[net.sources.mac] UW server source: uw_netadj.c

jdb@mordor.ARPA (John Bruner) (11/03/86)

Many people have written to me complaining that part 4 of the nine-part
UW distribution in "mod.mac.sources" was mangled.  (The copy that arrived
at my machine was OK, so some sites received it successfully.)  The
damage was confined to the source file "lib/uw_netadj.c".  Here is that
file again.  (Be sure to trim out my signature line at the end.)
 *	uw library - uw_netadj
 * Copyright 1986 by John D. Bruner.  All rights reserved.  Permission to
 * copy this program is given provided that the copy is not sold and that
 * this copyright notice is included.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "openpty.h"

#include "uw_opt.h"	/* I had hoped to avoid including this */
#include "uwlib.h"

static woptarg_t woa_vis[] = { WOA_UDATA(1), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_type[] = { WOA_UDATA(6), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_pos[] = { WOA_UDATA(12), WOA_UDATA(12), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_title[] = { WOA_STRING(255), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_size[] = { WOA_UDATA(12), WOA_UDATA(12), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_tsize[] = { WOA_UDATA(12), WOA_UDATA(12), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_fontsz[] = { WOA_UDATA(6), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_clipb[] = { WOA_UDATA(1), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_bell[] = { WOA_UDATA(2), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_curs[] = { WOA_UDATA(1), WOA_END };
static woptarg_t woa_chgsz[] = { WOA_UDATA(1), WOA_END };

static woptarg_t *optargs[][WONUM_MAX+1] = {
	/* window type 0 == adm31 */
		0, woa_vis, woa_type, woa_pos, woa_title, woa_size, 0, 0,
		woa_tsize, woa_fontsz, woa_clipb, woa_bell, woa_curs, woa_chgsz
	/* window type 1 == vt52 */
		0, woa_vis, woa_type, woa_pos, woa_title, woa_size, 0, 0,
		woa_tsize, woa_fontsz, woa_clipb, woa_bell, woa_curs, woa_chgsz
	/* window type 2 == ansi */
		0, woa_vis, woa_type, woa_pos, woa_title, woa_size, 0, 0,
		woa_tsize, woa_fontsz, woa_clipb, woa_bell, woa_curs, woa_chgsz
	/* window type 3 = tek4010 */
		0, woa_vis, woa_type, woa_pos, woa_title, woa_size, 0, 0,
	/* window type 4 = file transfer */
		0, woa_vis, woa_type, woa_pos, woa_title, woa_size, 0, 0,
	/* window type 5 = printer */
		0, woa_vis, woa_type, woa_pos, woa_title, woa_size, 0, 0,

#ifdef htons
uw_hton(wtype, optnum, data)
uwtype_t wtype;
uwopt_t optnum;
char *data;

uw_ntoh(wtype, optnum, data)
uwtype_t wtype;
uwopt_t optnum;
char *data;

/* These should have been defined in <netinet/in.h> but weren't (in 4.2BSD) */
extern unsigned short htons(), ntohs();
extern unsigned long htonl(), ntohl();

uw_hton(wtype, optnum, data)
uwtype_t wtype;
uwopt_t optnum;
char *data;
	static struct netadj na = {
		(short (*)())htons, (long (*)())htonl, htons, htonl
	if (data != (char *)0 && wtype < sizeof optargs / sizeof optargs[0] &&
	    optnum <= WONUM_MAX && optargs[wtype][optnum] != (woptarg_t *)0) {
		netadj(optargs[wtype][optnum], data, &na);

uw_ntoh(wtype, optnum, data)
uwtype_t wtype;
uwopt_t optnum;
char *data;
	static struct netadj na = {
		(short (*)())ntohs, (long (*)())ntohl, ntohs, ntohl
	if (data != (char *)0 && wtype < sizeof optargs / sizeof optargs[0] &&
	    optnum <= WONUM_MAX && optargs[wtype][optnum] != (woptarg_t *)0) {
		netadj(optargs[wtype][optnum], data, &na);

netadj(woa, data, na)
register woptarg_t *woa;
char *data;
register struct netadj *na;
	register char *cp;
	register int cnt;
	union {
		struct {
			char	c1;
			short	s;
		}	cs;
		struct {
			char	c2;
			long	l;
		}	cl;
	} u;

	 * Convert an option between host byte order and network byte order.
	if (data && na) {
		for (cp=data; *woa != WOA_END; woa++) {
			cnt = *woa & ~WOA_CMDMASK;
			switch (*woa & WOA_CMDMASK) {
			case WOA_CHARS(0):
			case WOA_STRING(0):
				cp += cnt;
			case WOA_UDATA(0):
				if (cnt <= NBBY) {
				} else if (cnt <= sizeof(short)*NBBY) {
					while ((int)cp & ((char *)&u.cs.s-&u.cs.c1-1))
					*(u_short *)cp =
					    (*na->na_ushort)(*(u_short *)cp);
					cp += sizeof(short);
				} else {
					while ((int)cp & ((char *)&u.cl.l-&u.cl.c2-1))
					*(u_short *)cp =
					    (*na->na_ushort)(*(u_short *)cp);
					cp += sizeof(long);
  John Bruner (S-1 Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  MILNET: jdb@mordor [jdb@s1-c.ARPA]	(415) 422-0758
  UUCP: ...!ucbvax!decwrl!mordor!jdb 	...!seismo!mordor!jdb