shebanow@ernie.BERKELEY.EDU (Mike Shebanow) (11/28/85)
(beware the line eater) The next three postings contain the actual source files for IMLib, a library of routines which provide emulation for a large number of the [Pascal Only] routines described in Inside Mac. This posting contains IMLib.Job, the job file for MDSMake, and, the link file for the Consulair Linker. These files are only useable with Consulair C version 4.00 or higher, but users of other compilers may find some of the code educational (especially the code to read and create Finder arguments). A special note: IMLib REQUIRES the file PrLink.REL in order to link correctly. PrLink.REL was distributed by Apple with the Software Supplement, and is available for downloading on CompuServe & Delphi (and probably other boards as well). I am not posting PrLink.REL because it is Apple software and requires special permission to distribute. If you cannot get it from a friend, a bbs, or a users group, then you can safely delete all references to PrLink.REL and PrLinkage.* from the JOB and Link files and use the library without the printer code. The code has been copyrighted by its various authors. However, all the code has been published freely in one form or another, and you the authors have given their permission for the code to be distributed for non-commercial purposes. Correspondence can be sent to: Andrew Shebanow HyperSoft 2124 Kittredge Street #174 Berkeley CA 94704 or: CompuServe: 75046,677 Delphi: SHEBANOW WELL: shebanow or: send questions to net.micro.mac Have fun! ======================= IMLib.Job ============================ FileMgr.asm PrLinkage.asm TECalls.c Packages.asm ToolUtils.c FinderParms.c MemoryMgr.asm EventMgr.asm OSUtils.asm StringLib.c -> IMLib.rel : PrLink.REL ======================= IMLib.Link ============================ /Library IMLib /Create FileMgr PrLinkage PrLink TECalls Packages ToolUtils FinderParms MemoryMgr StringLib EventMgr OSUtils /End ============================= end =============================
shebanow@ernie.BERKELEY.EDU (Mike Shebanow) (11/28/85)
(beware the line eater) =========================Packages.Asm============================== ; ; Packages.ASM Andrew G. Shebanow 8/31/85 ; ; Portions of this code Copyright 1984,1985 Consulair Corp. ; ; This file contains routines to emulate the high level calls ; for all of the Macintosh packages (with the exception of the SANE ; related ones). These interface routines have the same names ; and calling conventions as the routines in Inside Mac. The routines ; are intended for use with Consulair's MacC compiler, but could ; be converted to any other compiler as well. ; ; The Standard File package routines are based on code written ; by Bill Duvall of Consulair Corp. ; ; Copyright 1985 HyperSoft All Rights Reserved ; ; Modifications: ; 10/18/85 Fixed StringToNum routine selector (AGS) ; INCLUDE MacTraps.D INCLUDE ToolEqu.D INCLUDE SysEqu.D ; International Utilities XDEF IUDateString XDEF IUDatePString XDEF IUTimeString XDEF IUTimePString XDEF IUMetric XDEF IUGetIntl XDEF IUSetIntl XDEF IUCompString XDEF IUMagString XDEF IUEqualString XDEF IUMagIDString ; Binary Decimal Conversion XDEF NumToString XDEF StringToNum ; Standard File XDEF SFPutFile XDEF SFPPutFile XDEF SFGetFile XDEF SFPGetFile ; Disk Initialization XDEF DILoad XDEF DIUnload XDEF DIBadMount XDEF DIFormat XDEF DIVerify XDEF DIZero Module 'IntlTime' ; IUDateString(dateTime,form,theString) ; long dateTime; (D0) ; DateForm form; (D1) ; Str255 *theString; (D2) IUDateString MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; dateTime MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; form MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; theString MOVE #0,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 RTS ; IUDatePString(dateTime,form,theString,intlParam) ; long dateTime; (D0) ; DateForm form; (D1) ; Str255 *theString; (D2) ; Handle intlParam; (D3) IUDatePString MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; dateTime MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; form MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; theString MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; intlParam MOVE #14,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 RTS ; IUTimeString(dateTime,wantSeconds,theString) ; long dateTime; (D0) ; short wantSeconds; (D1) (actually boolean) ; Str255 *theString (D2) IUTimeString MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; dateTime MOVE.B D1,-(SP) ; wantSeconds (BOOLEAN) MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; theString MOVE #2,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 RTS ; IUTimePString(dateTime,wantSeconds,theString,intlParam) ; long dateTime; (D0) ; short wantSeconds; (D1) (actually boolean) ; Str255 *theString (D2) ; Handle intlParam; (D3) IUTimePString MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; dateTime MOVE.B D1,-(SP) ; wantSeconds MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; theString MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; intlParam MOVE #16,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 RTS Module 'IntlMisc' ; char IUMetric() (actually boolean) IUMetric MOVE.B #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE #4,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; get result RTS ; result in D0??? ; Handle IUGetIntl(theID) ; short theID; (D0) IUGetIntl MOVE.L #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; theID MOVE #6,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; save result in A0 RTS ; IUSetIntl(refNum,theID,intlParam) ; short refNum; (D0) ; short theID; (D1) ; Handle intlParam; (D2) IUSetIntl MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; refnum MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; theID MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; intlParam MOVE #8,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 RTS Module 'IntlString' ; short IUCompString(aStr,bStr) ; Str255 *aStr; (D0) ; Str255 *bStr; (D1) IUCompString MOVE.L D0,A0 ; get pointer to string MOVE.B (A0)+,D2 ; D2 = aLen MOVE.L A0,D0 ; D0 = first char of aStr MOVE.L D1,A0 MOVE.B (A0)+,D3 ; D3 = bLen MOVE.L A0,D1 ; D1 = first char of bStr BSR IUMagString RTS ; result in D0 ; short IUMagString(aStr,bStr,aLen,bLen) ; char *aStr; (D0) ; char *bStr; (D1) ; short aLen; (D2) ; short bLen; (D3) IUMagString MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; aStr MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; bStr MOVE.W D2,-(SP) ; aLen MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; bLen MOVE #10,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 RTS ; result in D0 ; short IUEqualString(aStr,bStr) ; Str255 *aStr; (D0) ; Str255 *bStr; (D1) IUEqualString MOVE.L D0,A0 ; get pointer to string MOVE.B (A0)+,D2 ; D2 = aLen AND.L #$0FF,D2 MOVE.L A0,D0 ; D0 = first char of aStr MOVE.L D1,A0 MOVE.B (A0)+,D3 ; D3 = bLen AND.L #$0FF,D3 MOVE.L A0,D1 ; D1 = first char of bStr BSR IUMagIDString RTS ; result in D0 ; short IUMagIDString(aStr,bStr,aLen,bLen) ; char *aStr; (D0) ; char *bStr; (D1) ; short aLen; (D2) ; short bLen; (D3) IUMagIDString MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; aStr MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; bStr MOVE.W D2,-(SP) ; aLen MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; bLen MOVE #12,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack6 MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 RTS ; result in D0 Module 'Binary2Decimal' ; NumToString(theNum,theString) ; long theNum; (D0) ; Str255 *theString (D1) NumToString MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save A0 MOVE.L D1,A0 ; theString MOVE #0,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack7 MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore A0 RTS ; StringToNum(theString,theNum) ; Str255 *theString; (D0) ; long *theNum; (D1) StringToNum MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; save D1 MOVE.L D0,A0 ; A0 -> theString MOVE #1,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack7 MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; move old D1 into A0 MOVE.L D0,(A0) ; save result RTS Module 'StdPutFile' ; SFPutFile(where, prompt, origName, dlgHook, reply) ; Point *where; (D0) ; struct PStr *prompt; (D1) ; struct PStr *origName; (D2) ; int (*dlgHook)(); (D3) ; SFReply *reply; (D4) SFPutFile MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; WHERE MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; PROMPT MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; origName MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; dlgHook MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; reply MOVE #1,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack3 RTS ; SFPPutFile(where,prompt,origName,dlgHook,reply,dlgID,filterProc) ; Point *where; (D0) ; struct PStr *prompt; (D1) ; struct PStr *origName; (D2) ; int (*dlgHook)(); (D3) ; SFReply *reply; (D4) ; short dlgID; (D5) ; int (*dlgHook)() (D6) SFPPutFile MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; WHERE MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; PROMPT MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; origName MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; dlgHook MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; reply MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; dlgID MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; dlgHook MOVE #3,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack3 RTS Module 'StdGetFile' ; SFGetFile(where, prompt, fileFilter, numTypes, typeList, dlgHook, reply) ; Point *where; (D0) ; struct PStr *prompt; (D1) ; int (*fileFilter)(); (D2) ; short numTypes; (D3) ; SFTypeList *typeList; (D4) ; int (*dlgHook)(); (D5) ; SFReply *reply; (D6) SFGetFile MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; WHERE MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; PROMPT MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; FILTER PROC MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; numTypes MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; typeList MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; dlgHook MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; reply MOVE #2,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack3 RTS ; SFPGetFile(where, prompt, fileFilter, numTypes, typeList, ; dlgHook, reply, dlgID, filterProc) ; Point *where; (D0) ; struct PStr *prompt; (D1) ; int (*fileFilter)(); (D2) ; short numTypes; (D3) ; SFTypeList *typeList; (D4) ; int (*dlgHook)(); (D5) ; SFReply *reply; (D6) ; short dlgID; 8(A6) ; int (*filterProc)() 12(A6) SFPGetFile LINK A6,#0 MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; WHERE MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; PROMPT MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; FILTER PROC MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; numTypes MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; typeList MOVE.L D5,-(SP) ; dlgHook MOVE.L D6,-(SP) ; reply MOVE.W 10(A6),-(SP) ; dlgID MOVE.L 12(A6),-(SP) ; filterProc MOVE #4,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack3 UNLK A6 RTS Module 'DiskInit' ; DILoad() DILoad MOVE #2,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack2 RTS ; DIUnload() DIUnload MOVE #4,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack2 RTS ; short DIBadMount(where,evtMessage) ; Point *where; (D0) ; long evtMessage; (D1) DIBadMount MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.L D0,A0 ; convert point to long MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; where MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; evtMessage MOVE #0,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack2 MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 RTS ; D0 contains error ; short DIFormat(drvNum) ; short drvNum; (D0) DIFormat MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; drvNum MOVE #6,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack2 MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 RTS ; D0 contains error ; short DIVerify(drvNum) ; short drvNum; (D0) DIVerify MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; drvNum MOVE #8,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack2 MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 RTS ; D0 contains error ; short DIZero(drvNum,volName) ; short drvNum; (D0) ; Str255 *volName; (D1) DIZero MOVE.W #0,-(SP) ; save space for result MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; drvNum MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; volName MOVE #10,-(SP) ; routine selector _Pack2 MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 RTS ; D0 contains error END =========================StringLib.c============================== /* * StringLib.C Andrew G. Shebanow 8/2/85 * * Routines for doing operations on Pascal strings in Mac C. * * Copyright 1985 HyperSoft All Rights Reserved */ #include <Memory.h> #include <Resource.h> /* this is a library of routines */ #Options M /* some handy definitions */ /* miscellaneous definitions */ #define VOID void #define BYTE char #define WORD short #define LONG int #define UBYTE unsigned char #define UWORD unsigned short #define ULONG unsigned int #define REG register #define LOCAL static #define GLOBAL /* */ #define EXTERN extern #define TYPEDEF typedef #define STRUCT struct #define UNION union /* pascal boolean definitions */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define NULL 0 /* * StrUpper: * * Converts a strings contents to uppercase. No checking for * international characters is done. */ GLOBAL VOID StrUpper(str) StringPtr str; { UBYTE cntr, lim; UBYTE ch; lim = str->count; for (cntr = 0; cntr < lim; cntr++) { ch = str->s[cntr]; if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) str->s[cntr] = (ch - 'a' + 'A'); } } /* * AppendStr: * * Append str2 to str1. It is assumed that str1 has all 255 bytes * of data allocated to it. */ GLOBAL VOID AppendStr(str1,str2) StringPtr str1; StringPtr str2; { UBYTE cntr; UBYTE lim; UBYTE offst; if ((str2 == NULL) || (str2->count == 0)) return; if ((str1->count + str2->count) > 255) lim = 255 - str1->count; else lim = str2->count; offst = str1->count; for (cntr = 0; cntr < lim; cntr++) str1->s[offst + cntr] = str2->s[cntr]; str1->count += lim; } /* * CopyStr: * * copies source string to destination string. */ GLOBAL VOID CopyStr(srcStr,dstStr) REG StringPtr srcStr; REG StringPtr dstStr; { REG UBYTE cntr; REG UBYTE lim; lim = srcStr->count; dstStr->count = lim; for (cntr = 0; cntr < lim; cntr++) dstStr->s[cntr] = srcStr->s[cntr]; } /* * GetSuffix: * * searches a filename for a suffix (eg, ".c"), and copies the suffix * into another string. Note that it searches BACKWARDS into the string, so * the file 'Crazy Name.file.c' has a suffix string of '.c'! */ GLOBAL LONG GetSuffix(fileName,suffix) StringPtr fileName; StringPtr suffix; { WORD cntr; WORD lim; WORD found = FALSE; UBYTE dcntr = 0; lim = (WORD) (fileName->count & 0x0ff); suffix->count = 0; if (lim == 0) return(FALSE); for (cntr = lim - 1; cntr >= 0; cntr--) if (fileName->s[cntr] == '.') { found = TRUE; break; } if (found == FALSE) return(FALSE); while (cntr < lim) { suffix->s[dcntr++] = fileName->s[cntr++]; suffix->count += 1; } return(TRUE); } /* * ChangeSuffix: * * searches a string for a suffix (eg, ".c"), and copies the string * to a destintaion string, using the new suffix passed to it. */ GLOBAL VOID ChangeSuffix(srcStr,dstStr,suffix) StringPtr srcStr; StringPtr dstStr; StringPtr suffix; { UBYTE cntr, lim; WORD found = FALSE; UBYTE dcntr = 0; lim = srcStr->count; dstStr->count = 0; if (lim == 0) { /* copy suffix string to dest string */ CopyStr(suffix,dstStr); return; } /* copy entire string */ CopyStr(srcStr,dstStr); /* search for start of suffix, moving backwards */ for (cntr = lim - 1; cntr >= 0; cntr--) if (dstStr->s[cntr] == '.') { found = TRUE; break; } if (found == TRUE) dstStr->count = cntr; /* truncate the string */ /* append new suffix */ AppendStr(dstStr,suffix); return; } /**************************** end of StringLib.C *********************/ =========================TECalls.c============================== /* * TECalls.c Dave Burnard 7/6/85 * * TEScrap ToolBox Extension Routines. Desribed in the TextEdit section * of Inside Mac. * * Copyright 1985 Dave Burnard * * Modifications: * * 10/18/85 Cosmetic modifications to match rest of library (AGS) */ #Options +Z #include "MacDefs.h" #include "Memory.h" #define OSErr short /* ToolBox Global access */ #define TEScrpLength *((short *)0x0AB0) #define TEScrpHandle *((Handle *)0x0AB4) /* * TEScrapHandle: * * returns a handle to the text edit scrap. */ Handle TEScrapHandle() { return(TEScrpHandle); } /* * TEGetScrapLen: * * returns the length of the TextEdit scrap. */ long TEGetScrapLen() { return(TEScrpLength); } /* * TESetScrapLen: * * sets the length of the text edit scrap. Presumably called after * you put something in the scrap. */ void TESetScrapLen(length) long length; { TEScrpLength = (short) length; } /* * TEFromScrap: * * Sets the TE scrap to have a copy of the real scrap data. * Note that the function actually returns the scrap length, not the * OSErr as it should. Maybe a call to MemError() would result in * the desired result? */ OSErr TEFromScrap() { long offset,length; length = GetScrap(TEScrapHandle(), 'TEXT', &offset); if (length > 0) { TESetScrapLen(length); } return((OSErr) length); } /* * TEToScrap: * * copy TE scrap to real scrap. MUST be preceded by a call to ZeroScrap! * Note that the function actually returns the scrap length, not the * OSErr as it should. Maybe a call to MemError() would result in * the desired result? */ OSErr TEToScrap() { Ptr *TEScrapH; long length; HLock(TEScrapH = TEScrapHandle()); length = PutScrap(TEGetScrapLen(), 'TEXT', *TEScrapH); HUnlock(TEScrapH); /* if length is <0, it is an error code */ if (length >= 0) { length = 0; } return((OSErr) length); } /****************************** end of TECalls.c *************************/ =========================ToolUtils.c============================== /* * ToolUtils.c Andrew G. Shebanow 9/3/85 * * Implementation of ToolBox utility routines for MacC. These * routines emulate the [ No Trap Macro ] routines documented in the * ToolBox Utilities section of Inside Mac. */ #include <QuickDraw.h> #include <Memory.h> #include <Resource.h> /* pascal boolean definitions */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define NULL 0 /* this is a library of routines */ #Options M /* * GetIndString: * * This function attempts to read a 'STR#' resource into memory * and extract an individual string from that resource. */ GetIndString(theString,strListID,index) StringPtr theString; /* set to the string */ unsigned short strListID; /* the id of the STR# resource */ unsigned short index; /* index (range 1-n) of desired Str255 */ { StringHandle strHandle; register unsigned char *strPtr; register unsigned char idx; unsigned char lcntr, total; unsigned short *cntPtr, cnt; strHandle = (StringHandle) GetResource('STR#',strListID); if (strHandle == NULL) { theString->count = 0; return; } HLock(strHandle); cntPtr = (unsigned short *) *strHandle; cnt = *cntPtr; if (index > cnt) { theString->count = 0; return; } strPtr = (unsigned char *) ++cntPtr; index -= 1; for (idx = 0; idx < index; idx++) { /* get the strings before the desired string */ total = *strPtr; strPtr += (total + 1); } theString->count = *strPtr; strPtr++; total = theString->count; for (lcntr = 0; lcntr < total; lcntr++) { theString->s[lcntr] = *strPtr; strPtr++; } HUnlock(strHandle); } typedef struct { short count; Pattern thePats[100]; } PatList; GetIndPattern(thePattern,patListID,index) Pattern *thePattern; short patListID; short index; { PatList **patHandle; PatList *patPtr; patHandle = (PatList **) GetResource('PAT#',patListID); if (patHandle == NULL) return; HLock(patHandle); patPtr = *patHandle; if (index > patPtr->count) { HUnlock(patHandle); return; } BlockMove(&(patPtr->thePats[index]),thePattern,8); HUnlock(patHandle); } void ScreenRes(scrVRes,scrHRes) short *scrVRes; /* D0.L */ short *scrHRes; /* D1.L */ { #asm ; These constants are defined in ; Macintosh Technical Note 16: MacWorks XL Owners Manual ScrVRes EQU $102 ScrHres EQU $104 MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) ; save registers MOVE.L D0,A0 ; put variables in address registers MOVE.L D1,A1 MOVE.W ScrVRes,(A0) ; store into variable MOVE.W ScrHRes,(A1) ; ditto MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ; restore registers #endasm } /**************************** end of ToolUtils.c *********************/
shebanow@ernie.BERKELEY.EDU (Mike Shebanow) (11/28/85)
