lew (05/10/82)
Re egb's May 8 remarks: A and B need only have synchronized clocks. Data can be compared at leisure. What we are very close to is Dirac's theory of the electron and beyond that, quantum electrodynamics. A relativistic theory need not be a unified field theory. Re Julian Davies May 7 remarks: Wave functions most certainly do propagate! The problem being discussed here is, to my mind, the so called *problem of measurement*, or *reduction of the wave packet*. This process is outside the theory proper of QM and I think that it is quite right to note that its relativistic treatment is obscure in SCHROEDINGERS wave mechanics. It was within this context though, that Einstein raised his objections. As to *localising a sharp object at several different places in succession* ... exactly the case of a particle track! Lew Mammel, Jr. BTL Indian Hill