[net.misc] Knapsack Code Broken

dhp (05/27/82)


	An Israeli mathematician found a way to break 
	the trapdoor knapsack code--on of the public
	key cryptosystems
One of the first public key cryptosystems ever to be suggested has
now been broken by Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute.  Shamir,
who has been trying to break the code for years, finally figured out
a way on 20 April.  Although variations of this popular code still
seem to be secure, Shamir's attack is leading some cryptographers
to ask whether these variations will be the next to fall.

The idea of public key cryptosystems was proposed in 1976 by Martin
Hellman, an electrical engineer at Stanford University, an his two
students Whitfield Diffie, now at BNR in Palo Alto, and Ralph Merkle,
now at Elxsi International in Sunnyvale.  These were to be a completely
new sort of code in which knowledge of how to encode a message would
not reveal now to decode it.  Each user would have an encoding key and
a decoding key.  He would publish the encoding key but keep the decoding
key secret.  Anyone could then use the encoding key to send this user
a message but only the intended recipient could decode it.

Shortly after suggesting that such codes were possible, Merkle and
Hellman came up with a specific example, called the Merkle-Hellman
scheme or the trapdoor knapsack.  Shamir, Ronald Rivest of Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and Leonard Aldeman of the University of
Southern California also proposed a scheme and it was these two
schemes that sparked scientists' interest in cryptography and that led
to a debate between scientists and the government over the national
security implications of open cryptography research and publications.

What Merkle and Hellman did was to construct knapsack problems in such
a way that they knew how to solve them.  But anyone who was not privy
to the construction process would not, presumably, know how to get
the solutions.

To solve a knapsack problem, a person has to decide which of a large
group of number were added together to give particular sums.  (It's
as though were given a knapsack and the individual weights of a large
group of packages that could be in the sack.  You want to use this
information to decide which packages are in the sack.)  In general,
the only way to do this is to try all possibilities and it is
trying all possibilities that makes these solutions so time-consuming.
But some cases are easy.

For example, if the original set of numbers is what is called a
superincreasing sequence, meaning that each number in the sequence
is greater than the sum of all number preceding it, then mathematicians
can easily decide which numbers of the sequence were added together
to give particular sums.

If you know you have a superincreasing sequence, then you know the
largest number in your sequence that is less than the sum you want
to decompose must be a member of the decomposition.  The reason is
that the sum of all the numbers prior to to that largest number are
less than the largest number and so less than the sum in question.
So, knowing that the largest number less than the sum must be part
of the group of numbers that add up to the sum, you subtract that 
largest number from the sum and start the same sort of analysis 
over again.  This is called the "greedy" algorithm.

Merkle and Hellman decided to use this special property of super-
increasing sequences to make a code.  A person would mathematically
scramble a superincreasing sequence and turn it into a sequence
that no longer appeared to be superincreasing.  He would keep the
method of scrambling (and unscrambling) secret.  Then he would publish
the scrambled superincreasing sequence and anyone who wanted to send
him a message would use the published sequence to do so.  Encoding
a message entails adding certain numbers of the published sequence.
Decoding entails decomposing those sums. Only the recipient of the 
message would know how to unscramble the published sequence and 
determine which numbers were added together to form the message.

The idea of using superincreasing sequences, say Ronald Graham of Bell
Laboratories, "was a nice idea but it is the fatal flaw in their
technique."  The problem is that a large superincreasing sequence
is an enormous spread of numbers--the smallest number in the sequence
is much, much smaller than the largest one.  Shamir was able to use the
fact that the superincreasing sequence underlying the scrambled one
cannot be completely disguised to convert the problem of breaking the
code into a more approachable problem of integer programming.  This
step in itself is not so surprising, in retrospect, say Aldeman.
"Whenever mathematicians are confronted with a problem, their typical
reaction is to manipulate it so that they can view it as a sort of
well-studied form of integer programming."

Shamir's achievement was to realize how to solve the integer 
programming problem with a recently discovered fast method, called
Lenstra's algorithm (Science, 3 April 1981, p. 31).  Hellman remarks,
"We looked at similar approaches and were not able to get them to
work.  But Adi knows more about integer programming than we do."

As soon as Andrew Odlyzko of Bell Laboratories learned of Shamir's
work, he thought he knew a way to make the attack go even faster.
Instead of using Lenstra's algorithm, Odlyzko reasoned, it should
be possible to use continued fractions, which are used in number 
theory as a way of approximating real numbers with rationals.  The
advantage of using continued fractions, says Odlyzko, is that
"there are well-known algorithms [for working with them] that can
be implemented extremely rapidly.  I've never heard of anyone 
programming Lenstra's algorithm although it is possible that it would
be fast too."

Shamir says, "I was aware that Lenstra's algorithm may not be 
necessary but I included Lenstra's algorithm to show the solution
is polynomial [meaning it can be implemented efficiently on a 
computer] even if you try to do a number of tricks.  I tried to
show that simple variants of the knapsack problem are not safe."

In the years since Merkle and Hellman proposed their scheme, they 
and others have suggested a number of modifications to make it more
secure.  Hellman says, for example, that he has always advised people
to scramble the superincreasing sequence more than once.  Graham
and Shamir independently developed a variation on the scheme in
which they add more noise to the superincreasing sequence before
scrambling it.

Shamir's attack does not yet work on these variations of the 
Merkle-Hellman scheme.  But, Shamir told Science in a telephone
interview, "From now on it will be an infinite game."  Each variation
of the code will be subject to attack and, as each falls, a new
variation will be proposed.  Adleman agrees, "Adi's paper is the first
foot in the door," he says.  Odlyzko remarks, "Shamir's attack is very
very simple.  Now that we see this simple solution I would not be
surprised if other attacks are found as well."

Hellman says that on the basis of Shamir's result, he would advise
anyone using the original Merkle-Hellman scheme to scramble the
sequence more than once.  Anyone who is contemplating using a variant
of the code, Hellman suggests, should "wait a least a year and see
what comes out.  I certainly think it would be prudent to wait."

Interestingly, there have been persistent rumors that the National
Security Agency has never considered codes based on the knapsack
problem to be secure.  AT&T was at one time considering using a
knapsack code but, according to an informed source, the corporation
consulted with the National Security Agency.  On the advice of the
agency AT&T reportedly chose to use a different sort of code.

As for now, it is too early to predict the implications of Shamir's
result.  Says Hellman, "At the very least, it's a clever piece of

Shamir is quite happy in part because he had hoped for some time to 
break the Merkle-Hellman code.  In 1976, Merkle sent out flyers
offering $100 to anyone who could break the code.  Shamir kept a copy
of the flyer and mailed it to Merkle along with a seven-page abstract
of his result.  "Two days ago, I got my check for $100," Shamir told

					(c) 1982 AAAS
					Science Vol. 216 28 May 1982
					p. 971