[net.misc] I"m not a hacker

jerry (06/08/82)

A major part of my job is programming and I immodestly think I
am good at it. Like Charles, I do not want to be called a hacker.

Why not? Because I try to do the following:

    I spend time testing my programs.

    I try to understand a bug before I fix it.  This often
    means avoiding an "obvious" fix until I have satisfied myself
    that I understand the implications of a change.

    I spend time thinking about the problems my programs
    will solve (as opposed to thinking about the program).

    I spend time working on problems I don't find interesting,
    because somebody else (i.e. my boss) wants me to.

    I don't become attached to the first solution I find to a problem.

    I complete projects.  This means all the diddly work of
    documentation, getting the last bug out, responding to
    users' complaints, etc.

    I try to structure my programs to make them easy to understand and
    easy to modify.

    I read journals. (I don't mean rumor rags like datamation, but
    semi-technical ones like Software Practice)

    I recognize that anything I do when I'm tired ought to be
    checked again when I'm not.

    I take care to maintain a history of what I've done.

    I don't make gratuitous changes in my programs.  People don't
    like to relearn ways of doing things, even when the new way
    is "better".

    I know the difference between jargon used to compress
    communication, and jargon used to impress or show off.

    If somebody expresses a preference for an operating system or
    programming language I don't like, I try to understand the reasons o
    rather than ridicule his or her preference.

    I don't waste my time composing netnews items.  (Well, I said
    I tried -- I admit it. I do sometimes hack.)

Notice that these are statements of attitude, not of skill.