(beware the line eater) =========================EventMgr.Asm============================== * * EventMgr.asm Andrew G. Shebanow 11/27/85 * * Glue code for the Event Manager (both Toolbox and OS level). * Implements the [Pascal Only] calls defined in Inside Mac. * * For the IMLib library, using Mac C calling conventions. * * Copyright 1985 HyperSoft All Rights Reserved * * Standard includes INCLUDE SysEquX.D * Defined here: XDEF GetCaretTime XDEF GetDblTime XDEF GetEvQHdr XDEF SetEventMask * * long GetCaretTime() * Module 'GetCaretTime' GetCaretTime MOVE.L CaretTime,D0 ; just get it RTS * * long GetDblTime() * Module 'GetDblTime' GetDblTime MOVE.L DoubleTime,D0 ; just get it RTS * * QHdrPtr GetEvQHdr() * Module 'GetEvQHdr' GetEvQHdr MOVE.L EventQueue,A0 ; This is defined as a 10 byte ; area. Assuming that the first ; longword is the QHdrPtr value. ; Hopefully this is actually ; the correct pointer to return. RTS * * SetEventMask(theMask) * short theMask; (D0.W) * Module 'SetEventMask' SetEventMask MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save A0 MOVE.L #SysEvtMask,A0 ; A0 -> the os global variable MOVE.W D0,(A0) ; store mask MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore A0 RTS END ************************* end of EventMgr.asm ************************* =========================FinderParms.c============================== /* * FinderParms.c Andrew G. Shebanow 8/31/85 * * Routines to emulate the Pascal calls which return finder information * (e.g., file arguments, open or print, etc). Written to * interface to Consulair's MacC compiler. * * In addition, several additional calls have been added to the library. * These routines let applications manipulate the application parms for * another application prior to a Launch call. * * Copyright 1985 HyperSoft All Rights Reserved * * Modification History * * 9/9/85 Moved to C version (AGS) * 9/9/85 Added code to set finder parms (AGS) */ #include "memory.h" /* this is a library of routines */ #Options M /* finder message open files or print files */ #define appOpen 0 #define appPrint 1 /* finder application parameter info */ typedef struct { short vRefNum; unsigned long fType; short versNum; Str255 fName; } AppFile; #define APPPARMHANDLE 0x0aec typedef struct { short message; short count; AppFile files[4]; /* actually open ended */ } AppParms; short AddAppFile(appFile) AppFile *appFile; { Handle appParmH; AppParms *appParmPtr; AppFile *newAppFile; unsigned long appHsize, appFsize; unsigned long newSize; appParmH = (Handle) APPPARMHANDLE; appParmH = (Handle) *appParmH; appHsize = GetHandleSize(appParmH); appFsize = (unsigned long) appFile->fName.count; appFsize++; if ((appFsize & 0x01) != 0) appFsize++; appFsize += 8; newSize = appFsize + appHsize; if (SetHandleSize(appParmH,newSize) != 0) return(1); appParmPtr = (AppParms *) *appParmH; newAppFile = &(appParmPtr->files[appParmPtr->count]); BlockMove(appFile,newAppFile,appFsize); appParmPtr->count += 1; return(0); } static asmprocs() { #asm INCLUDE MACTRAPS.D INCLUDE SYSEQU.D INCLUDE TOOLEQU.D ; Routines declared here: XDEF CountAppFiles XDEF GetAppFiles XDEF ClrAppFiles XDEF ZeroAppFiles XDEF SetAppMessage XDEF GetAppName XDEF GetFndrName XDEF SetFndrName XDEF LOCFindIndex SModule 'FindIndex' ; LOCFindIndex ; ; finds the nth AppFile record. ; ; INPUT: ; A0.L pointer to AppParms ; D0.W index (1..count) ; OUTPUT: ; A1.L pointer to AppFile data or 0 if not found LOCFindIndex MOVEM.L A2-A4,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L 0,A1 ; set result to 0 TST D0 ; test for legal index BLE FindXit CMP 2(A0),D0 BGT FindXit LEA 4(A0),A2 ; start of first AppFile MOVE D0,D1 ; D1 is loop counter @1 SUBQ #1,D1 ; index from 0 BEQ @2 ; if 0 we are done ADD.L #8,A2 ; start of filename string MOVE.B (A2),D2 ; D2 gets filename size AND.L #$0FF,D2 ; mask off high bits ADDQ.L #1,D2 ; plus one more for size byte BTST #0,D2 ; test for pad byte BEQ @3 ; if odd count, we must pad ADDQ.L #1,D2 ; add one for pad byte @3 ADD.L D2,A2 ; add string size to address BRA @1 @2 MOVE.L A2,A1 ; store in result FindXit MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A4 ; restore regs RTS SModule 'CountAppFiles' ; void CountAppFiles(message,count) ; short *message; (D0) ; short *count; (D1) CountAppFiles: MOVEM.L A0-A2,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L AppParmHandle,A0 MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; A0 points to AppParms MOVE.L D0,A1 ; A1 points to message MOVE.L D1,A2 ; A2 points to count MOVE (A0),(A1) ; save into message MOVE 2(A0),(A2) ; save into count MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A2 ; restore regs RTS SModule 'GetAppFiles' ; void GetAppFiles(index,appFile) ; short index; (D0) ; AppFile *appFile; (D1) GetAppFiles: MOVEM.L A0-A2,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L AppParmHandle,A0 MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; A0 points to AppParms MOVE.L D1,A2 ; A2 points to appFile JSR LOCFindIndex ; find index CMP.L #0,A1 BEQ @1 ; if couldn't find, handle error ; copy AppFile data from A1 to appFile MOVE.L A1,A0 ; source ptr MOVE.L A2,A1 ; dest ptr MOVE.L 8(A0),D0 ; put str len in D0 AND.L #$0FF,D0 ; mask hight bytes ADDQ.L #1,D0 BTST #0,D0 BEQ @2 ; if odd number of bytes... ADDQ.L #1,D0 ; pad with additional byte @2 ADD.L #8,D0 ; add space for other data _BlockMove @1 MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A2 ; restore regs RTS SModule 'ClrAppFiles' ; void ClrAppFiles(index) ; short index; (D0) ClrAppFiles: MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L AppParmHandle,A0 MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; A0 points to AppParms JSR LOCFindIndex ; find index CMP.L #0,A1 BEQ @1 MOVE.L #0,2(A1) ; clear out fType field @1 MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ; restore regs RTS SModule 'ZeroAppFiles' ; void ZeroAppFiles() ZeroAppFiles MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L AppParmHandle,A0 MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; A1 points to AppParms CLR.L (A1) ; set message & count to 0 MOVEQ.L #4,D0 ; set handle size to 4 _SetHandleSize MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ; restore regs RTS SModule 'SetAppMessage' ; void SetAppMessage(message) ; short message; (D0) SetAppMessage MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L AppParmHandle,A0 MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; A1 points to AppParms MOVE.W D0,(A0) ; move message into app parm area MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore regs RTS SModule 'GetAppName' ; void GetAppName(appName) ; StringPtr appName; (D0) ; ; return name of current application GetAppName MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) TST.L D0 BEQ @1 ; if string pointer is null, return LEA CurApName,A0 ; src <- CurApName global MOVE.L D0,A1 ; dst <- appName MOVE.B (A0),D0 ; get string size AND.L #$0FF,D0 ADDQ.L #1,D0 ; add 1 for size byte _BlockMove ; copy the string @1 MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 RTS SModule 'GetFndrName' ; GetFndrName(fndrName) ; StringPtr fndrName; (D0) ; ; return name of current finder. ; GetFndrName MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) TST.L D0 BEQ @1 ; if string pointer is null, return LEA FinderName,A0 ; src <- FinderName MOVE.L D0,A1 ; dst <- fndrName MOVE.B (A0),D0 ; get string size AND.L #$0FF,D0 ADDQ.L #1,D0 ; add 1 for size byte _BlockMove ; copy the string @1 MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 RTS SModule 'SetFndrName' ; SetFndrName(fndrName) ; StringPtr fndrName; (D0) ; ; set current finder. ; SetFndrName MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) TST.L D0 BEQ @1 ; if string pointer is null, return MOVE.L D0,A0 ; src <- fndrName LEA FinderName,A1 ; dst <- FinderName global MOVE.B (A0),D0 ; get string size CMP.B #15,D0 BGT @1 ; if string to big, do nothing AND.L #$0FF,D0 ADDQ.L #1,D0 ; add 1 for size byte _BlockMove ; copy the string @1 MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 RTS #endasm } /********************* end of FinderParms.c *********************/ =========================MemoryMgr.Asm============================== ; ; MemoryMgr.Asm Andrew G. Shebanow 9/1/85 ; ; Routines to emulate the [NO TRAP MACRO] routines documented in ; the Memory Manager section of Inside Mac. ; ; The routine MaxApplZone was taken from the 8/85 issue of MacTutor Magazine ; and is copyrighted by MacTutor Magazine. ; ; Copyright 1985 HyperSoft All Rights Reserved ; ; Modifications: ; ; 10/18/85 Made MemError return value of variable in ; Low Memory ; INCLUDE MacTraps.D INCLUDE SysEquX.D ; Declared here: XDEF MaxApplZone XDEF SystemZone XDEF ApplicZone XDEF GZCritical XDEF GZSaveHnd XDEF TopMem XDEF MemError ; MaxApplZone() ; ; This routine from 8/85 issue of MacTutor magazine ; ; "MaxApplZone expands the application heap zone to the application heap ; limit without purging any blocks currently in the zone. If the zone ; already