[net.sources.mac] Profile program for M68000 instruction statistics Part 2 of 3

davet@oakhill.UUCP (Dave Trissel) (11/20/85)

The following program installs a trace routine and instruction frequency
table.  It can write the table out in a compressed format on the disk for
later evaluation (see comments indicating compressed format.)

  -- Dave Trissel  Motorola Semiconductor Inc., Austin, Texas

;               ***************** PROFILE **********************
;	Program to collect 68k instruction counts by dynamic frequency
;   D3-D6/A2-A6 safe (A5 reserved)

	include QuickEquX.D
	include	SysEquX.D
	include ToolEquX.D
	include MacTraps.D
; following SFPutFile macro system copied from PackMacs.txt
	.MACRO _SFPutFile
	_PackCall #SFPutFile,_Pack3

	.MACRO	_PackCall
	MOVE.W	  %1,-(SP)
sfPutFile	EQU	1

dupFNErr equ	-48	;(From SysErr.Txt) File already exists
Aline	equ	40	;68k a-line vector
Trace	equ	36	;68k trace vector
inKey	equ	$13243546 ;key indicating table installed

;   QDstore := NewPtr (Size):Ptr Get nonreloc memory for Quickdraw area
Start	MOVE.L	#grafSize,D0	;size
	LEA	QDstore,A1	;where to store
	MOVE.L	A0,(A1)		; remember it
	PEA	grafSize-4(A0)	;Point to it

	;PROCEDURE	InitGraf (globalPtr: QDPtr);
	_InitGraf		;Init Quickdraw
	_InitFonts		;Init Font Manager	
	_InitWindows		;Init Window Manager
	_InitMenus		;Init Menu Manager	
;	InitDialogs (restartProc: ProcPtr);
	pea	Start		;Restart if Store Table into File error
	_InitDialogs		;Init Dialog Manager	
	_TEInit			;Init Text Edit
	_InitCursor		;init cursor
;	FlushEvents(everyEvent,0)
	move.l	#$0000FFFF,D0	;clear all events
; Setup Apple Menu
;	NewMenu(1,'Apple'): Handle
	SUB	#4,SP		;return parm
	MOVE	#1,-(SP)	;column
	PEA	MenT1		;Apple symbol title
	_NewMenu		;_NewMenu
	LEA	Men1Hndl,A2	;store handle
	MOVE.L	(SP)+,(A2)	;  here

;	AppendMenu(Menuhndl,'About...;(-;Desk Accs')
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;pass handle
	PEA	'Profile - by Trissel;(-;Do not run with;Macsbug or Switcher;(-' ;about and null line
	_AppendMenu		;_AppendMenu
;	AddResMenu(MenuHndl,Type);  {add desktop stuff}
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;pass handle
	MOVE.L	#'DRVR',-(SP)	;type name
	_AddResMenu		;_AddResMenu
;	InsertMenu(MenuHndl,beforeID);
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	CLR	-(SP)		;at front
	_InsertMenu		;_InsertMenu

;setup File menu	
;	NewMenu(2,'File'):MenHndl;
	SUB	#4,SP		;parm return area
	MOVE	#2,-(SP)	;menu id
	PEA	'File'		;title
	_NewMenu		;_NewMenu
	LEA	Men2Hndl,A2	;handle area
	MOVE.L	(SP)+,(A2)	; stored here

	move.l	BufPtr,A0	;? is table already installed
	cmp.l	#inkey,(A0)
	beq.s	enough		;br if so, no need to check

;If not enough memory or running switcher only allow a quit
;	MaxMem(VAR grow:Size):Size;  {return zone free space and max growth}
	cmp.l	#$40000,A0	;? at least 256k available for growth
	bhi.s	enough		;yes
;	AppendMenu(MenuHndl,'Items...');
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	PEA	'(Store Table...;Quit - Not Enough Memory or Switcher Running'
	_AppendMenu		;_AppendMenu
;	InsertMenu(MenuHndl,Pos);
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	CLR	-(SP)		;append
; 	DisableItem(MenuHandle;item);  { disable entire Apple menu }
	move.l	men1hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	clr.w	-(SP)		;all items
;	DrawMenuBar;
	bra	Event		;only allow a quit
;	AppendMenu(MenuHndl,'Items...');
enough	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	PEA	'Store Table ...;Quit' ;list
	_AppendMenu		;_AppendMenu
;	InsertMenu(MenuHndl,Pos);
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	CLR	-(SP)		;append
;install Control menu
;	NewMenu(3,'Control'):MenHndl;
	SUB	#4,SP		;parm return area
	MOVE	#3,-(SP)	;menu id
	PEA	'Control'		;title
	_NewMenu		;_NewMenu
	LEA	Men3Hndl,A2	;handle area
	MOVE.L	(SP)+,(A2)	; stored here

;	AppendMenu(MenuHndl,'Items...');
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	PEA	'Install Table;Reset Table' ;list
	_AppendMenu		;_AppendMenu
;	InsertMenu(MenuHndl,Pos);
	MOVE.L	(A2),-(SP)	;menu handle
	CLR	-(SP)		;append
;	DrawMenuBar;
; Activate and Deactive Menues according to table status.
;	SetItem (MenuHandle;item;string);  {Set to "Quit"}
	move.l	men2hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#2,-(SP)	;second item
	pea	'Quit'		;title
	move.l	BufPtr,A0	;find top of memory
	cmp.l	#inKey,(A0)	;? table been installed
	beq.s	Tablein		;yes, continue
; table not installed
;	SetItem (MenuHandle;item;string);  {Set to "Install Table"}
	move.l	men3hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#1,-(SP)	;first item
	pea	'Install Table'	;title
; 	DisableItem(MenuHandle;item);  { disable Store Table... }
	move.l	men2hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#1,-(SP)	;first item [Store Table...]
;	DisableItem(MenuHandle;item); {Disable Reset menu}
	move.l	men3hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#2,-(SP)	;second item (Reset Table)
	bra.s	Event

;Table is in so set "Remove Table" and highlight Save and Reset
;	SetItem (MenuHandle;item;string);  {Set to "Remove Table"}
	move.l	men3hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#1,-(SP)	;first item
	pea	'Remove Table'	;title
;	EnableItem(MenuHandle;item); {Enable Reset menu}
	move.l	men3hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#2,-(SP)	;second item (Reset Table)
;	EnableItem(MenuHandle;item); {Enable Store Table...}
	move.l	men2hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#1,-(SP)	;second item (Reset Table)
	move.l	BufPtr,A0	;reload stub base
	tst.b	flag-stub(A0)	;? Table have data
	bpl.s	Event		;yes, all set
;	SetItem (MenuHandle;item;string);  {Set to "Quit - Will Profile"}
	move.l	men2hndl,-(SP)	;menu handle
	move.w	#2,-(SP)	;second item
	pea	'Quit and Profile Next Application'	;title
	bra	notready	;and reset reset and store
Event	_SystemTask		;allow timed events
;	_GetNextEvent(Mask,Var Eventrec):ours:boolean
	SUB	#2,SP		;boolean return
	MOVE	#$FFFF,-(SP)	;all events
	PEA	EvRecord	;event record
	TST.B	(SP)+		;? for us
	BEQ	Event		;loop if not
	MOVE	Evntype,D0	;get type
	BEQ	Event		;ignore if null
	CMP	#mButDwnEvt,D0	;? mousedown 1
	BEQ	MouseDwn	;br if so
	BRA	Event		;ignore all else
;Mouse is down
;	_FindWindow(Mousepos:point,VAR Window):where:int
MouseDwn SUB	#2,SP		;int return
	MOVE.L	EvMpos,-(SP)	;Mouse Position
	PEA	Windparm	;Window returned
	MOVE	(SP)+,D0	;get where
	CMP	#inMenuBar,D0	;? Menu Bar 1
	BEQ	inMenu		;br if so
	CMP	#inSysWindow,D0	;? System Window 2
	BEQ	inSystem	;br if so
	BRA	Event		;ignore all others
;in a system window
;	_SystemClick(Event,Window);
inSystem PEA	EvRecord	;pass event record
	MOVE.L	Windparm,-(SP)	;pass window involved
	BRA	Event		;and continue
;Click in a Menu
;	_MenuSelect(Mousepos):Biresult
inMenu	SUB	#4,SP		;Lint return
	MOVE.L	EvMpos,-(SP)	;Mouse position
	MOVE	(SP)+,D3	;Menu number
	MOVE	(SP)+,D4	;Menu item
	CMP	#1,D3		;? Apple Menu
	BEQ.s	Applemenu	;br if so
	CMP	#2,D3		;? File Menu
	BEQ.s	Filemenu	;br if so
	cmp	#3,D3		;? Control Menu
	beq	Contmenu	;br if so
	BRA	Event		;MENU=ID=0 no menu picked

