jaw@sri-unix (06/17/82)
C. Wetherell recently commented on a satirical (it turns out) article lumping social scientists, psychologists, journalists, and pinkos into the same camp. It seems like a reasonable stance to disagree with such generalizations, however, C.W. then proceeded to play the same lumping trick on himself (and my guess is, not *intentionally* satirically) by signing off with: ..., I would prefer not to associated in a community that so blithely denigrates others. Charles Wetherell Bell Labs, Murray Hill (I am now slightly less proud to call myself a) Computer Scientist Being a member of a group (many groups for all of us) is unavoidable, but taking personal credit or discredit for the behavior of *individuals* in so large and general a group as Computer Scientists shows the very same mentality that takes seriously (unable to see the satire even when it is not intended) the equating of pinkos or greenies or other nasties with whatever groups you wish to name. Jim Wilmore (still not embarrassed to be) newsreader and occasional contributor on the net