 0002     3                               three items in this list:
1180:                  ;                               item 1:
1181:00000972 00000000 0                                 handle holder
1182:00000976 000F0014 15,20,35,95                       display rectangle
     0000097A 0023005F
1183:0000097E 04       button                            item type
1184:0000097F 0641626F Abort                             button's title
     00000983 727420
1185:                  ;                               item 2:
1186:00000986 00000000 0                                 handle holder
1187:0000098A 00320014 50,20,70,95                       display rectangle
     0000098E 0046005F
1188:00000992 04       button                            item type
1189:00000993 06506175 Pause                             button's title
     00000997 736520
1190:                  ;                               item 3:
1191:0000099A 00000000 0                                 handle holder
1192:0000099E 00550014 85,20,105,95                      display rectangle
     000009A2 0069005F
1193:000009A6 04       button                            item type
1194:000009A7 06526573 Resume                            button's title
     000009AB 756D65
1196:                  ;****************************************************************
1198:000009AE                  end

Number of errors =    0
Cross Reference List   Filename: LIST.ASM                        Page no.   28
File lister application   Mon, Jul 15, 1985 1:56:19 PM

Abort     000003A6  LAB  < 678>   641   661  
About     000000E2  LAB  < 328>   308  
AddLF     00000572  DW   < 940>   554   856  
AOutStr   000001F4  TXT  < 454>   397  
AppleMen  000000BE  LAB  < 306>   294  
Beep      0000044A  LAB  < 793>  ****
BOutStr   000001FA  TXT  < 455>   400  
button    00000004  EQU  < 962>  1163  1183  1188  1193  
ByteBuff  000000A0  DS   < 149>   807   813   870  
CAOK      000003A2  LAB  < 675>   639   643  
CheckAbo  00000358  LAB  < 637>   414  
chk       00000012  EQU  < 956>  1071  1095  1113  1119  1128  1134  
CloseAbo  000003AC  LAB  < 684>   442  
Column    00000292  DS   < 184>   409   842   854   879  
csCode    0000001A  EQU  < 111>  ****
csParam   0000001C  EQU  < 115>  ****
DeskName  0000026E  DS   < 180>   316   320  
DialogPt  00000108  DS   < 174>   622   685   711   727  
DiskParm  00000000  EQU  < 143>   235   381   444   806  
DisplayA  00000332  LAB  < 615>   407  
DStorage  0000010C  DS   < 175>   331   618  
EventLoc  000000AC  DS   < 156>   272   287  
EventMes  000000A4  DS   < 154>  ****
EventMod  000000B0  DS   < 157>  ****
EventRec  000000A2  EQU  < 152>   250   607   698   704   710  
EventTim  000000A8  DS   < 155>  ****
EventTyp  000000A2  DS   < 153>   255  
FileMenu  00000106  LAB  < 349>   296  
GetItemH  000003EC  LAB  < 726>   628   648   653   666   671  
GetMenuH  00000436  LAB  < 773>   313   470   502   532   551   563   585  
                                  598   761  
ImageWri  0000056C  DW   < 936>   436   491   508   743  
InstallM  00000428  LAB  < 760>   211   217   220   223  
ioBuffer  00000020  DS   < 118>   808   871  
ioByteCo  00000024  DS   < 119>   809   873  
ioCmdAdd  00000008  DS   < 102>  ****
ioComple  0000000C  DS   < 104>  ****
ioDrvNum  00000016  DS   < 108>  ****
ioFileNa  00000012  DS   < 106>   383   402  
ioFileTy  0000001A  DS   < 112>  ****
ioFQElSi  00000050  EQU  < 126>   144   147   236  
ioLink    00000000  DS   <  99>  ****
ioNumDon  00000028  DS   < 120>  ****
ioOwnBuf  0000001C  DS   < 116>  ****
ioPermss  0000001B  DS   < 113>   385  
ioPosMod  0000002C  DS   < 122>   810  
ioPosOff  0000002E  DS   < 123>  ****
ioRefNum  00000018  DS   < 109>  ****
ioResult  00000010  DS   < 105>  ****
ioTrap    00000006  DS   < 101>  ****
ioType    00000004  DS   < 100>  ****
ioVRefNu  00000016  EQU  < 107>   384  
ItemBox   00000266  DS   < 178>   731  
ItemHand  00000260  DS   < 176>   730   735  
ItemHit   00000106  DS   < 172>   339   712   717  
ItemType  00000264  DS   < 177>   729  
IW2       00000268  LAB  < 514>   509  
IW4       0000026A  LAB  < 516>   512  
IWItem    0000023A  LAB  < 491>   474  
IWLoop    00000258  LAB  < 506>   518  
LF2       000002E2  LAB  < 570>   567  
