robert@gitpyr.UUCP (Robert Viduya) (01/21/85)
I've posted the mods I've made to hack to net.sources. robert -- Robert Viduya Office of Computing Services Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332 Phone: (404) 894-4669 ...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,masscomp,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!robert ...!{rlgvax,sb1,uf-cgrl,unmvax,ut-sally}!gatech!gitpyr!robert
srt@ucla-cs.UUCP (02/13/85)
Here are some suggested modifications to Hack (1) Change the killer bee symbol to '-' and use 'k' for Keystone Kops. The Kops would appear whenever a shop gets ripped off. They should be wimpy but whenever one gets killed another one appears at the shop that got ripped off. Kops should use the orc massing algorithm with a couple of additions. First, whenever they enter a room they should run around in a circle in the middle of the room. Secondly, they should occaisionally go rushing off to some far point of the dungeon. Third, whenever one Kop finds you, he blows a whistle that summons all the Kops on the level and awakens all the monsters. Create an additional magic item 'FBI Badge'. When applied on a Kop, it makes all the Kops ignore you. If it isn't legitimate, then it enrages all the Kops (because you are trying to impersonate an officer of the law) and gives them +3 on all subsequent attacks (to hit and damage). (2) Add a command "Fetch" that allows you to tell the dog to fetch something. (i.e., "Fetch %" when you are starving). Whether or not the dog does this depends on how well you've been treating him and whether or not you rewarded him after the last fetch. A scroll of Training would make the dog always respond to a Fetch. It would also modify his behavior so that he always tries to stay in one of the three squares behind you (based on your last movement) and moves away from you and sits quietly if you are waiting. Might also add a command "Fight" like fetch (i.e., "Fight E" makes the dog seek out and fight a floating eye). Monsters could be Trained only if they had first been Tamed. Fetch/Fight would then apply to all the pets you have. Scott R. Turner UCLA Computer Science Department 3531 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90024 ARPA: srt@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA UUCP: ...!{cepu,ihnp4,trwspp,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!srt