Applemenu CMP	#1,D4		;? About...
	BEQ	hilite		;br if so

;Must be Desk Accessary
;	_GetItem(Menuhndl,item,VAR chars);
	MOVE.L	Men1Hndl,-(SP)	;Apple Menu handle
	MOVE	D4,-(SP)	;Menu item
	PEA	Deskname	;return area
;	_OpenDeskAcc(Name:str255):resultint;
	SUB	#2,SP		;result
	PEA	Deskname	;and name
	ADD	#2,SP		;throw away result
	bra	hilite		;unhilite menues
;File menu hit
	cmp.w	#1,D4		;Store Table
	beq.s	store		;yes
	cmp.w	#2,D4		;Quit
	beq.s	quit		;must be quit
	bra	hilite		;cannot not happen
;Store Table...
;	SFPutFile(where;prompt;origName;dlgHook;VAR reply);
	move.w	#80,-(SP)
	move.w	#100,-(SP)	;point
	pea	'Save table as:' ;prompt
	pea	''		;no original name
	pea	0		;use standard dialog box
	pea	SFReply		;reply record
;check if cancel given
	move.b	good,D0		;? OK
	beq.s	hilite		;ignore output if CANCEL
	bsr	createfile	;call create subroutine
	bra.s	hilite		;now continue

;Continue menu	
	cmp	#1,D4		;Install or Remove table
	beq.s	change		;yes
	cmp	#2,D4		;reset ?
	beq.s	doreset		;br if so
	bra.s	hilite		;can't happen
;Install or remove
change	move.l	BufPtr,A0	;install or remove
	cmp.l	#inKey,(A0)	;? is this our table
	beq.s	remove		;yes, remove it
	bsr.s	install		;install table
	bra.s	hilite		;clear up menu
;remove the table
remove	move.l	StoBufPtr-stub(A0),BufPtr ; replace old top of memory
;restore current values of A-LINE and TRACE exceptions
	move.l	StoAline-stub(A0),Aline
	move.l	StoTrace-stub(A0),Trace
	bra.s	hilite		;hilite menu back	

;Reset menu
doreset	move.l	BufPtr,A0	;prepare table to be reused
	st.b	flag-stub(A0)	;set to -1
;	_HiLiteMenu(0)
	CLR	-(SP)		;clear any hilighted menu
	bra	setmenu		;go reset-up menues