LF4       000002EC  LAB  < 577>   572  
LF6       000002EE  LAB  < 579>   575  
LIST      00000000  MOD  <   0>  ****
Listing   0000011A  LAB  < 360>   351  
MenuBar   0000008E  LAB  < 285>  ****
MenuHand  000000B6  DS   < 161>   503   506  
MenuItem  000000BA  DS   < 162>   291   315  
MouseDow  00000072  LAB  < 270>   258  
NewOptio  00000290  DS   < 183>   526   539   544   552   564  
NewPage   00000190  LAB  < 411>   429  
NewStyle  0000028E  DS   < 182>   468   472   481   486  
nogoaway  00000000  EQU  < 958>  1143  1173  
NulStr    000001F2  TXT  < 453>   366  
OptionLF  000002A6  LAB  < 547>   528  
OptionMe  00000276  LAB  < 525>   300  
OptionPa  000002F2  LAB  < 581>   549  
OptionPa  00000306  LAB  < 588>   601  
OptionPo  00000280  LAB  < 530>  ****
OptionTa  00000314  LAB  < 596>   583  
OSD2      00000538  LAB  < 906>   909  
OSD4      00000552  LAB  < 917>   920  
OSPRT2    00000518  LAB  < 896>   903  
OSPRTK    0000050C  LAB  < 892>   883  
PageLine  00000294  DS   < 185>   411   423   853  
Paging    00000576  DW   < 942>   421   431   587  
PauseLoo  00000380  LAB  < 657>   659  
PortNum   00000570  DW   < 939>   393   535   543   881  
PrintByt  000004D8  LAB  < 868>   841   848   859  
PrintCha  00000486  LAB  < 827>   419   428   434   439   441   747   751  
PrtOutPa  00000050  EQU  < 146>   392   869  
Quit      00000200  LAB  < 461>   353  
ReadByte  0000045A  LAB  < 805>   417  
Selectio  0000006C  LAB  < 263>   323   344   450   487   520   545   579  
SFCopy    000000BD  DS   < 166>  ****
SFGood    000000BC  DS   < 165>   376  
SFName    000000C6  DS   < 170>   382  
SFReply   000000BC  EQU  < 164>   372  
SFType    000000BE  DS   < 167>  ****
SFVersio  000000C4  DS   < 169>  ****
SFVRefNu  000000C2  DS   < 168>   384  
Start     00000000  LAB  < 198>  ****
staticte  00000008  EQU  < 963>  1153  1158  
StripLF   00000574  DW   < 941>   828  
StyleEsc  00000564  LAB  < 929>   748  
StyleMen  00000206  LAB  < 467>   298  
StyleNum  0000056E  DW   < 937>   477   485   749  
StyleToP  00000408  LAB  < 742>   408  
SystemWi  00000324  LAB  < 606>   278  
Tabbing   00000578  DW   < 943>   600   835  
TestAbor  000003B4  LAB  < 695>   638   658  
Unhighli  00000444  LAB  < 785>   264   461  
visible   0000FFFF  EQU  < 957>  1142  1172  
WaitForE  0000004E  LAB  < 243>   253   257   265   280   301   354   610  
WindowPt  000000B2  DS   < 159>   273   608  
_AddResM  0000A94D  TRP  <  51>   214  
_CheckIt  0000A945  TRP  <  52>   479   483   497   537   541   560   593  
_Close    0000A001  TRP  <  53>   445  
_CloseDi  0000A982  TRP  <  54>   343   686  
_Delay    0000A03B  TRP  <  55>   796  
_DialogS  0000A980  TRP  <  56>   713  
_Disable  0000A93A  TRP  <  57>   511   577  
_DrawMen  0000A937  TRP  <  58>   225  
_EnableI  0000A939  TRP  <  59>   514   574  
_FindWin  0000A92C  TRP  <  60>   274  
_FlushEv  0000A032  TRP  <  61>   230  
_GetDIte  0000A98D  TRP  <  62>   732  
_GetItem  0000A946  TRP  <  63>   317  
_GetNewD  0000A97C  TRP  <  65>   333   620  
_GetNext  0000A970  TRP  <  64>   251   699  
_GetRMen  0000A9BF  TRP  <  66>   776  
_HiliteC  0000A95D  TRP  <  67>   630   650   655   668   673  
_HiliteM  0000A938  TRP  <  68>   787  
_InitCur  0000A850  TRP  <  69>   231  
_InitDia  0000A97B  TRP  <  70>   205  
_InitFon  0000A8FE  TRP  <  71>   200  
_InitGra  0000A86E  TRP  <  72>   199  
_InitMen  0000A930  TRP  <  73>   202  
_InitWin  0000A912  TRP  <  74>   201  
_InsertM  0000A935  TRP  <  75>   764  
_IsDialo  0000A97F  TRP  <  76>   705  
_MenuSel  0000A93D  TRP  <  77>   288  
_ModalDi  0000A991  TRP  <  78>   340  
_Open     0000A000  TRP  <  79>   386   403  
_OpenDes  0000A9B6  TRP  <  80>   321  
_Pack3    0000A9EA  TRP  <  81>   374  
_Read     0000A002  TRP  <  82>   811  
_SetPort  0000A873  TRP  <  83>   336   623  
_SysBeep  0000A9C8  TRP  <  84>   794  
_SystemC  0000A9B3  TRP  <  85>   609  
_SystemT  0000A9B4  TRP  <  86>   244   413  
_TEInit   0000A9CC  TRP  <  87>   206  
_Write    0000A003  TRP  <  88>   884  

McLink V1.0, Link Map for file: LIST.APPL

** Module Map **
Mod   Code  A5    A5    Resc
Base  Size  Org   Size  Size  Module ID

0000  057A  0396  0296  0434  LIST

** External Symbols **
Value  Name