[net.sources.mac] D'Lab: QPlot.asm

maclab@reed.UUCP (Mac DLab) (12/20/85)

High Speed Plotting Routines

Below you will find a slick piece of 68000 code (Lisa assembler, 
but translation to MDS6800 is a piece of cake) -- these routines will
blast black or white dots on your Macintosh screen *very* quickly.

The procedures qplotblack and qplotwhite are called like so, from

The x and y are in global coordinates.  You must make sure not
to draw on a non-sceen position -- it is possible to plot right
into other parts of memory with these routines.


Happy Holidays from the Reed Academic Software Development Laboratory!

  Richard Crandall
  Marianne Colgrove
  Josh Doenias
  Scott Gillespie
  Michael McGreevy
  Greg Stein (in absentia)
  Ann Muir Thomas
   and :-)

  "That's what he *does*. That's *all* he does." (Sgt. Kyle Reese, Tech Com).

{decvax, ucbvax, pur-ee, uw-beaver, masscomp, cbosg, aat,
 mit-ems, psu-cs, uoregon, orstcs, ihnp4, uf-cgrl, ssc-vax}!tektronix 
{teneron, ogcvax, muddcs, cadic, oresoft, grpwre,     		/
 	  harvard, psu-cs, omen, isonvax, nsc-pdc}-------------+

; High-speed plotting
; Written by Greg Stein
;   84.09.27.gjs
;   85.12.10.spg --- Made compatible with all mac configurations.
; Procedure QPlotWhite(x,y : integer);
; Procedure QPlotBlack(x,y : Integer);

ScreenBase   .EQU   $824         ; top of screen screen address
ScreenRow    .EQU   $106         ; screen rowbytes

          .PROC QPlotWhite

          move.l    (sp)+,a1     ; save return address
          move.w    (sp)+,d0     ; y value
          move.w    (sp)+,d1     ; x value

          ext.l     d0               ; clear upper bits
          muls      ScreenRow,d0 ; multiply y by 64 to find line base

          move.w    d1,d2
          and.w     #$07,d2        ; obtain bit number
          move.b    WhiteTable(d2),d2   ; get mask bits

          move.l    ScreenBase,a0  ; get screen base

          lsr.w     #$3,d1   ; divide x by 8 to obtain byte offset
          add.w     d1,a0   ; add x byte offset to line base

          and.b     d2,0(a0,d0)

          jmp       (a1)   ; done, return

          .byte    $7f, $bf, $df, $ef, $f7, $fb, $fd, $fe

          .PROC QPlotBlack

          move.l    (sp)+,a1   ; save return address
          move.w    (sp)+,d0   ; y value
          move.w    (sp)+,d1   ; x value

          ext.l     d0   ; clear upper bits
          muls      screenRow,d0 ; multiply y by 64 to find line base

          move.w    d1,d2
          and.w     #$07,d2        ; obtain bit number
          move.b    BlackTable(d2),d2   ; get mask bits

          move.l    ScreenBase,a0  ; get screen base

          lsr.w     #$3,d1   ; divide x by 8 to obtain byte offset
          add.w     d1,a0   ; add x byte offset to line base

          or.b      d2,0(a0,d0)

          jmp       (a1)   ; done, return

          .byte    $80, $40, $20, $10, $08, $04, $02, $01