extends to the limit, it won't be changed" ; Inside Macintosh spec of MaxApplZone MinBlkSize EQU 12 ; minimum physical size of block MaxApplZone MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L ApplLimit,A0 ; A0 = application heap limit (ptr) MOVE.L HeapEnd,A1 ; A1 = addr of cur zone trailer MOVE.L A0,D0 SUB.L A1,D0 ; D0 = size of unused space (incl trailer) MOVEQ #MinBlkSize,D1 ; D1 = min phys size of a block CMP.L D1,D0 ; unused space < min block size? BLO.S @0 ; if so, can't expand zone, bye-bye MOVE.L A0,HeapEnd ; update HeapEnd to heap limit MOVE.L D0,(A1) ; unused space = free block (header = size) MOVE.L ApplZone,A1 ; A1 points to zone header MOVE.L A0,(A1) ; ApplicZone->bkLim = heap limit MOVE.L D1,(A0) ; make new zone trailer (free, size = min) ADD.L D0,zcbFree(A1) ; update count of free bytes in zone MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ; restore regs @0 RTS ; THz SystemZone() SystemZone MOVE.L SysZone,A0 ; SysZone is a pointer to system zone RTS ; THz ApplicZone() ApplicZone MOVE.L ApplZone,A0 ; ApplZone is a pointer to applic zone RTS ; char GZCritical() GZCritical MOVE.L #1,D0 ; default return is TRUE MOVE.L GZMoveHnd,D1 BEQ.S @0 MOVE.L GZRootHnd,D1 BEQ.S @0 MOVE.B #0,D0 ; return false @0 RTS ; Handle GZSaveHnd() GZSaveHnd MOVE.L GZRootHnd,A0 RTS ; Ptr TopMem() TopMem MOVE.L MemTop,A0 RTS ; OSErr MemError() ; ; Apple's document LoAlpha.TXT (from the Software Supplement) ; specifies address $220 as the location of the last memory manager ; error. However, this location is NOT part of SysEqu.TXT, and it may be ; used by Apple's memory manager glue routine to STORE the error instead ; of simply reading from it. No guarantee of valid results. MemError MOVE.W $220,D0 RTS END =========================OSUtils.Asm============================== * * OSUtils.asm Andrew G. Shebanow 11/27/85 * * Routines to emulate the [Pascal Only] calls defined * in the OS Utilities section of Inside Macintosh for Consulair C. * Also includes one routine for Vertical Retrace Manager. * * Copyright 1985 HyperSoft All Rights Reserved * * Standard Includes: INCLUDE SysEquX.D INCLUDE MacTraps.D * Defined here: XDEF Environs XDEF Restart XDEF SetUpA5 XDEF RestoreA5 XDEF GetTime XDEF SetTime XDEF GetDateTime XDEF GetSysPPtr XDEF GetVBLQHdr * * Environs(rom,machine) * short *rom; (D0.L) * short *machine; (D1.L) * ; these constants are defined by Macintsoh Tech Note #16: MacWorks XL RomVers EQU $400008 Machine EQU $400009 Module 'Environs' Environs MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L D1,A0 CLR.W (A0) CLR.W (A1) MOVE.B RomVers,1(A0) ; save version into lsb of var MOVE.B Machine,1(A1) ; save machine into lsb of var MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ; restore regs RTS * * Restart() * Module 'Restart' Restart RTS * * SetUpA5() * Module 'A5SetupRestore' SavedA5 DS.L 1 SetUpA5 MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L A5,A4 ; save old (and possibly wrong) A5 MOVE.L CurrentA5,A5 ; get real A5 FIRST MOVE.L A4,SavedA5(A5) ; NOW use as index to global MOVE.L (SP)+,A4 ; restore regs RTS * * RestoreA5() * RestoreA5 MOVE.L CurrentA5,A5 ; make sure we are valid FIRST MOVE.L SavedA5(A5),A5 ; set to old value RTS * * GetTime(date) * DateTimeRec *date; (D0.L) * Module 'GetTime' GetTime MOVEM.L D0/A0,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L Time,D0 _Secs2Date ; call trap MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0 ; restore regs RTS * * SetTime(date) * DateTimeRec *date; (D0.L) * Module 'SetTime' SetTime MOVEM.L D0/A0,-(SP) ; save regs MOVE.L D0,A0 _Date2Secs ; call trap _SetDateTime ; store that time MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0 ; restore regs RTS * * GetDateTime(secs) * long *secs; (D0.L) * Module 'GetDateTime' GetDateTime MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save A0 MOVE.L D0,A0 MOVE.L Time,(A0) ; get value of variable MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore A0 RTS * * SysPPtr GetSysPPtr() * Module 'GetSysPPtr' GetSysPPtr MOVE.L #SysParam,A0 ; store pointer in A0 RTS * * QHdrPtr GetVBLQHdr() * Module 'GetVBLQhdr' GetVBLQHdr MOVE.L vblQueue,A0 ; get address of queue ptr RTS END *********************** end of OSUtils.ASM **************************