[net.games.hack] PC HACK update

carl@ncr-tp.UUCP (Carl Kuck) (04/15/85)

" You fight and fight and fight ... you can't beat the line-eater --more-- "

   Just a posting to any and all netters interested in PC hack ... it is now
running on an IBM PC (thanks, Bill), and we are working out the bugs.  Please
be patient - Hack isn't my whole life :-) and sometimes I just don't have the
time to work on it as much as I'd like.  I don't know if we will distribute
the sources or not - the IBM version uses ANSI.SYS and should be portable to
any generic MS/DOS machine.  A little compensation (Cerveza Corona is O.K.)
for our efforts would be greatly appreciated ... any takers?  Since I'm not
in the micro software business, I don't as yet have a good feel for how to
go about distributing this - mail me any suggestions you have.  The idea of
"free-ware" or "share-ware" really appeals to me - i.e. voluntary contributions
to encourage further development of the game.

And now a question - why does I/O seem to run slower when the user is playing
in wizard mode?

Again - thanks for the interest in our efforts - don't hold your breaths,
we're doing the best we can.  (The comments in Dutch don't help, either. :-))
     Happy Hacking, Carl  (carl@ncr-tp)

" Ask me no questions and I might not tell you any lies ... fnord ... "

wersan@daemen.UUCP (John Slasher Wersan III) (04/28/85)

> And now a question - why does I/O seem to run slower when the user is playing
> in wizard mode?
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR ---more--- ***

	Yea I noticed this myself(yes I can do this), also we have
	had this problem with it when you are not in the wizard mode.

		Any of you bright people got any hacks??????

          		John Wersan
decvax   \			       "Any statements made are not mine, 
dual      \				this computer has me mistaken for
rocksanne  >!sunybcs!daemen!wersan	someone else, of lower intelligence."
watmath   /
rocksvax /

kneller@ucsfcgl.UUCP (Don Kneller%Langridge) (06/04/85)

|@|	You are being digested by a mysterious monster -- More --

News about PC HACK - summary
	1) a 'new' PC version of VAX version 1.0.1
	2) posting of PC HACK to <INFO-IBMPC>
	3) availability of PC HACK sources.
	4) for people without Arpanet connections

1) A 'new' version - PC HACK 101E
In the previous posting for PC HACK it was mentioned that the
original version did not include engravings due to a size limit
of 256K ram.  By recoding some of the original source it was
possible to reduce the size until the full version fits in 256K.
Also, there were several cosmetic changes and minor bug fixes.

2) PC HACK 101E is available on <INFO-IBMPC>
Two flavors of the executable are available by anonymous login
from Arpanet host USC-ISIB in the area <INFO-IBMPC>.  One executable
is an IBM PC and compatible version called HACK.EXE   The other
executable is for generic MSDOS machines and uses the ANSI driver.
It's called HACKANSI.EXE   HACK.EXE is faster at screen IO.

The executables are binary files and must be transferred with a
binary protocol.  Use "type tenex" or "type 8 L".  If you use KERMIT
to transfer the binary to your PC, make sure you use the -i flag
for binary transfer.

The documentation and support files are in HACKDOCS.SH in 'shar'
format.  You can use 'sh' to unpack the files or use an editor to
divide HACKDOCS.SH into its components.  You must put the support
files in your 'hack' directory (see HACK.DOC for details).

3) PC HACK 101E sources available on <INFO-IBMPC>
The sources for PC HACK are also at USC-ISIB in HACKSRC.SH in
'shar' format.  Included in the sources is a makefile for a 
PC version of 'make'.  This is a my own version but you can
use any 'make' you want if you convert the makefile.  If you
want to use my 'make' program, it's called HACKMAKE.EXE and
is a binary file, so be sure you use a binary transfer protocol.

The sources were converted for the LATTICE C compiler.  If you
have the LATTICE terminal independence package (TIP) you can
use this for terminal IO.  If not, the sources can be compiled
to use the ANSI.SYS driver by removing the -dTIP compiler flag.

The *.c files take up slightly more than 1 360K floppy.  You
can fit all sources onto 2 floppies.

4) For people without Arpanet connections
First, thanks to everyone who sent me floppies to get PC HACK.  For
anyone else who wishes a copy of the sources or the executable and
wants to send me floppies, use the address at the end of this posting.
The sources will be squeezed and in an LBR file and the utilities for
unpacking them will be included.  Send 1 floppy if you only want
the sources or executable, send 2 floppies if you want both.  The
executable comes in 2 versions - one for IBM PCs and compatibles,
the other for generic MSDOS computers (using the ANSI.SYS driver).
Unless you tell me otherwise, you will get the IBM PC version.

Please, please send a self-addressed return mailer with sufficient
postage!  I cannot afford to supply mailers and postage myself.  If
you do not supply postage, please include $2 for postage.  Make sure
you include a return address label.  If you do not comply with this
you won't get your floppy back.  Sorry about the hard line but I have
to do something to reduce the time it takes to answer requests.

I have uploaded the executable and documentation as HACK101E.LBR and
HACK101E.DOC to the following BBSs.

      Walnut Creek BBS
      (415) 937-0156
      5pm-8am M-F, 24hr SS Pacific Time

      Marin Sonoma PC Users Group
      (415) 927-1216
      same hours as above

      NICBUL (the Nicolet BBS system)
      (608) 273-5037
      6pm-8am M-F, 24hr SS Central Time

Thanks for your interest in PC HACK,

	D. Kneller
	2 Panoramic Way #204
	Berkeley, CA 94704


If your mailer has trouble with the above Arpanet address, try: