Our NetPost program killed the first line of the files I posted previously... Here are all three programs in one. First, the shell macro to assemble the second, which is the source for the third... Watch for ---SNIP--- lines. -Alan ---SNIP--- # # Aztec Shell script to compile, link and install the C Declare # desk accessory. # set -x cc -bu cdcl.c ln -an "C Declare" cdcl.o -lc cprsrc -f DRVR 31 cdcl sys:system ---SNIP--- /* * C Declare -- a desk accessory written in Aztec C * * This DA assists you in declaring C variables and functions. * * Written by Michael P. Hecht, 10jan86 */ #asm main dc.w $0400 ;ctl-enable dc.w 0 ;no update dc.w $014a ;detect mouse and key down events dc.w 0 ;menu ID number (none) dc.w open_-main ;open routine dc.w nop_-main ;prime routine dc.w control_-main ;control routine dc.w nop_-main ;status routine dc.w close_-main ;close routine title_ dc.b 9 dc.b "C Declare" ds 0 ;for alignment public _Uend_,_Dorg_,_Cend_ save_ lea main+(_Uend_-_Dorg_)+(_Cend_-main),a4 ;set up globals move.l a0,Pbp_ ;save pb pointer move.l a1,Dp_ ;save DCE pointer rts restore_ move.l Pbp_,a0 rts #endasm #define _DRIVER #include <quickdraw.h> #include <event.h> #include <window.h> #include <control.h> #include <textedit.h> #include <dialog.h> #include <desk.h> #include <scrap.h> #include <toolutil.h> #include <memory.h> #include <pb.h> #include <osutil.h> #define SP (*(struct storage **)Dp->dCtlStorage) /* Dialog item numbers */ #define FUNC_RET 1 #define ARRAY_OF 2 #define PTR_TO 3 #define TEXT 4 /* Owned resource id equates */ #define OWNED 0xc000 #define BY_DRVR 0x0000 #define BY_WDEF 0x0800 #define BY_MDEF 0x1000 #define BY_CDEF 0x1800 #define BY_PDEF 0x2000 #define BY_PACK 0x2800 #define BY_ID_SHIFT 5 DCEPtr Dp; ParmBlkPtr Pbp; /* Private storage */ struct storage : int first; ControlHandle func_button; ControlHandle array_button; Handle text; StringHandle init; :; open() : register struct DCE *dp; register struct storage *sp; register WindowPtr wp; register StringHandle s; register int dlog_id; int junk; Rect box; save(); dp = Dp; wp = dp->dCtlWindow; /* First open? Allocate private storage if so. */ if( !wp ) : dp->dCtlStorage = NewHandle(( long )sizeof( struct storage )); : /* Lock it down and dereference it */ HLock( dp->dCtlStorage ); sp = SP; /* First open? Allocate DLOG and init other stuff if so. */ if( !wp ) : /* Compute resource id of DLOG at runtime */ dlog_id = -( dp->dCtlRefNum + 1 ); dlog_id <<= BY_ID_SHIFT; dlog_id |= OWNED | BY_DRVR | 0; /* Bring up the window */ dp->dCtlWindow = wp = GetNewDialog( dlog_id, 0L, -1L ); /* Grab control handles for the buttons we want to hilite */ GetDItem( wp, FUNC_RET, &junk, &sp->func_button, &box ); GetDItem( wp, ARRAY_OF, &junk, &sp->array_button, &box ); /* Grab TE handle so we can modify the text quickly */ GetDItem( wp, TEXT, &junk, &sp->text, &box ); /* Grab the initial text in a resizable handle */ s = NewHandle(( long )sizeof( Str255 )); HLock( s ); GetIText( sp->text, *s ); HUnlock( s ); SetHandleSize( s, ( long )(( *s )->length + 1 )); sp->init = s; sp->first = TRUE; : /* Otherwise, reset if reopened from the front, reset */ else if( wp == FrontWindow()) : (( WindowPeek )wp )->windowKind = dialogKind; HiliteControl( sp->func_button, 0 ); HiliteControl( sp->array_button, 0 ); s = sp->init; HLock( s ); SetIText( sp->text, *s ); HUnlock( s ); sp->first = TRUE; : (( WindowPeek )wp )->windowKind = dp->dCtlRefNum; HUnlock( dp->dCtlStorage ); restore(); return 0; : close() : register struct DCE *dp; register WindowPtr wp; save(); dp = Dp; wp = dp->dCtlWindow; (( WindowPeek )wp )->windowKind = dialogKind; DisposDialog( wp ); dp->dCtlWindow = 0; DisposHandle( SP->init ); DisposHandle( dp->dCtlStorage ); restore(); return 0; : nop() : return 0; : control() : register struct DCE *dp; register struct storage *sp; register WindowPtr wp; register int what; EventRecord fakenull; save(); dp = Dp; HLock( dp->dCtlStorage ); sp = SP; wp = dp->dCtlWindow; /* Change windowKind so the dialog mgr will recognize it */ (( WindowPeek )wp )->windowKind = dialogKind; what = Pbp->u.cp.csCode; switch( what ) : case accEvent: event( sp, *( EventRecord ** )&Pbp->u.cp.csParam, wp ); break; case accCursor: /* This blinks the caret */ fakenull.what = nullEvent; DialogSelect( &fakenull, 0L, 0L ); break; default: /* Assume it's an edit something */ edit( what, sp, wp ); break; : HUnlock( dp->dCtlStorage ); (( WindowPeek )wp )->windowKind = dp->dCtlRefNum; restore(); return 0; : event( sp, ep, wp ) register struct storage *sp; register EventRecord *ep; WindowPtr wp; : register StringHandle s; register int eventcode; int item; /* Keydown with command modifier? */ if( ep->what == keyDown ) : switch(( char )( ep->message & charCodeMask )) : case 'Z': case 'z': eventcode = accUndo; break; case 'X': case 'x': eventcode = accCut; break; case 'C': case 'c': eventcode = accCopy; break; case 'V': case 'v': eventcode = accPaste; break; case '\t': SelIText( wp, TEXT, 0, 0x7fff ); return; default: eventcode = -1; break; : if( eventcode >= 0 && ep->modifiers & cmdKey ) : edit( eventcode, sp, wp ); return; : : if( !DialogSelect( ep, &wp, &item )) return; /* Grab the current text in a resizable handle */ s = NewHandle(( long )sizeof( Str255 )); HLock( s ); GetIText( sp->text, *s ); HUnlock( s ); SetHandleSize( s, ( long )(( *s )->length + 1 )); switch( item ) : case FUNC_RET: HiliteControl( sp->func_button, 255 ); HiliteControl( sp->array_button, 255 ); if( !sp->first ) paren( s ); else sp->first = FALSE; PtrAndHand( "()", s, 2L ); ( *s )->length += 2; break; case ARRAY_OF: HiliteControl( sp->func_button, 255 ); if( !sp->first ) paren( s ); else sp->first = FALSE; PtrAndHand( "[]", s, 2L ); ( *s )->length += 2; break; case PTR_TO: HiliteControl( sp->func_button, 0 ); HiliteControl( sp->array_button, 0 ); sp->first = FALSE; Munger( s, 1L, 0L, 0L, "*", 1L ); ( *s )->length++; break; : HLock( s ); SetIText( sp->text, *s ); DisposHandle( s ); : paren( s ) register StringHandle s; : Munger( s, 1L, 0L, 0L, "(", 1L ); PtrAndHand( ")", s, 1L ); ( *s )->length += 2; : edit( code, sp, wp ) int code; register struct storage *sp; register WindowPtr wp; : switch( code ) : case accUndo: /* Not supported */ break; case accCut: DlgCut( wp ); break; case accCopy: DlgCopy( wp ); break; case accPaste: DlgPaste( wp ); break; case accClear: DlgDelete( wp ); break; default: return; : ZeroScrap(); TEToScrap(); : ---SNIP--- (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#8-J4'9ME'&bC3"%4NP-4%e29J#3#!ITGjJ!N!3"!*!$"i3!!!D%!*!$C35#!li %MJ8!N!3%&dj@rca)j``BpIdKB!!`r5&J!$Ep)@!!8B(p)@!!@i(d%8KYd(!!(kK ZU2kT%UN`UFa#TkPlU&!63QG)EG!KB!"6JKqTPc!I28$rrN+R2c`!J%KZ(rp',cc rN!5TI#!I*N![#amr2!!$5'lr4%KZrr4)E[mm(kQ0,`Xr2!!&5'lr4%KZrr!I5'l r2+Q0,`Xr2!!(5'lr4"p)E[ri5'lr2+Q0,blrq$mm&`!"U@0#TdKYd#&J!&Z#'DN ')"mS3#m-6Uh3HJ!6@%m[,G!KB3!d'bm83UG#TkQ,,`a1VG"l!"pB6hJ!!!Af"!# 3!`&+!*!$-!(Z!IJ"lJ'H#8-J4'9ME'&bC8Rk"GJT52rf+8RrqNje)'crpNje6PE rpNMR$a"KiLCXrrSU+`!H5S9Q%#mm!*!$%Nkk"5KB6bG!!"3[+`!86VS%i&K2*'c rqL*U!"3S%8U&CJ!!`MBV!"K53ci$4%IV4ijm`!"#Tcm(3UF[22q3"+Pm)"mU!#G !!"i["6mm!!&)E[rq*%48LLm+5'lrpUQ0,`8r2!!#5'lrrL4%A)S[#NKZrrDTM5m &2c`!"%KZrriN40Am!*!$#Lm+5'lrpUQ0,c`!!!%!6VS%NPK2,!!["Nkk"%jB6b4 %,bS!#L4',a+TN!!["Nkk"%4B6b4')P)@%FCm!2p53dK$3N0)3bm$,`C1ZJ3b8%m N4#9'!!iN4$5mrrpJ6N+RU53J(lU!CN3N469m!!)!E#4%,bS!!N*RU9dN4#mU!!C #CkPG*%3X+J!1,`C1ZJ2F@%mN4#mU!!SN4Lm5UBm["Nkk!p*B6b4%0,crrb4&0@X !'!"X,bX!&%kk!lTB6dkkrTK`!%cI#2"1ANje6PB!!%MR#""1Z[jd*QcrqLJV!"i N4$9m!!)!E#m%UB0#U`!H*'crqL*U!"3N85mU!!j1ZJ1D@%m[+`!86VS$N!"B6dk krNK`!%cI#""1ANje6PB!!(!!6Pj1G8j@rr")j`i36VVq'LCXrrS[+`!86VS$,PK 2*'crqL*U!"3S%5SV!"iN469m!!)!E#4XrrBm+J!D-!CJ1#m&*'crpLmU!"`["'& @h[`!$'!`3Qlrm%*R5'lrm%+R3UHTJ"!IB"`["5m%2`C1ZJ*Sh[`!#Q!-N!"m!%" R`P9!Cp*Jj#mV!"41ZJ,)@%mN469V!"J!E%kkrCj`!%cI#("1ANje6PErrNMR$K! 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