;	DisposMenu(Menuhndl);
	MOVE.L	Men1Hndl,-(SP)	;Apple menu
	MOVE.L	Men2Hndl,-(SP)	;File menu
	MOVE.L	Men3Hndl,-(SP)	;Control menu
;	DisposPtr (QDstore);	{Free QD area}
	MOVE.L	QDstore,A0	;load Ptr
; Exit to shell
;	**** Install The Table Subroutine ****		
; allocate a 64K 24-bit entry table (3 X 64k = 192K)
	move.l	A0,D0		;get current top of memory
	sub.l	#$30100,D0	;room for 64k entries and 256 byte stub
	and.w	#$F000,D0	;insure 2k boundary
	move.l	D0,A1		;base it
	lea	StoBufPtr,A2	;store position
	move.l	A0,0(A2)	;remember old value
	move.l	A1,BufPtr	;change Macintosh top memory limit
;copy over current values of A-LINE and TRACE exceptions
	lea	StoAline,A6
	move.l	Aline,(A6)
	lea	StoTrace,A6
	move.l	Trace,(A6)
; move in code and header
	move.w	#$256-1,D0	;len-1
	move.l	A1,A3		;copy source
	lea	stub,A2		;start area
mvloop	move.b	(A2)+,(A3)+	;next byte
	dbra	D0,mvloop	;loop till done
;install our own A-line and trace
	lea	StAline-Stub(A1),A2 ; Aline entry point
	move.l	A2,Aline	;replace A-LINE
	lea	StTrace-Stub(A1),A2 ; Trace entry point
	move.l	A2,Trace	;replace trace
	rts			;return to caller	
;     ****** STUB *********
; all code must be relocatable.
	dc.l	inkey		;keyword to indicate installation done
flag	dc.b	$FF		;-1 for initial flag
	dc.b	0,0,0		;spare
StoAline dc.l	0		;old Aline vector
StoTrace dc.l	0		;old Trace vector
StoBufPtr dc.l	0		;old Top of Memory
StTcount dc.l	0		;Total instructions traced count
;TRACE entry point - 68k trace entry point
	move.b	flag,-1(SP)	;? tracing on
	bne.s	traceoff	;br if not
	movem.l	D0/A0,-(SP)	;work registers
	lea	StTcount,A0
	addq.l	#1,(A0)		;up total trace count
	move.l	4+4+2(SP),A0	;caller's PC
	move.w	(A0),D0		;load opcode
	mulu.w	#3,D0		;find table offset
	lea	stub+256+2,A0	;table base + low byte entry offset
	addq.b	#1,(A0,D0.L)	;increment low byte by one
	bcc.s	noofl		;branch no overflow
	addq.b	#1,-1(A0,D0.L)	;increment next byte
	bcc.s	noofl		;branch no overflow
	addq.b	#1,-2(A0,D0.L)	;increment next byte
	bcc.s	noofl		;branch no overflow
	st.b	(A0,D0.L)	;back up to maximum
	st.b	-1(A0,D0.L)	;back up to maximum
	st.b	-2(A0,D0.L)	;back up to maximum
	movem.l	(SP)+,D0/A0	;restore registers
	rte			;continue user
;A-LINE entry point - interception to detect Launches and I/O calls
; For Launch increment the flag and if zero (1st call) clear count table.
;	Happens when Finder launches next application after table installed.
; For A-LINE inhibit tracing for I/O and Enqueue calls.  Otherwise if profiling then
;          set caller's trace bit on and ours as well before continueing.
	move.l	StoAline,-(SP)	;setup to pass to Mac A-line
	movem.l	D0/A0,-(SP)	;save work regs
	move.l	4+4+4+2(SP),A0	;caller's PC
	move.b	1(A0),D0	;second byte of a-line
	cmp.b	#$6F,D0		;? Enqueue call
	beq.s	passthru	; yes let right on through
	cmp.b	#$F2,D0		;? launch
	bne.s	notlaunch	;br if not
	lea	flag,A0
	add.b	#1,(A0)		;increment flag
	bne.s	notlaunch
; zero out table as we are starting to trace
	move.b	D0,-(SP)	;save a-line index
	move.l	#$30000,D0	;bytes to clear (64k*3)
	lsr.l	#2,D0		;Div by 4
	lea	stub+256,A0	;start of table
clrloop	clr.l	(A0)+		;next entry
	subq.l	#1,D0		;count down
	bne	clrloop		;br till done
	move.b	(SP)+,D0	;restore a-line index
	cmp.b	#$F4,D0		;exit to shell
	bne.s	notexit		;br not
; if we have just been tracing then increment the flag
	lea	flag,A0		;base ourselves
	tst.b	(A0)		;? tracing
	bne.s	noincr		;br if not
	add.b	#1,(A0)		;increment flag to stop tracing
noincr	bclr.b	#7,12(SP)	;stop tracing from caller
	move.b	flag,-1(SP)	;? we tracing
	bne.s	passthru	;no - pass through
	cmp.b	#5,D0		;? not I/O
	bhi.s	dotrace		;yes, allow trace
	cmp.b	#2,D0		;open or close
	blo.s	dotrace		;yes, trace them
	movem.l (SP)+,D0/A0	;restore work
	rts			;to Mac A-line
	movem.l	(SP)+,D0/A0	;restore work regs
	bset.b	#7,4(SP)	;force caller to trace
	move.w	SR,-(SP)	;store status register
	bset.b	#7,(SP)		;force this routine to trace
	rte			;to normal A-line
;   *******end of Stub*******

;		 *** Output Table Subroutine ***
;The table consists of a longword header which is a count of the total
;instructions traced for this profile.  Following the header is 
;the table proper with 64k entries each 3 bytes in length.  Entry one is 
;for instruction opcode $0000, entry two for $0001 etc.  If an entry count
;went over the 24 bits it is kept at $FFFFFF.  The amount of overflows
;can be computed by adding up all the table entries and comparing to the
;header count which is exact.
;The format of the block of memory representing the header and table 
;on the disk is a series of compressed records with the format:
;	BYTE 1 = number of zero bytes (0 to $FE, FF = EOF)
;	BYTE 2 = 1st of 2 literal byte values
;	BYTE 3 = 2nd of 2 literal byte values
;Recreating the table is as simple as reading each record, adding the number
;of zero bytes specified (from zero to $FE) then adding the 2 specific bytes,
;and stopping when the next zero byte count reaches $FF.  Note: the 
;rebuilding may overflow the table by a few bytes so leave an extra 
;longword at the end.

	lea	Param,A0	;I/O param block
	clr.l	ioCompletion(A0) ; no asynch I/O
	lea	fName,A1	;file name from SFGetFile
	move.l	A1,ioFileName(A0) ; store ptr in
	move.w	vRefNum,ioVRefNum(A0) ; volume no. from SFGetFile
	clr.b	ioFileType(A0)	;no version no.
	cmp.w	#dupFNErr,D0	;? File already created
	beq.s	ignoredup	;yes, just overwrite it
	tst.w	D0		;? error
	bne	doError		;br yes
;Get File info to update Finder stuff
	clr.w	ioFDirIndex(A0)	;indicate to use File name
	bne	doError		;br yes
;Set Type='PROF', creator='????', and in disk window
	move.l	#'PROF',ioFlUsrWds+fdType(A0)
	move.l	#'????',ioFlUsrWds+fdCreator(A0)
	clr.w	ioFlUsrWds+fdFlags(A0) ; leave visible and unprotected
	clr.l	ioFlUsrWds+fdLocation(A0) ; corner of disk window
	clr.w	ioFlUsrWds+fdFldr(A0) ; in the disk window
	bne	doError		;br yes
;open the file
	move.b	#fsWrPerm,ioPermssn(A0) ; write permission
	clr.l	ioOwnBuf(A0)	;no special buffer
	bne	doError		;br yes
; *** write table out ***
; D0 = zero byte count
; A0-> Paramblock
; A2-> current byte position in table
; A3-> last byte past end of table
	move.l	BufPtr,A3	;stub address
	lea	256-4(A3),A2	;A2->header in front of table (table-4)
	move.l	StTcount-stub(A3),(A2) ; move total count at table front
	add.l	#$30100,A3	;A3->byte past end of table
;zero byte count processing
zerocnt	clr.b	D0		;start counting zero value bytes
zerotst	cmp.l	A2,A3		;? to out of table addr
	bls.s	endbuf		;yes - send end of file mark
	cmp.b	#$FE,D0		;? top limit of zero byte count
	beq.s	notzero		;yes - treat as non-zero byte hit
	tst.b	(A2)		;? non-zero byte hit
	bne.s	notzero		;br if so
	add.b	#1,D0		;count this zero byte
	add.l	#1,A2		;to next entry in table
	bra	zerotst		;and continue
;process zero count and 2 literal bytes
notzero	bsr.s	wrtrec		;write the record out
	bra	zerocnt		;start on the next zero count
;end of buffer reached
endbuf	tst.b	D0		;any zero bytes?
	beq.s	doeof		;no - no need for final record
	bsr.s	wrtrec		;write record with count and 2 garbage bytes
doeof	move.b	#$FF,D0		;setup end of table mark
	bsr.s	wrtrec		;write end of table and 2 garbage bytes
;close file
	bne.s	doError		;br yes
	rts			;return done to caller
;set in zero and next two literals then write record out
wrtrec	lea	outrec,A1	;point to record
	move.b	D0,(A1)		;zero count
	move.b	(A2)+,1(A1)	;1st literal
	move.b	(A2)+,2(A1)	;2nd literal
	move.l	A1,ioBuffer(A0) ;start at front of record
	move.l	#3,ioByteCount(A0) ;record length
	move.w	#fsAtMark,ioPosMode(A0) ;no seek
	clr.l	ioPosOffset(A0)	;no offset from mark
	bne.s	doError		;br yes
	rts			;return to caller

;Error occured.  Bomb system for now with error code
doError	neg.w	D0		;turn to positive number for msg display
	_SysError		;Code will show in error window

;---- DATA ----
Evntype	DC	0		;type of event
Evmsg	DC.L	0		;message
Evtstamp DC.L	0		;time stamp
EvMpos	DC.L	0		;mouse position
Evmod	DC	0		;modifier bits
Windparm DC.L	0		;Window mouse in parm
Deskname DCB    16,0		;desk menu item text (no spec chars)
MenT1	DC.B	1,20		;Apple symbol
Men1Hndl DC.L	0		;Menu1 handle
Men2Hndl DC.L	0		;Menu2 handle
Men3Hndl DC.L	0		;Menu2 handle

QDstore	DC.L	0		;Ptr to QD storage
good	dc.b	0		;good reply
	dc.b	0		;unused
fType	dc.l	0		;file type
vRefNum	dc.w	0		;volume reference
version	dc.w	0		;version
fName	dcb.b	64,0		;file name

Param	dcb.b	ioFQElSize,0	;largest I/O block is GetFileInfo

outrec	dc.l	0		;3 byte output record