[net.misc] Self-documenting code can't exist???? Sheesh!

bobvan (06/16/82)

Dave Ihnat suggests that

	This is an attitude that has been taught and touted by
	respectable people. It's just that, after years of trying to
	unravel such code, I --and many others-- have come to realize
	that, as much as clear, concise code and well-chosen
	identifiers can help, something more is needed.  Please don't
	feed this delusion. People need no encouragement to not write

Isn't there a contradiction here?  This attitude has been taught and
touted by respectable people, and yet, it is a delusion?

I suggest that this is an emotional issue that cannot be discussed
to the point of a logical conclusion.  The issue is whether or not
programs can be self documenting.  I claim that this has to be determined
on a program by program basis.  Those who take a strong stand on
*either* side are making dangerous generalizations.

Dave Ihnat has said

	... don't listen to the nice man who suggests that raw,
	unadorned code with NO comments is sufficient to describe any
	program longer than 3 lines in ANY language.

Mr. Davidson and those who believe that self documenting code can exist
have NEVER suggested that programs should have NO comments.  Let's not
get carried away here!

I believe that non-trivial programs *can* be written so that no
external documentation is necessary for the maintenance of the
program.  I would go so far as to say that I have written a few.  This
feat is a lot more difficult in some languages than in others.  Some
programmers can achieve it with relative ease while others never will.

In summary, can't we leave this issue programmers to decide
for themselves after carefully taking into account the source language,
the experience of the maintenance staff, the size of the program, and
their own programming ability?

				Bob Van Valzah