paul@greipa.UUCP (Paul A. Vixie) (11/24/85)
I have received 110 replies. After editing out all the mail headers except From:, Date: and Organization:, and slicing off .signature data, the total is 78Kb. I will not post the raw data unless at least three people ask me to do so - fewer copies than that, I'll send by mail. Interesting but useless: the Harvard mailer is confused. Every message I got through them says it was from "...harvard!uucp (Black Hole)". Mailers in general are confused: half of them have from lines of the form "From: path (real name)", while the other half are "From: real name <path>". Some mailers like to put "Received:" *after* the "From:", some *before*. Many sites don't have Organization: lines at all. lll-crg and pesnta send each message to themselves once before forwarding it (they are in the path twice). I'm not in a building where I can print this stuff out, so the "statistics" I've promised will be delayed a few days. However, I've included a "sort -u" of all the "Organization:" and "From:" lines for those of you who want to see that your messages actually arrived. Note that a fair number of people from Europe responded. greipa no longer talks to qantel or dual - if you have had mail bounced back, resend through {decwrl,pyramid,pyrcorp,pesnta,texsun,bene}!greipa!paul. Sorry for that inconvenience and for the delay in getting these statistics out... it turned out to be a bigger job than I'd thought. Organization: AMD, Sunnyvale, California Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus, OH Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Whippany Organization: AT&T-IS Labs, Lincroft, NJ Organization: ATT Technologies, CSD Organization: CACI, Inc. -- La Jolla (home of SIMSCRIPT II.5) Organization: CSRI AI, University of Toronto Organization: Center for Digital System Research, Research Triangle Institute Organization: Center for Study of Language and Information, Stanford Organization: Computer X (CANADA) Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Organization: Conic group, Dept of Computing, Imperial College, London. Organization: Cornell Univ. CS Dept, Ithaca NY Organization: D.C.I.E.M., Toronto, Canada Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Organization: Digital Equipment Corp., Western Research Labs Organization: EECS Dept. U.C. San Diego Organization: Encore Computer Corp., Wellesley Hills, MA Organization: FileNet Corp., Costa Mesa, Ca. Organization: GE/Calma, Milpitas CA Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass. Organization: General Computer Company; Cambridge MA Organization: Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia Organization: L M Ericsson, Stockholm, Sweden Organization: LASSP, Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. Organization: Lucasfilm Ltd. Organization: Mathematics Dept., Princeton University Organization: Neurophysiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Tx Organization: Pacific Bell, San Francisco Organization: Peregrine Systems, Inc, Irvine Ca Organization: Reed College, Portland, Oregon Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Organization: S-1 Project, LLNL Organization: STL,Harlow,UK. Organization: System Development Corporation R&D, Santa Monica Organization: TRW EDS, Redondo Beach, CA Organization: Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, OR. Organization: TeleSoft, San Diego, CA Organization: The Royal Inst. of Techn., Stockholm Organization: The WELL Organization: Tolerant Systems Inc., San Jose Organization: U of Rochester, CS Dept Organization: U of Sussex, Cognitive Studies, Falmer, Sussex Organization: U. of Chicago, Astronomy and Astrophysics Organization: U. of Rochester Computing Center Organization: U. of Waterloo, Ontario Organization: U.C. San Diego, Academic Computer Center Organization: UC San Diego Organization: UNC-Charlotte Organization: USAMC ALMSA, St. Louis, MO Organization: Ucla Computer Club (disclaimer) Organization: Ungermann-Bass, Inc., Santa Clara, Ca. Organization: University of California, Berkeley Organization: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette Organization: University of Utah VCIS Group Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam Organization: Yale From: "David H. Kaufman" <decwrl!kaufman@YALE.ARPA> From: David Wright <decwrl!riacs!seismo!mcvax!stl!dww> From: Glen Ditchfield <ihnp4!watmath!watrose!gjditchfield> From: Green Eric Lee <texsun!ut-sally!usl!usl-pa!jpdres10@usl-pc> From: Jean-Francois Lamy <ihnp4!utcsri!lamy@utai> From: Jeff Bartlett <decwrl!ucbvax!decvax!mcnc!rti-sel!jb> From: Jim Lewinson <decwrl!a.Jiml@SU-GSB-WHY.ARPA> From: Joe Buccino <ihnp4!watmath!watcgl!electrohome> From: M. Urlocker <ihnp4!watmath!water!murlocker> From: Michael Peirce <dual!lll-crg!lll-crg!peirce> From: Phiroze H. Dastoor <texsun!ut-sally!seismo!mcnc!ecsvax!firoze> From: Ray Chen <gatech!gitpyr!chen> From: Sak Wathanasin <decwrl!> From: Stan Barber <neuro1!sob> From: Stephen Folta <decwrl!decvax!yale!folta> From: Tony Giaccone <pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!rochester!giaccone> From: UCLA Computer Club <texsun!ut-sally!cc1@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU> From: bukys@rochester From: decwrl!Duane.Williams@K.CS.CMU.EDU From: decwrl!Glacier!felix!fritz!craig (Craig Hockenberry) From: decwrl!Glacier!felix!peregrine!mike (Mike Wexler) From: decwrl!Thomas.Newton@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU From: decwrl!decvax!encore!lawrence (Scott Lawrence) From: decwrl!gds@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU (Greg Skinner) From: decwrl!ihnp4!bonnie!carl (Carl Faulkenham) From: decwrl!johnsson (Richard Johnsson) From: decwrl!ucbvax!calma!radzy (Tim Radzykewycz) From: decwrl!ucbvax!!mazlack (Lawrence J. Mazlack) From: dual!ihnp4!mhuxt!evans (Steve Crandall) From: dual!lll-crg!seismo!enea!ttds!arndt (Arndt Jonasson) From: gijs@ark From: goran@erix (Goeran Baage) From: hplabs!felix!rlong (Roger L. Long) From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!RDCF.SDC.UUCP!dennisg (Dennis Griesser) From: ihnp4!mnetor!clewis (Chris Lewis) From: ihnp4!uiucdcs!p.CS.UIUC.EDU!neth (Craig A. Neth) From: pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!mcvax!ukc!!!kevin From: pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!gig From: pesnta!hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!celerity!telesoft!garym (Gary A. Morris) From: pesnta!ihnp4!cbdkc1!gwe (George Erhart) From: pesnta!ihnp4!mgnetp!ll1!mn (Mark Nettleingham) From: pesnta!ihnp4!vax135!cornell!kevin@lasspvax (Kevin Eric Saunders) From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!amdcad!cae780!ubvax!harold (Harold E. Cook) From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!amdcad!phil (Phil Ngai) From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!BRL.ARPA!wmartin From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!harvard!uucp (Benrie Gunther) From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!mcnc!unccvax!jsp (Joel Patterson) From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!mordor!wct (Bill Thompson) From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!philabs!polaris!herbie From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!ccice5!jjg From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!rochester!srs!matt From: pesnta!pesnta!amd!noao!seismo!rochester!ur-tut!ecec (Eric Carleen) From: pesnta!pesnta!hplabs!amdahl!sjl (Steve Langdon) From: pesnta!pesnta!hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdcc3!zz1cb (Chris Borton) From: pesnta!pesnta!hplabs!sdcrdcf!trwrb!trwrba!carlile (Don Carlile) From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!astrovax!fisher!njt (Nathaniel Thurston) From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!edward (Edward C. Bennett) From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!houxm!mhuxt!mhuxr!ulysses!gamma!mb2c!jed From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!lzma!lzwi!mkg (Marsh Gosnell) From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!mgnetp!ltuxa!cuuxb!cag (Chuck Gerlach) From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!pegasus!eby From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!sfmag!mom (Mark Modig) From: pesnta!pesnta!ihnp4!stolaf!eilers From: pyramid!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-miles!eirikur (Eirikur Hallgrimsson) From: pyramid!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-scfac!peirce From: pyramid!decwrl!seismo!utah-cs.UTAH-CS!utah-cs!b-davis (Brad Davis) From: pyramid!decwrl!sun!calma!adams (Robert Adams) From: pyramid!gould9!joel (Joel West @ CACI) From: pyramid!nsc!hplabs!pesnta!pesnta!amd!amdcad!jimb From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!gargoyle!oddjob!rfl (Bob Loewenstein) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!lll-crg!ucdavis!deneb!u545601551ea (Jon Gorrono) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!lll-crg!ucdavis!ucbvax!dagobah!trevor (Robert Hughes) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!rosevax!hogan (Andy Hogan) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!THEORY.CS.CMU.EDU!Lyle.McGeoch From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!harvard!encore!devoz (Joe Devincentis) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!harvard!gcc-milo!brad (Brad Parker) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!harvard!maynard!campbell From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!harvard!uucp (Black Hole) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!mcvax!iclbra!jel From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!rochester!ur-tut!jtyd (Ty Dibble) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!seismo!utah-cs.UTAH-CS!utah-cs!halff (Henry M. Halff) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!stolaf!eilers (Eilers, David V.) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!tektronix!teklds!davidl From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!utzoo!dciem!reid From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!uw-beaver!entropy!nunke (Ronald Nunke) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!uw-beaver!tektronix!reed!nathan From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!uw-beaver!tektronix!tekig4!bradn From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!uw-beaver!tektronix!tekig5!postmaster From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!uw-beaver!tektronix!tekig5!tekig4!briand From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!vax135!cornell!somner@lasspvax (David Somner) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!vax135!mtx5c!mtx5d!ihw (Irwin Walkenfeld) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!well!hugh (hugh daniel) From: pyramid!nsc!ihnp4!yetti!utrc-2at!drews (Drew Sullivan) From: pyramid!nsc!voder!scgvaxd!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!dbw (Dave Wollner) From: pyramid!nsc!voder!scgvaxd!sdcrdcf!telesoft!keith (Keith Shillington) From: pyramid!tolerant!berry (David Berry) From: pyramid!tolerant!dws (Dave W. Smith) From: pyrcorp!Shasta!topaz!friedman ( -Gadi ) From: pyrcorp!pyramid!hplabs!amdahl!ems (ems) From: qantel!ptsfa!dsp (David St. Pierre) From: texsun!ut-sally!harvard!dartvax!download (Downloading account) From: texsun!ut-sally!harvard!dartvax!robertm (Robert P. Munafo) From: texsun!ut-sally!harvard!wjh12!panda!jpn (John P. Nelson) From: texsun!ut-sally!kelvin (Kelvin Thompson) From: texsun!ut-sally!seismo!cmcl2!cornell!chow (Christopher Chow) From: texsun!ut-sally!seismo!decuac!avolio (Frederick M. Avolio) From: texsun!ut-sally!seismo!rochester!ritcv!husky!jdl (John Liberty) From: texsun!ut-sally!topaz!packard!ihnp4!sdcsvax!sdcc13!borton (Chris Borton) From: texsun!ut-sally!topaz!uwvax!dave (Dave Cohrs) From: texsun!ut-sally!ut-ngp!werner (Werner Uhrig) -- Paul Vixie {decwrl dual pyramid}!greipa!paul